internal SerializableConditionalExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { Test = SerializableExpression.FromStream(binReader, ctx, iftFactory); IfTrue = SerializableExpression.FromStream(binReader, ctx, iftFactory); IfFalse = SerializableExpression.FromStream(binReader, ctx, iftFactory); }
internal static SerializableMemberInfo FromStream(ZetboxStreamReader binReader) { var type = binReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case 0: return(new SerializableMemberInfo() { Name = binReader.ReadString(), Type = binReader.ReadSerializableType(), }); case 1: return(new SerializableConstructorInfo() { Name = binReader.ReadString(), Type = binReader.ReadSerializableType(), ParameterTypes = SerializableExpression.ReadTypeArray(binReader) }); default: throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("unrecognized SerializableMemberInfoType [{0}]", type)); } }
internal SerializableConstantExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { object val; binReader.Read(out val, Type); Value = val; }
/// <summary> /// reads a CompoundObject from the specified stream. Since CompoundObject have no /// own identity the ParentObject has to be constructed somewhere else /// using external means, e.g. by examining the position in the stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="sr">the stream to read from</param> public virtual IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(ZetboxStreamReader sr) { if (sr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sr"); } return(null); }
internal SerializableCompoundExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { var children = new List <SerializableExpression>(); while (binReader.ReadBoolean()) { children.Add(SerializableExpression.FromStream(binReader, ctx, iftFactory)); } this.Children = children.ToArray(); }
internal SerializableNewExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { Constructor = (SerializableConstructorInfo)SerializableMemberInfo.FromStream(binReader); var members = new List <SerializableMemberInfo>(); while (binReader.ReadBoolean()) { members.Add(SerializableMemberInfo.FromStream(binReader)); } this.Members = members.ToArray(); }
internal SerializableExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) { this.iftFactory = iftFactory; SerializableType t; binReader.Read(out t); this.SerializableType = t; int nt; binReader.Read(out nt); NodeType = nt; }
/// <summary> /// Base method for deserializing this Object. /// </summary> /// <param name="sr">Stream to serialize from</param> public virtual IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(ZetboxStreamReader sr) { if (sr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sr"); } if (this.IsAttached) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Deserializing attached objects is not allowed"); } sr.ReadConverter(i => this.ID = i); return(null); }
internal SerializableMethodCallExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { var hasObject = binReader.ReadBoolean(); if (hasObject) { ObjectExpression = SerializableExpression.FromStream(binReader, ctx, iftFactory); } MethodName = binReader.ReadString(); SerializableMethodType = binReader.ReadSerializableType(); ParameterTypes = ReadTypeArray(binReader); GenericArguments = ReadTypeArray(binReader); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._fk_DefaultPropertyViewModelDescriptor = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { ((Zetbox.App.Calendar.DayOfWeekCalendarRule) this).DayOfWeek = (Zetbox.App.Base.DayOfWeek)binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { Inputs_was_eagerLoaded = binStream.ReadBoolean(); binStream.Read(out this._fk_ReferencedClass); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
internal static SerializableExpression FromStream(ZetboxStreamReader binStream, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) { var type = (SerializableExpressionType)binStream.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case SerializableExpressionType.Binary: return(new SerializableBinaryExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Unary: return(new SerializableUnaryExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Constant: return(new SerializableConstantExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Member: return(new SerializableMemberExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.MethodCall: return(new SerializableMethodCallExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Lambda: return(new SerializableLambdaExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Parameter: var parameterGuid = new Guid(binStream.ReadString()); if (ctx.Parameter.ContainsKey(parameterGuid)) { return(ctx.Parameter[parameterGuid]); } else { return(ctx.Parameter[parameterGuid] = new SerializableParameterExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory, parameterGuid)); } case SerializableExpressionType.New: