public PreviewBackgroundDialog(Skinning.Skin skin, string bgpath) { InitComponentNew(); Skinning.SetBackCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_BG.TypeName]); Skinning.SetForeCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_Text.TypeName]); Skinning.SetUIStyle(this, skin.UIStyle); result = bgpath; ImagePathBox.Text = bgpath; }
private static string ReadFile_EmptyStringIfException(string path) { try { return(ReadFile(path)); } catch { Skinning.ShowUnskinnedErrorMessage("can't load file \"" + path + "\"."); return(""); } }
public CharaIconDialog(Skinning.Skin skin, CharaIcons.CharaIconInfo icondef) { InitComponentNew(); Skinning.SetBackCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_BG.TypeName]); Skinning.SetForeCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_Text.TypeName]); Skinning.SetUIStyle(this, skin.UIStyle); result = icondef; ImagePathBox.Text = icondef.ImagePath; TypeBox.SelectedIndex = icondef.Type; RarityBox.SelectedIndex = icondef.Rarity; SizeBox.Value = icondef.IconSize; }
public ChartInfoDialog(Skinning.Skin skin, string songname, string author, string timesigs) { InitComponentNew(); Skinning.SetBackCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_BG.TypeName]); Skinning.SetForeCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_Text.TypeName]); Skinning.SetUIStyle(this, skin.UIStyle); TimesigsGrid.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; // reset these because they inherit incorrectly TimesigsGrid.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; SongNameBox.Text = songname; AuthorBox.Text = author; Notedata.TimeSigChange[] timesigsconverted = Notedata.ReadTimesigChangesFromString(timesigs); if (timesigsconverted != null) { foreach (Notedata.TimeSigChange sig in timesigsconverted) { TimesigsGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { sig.StartBar, sig.StartTick, sig.Numerator, sig.Denominator }); } } }
public SkinnedMessageBoxForm(Skinning.Skin skin, IWin32Window owner, string message, string caption = "", MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions options = 0) { InitComponentNew(); //if (owner != null) //{ // this.Owner = owner; //} if (owner != null) { Owner = Control.FromHandle(owner.Handle).FindForm(); } else { Owner = Form.ActiveForm; } this.Text = caption; Padding lblMargin = new Padding(14, 0, 14, 45); Point lblLocation = new Point(14, 14); Size lblMinSize = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width - lblLocation.X - lblMargin.Right, 0); Size lblMaxSize = new Size(600, 0); Label MessageLbl = new Label() { Text = message, AutoSize = true, Margin = lblMargin, Location = lblLocation, MinimumSize = lblMinSize, MaximumSize = lblMaxSize }; Controls.Add(MessageLbl); if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.OK) { numbuttons = 1; Button OkBtn = AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnOK"), DialogResult.OK, 0); this.CancelButton = OkBtn; //(not sure why, but this matches official .NET behaviour) } else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) { numbuttons = 2; AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnOK"), DialogResult.OK, 0); Button CancelBtn = AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnCancel"), DialogResult.Cancel, 1); this.CancelButton = CancelBtn; } else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) { numbuttons = 2; AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnYes"), DialogResult.Yes, 0); Button NoBtn = AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnNo"), DialogResult.No, 1); this.CancelButton = NoBtn; //(official .NET doesn't set cancel button, but this seems pretty clear to me...) } else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) { numbuttons = 2; AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnRetry"), DialogResult.Retry, 0); Button CancelBtn = AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnCancel"), DialogResult.Cancel, 1); this.CancelButton = CancelBtn; } else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) { numbuttons = 3; AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnYes"), DialogResult.Yes, 0); AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnNo"), DialogResult.No, 1); Button CancelBtn = AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnCancel"), DialogResult.Cancel, 2); this.CancelButton = CancelBtn; } else if (buttons == MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore) { numbuttons = 3; AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnAbort"), DialogResult.Abort, 0); AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnRetry"), DialogResult.Retry, 1); AddBtn(DialogResMgr.GetString("BtnIgnore"), DialogResult.Ignore, 