/// <summary> /// 放入垃圾箱-1删除,0收件删除,1发件删除,2:标为已读 /// </summary> public bool DropByids(string ids, int flag = 0) { string sqlStr = ""; switch (flag) { case 0: sqlStr = "Update " + strTableName + " Set Status=1,IsDelInBox=1 Where MsgID in({0})"; break; case 1: sqlStr = "Update " + strTableName + " Set IsDelSendbox=1 Where MsgID in({0})"; break; case -1: sqlStr = "Update " + strTableName + " Set Status=-1 Where MsgID in({0})"; break; default: break; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); sqlStr = string.Format(sqlStr, ids); return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlStr)); }
public void UpdateStatus(string cmd, string ids) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return; } int status = 1; switch (cmd) { case "stop": status = 0; break; case "back": status = -1; break; case "normal": status = 1; break; } SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); DBCenter.UpdateSQL(strTableName, "isAudit=" + status, PK + " IN(" + ids + ")"); }
/// <summary> /// 筛选用户商品,并更新购物车表信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="cartid">PC下为Cookies值,APP中为用户ID,用于简化逻辑</param> /// <param name="proclass">类别</param> public DataTable SelByCartID(string cartid, int uid, int proClass, string ids = "") { //UpdateUidByCartID(cartid,uid); string fields = " A.*,B.LinPrice,B.PointVal,B.Thumbnails,B.ProClass,B.ProUnit,B.Allowed,B.Stock,B.FarePrice,B.LinPrice_Json,B.ParentID "; string where = ""; SqlParameter[] sp = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("cartid", cartid) }; if (uid > 0) { where = " (A.Cartid=@cartid OR A.UserID=" + uid + ")"; } else { where = " A.Cartid=@cartid"; } //-------------------------------------- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); where += " AND A.ID IN (" + ids + ")"; } if (proClass != -100) { where += " AND B.ProClass=" + proClass; } string sql = "SELECT " + fields + " FROM ZL_Cart A LEFT JOIN ZL_Commodities B ON A.ProID=B.ID WHERE " + where; //自营商品,店铺商品 DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, sp); return(dt); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE TemplateID IN (" + ids + ") AND Userid!=0"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + TbName + " WHERE ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public DataTable SelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, sql)); }
public void RemoveByIDS(string ids, int strid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update ZL_User Set StructureID=REPLACE(StructureID,'," + strid + ",','') Where UserID in(" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql); }
public static bool DelByIds(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string strsql = "DELETE FROM ZL_Grade WHERE GradeID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(strsql)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改状态(带条件) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool UpDateStatus(string ids, int value, string wherestr = "") { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "UPDATE " + TbName + " SET Auditing=" + value + " WHERE Noteid IN (" + ids + ")" + wherestr; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool UpdateByPaperID(string ids, int paperid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update " + strTableName + " SET Paper_ID=0 WHERE Paper_Id=" + paperid + " Update " + strTableName + " SET Paper_Id=" + paperid + " WHERE p_id IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public void DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE " + PK + " IN(" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); }
public void U_DelByIDS(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + strTableName + " WHERE " + PK + " IN(" + ids + ")" + " AND UserID=" + uid; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); }
/// <summary> /// 批量将邮件设为已阅读 /// </summary> public void UnreadToRead(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update ZL_Message Set ReadUser=ReadUser+'," + uid + ",' Where msgid in (" + ids + ") And ReadUser not like '%," + uid + ",%'"; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); }
public bool ReFromDraft(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update " + strTableName + " Set SaveData=0 Where MsgID in(" + ids + ") Where Sender=" + uid; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool DelByUid(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Delete From " + TbName + " Where ID in(" + ids + ") And UserID=" + uid; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public DataTable Search(string ztype, string ids, string remind, int status, int uid) { List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>(); string where = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ztype)) { where += " AND A.ZType=@ztype"; sp.Add(new SqlParameter("ztype", ztype)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remind)) { where += " AND A.Remind=@remind"; sp.Add(new SqlParameter("remind", remind)); } if (status != -100) { where += " AND A.Status=" + status; } if (uid > 0) { where += " AND A.UserID=" + uid; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); where += " AND A.ID IN (" + ids + ")"; } return(DBCenter.JoinQuery("A.*,B.UserFace", TbName, "ZL_User_PlatView", "A.UserID=B.UserID", where, "A.ID DESC", sp.ToArray())); }
