private void InitTiles()
     try {
         for (int i = 0; i < m_Size; ++i)
             for (int j = 0; j < m_Size; ++j)
                 TileRectangle tileRectangle = new TileRectangle();
                 tileRectangle.Name   = "_" + i + "x" + j;
                 tileRectangle.Width  = 100;
                 tileRectangle.Height = 100;
                 tileRectangle.Row    = i;
                 tileRectangle.Column = j;
                 tileRectangle.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(m_TileColors);
                 Grid.SetRow(tileRectangle, i);
                 Grid.SetColumn(tileRectangle, j);
         Random random  = new Random();
         int    randomI = random.Next(m_Size);
         int    randomJ = random.Next(m_Size);
         TileGrid.Children.RemoveAt(randomI * m_Size + randomJ);
         List <int> intList = new List <int>();
         for (int i = 1; i < (m_Size * m_Size); ++i)
         TileRectangle[] tileRectangleArray = new TileRectangle[m_Size * m_Size - 1];
         TileGrid.Children.CopyTo(tileRectangleArray, 0);
         foreach (TileRectangle tileRectangle in tileRectangleArray)
             TileTextBlock tileTextBlock = new TileTextBlock();
             tileTextBlock.Name   = "__" + tileRectangle.Row + "x" + tileRectangle.Column;
             tileTextBlock.Row    = tileRectangle.Row;
             tileTextBlock.Column = tileRectangle.Column;
             int index = random.Next(intList.Count);
             tileTextBlock.Text                = "" + intList[index];
             tileTextBlock.TextAlignment       = TextAlignment.Center;
             tileTextBlock.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
             tileTextBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
             Grid.SetRow(tileTextBlock, tileRectangle.Row);
             Grid.SetColumn(tileTextBlock, tileRectangle.Column);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Oops! There was an error! Please tell the developer: " + ex.Message, "Error");
 private void TileGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
         //get tile to manipulate if user makes a valid drag movement
         Point clickPoint    = e.GetPosition(TileGrid);
         int   clickedRow    = (int)Math.Floor(clickPoint.Y / 100);
         int   clickedColumn = (int)Math.Floor(clickPoint.X / 100);
         m_RectangleToMove = TileGrid.Children.OfType <TileRectangle>().First(t => t.Row == clickedRow && t.Column == clickedColumn);
         m_TextBlockToMove = TileGrid.Children.OfType <TileTextBlock>().First(t => t.Row == clickedRow && t.Column == clickedColumn);
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex.Message.Contains("Sequence contains no matching element"))
             //user did not click on a tile
             m_RectangleToMove = null;
             m_TextBlockToMove = null;
         MessageBox.Show("Oops! There was an error! Please tell the developer: " + ex.Message, "Error");
 private void TileGrid_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     try {
         if (m_RectangleToMove == null || m_TextBlockToMove == null) //user didn't start dragging a tile
         Point clickedPoint  = e.GetPosition(TileGrid);
         int   clickedRow    = (int)Math.Floor(clickedPoint.Y / 100);
         int   clickedColumn = (int)Math.Floor(clickedPoint.X / 100);
         if (clickedRow == m_RectangleToMove.Row && clickedColumn == m_RectangleToMove.Column) //don't move tile if it the user didn't drag to a different space
         int columnDistance = Math.Abs(clickedColumn - m_RectangleToMove.Column);
         int rowDistance    = Math.Abs(clickedRow - m_RectangleToMove.Row);
         if (rowDistance == columnDistance || rowDistance > 1 || columnDistance > 1) //don't move if the tile is not adjacent
         bool emptySpace = true;
         foreach (TileRectangle tileRectangle in TileGrid.Children.OfType <TileRectangle>())
             if (tileRectangle.Row == clickedRow && tileRectangle.Column == clickedColumn)
                 emptySpace = false; //don't move tile if there is a tile in the intended destination
         if (!emptySpace)
         Grid.SetRow(m_RectangleToMove, clickedRow);
         Grid.SetColumn(m_RectangleToMove, clickedColumn);
         m_RectangleToMove.Row    = clickedRow;
         m_RectangleToMove.Column = clickedColumn;
         Grid.SetRow(m_TextBlockToMove, clickedRow);
         Grid.SetColumn(m_TextBlockToMove, clickedColumn);
         m_TextBlockToMove.Row    = clickedRow;
         m_TextBlockToMove.Column = clickedColumn;
         if (m_TextBlockToMove.Row == m_Size - 1 && m_TextBlockToMove.Column == m_Size - 2) //the user placed the last item in the spot where the last item should go so check if everything is in order
             var enumer     = TileGrid.Children.OfType <TileTextBlock>().OrderBy(t => int.Parse(t.Text));
             int testRow    = 0;
             int testColumn = 0;
             foreach (var textBlock in enumer)
                 if (textBlock.Row == testRow && textBlock.Column == testColumn)
                     if (testColumn + 1 == m_Size)
                         testColumn = 0;
             //all tiles are in order, user won
             TextBlock winningText = new TextBlock();
             winningText.Text                = "You Won!";
             winningText.TextAlignment       = TextAlignment.Center;
             winningText.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
             winningText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
             winningText.Foreground          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
             Grid.SetRow(winningText, m_Size - 1);
             Grid.SetColumn(winningText, m_Size - 1);
         m_RectangleToMove = null;
         m_TextBlockToMove = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Oops! There was an error! Please tell the developer: " + ex.Message, "Error");