Exemple #1
            public void FixNoteInfo()
                UsedSwipes = new bool[Length, 8];
                int combo = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        Ticks[i].Notes[j].IsSwipeEnd    = false;
                        Ticks[i].Notes[j].SwipeEndPoint = new System.Drawing.Point();

                        NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                        if (NoteType.NotNode != true && NoteType.DetectType != NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid)
                    Ticks[i].ComboNumber = combo;
                for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        UpdateSwipeEnd(i, j);
                UsedSwipes = null;
Exemple #2
            //using SetNote is preffered over directly setting notes because it handles fixing the swipe cache for you. Either way works though.
            public void SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef Note, int Lane, ref Chart chart)
                if (NoteArray == null)
                    NoteArray = new Note[8];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        NoteArray[i].NoteType = NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.None;
                NoteArray[Lane].NoteType = Note;

        void RenderFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (myWindow == null || !myWindow.Exists)
            if (myWindow.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)

            if (mainform == null)



            Notedata.Chart chart = mainform.chart; // doesn't seem necessary for our use case, but if I want to eliminate warnings it should be here

            double EffectTicks     = chart.ConvertTimeToTicks(new TimeSpan(EffectTime));
            double EffectFadeTicks = chart.ConvertTimeToTicks(new TimeSpan(EffectFadeTime));

            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            ProjMatrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, 1136, 0, viewHeight, 0, 2);
            GL.LoadMatrix(ref ProjMatrix);

            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < charaicons.Length; i++)
                string key = "spr_Charaicon" + i.ToString();

                string typestr   = (charaicons[i].Type + 1).ToString();
                string raritystr = (charaicons[i].Rarity + 1).ToString();

                string frontkey = "sprCharafront" + typestr + raritystr;
                string backkey  = "sprCharaback" + typestr + raritystr;

                int charaiconsize     = charaicons[i].IconSize;
                int halfcharaiconsize = charaiconsize / 2;

                DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[i].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[i].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, backkey);
                DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[i].X - halfcharaiconsize, NodeEndLocs[i].Y - halfcharaiconsize, charaiconsize, charaiconsize, key);
                DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[i].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[i].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, frontkey);

            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[0].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[0].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara1");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[1].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[1].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara2");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[2].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[2].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara3");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[3].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[3].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara4");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[4].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[4].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara5");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[5].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[5].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara6");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[6].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[6].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara7");
            //DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[7].X - halfIconSize, NodeEndLocs[7].Y - halfIconSize, iconSize, iconSize, "spr_Chara8");

            GL.Color4(0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f);                                                //transparency

            for (int i = (int)currentTick + numTicksVisible + 1; i >= (int)currentTick - 48; i--) // 48 is magic from Notedata.Chart.UpdateSwipeEnd()
                if (i >= chart.Length)
                    i = chart.Length - 1;
                if (i < 0)

                for (int j = 0; j < numLanes; j++)
                    NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef Type = chart.FindVisualNoteType(i, j);

                    GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textures["spr_SwipeLocus"]);

                    if ((Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeDirChange) && !chart.Ticks[i].Notes[j].IsSwipeEnd)
                        Point swipeEndPoint = chart.Ticks[i].Notes[j].SwipeEndPoint;

                        if (swipeEndPoint.X > i & currentTick - timingAdjust < swipeEndPoint.X & swipeEndPoint.Y < numLanes)
                            int sTick = i;
                            if (sTick < currentTick)
                                sTick = (int)currentTick;

                            float  iDist  = (float)(numTicksVisible - i + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                            float  eDist  = (float)(numTicksVisible - swipeEndPoint.X + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                            float  eSize  = halfSwipeSize * eDist;
                            PointF iPoint = GetPointAlongLineF(NodeStartLocs[j], NodeEndLocs[j], iDist);
                            PointF ePoint = GetPointAlongLineF(NodeStartLocs[swipeEndPoint.Y], NodeEndLocs[swipeEndPoint.Y], eDist);

