public void InitializeSkills(Entity e, Skills skills) { RemoveSkills(e); if (skills.selectedSkillIndex < 0 || skills.selectedSkillIndex >= skills.skills.Length) { //Debug.LogError("Selected skill index out of range: " + skills.selectedSkillIndex + " out of " + skills.skills.Length); return; } SkillData datim = skills.skills[skills.selectedSkillIndex]; SkillDatam datum = meta[]; if (datum.Value.attackType == 1) { AddMeleeAttack(e, datum); } else if (datum.bullet != null) { AddShooter(e, datum); } else { if (datum.turret != null || != null || datum.voxel != null) { AddCaster(e); } } }
private void SpawnMonster(Entity e, SkillDatam datam) { if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <CharacterRaycaster>(e) == false) { return; } int monsterID =; ZoxID zoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e); CharacterRaycaster caster = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharacterRaycaster>(e); WorldBound worldBound = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <WorldBound>(e); if (caster.DidCast() == 1) { ZoxID stats = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e); //caster.triggered = 1; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, caster); int clanID = stats.clanID; if (datam.Value.isSpawnHostile == 1) { clanID = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID(); } CharacterSpawnSystem.SpawnNPC(World.EntityManager,, monsterID, clanID, caster.voxelPosition,; /*if (datam.Value.isSpawnHostile != 1) * { * Entity npc = characterSpawnSystem.characters[spawnedID]; * ZoxID spawnedZoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<ZoxID>(npc); * spawnedZoxID.creatorID =; * World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(npc, spawnedZoxID); * }*/ AudioManager.instance.PlaySound(, caster.voxelPosition); //Debug.LogError("Spawning Turret at: " + caster.voxelPosition.ToString()); } }
private void AddMeleeAttack(Entity e, SkillDatam datum) { if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <MeleeAttack>(e) == false) { //Debug.Log("Adding MElee Component"); World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, new MeleeAttack { attackDamage = datum.Value.attackDamage, attackCooldown = datum.Value.attackSpeed }); } }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithAll <ZoxID, Skills>().ForEach((Entity e, ref ZoxID zoxID, ref Skills skills) => // , ref RenderMesh renderer { if (skills.updated == 1) { skills.updated = 0; // update skills icons actionbarSpawnSystem.SetSlotPosition(, skills.selectedSkillIndex); // turn off or on raycasting // change crosshair for skill // change character animation InitializeSkills(e, skills); } if (skills.triggered == 1) { skills.triggered = 0; if (skills.skills.Length == 0) { return; // no skill to activate } // activate the skills SkillData datim = skills.skills[skills.selectedSkillIndex]; SkillDatam datum = meta[]; if (datum.Value.attackType == 1) { // trigger melee attack here // ai should trigger the skills component ActivateMeleeAttack(e, ref skills); } else if (datum.bullet != null) { ShootBullet(datum, e); } else if (datum.turret != null) { SpawnTurret(e, 0); } else if ( != null) { SpawnMonster(e, datum); } else if (datum.voxel != null) { SpawnVoxel(e, datum.voxel); } } }); }
private void ShootBullet(SkillDatam skillDatam, Entity e) { if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Shooter>(e) == false) { return; } Shooter shooter = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Shooter>(e); if (shooter.CanTrigger(UnityEngine.Time.time)) { shooter.triggered = 1; Entity camera; if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <CameraLink>(e)) { camera = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CameraLink>(e).camera; } else { camera = new Entity(); } if (World.EntityManager.Exists(camera)) { //GameObject shooterCamera = CameraSystem.cameraObjects[cameraID]; //Debug.LogError("Shooting with camera: " +; float3 position = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(camera).Value; quaternion rotation = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(camera).Value; shooter.shootPosition = position + math.rotate(rotation, new float3(0, 0, 0.1f)); // shooterCamera.transform.position + shooterCamera.transform.forward * 0.1f;//aimer.originalPosition + math.mul(aimer.targetRotation, new float3(0, 0, 0.19f + 0.2f)); shooter.shootRotation = rotation; // shooterCamera.transform.rotation; } else { Translation translation = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(e); Rotation rotation = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Rotation>(e); shooter.shootPosition = translation.Value;//aimer.originalPosition + math.mul(aimer.targetRotation, new float3(0, 0, 0.19f + 0.2f)); Targeter targeter = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Targeter>(e); float3 normalBetween = math.normalizesafe(targeter.nearbyCharacter.position - translation.Value); quaternion targetAngle = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(normalBetween, math.up()); //rotation.Value = QuaternionHelpers.slerpSafe(rotation.Value, targetAngle, mover.turnSpeed); shooter.shootRotation = targetAngle; // rotation.Value; //Debug.LogError("Shoot Camera ID is 0."); } AudioManager.instance.PlaySound(, shooter.shootPosition); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, shooter); //Debug.LogError("Shooting Bullet from: " + shooter.shootPosition); } }
private void AddShooter(Entity e, SkillDatam datum) { //Debug.Log("Adding SHooter Component"); if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent <Shooter>(e) == false) { /*int cameraID = 0; * if (World.EntityManager.HasComponent<Controller>(e)) * { * cameraID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<Controller>(e).cameraID; * }*/ World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, new Shooter { attackForce = datum.Value.attackForce, // get this from stats! attackDamage = datum.Value.attackDamage, bulletMetaID = //, // cameraID = cameraID }); } }