Exemple #1
        /* B E D  R E A D  F R O M  X M L */
            %%Function: BedReadFromXml
            %%Qualified: bedu.bedu.BedReadFromXml
            %%Contact: rlittle

        public static BEDir BedFromXml(XmlReader xr, BEPref bep)
            List<BEDir> plbedStack = new List<BEDir>();
            BEDir bed = null;
            BEDir bedRoot = null;
            string sLabel = ".";

            XmlReadState xrs = XmlReadState.Initial;
            while (true)
                if (xrs == XmlReadState.Initial)
                    if (xr.LocalName != "root")
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("illegal element in initial state: {0}", xr.LocalName));

                    bep.ServerName = xr.GetAttribute("serverPath");
                    bep.ServerShare  = xr.GetAttribute("drive");
                    xrs = XmlReadState.Root;

                if (xrs == XmlReadState.DirOrFile || xrs == XmlReadState.Root)
                    string sFullName = xr.GetAttribute("name");

                    if (xr.IsStartElement())
                        if (xr.LocalName == "dir")
                            if (xrs == XmlReadState.DirOrFile)
                                // here we cheat.  we know that we're beyond the root, and we know that the
                                // directory WILL NOT have a trailing "\" which means the path code will be
                                // confused and will think the directory name at the end is a filename...
                                sLabel = sLabel + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(sFullName);

                            if (sFullName[sFullName.Length - 1] != '\\')
                                sFullName += "\\";

                            BEDir bedNew = new BEDir(sFullName, sLabel);

                            if (bedRoot == null)
                                bed = bedRoot = bedNew;
                                if (!xr.IsEmptyElement)
                                if (!xr.IsEmptyElement)
                                    bed = bedNew;
                        else if (xr.LocalName == "file")
                            if (xrs == XmlReadState.Root)
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("illegal element in root state state: {0}", xr.LocalName));

                            BEFile bef = new BEFile(xr);


                        xrs = XmlReadState.DirOrFile;
                        // we're at an end element
                        if (xrs == XmlReadState.Root)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("found close element when looking for root dir: {0}", xr.LocalName));

                        if (xr.LocalName == "dir")
                            // pop the directory
                            bed = plbedStack[plbedStack.Count - 1];
                            if (bed != null)
                                sLabel = bed.Label;
                            plbedStack.RemoveAt(plbedStack.Count - 1);
                            xrs = XmlReadState.DirOrFile;
                        else if (xr.LocalName == "root")
                            // we're done
                            if (plbedStack.Count != 0)
                                throw new Exception(String.Format("encountered </root> with dirs on the stack: {0}", plbedStack.Count));
                            xrs = XmlReadState.Done;
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("encountered unknown close element: {0}", xr.LocalName));
            // we should be done...
            return bedRoot;
Exemple #2
            /* R E C O R D  R E P O R T  U S A G E */
                %%Function: RecordReportUsage
                %%Qualified: bedu.bedu:RecordReportUsage.RecordReportUsage
                %%Contact: rlittle

            public RecordReportUsage(BEPref bep, string sServer, string sShare)
                m_bep = bep;
                if (sServer == null)
                    sServer = "";
                m_sServer = Xmlify(sServer);
                m_sShare = Xmlify(sShare);
                m_tw = new StreamWriter(bep.RecordFile);
Exemple #3
            /* C O N S O L E  R E P O R T  U S A G E */
                %%Function: ConsoleReportUsage
                %%Qualified: bedu.bedu:ConsoleReportUsage.ConsoleReportUsage
                %%Contact: rlittle

            public ConsoleReportUsage(BEPref bep)
                m_bep = bep;
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string sError;

            CmdLineConfig clcfg = new CmdLineConfig(new CmdLineSwitch[]
                    new CmdLineSwitch("r", false, false, "record to a file", "filename", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("f", true, false, "fast mode", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("p", false, false, "playback from a file", "filename", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("n", false, false, "name this server (for later playback)", "servername", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("h", false, false, "name this server share (for later playback)", "sharename", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("v", true, false, "verbose - show each file", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("z", true, false, "zeros - show directories that are 0 size", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("d", false, false, "depth - max depth to show", "depth", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("0", true, false, "depth 0 - alias for -d 0", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("1", true, false, "depth 0 - alias for -d 1", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("2", true, false, "depth 0 - alias for -d 2", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("3", true, false, "depth 0 - alias for -d 3", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("x", true, false, "exclusions - use the global exclusion list", null, null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("X", false, false, "eXclusions - load more exclusions from the named file", "filename", null),
                    new CmdLineSwitch("i", false, false, "inclusions - this is the selection list to match against", "filename", null)
                } );
            BEList belExclusions = new BEList();
            BEList belSelection = new BEList();
            BEDir bedProgram = new BEDir(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, "");
            BEPref bep = new BEPref(belSelection, belExclusions, bedProgram.Dir);


