public Flail() { name = "Flail"; flavor = "A more skillful counterpart to the mace,\nrequiring great strength and greater control\n1d8 blunt damage."; cost = 10; icon = new I_Rod(0, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.flail1; die = new int[2] { 1, 8 }; hitFX = new Blunt(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Blunt; }
public Maul() { name = "Maul"; flavor = "A thinking man's hammer-axe.\n2d6 blunt damage."; cost = 10; icon = new I_Rod(0, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.mace1; die = new int[2] { 2, 6 }; hitFX = new Blunt(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Blunt; }
public Staff() { name = "Quarterstaff"; flavor = "A wooden staff made for combat.\n1d4 blunt damage."; cost = 1; icon = new I_Rod(2, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.mace1; die = new int[2] { 1, 6 }; hitFX = new Blunt(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Blunt; }
public Mace() { name = "Mace"; flavor = "A simple tool of destruction.\n1d6 blunt damage."; cost = 5; icon = new I_Rod(0, Color.RAYWHITE); spr = Sprites.mace1; spr_ = Sprites.mace; die = new int[2] { 1, 6 }; hitFX = new Blunt(); dmgType = (int)DamageType.Blunt; }