                            float endYOffset = 88888888;
                            if (ePoint.X - NodeStartLocs[swipeEndPoint.Y].X != 0)
                                endYOffset = ((float)(ePoint.Y - NodeStartLocs[swipeEndPoint.Y].Y) / (float)(ePoint.X - NodeStartLocs[swipeEndPoint.Y].X));
                            float angledSizeScale = 1 / (float)Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(1, 2) + Math.Pow(endYOffset, 2)));

                            float  sDist;
                            PointF sPoint;
                            if (i >= currentTick - timingAdjust)
                                sDist  = iDist;
                                sPoint = iPoint;
                                sDist  = (float)(numTicksVisible - sTick + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                                sPoint = GetPointAlongLineF(iPoint, ePoint, ((float)currentTick - timingAdjust - i) / (swipeEndPoint.X - i));
                                //Point sPoint = GetPointAlongLine(ePoint, iPoint, sDist / iDist);

                            float sSize = halfSwipeSize * sDist;


                            GL.TexCoord2(0, 0);
                            GL.Vertex2(sPoint.X + sSize * angledSizeScale, sPoint.Y + sSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                            GL.TexCoord2(32, 0);
                            GL.Vertex2(ePoint.X + eSize * angledSizeScale, ePoint.Y + eSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                            GL.TexCoord2(32, eDist);
                            GL.Vertex2(ePoint.X - eSize * angledSizeScale, ePoint.Y - eSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                            GL.TexCoord2(0, sDist);
                            GL.Vertex2(sPoint.X - sSize * angledSizeScale, sPoint.Y - sSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);


                    if (i < (int)currentTick - 1)

                    GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textures["spr_HoldLocus"]);

                    if (Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.HoldMid && (i == (int)currentTick - 1 | chart.FindVisualNoteType(i - 1, j).DetectType != NoteTypes.DetectType.HoldMid))
                        float start = i;
                        if (start < currentTick + 1 - timingAdjust)
                            start = (int)((currentTick + 1 - timingAdjust) * 4) / 4f;
                        int end = i;
                        while (chart.FindVisualNoteType(end, j).DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.HoldMid)
                        if (end <= start - 1)

                        float sDist = (float)(numTicksVisible - start + 1 + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                        float eDist = (float)(numTicksVisible - end + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                        if (eDist < 0)
                            eDist = 0;
                        float  sSize     = halfHoldSize * sDist;
                        float  eSize     = halfHoldSize * eDist;
                        float  halfsSize = sSize / 2f;
                        float  halfeSize = eSize / 2f;
                        PointF sPoint    = GetPointAlongLineF(NodeStartLocs[j], NodeEndLocs[j], sDist);
                        PointF ePoint    = GetPointAlongLineF(NodeStartLocs[j], NodeEndLocs[j], eDist);
                        //Grfx.DrawImage(spr_HoldLocus, new PointF[] { new PointF(ePoint.X + eSize, ePoint.Y), new PointF(ePoint.X + eSize - iconSize, ePoint.Y), new PointF(sPoint.X + sSize, sPoint.Y) }, new Rectangle(0, (int)(spr_HoldLocus.Height * eDist), spr_HoldLocus.Width, (int)(spr_HoldLocus.Height * (sDist - eDist)) - 8), GraphicsUnit.Pixel, transpAttr);

                        float endYOffset = 88888888;
                        if (sPoint.Y - NodeStartLocs[j].Y != 0)
                            endYOffset = ((float)(sPoint.X - NodeStartLocs[j].X) / (float)(sPoint.Y - NodeStartLocs[j].Y));
                        float angledSizeScale = 1 / (float)Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(1, 2) + Math.Pow(endYOffset, 2)));


                        GL.TexCoord2(0, (eDist - sDist) * numTicksVisible * 2);
                        GL.Vertex2(ePoint.X + eSize * angledSizeScale, ePoint.Y - eSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                        GL.TexCoord2(0, 0);
                        GL.Vertex2(sPoint.X + sSize * angledSizeScale, sPoint.Y - sSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                        GL.TexCoord2(sDist, 0);
                        GL.Vertex2(sPoint.X - sSize * angledSizeScale, sPoint.Y + sSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);

