Exemple #1
        public void Run()
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            Screen screen = new Screen(10, 10);

            // add a couple of walls
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                new Wall(1, 2 + i, screen);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                new Wall(3 + i, 4, screen);

            // add a player
            player = new Player(0, 0, screen, "Zelda");

            // add a treasure
            Treasure treasure = new Treasure(5, 2, screen);

            //set initial value left to 1
            Player.TLeft = 1;

            //adding teleport
            Teleport teleport1 = new Teleport(9, 0, screen);

            //adding nomnoms
            Nomnom nom1 = new Nomnom(8, 3, screen);
            Nomnom nom2 = new Nomnom(6, 7, screen);
            Nomnom nom3 = new Nomnom(2, 6, screen);

            //set inital val left to 3
            Player.NomsLeft = 3;

            // add some monsters
            List <Monster> mons = new List <Monster>();

            mons.Add(new Monster(9, 9, screen));

            // initially print the game board
            String setup = "Welcome!\nCollect at least 2 Nomnoms ✧ ";

            setup += "and 1 Treasure 𓇽  to win.\nMake sure not to ";
            setup += "let the monster get you or the items!\n\n";
            setup += "Use the teleportation device â“„  to travel\n";
            setup += "from the bottom of the board to the top.\n";
            setup += "And *one* more thing -- make sure not to ";
            setup += "step\non items and squish them!\n\nGood luck >ᴗ<";
            PrintScreen(screen, setup, Menu());

            Boolean gameOver = false;

            while (!gameOver)
                char input = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;

                String message = "";

                if (Eq(input, 'q'))
                else if (Eq(input, 'w'))
                    player.Move(-1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 's'))
                    player.Move(1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 'a'))
                    player.Move(0, -1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'd'))
                    player.Move(0, 1);
                else if (Eq(input, ' '))
                    //hop foward
                    player.Move(-2, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 'i'))
                    message += player.Action(-1, 0) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'k'))
                    message += player.Action(1, 0) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'j'))
                    message += player.Action(0, -1) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'l'))
                    message += player.Action(0, 1) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'v'))
                    // TODO: handle inventory
                    message = "You have nothing\n";
                    message = $"Unknown command: {input}";

                // OK, now move the monster
                foreach (Monster mon in mons)
                    // TODO: Make monsters smarter, so they jump on the player, if it's possible to do so
                    List <Tuple <int, int> > moves = screen.GetLegalMoves(mon.Row, mon.Col);
                    if (moves.Count == 0)
                    //monsters move randomly
                    var(deltaRow, deltaCol) = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];

                    if (screen[mon.Row + deltaRow, mon.Col + deltaCol] is Player)
                        // the monster got the player!
                        mon.Token = "💀";
                        message  += "Oh no! A monster got you *à·´ *\nGAME OVER\n";
                        gameOver  = true;
                    else if (screen[mon.Row + deltaRow, mon.Col + deltaCol] is Treasure)
                        // the monster got the Treasure
                        Player.TLeft -= 1;
                        if (Player.TLeft == 0)
                            message += "Oh no! The Treasure was stolen!";
                            message += "\nGAME OVER  *à·´ *\n\n";
                            gameOver = true;
                    else if (screen[mon.Row + deltaRow, mon.Col + deltaCol] is Nomnom)
                        // the monster got a Nomnom
                        Player.NomsLeft -= 1;
                        if (Player.NomsLeft < 2)
                            message += "Oh no! A Nomnom is gone and there\naren't enough left for you!";
                            message += "\nGAME OVER  *à·´ *\n\n";
                            gameOver = true;
                            message += "Oh no! A Nomnom was eaten!";
                            message += "\nThere are " + Player.NomsLeft + " remaining.";
                    mon.Move(deltaRow, deltaCol);

                //win game
                if (Player.Noms == 2 && Player.Chest == 1)
                    message  = "Great job; you won the game!\n\n~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~";
                    gameOver = true;
                    PrintScreen(screen, message, "");

                PrintScreen(screen, message, Menu());
        public void Run()
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            Screen screen = new Screen(10, 10);

