Exemple #1
        public override bool Take(BoardCell destinationCell)
            if (Player.Colour == destinationCell.ChessPiece.Player.Colour)
            }                                                                                // Make sure we aren't trying to take ourselves.

            int cellsToMoveUp    = CurrentCell.YLoc - destinationCell.YLoc;
            int cellsToMoveDown  = destinationCell.YLoc - CurrentCell.YLoc;
            int cellsToMoveLeft  = CurrentCell.XLoc - destinationCell.XLoc;
            int cellsToMoveRight = destinationCell.XLoc - CurrentCell.XLoc;

            if (Player.Colour is Game.PlayerColour.White)
                if ((cellsToMoveDown == 0 && (cellsToMoveLeft >= 0 || cellsToMoveRight >= 0) || // move left or right
                     (cellsToMoveLeft == 0 && cellsToMoveRight == 0 && cellsToMoveDown >= 0) || // move down
                     (cellsToMoveLeft == 0 && cellsToMoveRight == 0 && cellsToMoveUp >= 0)))   // move up
                    //destinationCell.ChessPiece.Pb.Visible = false; // makes the PictureBox invisible
                    destinationCell.RemoveChessPiece();    // Remove the piece from the dest cell. This and the previous line should make the peice being took unselectable and unseeable.
                    CurrentCell.RemoveChessPiece();        // Remove this piece from this cell
                    destinationCell.PlaceChessPiece(this); // Add this piece to dest cell
                    CurrentCell = destinationCell;
                    //Pb.BackColor = CurrentCell.Button.BackColor;
            else // Player is Black
                if ((cellsToMoveUp == 0 && (cellsToMoveLeft >= 0 || cellsToMoveRight >= 0) || // move left or right
                     (cellsToMoveLeft == 0 && cellsToMoveRight == 0 && cellsToMoveDown >= 0) || // move down
                     (cellsToMoveLeft == 0 && cellsToMoveRight == 0 && cellsToMoveUp >= 0)))   // move up
                    //destinationCell.ChessPiece.Pb.Visible = false; // makes the PictureBox invisible
                    destinationCell.RemoveChessPiece();    // Remove the piece from the dest cell. This and the previous line should make the peice being took unselectable and unseeable.
                    CurrentCell.RemoveChessPiece();        // Remove this piece from this cell
                    destinationCell.PlaceChessPiece(this); // Add this piece to dest cell
                    CurrentCell = destinationCell;
                    //Pb.BackColor = CurrentCell.Button.BackColor;
Exemple #2
        public override bool Take(BoardCell destinationCell)
            if (Player.Colour == destinationCell.ChessPiece.Player.Colour)
            }                                                                                // Make sure we aren't trying to take ourselves.

            int pixelsToMoveUp    = CurrentCell.YLoc - destinationCell.YLoc;
            int pixelsToMoveDown  = destinationCell.YLoc - CurrentCell.YLoc;
            int pixelsToMoveLeft  = CurrentCell.XLoc - destinationCell.XLoc;
            int pixelsToMoveRight = destinationCell.XLoc - CurrentCell.XLoc;

            if (Player.Colour is Game.PlayerColour.White)
                if (pixelsToMoveDown == ChessBoard.CellSpace &&
                    (pixelsToMoveRight > 0 && pixelsToMoveRight <= ChessBoard.CellSpace ||
                     pixelsToMoveLeft > 0 && pixelsToMoveLeft <= ChessBoard.CellSpace))
                    destinationCell.RemoveChessPiece();    // Remove the piece from the dest cell. This and the previous line should make the peice being took unselectable and unseeable.
                    CurrentCell.RemoveChessPiece();        // Remove this piece from this cell
                    destinationCell.PlaceChessPiece(this); // Add this piece to dest cell
                    CurrentCell = destinationCell;
            else // Player is Black
                if (pixelsToMoveUp == ChessBoard.CellSpace &&
                    (pixelsToMoveRight > 0 && pixelsToMoveRight <= ChessBoard.CellSpace ||
                     pixelsToMoveLeft > 0 && pixelsToMoveLeft <= ChessBoard.CellSpace))
                    destinationCell.RemoveChessPiece();    // Remove the piece from the dest cell. This and the previous line should make the peice being took unselectable and unseeable.
                    CurrentCell.RemoveChessPiece();        // Remove this piece from this cell
                    destinationCell.PlaceChessPiece(this); // Add this piece to dest cell
                    CurrentCell = destinationCell;