// real positions // first take away center offset - half bounds of mesh //float3 halfBounds = 0.5f * model.size.ToFloat3(); // Debug.LogError("model.size: " + model.size + ", halfBounds: " + (halfBounds / 16f)); // Debug.LogError("min: " + min + ", max: " + max + ", addition: " + addition); /*for (int i = 0; i < bodyLayer.realPositions.Count; i++) * { * bodyLayer.realPositions[i] += addition.ToFloat3(); * bodyLayer.realPositions[i] -= halfBounds; * bodyLayer.realPositions[i] = new float3( * bodyLayer.realPositions[i].x / ((float)model.size.x), * bodyLayer.realPositions[i].y / ((float)model.size.y), * bodyLayer.realPositions[i].z / ((float)model.size.z) * ); * //Debug.LogError("Offset is: " + bodyLayer.positions[i] + " and real: " + bodyLayer.realPositions[i]); * }*/ bool AddChildren(ref Equipment equipment, ref VoxBuildLayer bodyLayer, ref VoxBuildLayer gearLayer, VoxOperation lastOperation, Item parentBodyPart, int bodyIndex, int3 position) { // for all female slots, find an empty one if it is the slot of our male one var parentModel = meta[parentBodyPart.id].model.data; // get the part im attached to for (int j = 0; j < parentBodyPart.femaleSlots.Length; j++) { var femaleSlot = parentBodyPart.femaleSlots[j]; byte femaleModifier = 0; if (j < parentBodyPart.femaleModifiers.Length) { femaleModifier = parentBodyPart.femaleModifiers[j]; } int3 femaleOffset = int3.Zero(); if (j < parentBodyPart.femaleOffsets.Length) { femaleOffset = parentBodyPart.femaleOffsets[j]; } // find child index - bodyIndex is childIndex for (int k = 0; k < equipment.body.Length; k++) { var attachedBodyPart = equipment.body[k]; if (bodyIndex != k && attachedBodyPart.bodyIndex == bodyIndex && attachedBodyPart.slotIndex == j && meta.ContainsKey(attachedBodyPart.data.id)) { var attachItem = attachedBodyPart.data; var maleSlot = attachItem.maleSlot; if (maleSlot.id == femaleSlot.id) { var attachedModel = meta[attachItem.id].model.data; // new part adding to body var operation = lastOperation; if (((VoxOperation)femaleModifier) != VoxOperation.None) { operation = ((VoxOperation)femaleModifier); } int3 offset = position; // using axis, calculate position offset if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Bottom)) { offset += new int3(0, -attachedModel.size.y, 0); offset.x += (parentModel.size.x - attachedModel.size.x) / 2; offset.z += (parentModel.size.z - attachedModel.size.z) / 2; } else if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Top)) { offset += new int3(0, parentModel.size.y, 0); offset.x += (parentModel.size.x - attachedModel.size.x) / 2; offset.z += (parentModel.size.z - attachedModel.size.z) / 2; } else if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Left)) { offset.y += (parentModel.size.y - attachedModel.size.y) / 2; offset.z += (parentModel.size.z - attachedModel.size.z) / 2; if (operation == VoxOperation.FlipX) { offset += new int3(parentModel.size.x, 0, 0); } else { offset += new int3(-attachedModel.size.x, 0, 0); } } else if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Right)) { offset.y += (parentModel.size.y - attachedModel.size.y) / 2; offset.z += (parentModel.size.z - attachedModel.size.z) / 2; if (operation == VoxOperation.FlipX) { offset += new int3(-attachedModel.size.x, 0, 0); } else { offset += new int3(parentModel.size.x, 0, 0); } } // done if (operation == VoxOperation.FlipX) { offset += new int3(-attachItem.offset.x, attachItem.offset.y, attachItem.offset.z); offset += new int3(-femaleOffset.x, femaleOffset.y, femaleOffset.z); } else { offset += attachItem.offset; offset += femaleOffset; //Debug.LogError("Norm: Offsetting model by: " + (femaleOffset.x)); if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Bottom) || femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Top)) { offset += new int3((attachedModel.size.x % 2), 0, (attachedModel.size.z % 2)); offset += new int3((parentModel.size.x % 2), 0, (parentModel.size.z % 2)); } } int3 bonePosition = offset; if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Bottom) || femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Top)) { bonePosition.x += attachedModel.size.x / 2; bonePosition.z += attachedModel.size.z / 2; } else if (femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Left) || femaleSlot.axis == ((byte)SlotAxis.Right)) { bonePosition.y += attachedModel.size.y / 2; bonePosition.z += attachedModel.size.z / 2; if (operation == VoxOperation.FlipX) { bonePosition.x += attachedModel.size.x; } } if (femaleSlot.layer == 0) { bodyLayer.voxes.Add(attachedModel); bodyLayer.positions.Add(offset); bodyLayer.operations.Add(operation); bodyLayer.axes.Add(femaleSlot.axis); bodyLayer.parents.Add(bodyIndex); bodyLayer.bonePositions.Add(bonePosition); } else { gearLayer.voxes.Add(attachedModel); gearLayer.positions.Add(offset); gearLayer.operations.Add(operation); gearLayer.axes.Add(femaleSlot.axis); gearLayer.parents.Add(bodyIndex); gearLayer.bonePositions.Add(bonePosition); } if (!AddChildren(ref equipment, ref bodyLayer, ref gearLayer, operation, attachItem, k, offset)) { return(false); } break; } } } } return(true); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithAll <Equipment>().ForEach((Entity e, ref Equipment equipment) => { if (equipment.dirty == 1) { equipment.dirty = 0; // get VoxData of the character stored in world system VoxData model = new VoxData { id = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID() }; // make this part of equipment //var voxes = new List<VoxData>(); //var positions = new List<int3>(); // after added them all, offset all positions by min, also get max to use as size //var operations = new List<VoxOperation>(); var bodyLayer = new VoxBuildLayer(); bodyLayer.Init(); var gearLayer = new VoxBuildLayer(); gearLayer.Init(); for (int i = 0; i < equipment.body.Length; i++) { // first find core // then