            // add a couple of walls
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                new Wall(1, 2 + i, screen);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                new Wall(3 + i, 4, screen);

            // add a player
            Player player = new Player(0, 0, screen, "Zelda");

            // add a treasure
            Treasure treasure = new Treasure(6, 2, screen);

            // add the acid wash trigger
            AcidTrigger acidPlate = new AcidTrigger(7, 5, screen);

            // add a trap at a random location
            Tuple <int, int> loc  = screen.GetLegalRandPlace(screen);
            Trap             trap = new Trap(loc.Item1, loc.Item2, screen);

            // add some mobs
            List <MovingGameObject> mobs = new List <MovingGameObject>();

            mobs.Add(new Mob(9, 9, screen));

            //add some special walls
            List <MovingGameObject> movers = new List <MovingGameObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Tuple <int, int> locMW = screen.GetLegalRandPlace(screen);
                movers.Add(new MovingWall(locMW.Item1, locMW.Item2, screen, 1));

            // add the pressure plate
            Tuple <int, int> locPP = screen.GetLegalRandPlace(screen);
            PressurePlate    pp    = new PressurePlate(locPP.Item1, locPP.Item2, screen);

            // initially print the game board
            PrintScreen(screen, "Welcome!", Menu());

            Boolean gameOver              = false;
            Boolean dead                  = false;
            Boolean deathWave             = false;
            List <MovingGameObject> acids = new List <MovingGameObject>();

            while (!gameOver)
                char input = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;

                String message = "";

                message += screen.MoveManyRand(acids, ref gameOver, ref dead);
                if (deathWave)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            acids.Add(new Acid(acidPlate.Row - 1, acidPlate.Col, screen, 1));

                        case 1:
                            acids.Add(new Acid(acidPlate.Row, acidPlate.Col, screen, 1));

                        case 2:
                            acids.Add(new Acid(acidPlate.Row, acidPlate.Col - 1, screen, 1));


                if (Eq(input, 'q'))
                else if (Eq(input, 'w'))
                    player.Move(-1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 's'))
                    player.Move(1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 'a'))
                    player.Move(0, -1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'd'))
                    player.Move(0, 1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'i'))
                    message += player.Action(-1, 0, ref gameOver, ref deathWave) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'k'))
                    message += player.Action(1, 0, ref gameOver, ref deathWave) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'j'))
                    message += player.Action(0, -1, ref gameOver, ref deathWave) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'l'))
                    message += player.Action(0, 1, ref gameOver, ref deathWave) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'v'))
                    // TODO: handle inventory
                    message = "You have nothing\n";
                    message = $"Unknown command: {input}";

                if (screen[trap.Row, trap.Col] is Player)
                    // The trap got the player!
                    player.Token = "*";
                    message     += "You have fallen in to a trap and died\nTOO BAD SO SAD...\nGAME OVER\n";
                    dead         = true;
                    gameOver     = true;

                else if (screen[pp.Row, pp.Col] is Player)
                    message = pp.Activate();
                else if (screen[treasure.Row, treasure.Col] is Player)
                    message += "Oh no! You crushed the delicate Treasure\nYou must pick it up using IJKL\nGAME OVER!!!!!!!!\n";
                    gameOver = true;

                // Move the walls if the pressure place has not been activated
                if (pp.IsMoving)
                    message += screen.MoveManyRand(movers, ref gameOver, ref dead);
                // OK, now move the mobs
                message += screen.MoveManyRand(mobs, ref gameOver, ref dead);
                if (gameOver && dead)
                    player.Token = "*";

                //Moved this entire block of code in to screen.MoveManyRand
                // foreach (Mob mob in mobs){
                //     // TODO: Make mobs smarter, so they jump on the player, if it's possible to do so
                //     List<Tuple<int, int>> moves = screen.GetLegalMoves(mob.Row, mob.Col, mob.Speed);
                //     if (moves.Count == 0){
                //         continue;
                //     }
                //     // mobs move randomly
                //     // TBLUS:: For some reason I couldnt get tuple destructuring to work in
                //     // vscode
                //     Tuple<int, int> t = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];
                //     int deltaRow = t.Item1;
                //     int deltaCol = t.Item2;

