Exemple #1
        //Generate all possible paths runs. Each run has (weightedCost, nodes in the path)
        public static pathData GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(int rows, int columns)
            pathData[] RunContext        = new pathData[rows];
            var        listOfRunContenxt = new List <pathData> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                //Call shortest path algorithim
                RunContext[i] = MainClass.cost(i, columns - 1);
                listOfRunContenxt.Add(RunContext [i]);

            //This part is to get the least costly path from all the runs
            pathData minValue = new pathData(RunContext[0].minValue, RunContext[0].rows.ToString(), RunContext[0].columns.ToString());

            foreach (var item in listOfRunContenxt)
                if (item.minValue < minValue.minValue)
                    minValue.minValue = item.minValue;
                    minValue.rows     = item.rows;
                    minValue.columns  = item.columns;

Exemple #2
        //Display the results in the required format
        public static void formatOutput(pathData minValue)
            pathData result = minValue;

            minpathValue = result.minValue.ToString();

            String sReplace = result.rows.Replace(",", String.Empty);

            char[] s1 = sReplace.ToCharArray();


            foreach (var item in s1)
                nodesOnpath += (Int32.Parse(item.ToString()) + 1).ToString();
                Console.Write(Int32.Parse(item.ToString()) + 1);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            if (s1.Length == ColumnGlobal)
                TravelledFromOneEndofMatrixToNext = "Yes";
                TravelledFromOneEndofMatrixToNext = "No";
Exemple #3
        //Logic to backtrack on min path data, and limit it to the point where it does not exceed a user entered limit; Limit = 50, 20 etc etc
        public static pathData CheckAndStopIfPathWeightLimitExceeded(pathData MinValue, int WeighLimit)
            pathData minValue = MinValue;

            int    sMinValue = minValue.minValue;
            String sReplace  = minValue.rows.Replace(",", String.Empty);

            char[] s1RowTaken = sReplace.ToCharArray();

            int CurrentColumn   = ColumnGlobal - 1;
            int CurrentRow      = s1RowTaken.Length - 1;
            int RowDataToRemove = 0;

            while (sMinValue > WeighLimit)
                sMinValue -= sourcematrix [Int32.Parse(s1RowTaken[CurrentRow].ToString()), CurrentColumn];

                if (CurrentRow != 0)
                if (CurrentColumn != 0)


            //Console.WriteLine (sMinValue);
            //Console.WriteLine ("Rows backtracked:" + CurrentColumn);

            int RowDataToPreserve = s1RowTaken.Length - RowDataToRemove;

            char[] s1RowTakenTillLimitAttained = new char[RowDataToPreserve];
            for (int i = 0; i < RowDataToPreserve; i++)
                s1RowTakenTillLimitAttained [i] = s1RowTaken [i];

            String sRowTakenTillLimit = new String(s1RowTakenTillLimitAttained);

            minValue.minValue = sMinValue;
            minValue.rows     = sRowTakenTillLimit;
            minValue.columns  = (minValue.columns.Length - CurrentColumn).ToString();

Exemple #4
        //The shortest path algorithim
        public static pathData cost(int i, int j)
            //If we are a cell i in the leftmost column return the value in that cell, as there are no other columns to the left of us to look at.
            if (j == limits[turns] - 1)
                var p1 = new pathData(MainClass.sourcematrix [i, j], i.ToString(), j.ToString());

                //return MainClass.sourcematrix [i, 0];
            //If we are in any other column other than the last column. Look at cells in the next column to the left of our column. That are on the top, left and bottom, to find the min weighted one
            int      rightPosX = i % RowGlobal;
            int      rightPosY = j + 1;
            pathData right     = cost(rightPosX, rightPosY);

            int      upPosX = (i - 1 + RowGlobal) % RowGlobal;
            int      upPosY = j + 1;
            pathData up     = cost(upPosX, upPosY);

            int      downPosX = (i + 1) % RowGlobal;
            int      downPosY = j + 1;
            pathData down     = cost(downPosX, downPosY);

            var listOfCosts = new List <pathData> {
                right, up, down
            pathData minValue = new pathData(right.minValue, right.rows.ToString(), right.columns.ToString());

            foreach (var item in listOfCosts)
                if (item.minValue < minValue.minValue)
                    minValue.minValue = item.minValue;
                    minValue.rows     = item.rows;
                    minValue.columns  = item.columns;

            minValue.minValue = MainClass.sourcematrix[i, j] + minValue.minValue;
            minValue.rows     = i.ToString() + "," + minValue.rows.ToString();
            minValue.columns  = j.ToString() + "," + minValue.columns.ToString();