public DataTable GetSelectNodeANDRid(int Nodeid, string roleIDS) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(roleIDS); string sqlstr = "select * from ZL_NodeRole where NID=" + Nodeid + " and RID in (" + roleIDS + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, sqlstr)); }
public PageSetting SelPage(int cpage, int psize, string ztype = "", string ids = "", string remind = "", int status = -100, int uid = 0) { string where = "1=1 "; List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ztype)) { where += " AND A.ZType=@ztype"; sp.Add(new SqlParameter("ztype", ztype)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); where += " AND A.ID IN (" + ids + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remind)) { where += " AND A.Remind=@remind"; sp.Add(new SqlParameter("remind", remind)); } if (status != -100) { where += " AND A.Status=" + status; } if (uid > 0) { where += " AND A.UserID=" + uid; } PageSetting setting = PageSetting.Single(cpage, psize, TbName, PK, where, PK + " DESC", sp); DBCenter.SelPage(setting); return(setting); }
public DataTable SelUFaceByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Select UserID,TrueName,UserFace From " + TbView + " Where UserID IN(" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, sql)); }
public bool UpdatePidByIDS(string ids, int id) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "UPDATE " + strTableName + " SET Pid=" + id + " WHERE SpecID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// 设置隐藏 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool ChangeStatus(string ids, int istrue) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "UPDATE " + strTableName + " SET IsTrue=" + istrue + " WHERE TemplateID IN (" + ids + ") AND Userid!=0"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public void RealDelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM " + TbName + " WHERE PaymentID IN (" + ids + ")"; SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); }
public bool SetEnableByIds(string ids, int flag) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Update " + strTableName + " SET IsTrue=" + flag + " WHERE PageNodeid IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "Delete From [dbo].[ZL_UserRecei] Where ID IN (" + ids + ")"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public bool DeleteBylist(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sqlStr = "delete from ZL_Manufacturers where (id in (" + ids + "))"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlStr, null)); }
public static bool DelByIDS(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sql = "DELETE FROM ZL_GuestBook WHERE GID IN (" + ids + ")"; DBCenter.DB.ExecuteNonQuery(new SqlModel(sql, null)); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 根据类型读取指定编号订单 /// </summary> public DataTable GetOrderbyOrderNo(string OrderNo, string type) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(type); SqlParameter[] sp = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OrderNo", OrderNo) }; string strSql = "select * from ZL_Orderinfo where OrderNo = @OrderNo AND Ordertype in(" + type + ") order by(id) desc"; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, strSql, sp)); }
/// <summary> /// 恢复收件箱,发件箱 /// </summary> public bool ReFromRecycle(string ids, int uid) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string suid = "'," + uid + ",'"; string sql = "Update " + strTableName + " Set DelIDS=REPLACE(REPLACE(DelIDS," + suid + ",','),',,',',') Where MsgID in(" + ids + ")";//将用户的ID从DelIDS中移除,并且将,,替换为,保持格式正常 return(SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql)); }
public DataTable GetOrderbyOrderlist(string ids) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); string sqlStr = "select * from ZL_Orderinfo where id in (" + ids + ") order by(id) desc"; //string sqlStr = "select PaymentNum from zl_payment where paymentid=" + idlist; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, sqlStr, null)); }
/// <summary> /// 更改管理员锁定状态(不包含超管) /// </summary> /// <param name="ids"></param> /// <param name="islock">true:1锁定</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool LockAdmin(string ids, bool islock) { SafeSC.CheckIDSEx(ids); int isLocked = islock ? 1 : 0; DBCenter.UpdateSQL(tbName, "IsLock=" + isLocked, "AdminID IN(" + ids + ") AND AdminID!=1", null); return(true); }