                        GL.TexCoord2(eDist, (eDist - sDist) * numTicksVisible * 2);
                        GL.Vertex2(ePoint.X - eSize * angledSizeScale, ePoint.Y + eSize * endYOffset * angledSizeScale);


            GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);

            for (int i = (int)currentTick + numTicksVisible; i >= (int)(currentTick - EffectTicks - EffectFadeTicks - 1); i--)
            //for (int i = (int)(startTick - EffectTicks - EffectFadeTicks - 1); i <= (int)startTick + numTicksVisible; i++)
                if (i >= chart.Length)
                    i = chart.Length - 1;
                if (i < 0)

                for (int j = 0; j < numLanes; j++)
                    NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef Type = chart.FindVisualNoteType(i, j);

                    if (Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.None | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.HoldMid | Type.OGLTextureName == null)

                    if (i >= (int)currentTick + hitlineAdjust)
                        string NoteTex = Type.OGLTextureName;

                        if (NoteTex == "spr_SwipeLeftIcon")
                            for (int k = 0; k < numLanes; k++)
                                if (chart.Ticks[i].Notes[k].NoteType.IsSimul)
                                    NoteTex = "spr_SwipeLeftIcon_Simul";

                        if (NoteTex == "spr_SwipeRightIcon")
                            for (int k = 0; k < numLanes; k++)
                                if (chart.Ticks[i].Notes[k].NoteType.IsSimul)
                                    NoteTex = "spr_SwipeRightIcon_Simul";

                        float icnDist = (float)(numTicksVisible - i + currentTick - timingAdjust) / numTicksVisible;
                        if (Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsClock)
                            // in actual game enters view at about right timing (a little ahead), slows down to be ~ 1/8 slow, then speeds up to reach normal timing
                            // icnDist is up to ~1.0, one cycle is about 6.3(2*pi) so want ~3.2 total for good effect (returns to original position for tap)
                            // subtract a little (~0.05) from icnDist for this calculation so it'll start ahead of real point as intended. use ~3.2/0.95 instead of ~3.2 because of this
                            // because allowing the icon to drift back fully by midpoint looks weird (can disappear off screen even), multiply the amount of effect by icnDist
                            // original game has the icon behind by ~1/8 note at icnDist=0.5, so use 12 as fixed multiplication... but a little less (9) looks better here...
                            // subtract to invert direction (should decrease to look delayed)
                            icnDist -= (float)Math.Sin(((double)icnDist - 0.05) * 3.36) * 9 * icnDist / numTicksVisible;
                        if (icnDist < 0)
                            icnDist = 0;

                        PointF icnPoint = GetPointAlongLineF(NodeStartLocs[j], NodeEndLocs[j], icnDist);
                        float  icnSize  = iconSize * icnDist;
                        DrawFilledRect(icnPoint.X - icnSize / 2, icnPoint.Y - icnSize / 2, icnSize, icnSize, NoteTex);
                    else if (i > (int)(currentTick + hitlineAdjust - EffectTicks - 1))
                        float effectSize = (float)(((currentTick + hitlineAdjust - i - 1) / EffectTicks + 1) * iconSize);
                        DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[j].X - effectSize / 2, NodeEndLocs[j].Y - effectSize / 2, effectSize, effectSize, "spr_HitEffect");
                    else if (i >= (int)(currentTick + hitlineAdjust - EffectTicks - EffectFadeTicks - 1))
                        float effectSize    = iconSize * 2.0f;
                        float effectOpacity = 1 - (float)((currentTick + hitlineAdjust - EffectTicks - i - 1) / EffectFadeTicks * 0.8f);

                        GL.Color4(effectOpacity, effectOpacity, effectOpacity, effectOpacity);

                        //Grfx.DrawImage(spr_HitEffect, new Rectangle((int)NodeEndLocs[j].X - effectSize / 2, (int)NodeEndLocs[j].Y - effectSize / 2, effectSize, effectSize), 0, 0, spr_HitEffect.Width, spr_HitEffect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, effectTranspAttr);
                        DrawFilledRect(NodeEndLocs[j].X - effectSize / 2, NodeEndLocs[j].Y - effectSize / 2, effectSize, effectSize, "spr_HitEffect");