Exemple #5
        public static pathData SplitMatrixintoSmallerPieces(int rows, int columns)
            //Check if matrix columns are too big, we don't care about rows because, we are traversing left to right. Only column depth matters...
            int MatrixColumnCount = MainClass.sourcematrix.GetLength(1);

            if (MatrixColumnCount > 10)               // I choose 10 because the algorithim was working ok till this point, so i chose it as maximum bound for the column
            //How many sets of size 10 matrix
                int setsOfTen   = MatrixColumnCount / 10;
                int nonSetOfTen = MatrixColumnCount % 10;

                //Generate limit for the sets
                limits = new int[setsOfTen + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < setsOfTen; i++)
                    limits [i] = (i + 1) * 10;
                if (nonSetOfTen != 0)
                    limits [setsOfTen] = (10 * setsOfTen) + 3;

                turns = 0;
                int previousTurn = 0;
                CacheSubMatrixResults = new pathData[setsOfTen + 1];

                while (turns < setsOfTen)
                    //Run against these generated limits
                    if (turns == 0)                       //We need to start chaining results from the previous matrix after the first turn, to maintain continuity...

                        CacheSubMatrixResults [turns] = GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(rows, limits [turns]);
                        String previousRow    = CacheSubMatrixResults [previousTurn].rows;
                        String previousColumn = CacheSubMatrixResults [previousTurn].columns;

                        var rowArray    = previousRow.Split(',');
                        var columnArray = previousColumn.Split(',');

                        int Pr1 = Int32.Parse(rowArray [rowArray.Length - 1]) + 1;
                        int Pc1 = Int32.Parse(columnArray [columnArray.Length - 1]);
                        //String s1Temp = previousRow.Replace (",", string.Empty);
                        //String s2Temp = previousColumn.Replace (",", string.Empty);

                        //String Pr1 = s1Temp.Substring (s1Temp.Length - 1);
                        //String Pc1 = s2Temp.Substring (s1Temp.Length - 1);

                        CacheSubMatrixResults [turns] = GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(Pr1, Pc1);

                    if (CombineCachedPathData == null)
                        CombineCachedPathData = new pathData(CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].minValue, CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].rows, CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].columns);
                        CombineCachedPathData.minValue += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].minValue;
                        CombineCachedPathData.rows     += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].rows;
                        CombineCachedPathData.columns  += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].columns;

                    previousTurn = turns;
                //Account for non-set of 10 or the remainder matrices that dont have 10 columns
                if (nonSetOfTen != 0)
                    String previousRow    = CombineCachedPathData.rows;
                    String previousColumn = CombineCachedPathData.columns;

                    var rowArray    = previousRow.Split(',');
                    var columnArray = previousColumn.Split(',');

                    int Pr1 = Int32.Parse(rowArray [rowArray.Length - 1]) + 1;
                    int Pc1 = Int32.Parse(columnArray [columnArray.Length - 1]);

                    CacheSubMatrixResults [turns]   = GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(Pr1, Pc1);
                    CombineCachedPathData.minValue += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].minValue;
                    CombineCachedPathData.rows     += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].rows;
                    CombineCachedPathData.columns  += CacheSubMatrixResults [turns].columns;

                //Step4: Generate all possible paths  and then return the smallest value path.
                minValue = CombineCachedPathData;
                turns     = 0;
                limits    = new int[1];
                limits[0] = ColumnGlobal;

                //Step4: Generate all possible paths  and then return the smallest value path.
                minValue = GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(rows, limits[turns]);

Exemple #6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //minValue = null;

            //  Step1: Enter the Rows in the matrix
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of rows:");
            int rows = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            RowGlobal = rows;

            //Step2: Enter the Columns in the matrix
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of columns");
            int columns = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            ColumnGlobal = columns;

            //Step2.a: Enter maximum allowed path weight
            Console.WriteLine("Enter maximum allowed path weight:");
            int mxAllowedPathWeight = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            MaximumAllowedPathWeight = mxAllowedPathWeight;

            bool validInput = GenerateUserInputFromRows(rows, columns);

            if (validInput == false)

            //Step3: Generate the matrix..If number or empty matrix do not proceed further with processing.

