static void Main(string[] args) { _log.Info("*********************** BLANKER Starting Up! ***********************"); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; //Uri = "http://localhost:51284/"; Uri = ""; _log.DebugFormat("Going to {0}", Uri); try { if (args[0] == "test") { _log.Warn("TEST MODE"); WebAccess.TestPost().Wait(); return; } iface = args[0]; _log.DebugFormat("Using iface {0}", iface); BeaconId = int.Parse(args[1]); _log.DebugFormat("Using BeaconId {0}", BeaconId); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); _log.Info("\nUSAGE: blanker.exe <interface> <beaconid>"); return; } Proc proc = new Proc(FILENAME, string.Format(ARGS, iface, SEPARATOR)); int failed = 0; //while (failed < MAXFAIL) { if (!proc.Start()) { failed++; _log.ErrorFormat("Failed attempt #{0}...", failed); //continue; } while (proc.IsRunning) { failed = 0; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } //if (failed > MAXFAIL) // _log.Error("Failed to start. quitting."); //else _log.InfoFormat("Exiting at {0}. Ran for {1}", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now - _runningSince); }
private async void reader() { using (StreamReader reader = _process.StandardOutput) { string strOut; string[] cols; DateTime time; int minuteIndex; _log.InfoFormat("Reader is reading..."); while (IsRunning) { strOut = reader.ReadLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOut)) { //Console.WriteLine(strOut); cols = strOut.Split(Program.SEPARATOR); if (tryParseUTC(cols[0], out time)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cols[1])) { cols[1] = cols[1].Trim().ToLower(); minuteIndex = (int)(DateTime.Now - DateTime.Today).TotalMinutes; if (!_ignoreList.Contains(cols[1])) { if (!_macsPerMinute.ContainsKey(minuteIndex)) { _macsPerMinute.Add(minuteIndex, new List <string>() { cols[1] }); _log.DebugFormat("First MAC for Minute {0}: {1} ", minuteIndex.ToString(), cols[1]); if (_lastminute > -1) { var uploadResult = await WebAccess.ProcessImprintsAsync( _lastminute, _macsPerMinute[_lastminute]); //if (uploadResult) //when the internet goes down? { _macsPerMinute.Remove(_lastminute); } } _lastminute = minuteIndex; } else { if (!_macsPerMinute[minuteIndex].Contains(cols[1])) { _macsPerMinute[minuteIndex].Add(cols[1]); _log.DebugFormat("New MAC for Minute {0}: {1} count is now {2}", minuteIndex.ToString(), cols[1], _macsPerMinute[minuteIndex].Count.ToString()); } } } } } else { //no datetime component? _log.WarnFormat("Bad Input Stream: '{0}'", strOut); } } } } _log.InfoFormat("Reader is quitting."); }