for its meta // find any children of that core // then loop for them // different merge function for each axis enum + the offset of the slot var core = equipment.body[i].data; if (meta.ContainsKey(core.id)) { if (core.maleSlot.id == 0) { var coreDatam = meta[core.id]; //Debug.LogError("Adding Core"); bodyLayer.voxes.Add(coreDatam.model.data); bodyLayer.positions.Add(int3.Zero()); bodyLayer.operations.Add(VoxOperation.None); bodyLayer.parents.Add(-1); bodyLayer.bonePositions.Add(coreDatam.model.data.size / 2); bodyLayer.axes.Add((byte)SlotAxis.Center); //float3 realPosition = coreDatam.model.data.size.ToFloat3()/2f; //bodyLayer.realPositions.Add(realPosition); AddChildren(ref equipment, ref bodyLayer, ref gearLayer, //ref voxes, ref positions, ref operations, VoxOperation.None, core, i, int3.Zero()); break; } } } // combine voxes var combinedVoxes = new List <VoxData>(); combinedVoxes.AddRange(bodyLayer.voxes); combinedVoxes.AddRange(gearLayer.voxes); var combinedPositions = new List <int3>(); combinedPositions.AddRange(bodyLayer.positions); combinedPositions.AddRange(gearLayer.positions); int3 size = VoxData.GetSize(combinedVoxes, combinedPositions); int3 min; int3 max; VoxData.CalculateMinMax(combinedVoxes, combinedPositions, out min, out max); int3 addition = VoxData.CalculateAddition(min, max); bodyLayer.positions = VoxData.FixPositions(bodyLayer.positions, addition); gearLayer.positions = VoxData.FixPositions(gearLayer.positions, addition); model.Build(bodyLayer, gearLayer, size); // updates body model using this new vox data float3 bodySize = model.GetSize(); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, new Body { size = bodySize }); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); worldBound.size = bodySize; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, worldBound); // this can be done in equip system int id = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e).id; //Debug.LogError("Equipment Mesh updated for: " + id); WorldSpawnSystem.QueueUpdateModel(World.EntityManager, e, id, model); if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Skeleton>(e)) { var skeleton = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Skeleton>(e); //skeleton.SetBody(model.size, bodyLayer.positions, bodyLayer.voxes); combinedPositions = VoxData.FixPositions(combinedPositions, addition); bodyLayer.bonePositions = VoxData.FixPositions(bodyLayer.bonePositions, addition); skeleton.SetBody(model.size, combinedPositions, combinedVoxes); skeleton.SetBones(World.EntityManager, e, bodyLayer.positions.ToArray(), bodyLayer.voxes.ToArray(), bodyLayer.bonePositions.ToArray(), bodyLayer.parents.ToArray(), bodyLayer.axes.ToArray()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, skeleton); } } }); }
private bool SetCharacter(Entity entity, int id, bool isLoadingPlayer, Entity world, int metaID, int classID, int clanID, float3 position, int creatorID = 0) { if (!World.EntityManager.Exists(world)) { Debug.LogError("Cannot spawn character into a non existing world."); return(false); } if (!World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Voxels.World>(world)) { Debug.LogError("Cannot spawn character into a world without a component."); return(false); } if (characters.ContainsKey(id) == true) { return(false); } characters.Add(id, entity); if (!meta.ContainsKey(metaID)) { Debug.LogError("Meta not contained: " + metaID); return(false); } CharacterDatam characterDatam = meta[metaID]; // ZOXID World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new ZoxID { id = id, clanID = clanID, creatorID = creatorID }); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Character { metaID = metaID }); // WORLD BINDING int3 voxelDimensions = new int3(16, 64, 16); // float3.zero; if (worldSpawnSystem != null) { voxelDimensions = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Voxels.World>(world).voxelDimensions; } // TRANSFORMS World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Translation { Value = position }); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Rotation { Value = quaternion.identity }); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new NonUniformScale { Value = new float3(1, 1, 1) }); // RENDERING World.EntityManager.SetSharedComponentData(entity, new RenderMesh { material = Bootstrap.GetVoxelMaterial(), mesh = new Mesh(), castShadows = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On, receiveShadows = true }); float3 bodySize = new float3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); if (characterDatam.vox != null && !isLoadingPlayer) { bodySize = characterDatam.vox.data.GetSize(); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Body { size = bodySize }); // this can be done in equip system WorldSpawnSystem.QueueUpdateModel(World.EntityManager, entity, id, characterDatam.vox.data); } World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new WorldBound { size = bodySize, world = world, voxelDimensions = voxelDimensions }); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, characterDatam.stats.Clone()); // Physics World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new BodyInnerForce { movementForce = characterDatam.movementSpeed, movementTorque = characterDatam.turnSpeed, maxVelocity = characterDatam.maxVelocity }); // combat stuff World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Targeter { Value = characterDatam.behaviour.Value.seek }); if (!isLoadingPlayer) { if (classID != 0) { GiveClassSkills(id, classMeta[classID]); } else if (characterDatam.defaultClass) { GiveClassSkills(id, characterDatam.defaultClass); } } Equipment equipment = new Equipment { }; if (!isLoadingPlayer) { equipment.EquipBody(characterDatam.body); equipment.EquipGear(characterDatam.gear); } World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, equipment); return(true); }