                //     // var (deltaRow, deltaCol) = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];

                //     if (screen[mob.Row + deltaRow, mob.Col + deltaCol] is Player){
                //         // the mob got the player!
                //         mob.Token = "*";
                //         message += "A MOB GOT YOU! GAME OVER\n";
                //         gameOver = true;
                //     }
                //     mob.Move(deltaRow, deltaCol);
                // }
                PrintScreen(screen, message, Menu());
Exemple #3
        public void Run()
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            Screen screen = new Screen(10, 10);

            // add a couple of walls
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                new Wall(1, 2 + i, screen);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                new Wall(3 + i, 4, screen);

            // add a player
            Player player = new Player(0, 0, screen, "Zelda");

            // add a treasure at a random location
            int      tRow     = random.Next(1, 9);
            int      tCol     = random.Next(1, 9);
            Treasure treasure = new Treasure(tRow, tCol, screen);

            // add a mine at a random locations
            int  mRow = random.Next(3, 9);
            int  mCol = random.Next(1, 9);
            Mine mine = new Mine(mRow, mCol, screen);

            // add some mobs
            List <Mob> mobs = new List <Mob>();

            mobs.Add(new Mob(9, 9, screen));

            // initially print the game board
            PrintScreen(screen, "Welcome!", Menu());

            Boolean gameOver = false;

            while (!gameOver)
                char input = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;

                String message = "";

                if (Eq(input, 'q'))
                else if (Eq(input, 'w'))
                    player.Move(-1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 's'))
                    player.Move(1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 'a'))
                    player.Move(0, -1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'd'))
                    player.Move(0, 1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'i'))
                    message += player.Action(-1, 0) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'k'))
                    message += player.Action(1, 0) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'j'))
                    message += player.Action(0, -1) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'l'))
                    message += player.Action(0, 1) + "\n";
                else if (Eq(input, 'v'))
                    message = "You have nothing\n";
                    message = $"Unknown command: {input}";

                if (!treasure.isPresent && player.numT < 5) //add a new treasure when one is collected also add another mob
                    int newTRow = random.Next(1, 9);
                    int newTCol = random.Next(1, 9);
                    if ((screen[newTRow, newTCol] is GameObject))   //Check to make sure treasure isnt being added in place of another object
                        newTRow = random.Next(1, 9);
                        newTCol = random.Next(1, 9);
                    treasure = new Treasure(newTRow, newTCol, screen);

                    int newMobRow = random.Next(1, 9);
                    int newMobCol = random.Next(4, 9);
                    if ((screen[newMobRow, newMobCol] is GameObject))   //Check to make sure mob isnt being added in place of another object
                        newMobRow = random.Next(1, 9);
                        newMobCol = random.Next(4, 9);
                    mobs.Add(new Mob(newMobRow, newMobCol, screen));

                if (player.numT > 4) //player wins when 5 treasures are collected
                    message += "YOU WIN!\n ALL TREASURES COLLECTED";
                    gameOver = true;

                if (screen[mRow, mCol] is Player) // the player stepped on a mine
                    if (!mine.isDefused)
                        mine.Token = "*";
                        message   += "GAME OVER!\nBOOM! YOU STEPPED ON A MINE!\n";
                        gameOver   = true;

                // OK, now move the mobs
                foreach (Mob mob in mobs)
                    List <Tuple <int, int> > moves = screen.GetLegalMoves(mob.Row, mob.Col);
                    if (moves.Count == 0)
                    // mobs move randomly
                    var(deltaRow, deltaCol) = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];

                    if (screen[mob.Row + deltaRow, mob.Col + deltaCol] is Mine)
                        // the mob stepped on a mine!
                        mob.Token = "O";
                        message  += "BOOM!\n";
                        mob.isDead     = true;
                        mine.isDefused = true;

                    if (screen[mob.Row + deltaRow, mob.Col + deltaCol] is Player && !mob.isDead)
                        // the mob got the player!
                        mob.Token = "*";
                        message  += "GAME OVER!\n A MOB GOT YOU!\n";
                        gameOver  = true;
                    if (!mob.isDead)
                        mob.Move(deltaRow, deltaCol);