return(new SerializableNewExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); case SerializableExpressionType.Conditional: return(new SerializableConditionalExpression(binStream, ctx, iftFactory)); default: throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unknown SerializableExpressionType encountered: [{0}]", type)); } }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this.Proxy.EagerLoading = binStream.ReadBoolean(); this.Proxy.IsInlineEditable = binStream.ReadNullableBoolean(); binStream.Read(out this._fk_RelationEnd); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this.Proxy.Description = binStream.ReadString(); binStream.Read(out this._fk_Method); binStream.Read(out this._fk_Property); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { binStream.Read(out this._fk_OneEnd); this.Proxy.NEnds_pos = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this.Proxy.OtherInt = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { binStream.Read(out this._fk_CompoundObjectDefinition); this.Proxy.HasPersistentOrder = binStream.ReadBoolean(); this.Proxy.IsList = binStream.ReadBoolean(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { binStream.Read(out this._fk_DisplayedTypeAssembly); this._DisplayedTypeFullName = binStream.ReadString(); this._DisplayName = binStream.ReadString(); binStream.Read(out this._fk_VisualTree); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._MyIntProperty = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); binStream.Read(out this._fk_ObjectProp); this._StringProp = binStream.ReadString(); ((Zetbox.App.Test.TestObjClass) this).TestEnumProp = (Zetbox.App.Test.TestEnum)binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._Destination = binStream.ReadString(); this._DestinationRows = binStream.ReadInt32(); this._Source = binStream.ReadString(); this._SourceRows = binStream.ReadInt32(); this._Timestamp = binStream.ReadDateTime(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._Frage = binStream.ReadString(); this._fk_Fragebogen = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._gute_Antworten_pos = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._FragenNummer = binStream.ReadInt32(); this._GegebeneAntwort = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._HasPersistentOrder = binStream.ReadBoolean(); this._ImplementorRoleName = binStream.ReadString(); this._IsList = binStream.ReadBoolean(); this._ItemRoleName = binStream.ReadString(); this._fk_ReferencedObjectClass = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._Verb = binStream.ReadString(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._TestBool = binStream.ReadNullableBoolean(); this._fk_TestCustomObjects_Nav = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._fk_TestCustomObjects_One_Nav = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._TestDateTime = binStream.ReadNullableDateTime(); ((Zetbox.App.Test.Muhblah) this).TestEnum = (Zetbox.App.Test.TestEnum)binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._TestString = binStream.ReadString(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._fk_FalseIcon = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._FalseLabel = binStream.ReadString(); this._fk_NullIcon = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._NullLabel = binStream.ReadString(); this._fk_TrueIcon = binStream.ReadNullableInt32(); this._TrueLabel = binStream.ReadString(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this.Proxy.Date = binStream.ReadDateTime(); this.Proxy.Exception = binStream.ReadString(); this.Proxy.Level = binStream.ReadString(); this.Proxy.Logger = binStream.ReadString(); this.Proxy.Message = binStream.ReadString(); this.Proxy.Thread = binStream.ReadString(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
public override IEnumerable <IPersistenceObject> FromStream(Zetbox.API.ZetboxStreamReader binStream) { var baseResult = base.FromStream(binStream); var result = new List <IPersistenceObject>(); // it may be only an empty shell to stand-in for unreadable data if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) { this._isExportGuidSet = binStream.ReadBoolean(); if (this._isExportGuidSet) { this._ExportGuid = binStream.ReadGuid(); } binStream.Read(out this._fk_Module); this._Name = binStream.ReadString(); } // if (CurrentAccessRights != Zetbox.API.AccessRights.None) return(baseResult == null ? result.Count == 0 ? null : result : baseResult.Concat(result)); }
internal SerializableLambdaExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { }
internal SerializableMemberExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { MemberName = binReader.ReadString(); }
internal SerializableParameterExpression(ZetboxStreamReader binReader, StreamSerializationContext ctx, InterfaceType.Factory iftFactory, Guid parameterGuid) : base(binReader, ctx, iftFactory) { this.Name = binReader.ReadString(); this.Guid = parameterGuid; }