setTextAlign() public méthode

public setTextAlign ( android arg0 ) : void
arg0 android
Résultat void
Exemple #1
		public Clipping (Context context)
			: base (context)
			mPaint = new Paint ();
			mPaint.setAntiAlias (true);
			mPaint.setStrokeWidth (6);
			mPaint.setTextSize (16);
			mPaint.setTextAlign (Paint.Align.RIGHT);

			mPath = new Path ();
Exemple #2
		static void drawIntoBitmap (Bitmap bm)
			float x = bm.getWidth ();
			float y = bm.getHeight ();
			Canvas c = new Canvas (bm);
			Paint p = new Paint ();
			p.setAntiAlias (true);

			p.setAlpha (0x80);
			c.drawCircle (x / 2, y / 2, x / 2, p);

			p.setAlpha (0x30);
			p.setXfermode (new PorterDuffXfermode (PorterDuff.Mode.SRC));
			p.setTextSize (60);
			p.setTextAlign (Paint.Align.CENTER);
			Paint.FontMetrics fm = p.getFontMetrics ();
			c.drawText ("Alpha", x / 2, (y - fm.ascent) / 2, p);
Exemple #3
		public ColorFilters (Context context)
			: base (context)
			mDrawable = getResources ().getDrawable (R.drawable.btn_default_normal);
			mDrawable.setBounds (0, 0, 150, 48);
			mDrawable.setDither (true);

			int[] resIDs = new int[] {
			mDrawables = new Drawable[resIDs.Length];
			Drawable prev = mDrawable;
			for (int i = 0; i < resIDs.Length; i++) {
				mDrawables [i] = getResources ().getDrawable (resIDs [i]);
				mDrawables [i].setDither (true);
				addToTheRight (mDrawables [i], prev);
				prev = mDrawables [i];

			mPaint = new Paint ();
			mPaint.setAntiAlias (true);
			mPaint.setTextSize (16);
			mPaint.setTextAlign (Paint.Align.CENTER);

			mPaint2 = new Paint (mPaint);
			mPaint2.setAlpha (64);

			Paint.FontMetrics fm = mPaint.getFontMetrics ();
			mPaintTextOffset = (fm.descent + fm.ascent) * 0.5f;

			mColors = new uint[] {
				0, 0xCC0000FF, 0x880000FF, 0x440000FF, 0xFFCCCCFF,
				0xFF8888FF, 0xFF4444FF

			mModes = new PorterDuff.Mode[] {
				PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY,
			mModeIndex = 0;

			updateTitle ();
Exemple #4
		protected override void onDraw (Canvas canvas)
			canvas.drawColor (Color.WHITE);

			Paint labelP = new Paint (Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
			labelP.setTextAlign (Paint.Align.CENTER);

			Paint paint = new Paint ();
			paint.setFilterBitmap (false);

			canvas.translate (15, 35);

			int x = 0;
			int y = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < sModes.Length; i++) {
				// draw the border
				paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.STROKE);
				paint.setShader (null);
				canvas.drawRect (x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f,
						x + W + 0.5f, y + H + 0.5f, paint);

				// draw the checker-board pattern
				paint.setStyle (Paint.Style.FILL);
				paint.setShader (mBG);
				canvas.drawRect (x, y, x + W, y + H, paint);

				// draw the src/dst example into our offscreen bitmap
				int sc = canvas.saveLayer (x, y, x + W, y + H, null,
							  Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG |
							  Canvas.CLIP_SAVE_FLAG |
				canvas.translate (x, y);
				canvas.drawBitmap (mDstB, 0, 0, paint);
				paint.setXfermode (sModes [i]);
				canvas.drawBitmap (mSrcB, 0, 0, paint);
				paint.setXfermode (null);
				canvas.restoreToCount (sc);

				// draw the label
				canvas.drawText (sLabels [i],
						x + W / 2, y - labelP.getTextSize () / 2, labelP);

				x += W + 10;

				// wrap around when we've drawn enough for one row
				if ((i % ROW_MAX) == ROW_MAX - 1) {
					x = 0;
					y += H + 30;