            CmdLine cl = new CmdLine(clcfg);

            if (!cl.FParse(args, bep, null, out sError))

            if (belSelection.Empty)
                belSelection = null;

            BEDir bedRoot = new BEDir(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\", ".");	// make sure we append a "/" because otherwise we won't know its a directory

            long cBytesExcl;

            //            bedRoot.GetDirSize(".", bedRoot.DirInfo, belExclusions, null, 0, bep, out cBytesExcl);
            // are we recording, playing back, or what?
            IReportUsage iru;
            if (bep.Fast)
                iru = new ConsoleReportUsage(bep);
                BEDir.GetDirSizeFromDirectoryInfo(".", bedRoot.DirInfo, belExclusions, belSelection, 0, bep, iru, out cBytesExcl);
                if (bep.Playback)
                    bedRoot = BedFromXml(XmlReader.Create(new StreamReader(bep.RecordFile)), bep);
                    // load the file here...

                if (bep.Record)
                    iru = new RecordReportUsage(bep, bep.ServerName, bep.ServerShare);
                    iru = new ConsoleReportUsage(bep);

                bedRoot.ProcessDir(belExclusions, belSelection, 0, bep, iru);
Exemple #5
        /* G E T  D I R  S I Z E */
            %%Function: GetDirSize
            %%Qualified: bedu.BEDir.GetDirSize
            %%Contact: rlittle

        public void ProcessDir(BEList belExclusions, BEList belInclusions, int cLevel, BEPref bep, IReportUsage iru)
            if (m_plbed == null)

            // at this point, we have populated (either because we were preloaded or we just loaded
            iru.OpenDir(m_sLabel, m_sFullPath);

            m_cbDirSize = 0;
            m_cbDirExcl = 0;

            foreach (BEDir bed in m_plbed)
                bed.ProcessDir(belExclusions, belInclusions, cLevel + 1, bep, iru);
                m_cbDirSize += bed.DirSize;
                m_cbDirExcl += bed.DirExcl;

            foreach (BEFile bef in m_plbef)
                string sFullName = bef.FullName;
                if (bep.DoExclusions)
                    if ((belExclusions != null && belExclusions.FMatch(bep.ServerName, bep.ServerShare, sFullName, BEList.BoolOp.Or))
                        || (belInclusions != null && !belInclusions.FMatch(bep.ServerName, bep.ServerShare, sFullName, BEList.BoolOp.Or)))
                        iru.ReportFile(0, bef.Bytes, m_sLabel, sFullName);

                        m_cbDirExcl += bef.Bytes;

                iru.ReportFile(bef.Bytes, 0, m_sLabel, sFullName);

                m_cbDirSize += bef.Bytes;

            iru.ReportDir(m_cbDirSize, m_cbDirExcl, m_sLabel, cLevel);
Exemple #6
        /* G E T  D I R  S I Z E  F R O M  D I R E C T O R Y  I N F O */
            %%Function: GetDirSizeFromDirectoryInfo
            %%Qualified: bedu.BEDir.GetDirSizeFromDirectoryInfo
            %%Contact: rlittle

        public static long GetDirSizeFromDirectoryInfo(string sLabel, DirectoryInfo di, BEList belExclusions, BEList belInclusions, int cLevel, BEPref bep, IReportUsage iru, out long cBytesExcl)
            long cBytes = 0;
            cBytesExcl = 0;

            iru.OpenDir(sLabel, di.FullName);

            DirectoryInfo []rgdi = null;

            // first, find any directories
                rgdi = di.GetDirectories();
            catch {}

            if (rgdi != null)
                foreach(DirectoryInfo di2 in rgdi)
                    long cBytesExcl2;

                    cBytes += GetDirSizeFromDirectoryInfo(sLabel + @"\" + di2.Name, di2, belExclusions, belInclusions, cLevel + 1, bep, iru, out cBytesExcl2);
                    cBytesExcl += cBytesExcl2;

            // and now add on files -- this is where we actually check exclusions/inclusions....
            FileInfo []rgfi = null;

                rgfi = di.GetFiles();
            catch {}

            if (rgfi != null)
                foreach(FileInfo fi in rgfi)
                        string sFullName = fi.FullName;

                        if (bep.DoExclusions)
                            if ((belExclusions != null && belExclusions.FMatch(bep.ServerName, bep.ServerShare, sFullName, BEList.BoolOp.Or))
                                || (belInclusions != null && !belInclusions.FMatch(bep.ServerName, bep.ServerShare, sFullName, BEList.BoolOp.Or)))
                                if (bep.Verbose)
                                    iru.ReportFile(0, fi.Length, sLabel, sFullName);

                                cBytesExcl += fi.Length;

                        if (bep.Verbose)
                            iru.ReportFile(fi.Length, 0, sLabel, sFullName);

                        cBytes += fi.Length;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("cannot process file {0} in directory {1}: {2}", fi.Name, di.Name, e.Message));

                iru.ReportDir(cBytes, cBytesExcl, sLabel, cLevel);

            return cBytes;