//Constructors ctor + Tab Tab #region Constructors static GSM() { iPhone4S = new GSM("iPhone 4S", "Apple", 1000.0m, "Person", new Battery(), new Display() { Size = 4, NumberOfColors = "16M" }); }
static void Main() { var gsm = new GSM("Nokia 3310", "Nokia", 234.5m, "Ivan"); Console.WriteLine(gsm); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { gsm.AddCall(new Call() { DailedPhoneNumber = "0001" + 1, Duration = (uint)((i + 1) * 10) } ); } Console.WriteLine(gsm.CalculateTotalCost(0.12m)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); var maxCall = new Call(); foreach (Call call in gsm.CallHistory) { Console.WriteLine(call); if (maxCall.Duration < call.Duration) { maxCall = call; } } gsm.DeleteCall(maxCall); Console.WriteLine(gsm.CalculateTotalCost(0.12m)); }
static void Main() { GSM mobilePhone = new GSM(); mobilePhone.Manufacturer = "Nokia"; Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer: {0}", mobilePhone.Manufacturer); mobilePhone.Model = "Lumia 925"; Console.WriteLine("Model: {0}", mobilePhone.Model); mobilePhone.Price = 540.56M; Console.WriteLine("Price: {0}", mobilePhone.Price); mobilePhone.Owner = "Mitko"; Console.WriteLine("Owner: {0}", mobilePhone.Owner); mobilePhone.Battery.BatteryModel = "Nokia Batery"; Console.WriteLine("Battery Model: {0}", mobilePhone.Battery.BatteryModel); mobilePhone.Battery.HoursIdle = 10; Console.WriteLine("Hours idle: {0}", mobilePhone.Battery.HoursIdle); mobilePhone.Battery.HoursTalk = 5; Console.WriteLine("Hours talk: {0}", mobilePhone.Battery.HoursTalk); mobilePhone.Display.Size = 5.2; Console.WriteLine("Display size: {0}", mobilePhone.Display.Size); mobilePhone.Display.NumberOfColors = 256000000; Console.WriteLine("Number of colors: {0}", mobilePhone.Display.NumberOfColors); Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void PrintGSMGenerator(GSM[] mobiles) { foreach (var gsm in mobiles) { Console.WriteLine(gsm.ToString()); } }
public static GSM[] GeneratorGSM(int numberGSMs) { GSM[] gsms = new GSM[numberGSMs]; for (int i = 0; i < numberGSMs; i++) { int manufacturerIndex = gsmRandom.Next(0, 9); gsms[i] = new GSM(models[gsmRandom.Next(models.GetLength(0)), manufacturerIndex], (Manufacturer)manufacturerIndex, gsmRandom.Next(6, 2100), owners[gsmRandom.Next(0, owners.Length)], displays[gsmRandom.Next(0, displays.Length)], batteries[gsmRandom.Next(0, batteries.Length)]); } return(gsms); }
public static GSM[] GeneratorGSM(int numberGSMs) { GSM[] gsms = new GSM[numberGSMs]; for (int i = 0; i < numberGSMs; i++) { int manufacturerIndex = gsmRandom.Next(0, 9); gsms[i] = new GSM(models[gsmRandom.Next(models.GetLength(0)),manufacturerIndex], (Manufacturer)manufacturerIndex, gsmRandom.Next(6,2100), owners[gsmRandom.Next(0,owners.Length)], displays[gsmRandom.Next(0,displays.Length)], batteries[gsmRandom.Next(0,batteries.Length)]); } return gsms; }
static void Main() { //Print the Iphone4S Static GSMTest.PrintIphone4S(); GSM my = new GSM("Model", Manufacturer.APPLE, 1000.00); Console.WriteLine(my.ToString()); // Test the mobile phones specifics, you can change the number of GSM-s from the number in method GeneratorGSM() GSMTest.PrintGSMGenerator(GSMTest.GeneratorGSM(6)); //Problem 12 Solved GSMCallHistoryTest.AddTestCallsInHistory(); // Add definited calls from array into the List<Calls> GSMCallHistoryTest.DisplayCalltestHistory(); // Print the call history for the moment Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); GSMCallHistoryTest.CalculateAndPrintTestcallsPrice(); // Calculate and print the price of all calls in the List<Calls) with fixed price 0.37 Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("The longest call is removing..."); GSMCallHistoryTest.RemoveLongestCall(); // Remove the longest call from the List<Calls> Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("After the longest call was removed:"); Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); GSMCallHistoryTest.CalculateAndPrintTestcallsPrice(); // Calculate and print the price of all calls in the List<Calls) with fixed price 0.37 Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); // after the removing longest call GSMCallHistoryTest.DisplayCalltestHistory(); // Print call history Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("Now the phone calls are clearing from the history..."); GSMCallHistoryTest.testGSM.ClearCallHistory(); // Clear data history Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); GSMCallHistoryTest.DisplayCalltestHistory(); // Print empty history Console.WriteLine("WELL DONE\n"); }
static void Main() { DateTime date1 = new DateTime(1994, 12, 25, 18, 36, 45); DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2005, 11, 12, 21, 30, 40); DateTime date3 = new DateTime(2012, 10, 9, 20, 30, 38); DateTime date4 = new DateTime(2015, 1, 9, 21, 38, 31); GSM newGSM = new GSM("Galaxy Dous", "Samsung", "Ivan", 450, 5, 16000, BatteryTypes.LiIon, 2000, 150); newGSM.AddCall(GSM.callHistory, new Calls(date1, "0888999987", 123)); newGSM.AddCall(GSM.callHistory, new Calls(date2, "0888999988", 143)); newGSM.AddCall(GSM.callHistory, new Calls(date1, "0888988987", 153)); newGSM.AddCall(GSM.callHistory, new Calls(date1, "0888987988", 163)); for (int i = 0; i < newGSM.CallHistory.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(newGSM.CallHistory[i].ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The price is {0:F2} leva. ", newGSM.CallPrice(newGSM.CallHistory, 0.37)); int tmpSeconds = int.MinValue; Calls tmpCall = new Calls(); foreach (Calls Call in newGSM.CallHistory) { if (Call.Duration > tmpSeconds) { tmpCall = Call; } } newGSM.DeleteCall(GSM.callHistory, tmpCall); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The new price is {0:F2} leva. ", newGSM.CallPrice(newGSM.CallHistory, 0.37)); newGSM.ClearHistory(GSM.callHistory); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < newGSM.CallHistory.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(newGSM.CallHistory[i].ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("The list is empty so nothing is going to show. "); }
static void Main() { GSM phone = new GSM("Nokia 3310", "Nokia", 999.01m, "PacoGaroPenio"); phone.AddCall(new Call(11)); phone.AddCall(new Call(1511)); phone.AddCall(new Call(123)); Console.WriteLine(phone.CalculateTotalPrice(0.37m)); phone.RemoveCall(new Call(1511)); Console.WriteLine("Total Price after removing: {0}", phone.CalculateTotalPrice(0.37m)); phone.ClearCalls(); Console.WriteLine("Total Price after clearing: {0}", phone.CalculateTotalPrice(0.37m)); }