                    GL.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);

            int comboTick   = (int)currentTick + hitlineAdjust - 1;
            int comboNumber = 0;

            if (comboTick >= chart.Length)
                comboNumber = chart.Ticks[chart.Length - 1].ComboNumber;                            // if outside of chart, get last valid tick
            else if (comboTick >= 0)
                comboNumber = chart.Ticks[comboTick].ComboNumber;                      // if inside chart, get current tick
            // otherwise comboNumber is still 0

            if (showcombo && comboNumber >= skin.ComboTextInfo.StartNumber)
                int textsize = skin.ComboTextInfo.TextSize;
                if (textsize == 0 && combofontrenderer.Font.CommonInfo.LineHeight > 0)
                    textsize = combofontrenderer.Font.CommonInfo.LineHeight;
                int numX  = skin.ComboTextInfo.Locs[0].X;
                int numY  = viewHeight - skin.ComboTextInfo.Locs[0].Y;
                int textX = skin.ComboTextInfo.Locs[1].X;
                int textY = viewHeight - skin.ComboTextInfo.Locs[1].Y;
                combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(numX - 128, numY, textsize, comboNumber.ToString(), 256, 1, skin.ComboTextInfo.CharacterTracking);
                DrawFilledRect(textX - 128, textY, 256, 64, "spr_ComboText");

            //combofontrenderer.DrawString(64, 64, 32, "01189998819991197253", 80, 1);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(64, 64, 32, "88", 160);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(64, 96, 32, "88", 160, 1);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(64, 128, 32, "88", 160, 2);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(64, 96, 32, "This is a test!---!!!@♪", 205, 0, 0);
            //DrawFilledRect(64, 64, 205, 24, "spr_HoldLocus");
            //combofontrenderer.DrawString(32, 600-32, 32, "Lor\nem ip\nsum dolor s❗it amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequ\nat sem at purus pretium, vitae mollis sapien max\nimus. Duis rutrum elit vel odio iaculis dictum. Fusce viverra nisi eget dictum facilisis. Maecenas eleifend eu lorem ut convallis. Donec sed ullamc\norper dui. Vivamus hendrerit magna vitae nisl porttitor, ac accumsan urna volutpat. Pellentesque nec nulla ultricies, suscipit arcu a, eleifend dui. Suspe\nndisse potenti. Mauris felis arcu, sollicitudin eu finibus ut, interdum id ante.", 500, 12, 0, 0, 1);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawString(600, 600-32, 32, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat sem at purus pretium, vitae mollis sapien maximus. Duis rutrum elit vel odio iaculis dictum. Fusce viverra nisi eget dictum facilisis. Maecenas eleifend eu lorem ut convallis. Donec sed ullamcorper dui. Vivamus hendrerit magna vitae nisl porttitor, ac accumsan urna volutpat. Pellentesque nec nulla ultricies, suscipit arcu a, eleifend dui. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris felis arcu, sollicitudin eu finibus ut, interdum id ante.", 500, 12, 0, 0, 1, true);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawString(32, 600-32, 32, "日本語テストだ。\n多分機能する…\nチェック\nEverybody\nDance Dance Dance 纏ったもの脱ぎ捨てて\nDance Dance Dance 自分の殻つきやぶって(hey!)", 500, 12, 0, 0, -4, true);
            //DrawFilledRect(580, 202, 10, 390, "spr_HoldLocus");
            //combofontrenderer.DrawString(32, 600 - 32, 32, "Test test testtest                 ", 200, 2, 0, 0, -4, true);
            //DrawFilledRect(32, 520, 200, 10, "spr_HoldLocus");
            //GL.Color4(0f, 1f, 0, 1f);
            //combofontrenderer.DrawCharactersAligned(640, 16, 32, "😃☺😃☺😃⁉⬆", 0, 0, 0);


            int refreshMs = (int)(1000 * 1f / DisplayDevice.Default.RefreshRate);

            //only render at 30fps if not playing and we would otherwise be rendering faster
            if (!mainform.IsPlaying && DisplayDevice.Default.RefreshRate > 30)
                refreshMs = (int)(1000 * 1f / 30);

            int sleeptime = refreshMs - (int)FrameStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - 4;

            if (sleeptime > 0)
            else if (sleeptime < 0)
            //else Console.WriteLine("c");


