static void Main(string[] args) { Mastermind mastermind = new Mastermind(); mastermind.Run(); // RockPaperScissors rockgame = new RockPaperScissors(); // rockgame.Run(); // House house = new House(); // //Ask how many floors the house will have // Console.WriteLine("How many floors do you want?"); // house.floors = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // int countFloors = 1; // while (countFloors <= house.floors) // { // Console.WriteLine("How many rooms do you want on floor number {0} ?", countFloors); // house.rooms = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // //We have to count how many rooms the house will have // int countRooms = 1; // while (countRooms <= house.rooms) // { // Room room = new Room(); // Console.WriteLine("What color do you want room number {0} on floor {1} to be?", countRooms, countFloors); // room.color = Console.ReadLine(); // string response = string.Format("Your room color will be {0}", room.color); // Console.WriteLine(response); // countRooms++; // } // countFloors++; //} //Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Mastermind mastermind = new Mastermind(); mastermind.Run(); // RockPaperScissors rockgame = new RockPaperScissors(); // rockgame.Run(); // //get the name of the hood // Console.WriteLine("What u want yo hood to be called?"); // Land land = new Land(); // land.hoodName = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine("Your hood name be called {0}", land.hoodName); // Console.WriteLine("How many traps should {0} be having?", land.hoodName); // land.houses = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Console.WriteLine("so you saying u wanna have {0} many traps at this hood named {1}?", land.houses, land.hoodName); // int countHouse = 1; // int countFloor = 1; // int countRooms = 1; // while (countHouse <= land.houses) // { // House house = new House(); // Console.WriteLine("So in house {0}, how many floors do you want this trap to be?", countHouse); // house.floorNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Console.WriteLine("so you saying u wanna have {0} many floors at this pad", house.floorNum); // while (countFloor <= house.floorNum) // { // Console.WriteLine("How many rooms would you like?"); // house.rooms = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // string response = string.Format("Your house has {0} Rooms;", house.rooms); // Console.WriteLine(response); // while (countRooms <= house.rooms) // { // Room room = new Room(); // Console.WriteLine("what kind of room is room #{0}?", countRooms); // room.roomType = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine("what color is this room?"); // room.color = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine("what floor for this here room?"); // room.floorType = Console.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine("how many lights do you want in here?"); // room.lightFix = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Console.WriteLine("This room is a {0}, that is color {1}, with the {3} type floors, with {4} lighting fixtures.", room.roomType, room.color, room.floorType, room.lightFix); // countRooms++; // } // countFloor++; // } // } }