                PrintScreen(screen, message, Menu());
Exemple #4
        public void Run()
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            Screen screen = new Screen(10, 10);

            // add a couple of walls
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                new Wall(1, 2 + i, screen);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                new Wall(3 + i, 4, screen);

            // add a player
            Player player = new Player(0, 0, screen, "Zelda");

            // add a treasure
            Treasure treasure = new Treasure(6, 2, screen);

            // add a sword
            Sword sword = new Sword(8, 7, screen);

            // add some mobs
            List <Mob> mobs = new List <Mob>();

            mobs.Add(new Mob(9, 9, screen));

            // initially print the game board
            PrintScreen(screen, "Welcome!", Menu());

            Boolean gameOver = false;

            Boolean hasTreasure = false;

            while (!gameOver)
                char input = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;

                String message = "";

                int?actionRow = null;
                int?actionCol = null;

                if (Eq(input, 'q'))
                else if (Eq(input, 'w'))
                    player.Move(-1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 's'))
                    player.Move(1, 0);
                else if (Eq(input, 'a'))
                    player.Move(0, -1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'd'))
                    player.Move(0, 1);
                else if (Eq(input, 'i'))
                    message  += player.Action(-1, 0) + "\n";
                    actionRow = player.Row - 1;
                    actionCol = player.Col;
                else if (Eq(input, 'k'))
                    message  += player.Action(1, 0) + "\n";
                    actionRow = player.Row + 1;
                    actionCol = player.Col;
                else if (Eq(input, 'j'))
                    message  += player.Action(0, -1) + "\n";
                    actionRow = player.Row;
                    actionCol = player.Col - 1;
                else if (Eq(input, 'l'))
                    message  += player.Action(0, 1) + "\n";
                    actionRow = player.Row;
                    actionCol = player.Col + 1;
                else if (Eq(input, 'v'))
                    // TODO: handle inventory
                    message = "You have nothing\n";
                    message = $"Unknown command: {input}";
                if (message.Equals("Yay, we got the treasure!\n"))
                    hasTreasure = true;
                // OK, now move the mobs
                foreach (Mob mob in mobs)
                    // TODO: Make mobs smarter, so they jump on the player, if it's possible to do so
                    if ((actionRow != null) && player.Armed)
                        if ((mob.Row == actionRow) && (mob.Col == actionCol))
                            gameOver  = true;
                            mob.Token = "*";
                        List <Tuple <int, int> > moves = screen.GetLegalMoves(mob.Row, mob.Col);
                        if (moves.Count == 0)
                        // mobs move randomly
                        var(deltaRow, deltaCol) = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];
                        if (screen[mob.Row + deltaRow, mob.Col + deltaCol] is Player)
                            if (!hasTreasure)
                                mob.Token = "*";
                                message  += "A MOB GOT YOU! GAME OVER\n";
                                gameOver  = true;
                                message    += "You used the treasure to revive yourself\n";
                                hasTreasure = false;
                        mob.Move(deltaRow, deltaCol);
                PrintScreen(screen, message, Menu());
Exemple #5
    public void Run() {
      Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

      Screen screen = new Screen(25, 25);

      // Horizontal Walls

      // line 1 walls
      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(1, i, screen);

      for (int i = 11; i < 16; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(1, i, screen);

      for (int i = 19; i < 23; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(1, i, screen);

      // line 2 walls
      for (int i = 12; i < 13; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(2, i, screen);

      for (int i = 14; i < 15; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(2, i, screen);

      // line 3 walls
      for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(3, i, screen);

      // line 6 walls
      for (int i = 5; i < 12; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(6, i, screen);

      // line 8 walls
      for (int i = 5; i < 16; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(8, i, screen);
      // line 10 walls
      for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(10, i, screen);

      for (int i = 12; i < 20; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(10, i, screen);
      // line 12 walls
      for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(12, i, screen);

      for (int i = 12; i < 19; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(12, i, screen);

      // line 14 walls
      for (int i = 6; i < 20; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(14, i, screen);