            /*bool validInput = GenerateUserInput (rows,columns);
             * if (validInput == false) {
             *      Console.WriteLine (ErrorMessage);
             * }*/

            pathData minValue = MainClass.SplitMatrixintoSmallerPieces(rows, columns);

            //Only do this computation if user specified a Maxiumem allowed value for path data
            if (MaximumAllowedPathWeight > 0)
                //Step5: Limit path value to stop it if it exceeds a maximum allowed path weight

                minValue = CheckAndStopIfPathWeightLimitExceeded(minValue, MaximumAllowedPathWeight);

            //Step5: Display the results, in the required format
Exemple #7
        //Generate all possible paths runs. Each run has (weightedCost, nodes in the path)
        public static pathData GenerateSmallestPossiblePaths(int rows, int columns)
            pathData[] RunContext        = new pathData[rows];
            var        listOfRunContenxt = new List <pathData> ();

            if (turns == 0)
                columns = 0;
                //no change ... keep the n-1 column

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                //Call shortest path algorithim
                RunContext[i] = MainClass.cost(i, columns);
                listOfRunContenxt.Add(RunContext [i]);

            //This part is to get the least costly path from all the runs
            pathData minValue = new pathData(RunContext[0].minValue, RunContext[0].rows.ToString(), RunContext[0].columns.ToString());

            foreach (var item in listOfRunContenxt)
                if (item.minValue < minValue.minValue)
                    minValue.minValue = item.minValue;
                    minValue.rows     = item.rows;
                    minValue.columns  = item.columns;

            if (turns == 0)

                minValue.minValue -= sourcematrix[rows - 1, columns];             //remove overlapping element to neutralize the double counting that happens. as the same element gets counted twice when overlapping occurs to maintain continuity.

                var rowArray    = minValue.rows.Split(',');
                var columnArray = minValue.columns.Split(',');

                rowArray    = rowArray.Skip(1).ToArray();
                columnArray = columnArray.Skip(1).ToArray();

                minValue.rows    = String.Empty;
                minValue.columns = String.Empty;

                for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.Length; i++)
                    minValue.rows += rowArray[i].ToString() + ",";

                for (int i = 0; i < columnArray.Length; i++)
                    minValue.columns += columnArray[i].ToString() + ",";

                String s1 = minValue.rows.Remove(minValue.rows.Length - 1);
                String s2 = minValue.columns.Remove(minValue.columns.Length - 1);
                minValue.rows    = s1;
                minValue.columns = s2;

Exemple #8
        //Display the results in the required format upto a limit
        public static void formatOutputN(pathData minValue, int limit)
            pathData result = minValue;

            minpathValue = result.minValue.ToString();

            String sReplace = result.rows.Replace(",", String.Empty);

            char[] srow = sReplace.ToCharArray();

            String sReplace1 = result.columns.Replace(",", String.Empty);

            char[] scolumn = sReplace1.ToCharArray();

            //Extract co-oridnates from chars.

            int[] irows    = new int[srow.Length];
            int[] icolumns = new int[scolumn.Length];

            int irowCounter    = 0;
            int icolumncounter = 0;

            foreach (var item in srow)
                irows [irowCounter] = Int32.Parse(item.ToString());

            foreach (var item in scolumn)
                icolumns [icolumncounter] = Int32.Parse(item.ToString());

            int countOfItemsToRemove = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < irows.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < icolumns.Length; j++)
                    if (result.minValue > limit)
                        result.minValue = result.minValue - sourcematrix [i, j];
                        minpathValue = result.minValue.ToString();
                        formatOutputN(result, limit);

            String sRevereseReplace = sReplace.Remove(0, countOfItemsToRemove);

            char[] s1 = sRevereseReplace.ToCharArray();


            foreach (var item in s1)
                nodesOnpath += (Int32.Parse(item.ToString()) + 1).ToString();
                Console.Write(Int32.Parse(item.ToString()) + 1);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            if (s1.Length == ColumnGlobal)
                TravelledFromOneEndofMatrixToNext = "Yes";
                TravelledFromOneEndofMatrixToNext = "No";