2); //this.CancelButton = IgnoreBtn; //(official .NET doesn't set cancel button) } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("buttons", (int)buttons, typeof(MessageBoxButtons)); } if (this.CancelButton == null) { this.ControlBox = false; } if (icon != MessageBoxIcon.None) { int iconsize = 32; int iconpadding = 12; int textpadding = -8; PictureBox iconPB = new PictureBox() { Width = iconsize, Height = iconsize, Top = 10, Left = 10, AccessibleName = "Icon" }; // there are many duplicated values: // if (icon == MessageBoxIcon.Error) // also Hand and Stop { Icon erricon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Error, iconsize, iconsize); iconPB.Image = erricon.ToBitmap(); iconPB.AccessibleDescription = "Error"; //this.Icon = SystemIcons.Error; System.Media.SystemSounds.Hand.Play(); } else if (icon == MessageBoxIcon.Question) { Icon qicon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Question, iconsize, iconsize); iconPB.Image = qicon.ToBitmap(); iconPB.AccessibleDescription = "Question"; //this.Icon = SystemIcons.Question; System.Media.SystemSounds.Question.Play(); } else if (icon == MessageBoxIcon.Warning) // also Exclamation { Icon warnicon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Warning, iconsize, iconsize); iconPB.Image = warnicon.ToBitmap(); iconPB.AccessibleDescription = "Warning"; //this.Icon = SystemIcons.Warning; textpadding -= 2; // triangle shape looks worse without this System.Media.SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); } else if (icon == MessageBoxIcon.Information) // also Asterisk { Icon infoicon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Information, iconsize, iconsize); iconPB.Image = infoicon.ToBitmap(); iconPB.AccessibleDescription = "Information"; //this.Icon = SystemIcons.Information; System.Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("icon", (int)icon, typeof(MessageBoxIcon)); } MessageLbl.MinimumSize = new Size(MessageLbl.MinimumSize.Width - (iconsize + iconpadding + textpadding), MessageLbl.MinimumSize.Height); MessageLbl.Left += (iconsize + iconpadding + textpadding); Controls.Add(iconPB); } if (defaultbutton == MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) { this.AcceptButton = buttonrefs[0]; ActiveControl = buttonrefs[0]; } else if (defaultbutton == MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) { if (buttonrefs[1] == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("defaultbutton", "defaultbutton cannot be set to a button number that does not exist"); } this.AcceptButton = buttonrefs[1]; ActiveControl = buttonrefs[1]; } else if (defaultbutton == MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3) { if (buttonrefs[2] == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("defaultbutton", "defaultbutton cannot be set to a button number that does not exist"); } this.AcceptButton = buttonrefs[2]; ActiveControl = buttonrefs[2]; } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("defaultbutton", (int)defaultbutton, typeof(MessageBoxDefaultButton)); } // MessageBoxOptions are more like flags than concrete settings. // For ease of use, we assume default value is whatever winforms gives us in current locale -- but we override if any value is set if ((options & MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) == MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) { MessageLbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight; } else if (options != 0) { MessageLbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; } // RtlReading should be what actually affects layout, and RightAlign only affects the text label if ((options & MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading) == MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading) { foreach (Control control in this.Controls) { control.Left = this.ClientSize.Width - control.Right; control.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes; } this.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes; this.RightToLeftLayout = true; } else if (options != 0) { foreach (Control control in this.Controls) { control.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.No; } this.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.No; this.RightToLeftLayout = false; } Skinning.SetBackCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_BG.TypeName]); Skinning.SetForeCol(this, skin.UIColours[UIColours.UIColourDefs.Form_Text.TypeName]); Skinning.SetUIStyle(this, skin.UIStyle); //Can use this to compare against official .NET //DialogResult test = MessageBox.Show("test test test test test test test test test test test test", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading); //Console.WriteLine(test); }