Exemple #1
        //[TestMethod, TestCategory("Mapping")]
        //public void AcmeEmployeeCrmEmployeeContact()
        //	string message = string.Empty;
        //	if (!CompareInputOutputJSON(
        //		sourcesystem: "acme",
        //		sourcejsonpath: @"json\AcmeEmployee_input.json",
        //		destinationsystem: "crm",
        //		destinationjsonpath: @"json\AcmeEmployeeCrmEmployeeContact_output.json",
        //		entity: "employee.contact",
        //      checkSchema: true,
        //		message: out message))
        //		Assert.Fail(message);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourcesystem">source system</param>
        /// <param name="sourcejsonpath">input json</param>
        /// <param name="destinationsystem">destination system</param>
        /// <param name="destinationjsonpath">expected output json</param>
        /// <param name="entity">mapped entity</param>
        /// <param name="message">output warning message</param>
        /// <param name="checkSchema">JSON schema validation on result</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CompareInputOutputJSON(string sourcesystem, string sourcejsonpath, string destinationsystem, string destinationjsonpath, string entity, out string message, bool checkSchema = true)
            mapper.SourceSystem      = sourcesystem;
            mapper.DestinationSystem = destinationsystem;
            var reference      = mapper.DestinationSystem + "." + entity;
            var input          = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(sourcejsonpath));
            var expected_ouput = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(destinationjsonpath));
            var output         = mapper.Map <JObject, JObject>(entity, input);

            message = string.Empty;

            var successful = true;

            successful &= EqualJSON(expected_ouput, output, out message);

            // if failing, let's drop the actual output for easier debugging
            if (!successful)
                File.WriteAllText(reference + ".json", output.ToString());

            if (!checkSchema)

            // json schema validation
            // only acme json is checked, either input or output
            // for 1 ... N system mapping : ACME employee -> CRM systemuser & CRM contact
            // entity name after "." is ignored
            var entityname = entity.Contains('.') ? entity.Substring(0, entity.IndexOf('.')) : entity;
            var schema     = schemas[entityname];
            var acmeerrors = schema.Validate(sourcesystem == "acme" ? input : output);

            if (acmeerrors.Count > 0)
                successful &= false;
                message    += schema.DocumentPath + " " + schema.ExtensionData["version"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                message    += string.Join(Environment.NewLine, acmeerrors.Select(s => s.ToString()).ToArray());

Exemple #2
        public void MappingWithMethodInvokeNull()
            var mapper = new acmemapper.Mapper(sourceSystem: "systemA", destinationSystem: "systemB", skipLoadingFromMaps: true);
            var rules  = new JObject(
                new JProperty("entity",
                              new JArray(new JObject(
                                             new JProperty("systemA",
                                                           new JObject(new JProperty("property", "sourceproperty"))),
                                             new JProperty("systemB",
                                                           new JObject(
                                                               new JProperty("property", "destinationproperty"),
                                                               new JProperty("invoke", "ToLowerInvariant")


            var output = mapper.Map <JObject, JObject>("entity", new JObject(new JProperty("sourceproperty", null)));

            // does this test, due to explicit cast of Value<int>() make sense ?
            Assert.AreEqual(output["destinationproperty"].Type, JTokenType.Null);