Exemple #4
            public void AutoSetSimulNotes()
                for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                    int SimulNum_Tap  = 0;
                    int SimulNum_Hold = 0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        // taps get drawn as simulnotes when swipes or flicks are present, but holds don't
                        NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                        if (NoteType.NotNode != true & NoteType.DetectType != NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid)

                        if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Tap | NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Hold | NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsClock)

                        if (NoteType.TypeId == NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.ExtendHoldMid.TypeId && Ticks[i].Notes[j].NoteType.TypeId != NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.Hold.TypeId)
                            Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.Hold, j, ref this);

                    if (SimulNum_Tap > 1)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                            if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Tap)
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.SimulTap, j, ref this);
                            else if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsFlick & NoteType.TypeName != "GbsHoldEndFlick")
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.GbsSimulFlick, j, ref this);
                            else if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsClock)
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.GbsSimulClock, j, ref this);
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                            if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Tap)
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.Tap, j, ref this);
                            else if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsFlick & NoteType.TypeName != "GbsHoldEndFlick")
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.GbsFlick, j, ref this);
                            else if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.GbsClock)
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.GbsClock, j, ref this);

                    if (SimulNum_Hold > 1)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                            if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Hold)
                                if (i + 1 < Length & Ticks[i + 1].Notes[j].NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Hold)
                                    Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.SimulHoldStart, j, ref this);
                                    Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.SimulHoldRelease, j, ref this);
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef NoteType = FindVisualNoteType(i, j);
                            if (NoteType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.Hold)
                                Ticks[i].SetNote(NoteTypes.NoteTypeDefs.Hold, j, ref this);
Exemple #5
            private void UpdateSwipeEnd(int tick, int lane)
                Note Note = Ticks[tick].Notes[lane];

                NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef Type = Note.NoteType;

                // The actual game appears to distinguish between left and right swipes only for note icon graphics.
                //     (proof is in the initial remember chart in res ver 250)
                // IIRC, I think it scans across all lanes and uses the first currently unused target node.
                // This could be changed to match the game by adding a new state to swipeEnds_internal.
                //     (probably should make it a struct to improve readability too)
                // However, this implementation works for all official charts currently (remember was fixed in ver 251), so for now it should be fine like this.
                if (Type.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Right && (Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeDirChange) & !Note.IsSwipeEnd)
                    for (int i = tick + 1; i < tick + 48; i++)
                        if (i >= Length)
                        int j = lane + 1;
                        if (j > 7)

                        if (UsedSwipes[i, j])

                        NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef ijType = Ticks[i].Notes[j].NoteType;

                        if (ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint & ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Right)
                            Ticks[i].Notes[j].IsSwipeEnd = true;

                        if ((ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Right & (ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint | ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid)) || (ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Left & ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeDirChange))
                            Ticks[tick].Notes[lane].SwipeEndPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(i, j);
                            UsedSwipes[i, j] = true;

                if (Type.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Left && (Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid | Type.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeDirChange) & !Note.IsSwipeEnd)
                    for (int i = tick + 1; i < tick + 48; i++)
                        if (i >= Length)
                        int j = lane - 1;
                        if (j < 0)

                        if (UsedSwipes[i, j])

                        NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef ijType = Ticks[i].Notes[j].NoteType;

                        if (ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint & ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Left)
                            Ticks[i].Notes[j].IsSwipeEnd = true;

                        if ((ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Left & (ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint | ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid)) || (ijType.DetectDir == NoteTypes.DetectDir.Right & ijType.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeDirChange))
                            Ticks[tick].Notes[lane].SwipeEndPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(i, j);
                            UsedSwipes[i, j] = true;
Exemple #6
 private bool shouldUseThisNoteForAutoDifficulty(int tick, int lane)
     NoteTypes.NoteTypeDef note = FindVisualNoteType(tick, lane);
     return(note.NotNode == false && note.DetectType != NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeMid && !(note.DetectType == NoteTypes.DetectType.SwipeEndPoint && Ticks[tick].Notes[lane].IsSwipeEnd));