      // line 16 walls
      for (int i = 2; i < 16; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(16, i, screen);
      // line 21 walls
      for (int i = 5; i < 20; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(21, i, screen);

      // line 23 walls
      for (int i = 2; i < 23; i++){
        new HorizontalWall(23, i, screen);

      // vertical wals

      // vertical walls for 2
      for (int i = 4; i < 10; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 2, screen);

      for (int i = 13; i < 16; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 2, screen);

      for (int i = 17; i < 23; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 2, screen);

      // vertical walls for 5
      for (int i = 7; i < 8; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 5, screen);

      for (int i = 17; i < 21; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 5, screen);

      // vertical walls for 7
      for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 7, screen);

      // vertical walls for 9
      for (int i = 11; i < 12; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 9, screen);
      // vertical walls for 11
      for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 11, screen);

      // vertical walls for 12
      for (int i = 11; i < 12; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 12, screen);
      // vertical walls for 14
      for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 15, screen);
      // vertical walls for 19
      for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 19, screen);
      for (int i = 15; i < 21; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 19, screen);

      // vertical walls for 22
      for (int i = 2; i < 23; i++){
        new VerticalWall(i, 22, screen);
        // end of walls 

      // add a teleport
      Teleport teleport1 = new Teleport(2,5, screen);
      Teleport teleport2 = new Teleport(2,13, screen);

      // add teleport exits
      Teleportexit teleport_exit1 = new Teleportexit(7,7, screen);
      Teleportexit teleport_exit2 = new Teleportexit(2,20, screen);

      // add a player
      Player player = new Player(0, 0, screen, "Zelda");
      // add a treasure
      Treasure treasure1 = new Treasure(20, 7, screen);
      Treasure treasure2 = new Treasure(11, 14, screen);
      Treasure treasure3 = new Treasure(11, 7, screen);
      Treasure treasure4 = new Treasure(17, 3, screen);
      //add a weapon
      Weapon DESTRUCTION = new Weapon(7, 13, screen);

      // add some mobs
      List<Mob> mobs = new List<Mob>();
      mobs.Add(new Mob(17, 10, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(18, 11, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(19, 12, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(20, 13, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(17, 13, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(18, 12, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(19, 11, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(20, 10, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(11, 19, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(11, 20, screen));
      mobs.Add(new Mob(11, 21, screen));  
      // initially print the game board
      PrintScreen(screen, "Welcome!", Menu());
      Boolean gameOver = false;
      while (!gameOver) {
          char input = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;

          String message = "";

          if (Eq(input, 'q')) { // quit the game
          } else if (Eq(input, 'w')) { // walking
            player.Move(-1, 0);
          } else if (Eq(input, 's')) {
            player.Move(1, 0);
          } else if (Eq(input, 'a')) {
            player.Move(0, -1);
          } else if (Eq(input, 'd')) {
            player.Move(0, 1);

          // interacting with objects
          } else if (Eq(input, 'i')) { 
            message += player.Action(-1, 0) + "\n";
          } else if (Eq(input, 'k')) {
            message += player.Action(1, 0) + "\n";
          } else if (Eq(input, 'j')) {
            message += player.Action(0, -1) + "\n";
          } else if (Eq(input, 'l')) {
            message += player.Action(0, 1) + "\n";
          } else if (Eq(input, 'v')) {
            message = "You have nothing\n";
          } else {
            message = $"Unknown command: {input}";
          foreach (Mob mob in mobs){
            List<Tuple<int, int>> moves = screen.GetLegalMoves(mob.Row, mob.Col);
            if (moves.Count == 0){

            Tuple<int, int> t = moves[random.Next(moves.Count)];
            int deltaRow = t.Item1;
            int deltaCol = t.Item2;
            if (screen[mob.Row + deltaRow, mob.Col + deltaCol] is Player) && mob.health > 0 /*had to add this so that mob would stop killing the player after it dies*/){
                mob.Token = "~";
                message += "A MOB GOT YOU! GAME OVER\n";
                gameOver = true;
                mob.Move(deltaRow, deltaCol); //added this so now everything should work