public Transport(int transport_seats_count, Station start_station) { seats_count = transport_seats_count; occupied_seats = 0; passengers = new SortedDictionary<Station, List<Passenger>>(); current_station = start_station; traveled_distance = 0; }
public Passenger(uint time, Station station_from) { from = station_from; Random rand = new Random(); int current_station = Array.FindIndex(Program.stations, (st) => st == station_from); int stations_count = Program.stations.Length; to = Program.stations[rand.Next(current_station + 1, stations_count - 1 + current_station) % stations_count]; //Console.Write("Pasr comes at {0} to station {1}", time,; }
public Passenger(uint time, Station station_from) { from = station_from; Random rand = new Random(); int indexOfCurrentStation = Array.FindIndex(Program.stations, (st) => st == station_from); int indexOfLastStation = Program.stations.Length - 1; to = Program.stations[rand.Next(0, indexOfLastStation)]; Console.Write("Time {0} | Station {1} | Passengers ", time,; }
public void RunTransportOnArrival(uint time) { TransportComing(); uint time_to_next_station = current_station.time_to_next_station; //Console.WriteLine("Transport coming to station {0} time to next st {1}, free seats = {2}", //,current_station.time_to_next_station, seats_count - occupied_seats); traveled_distance += time; if (traveled_distance > Program.distance) { traveled_distance -= Program.distance; } current_station = current_station.next_station; Program.event_queue1.Add(time + time_to_next_station, this.RunTransportOnArrival); }
public void AddNextStation(Station next_station_) { next_station = next_station_; }