// ------------------------------------------------------------------

		/// <summary>
		/// Load all.
		/// </summary>
		public static CustomerCompany[] GetCustomersWithUnbilledBillableTickets(
			DateTime forMonth )
			DateTime startDate = new DateTime( forMonth.Year, forMonth.Month, 1 );
			DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths( 1 );

			DataTable table = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteTable(
				new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
				AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@StartDate", startDate ),
				AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@EndDate", endDate )
				) );

			if ( table == null )
				return null;
				ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

				foreach ( DataRow row in table.Rows )
					CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
					o.Load( row );

					if ( !o.IsEmpty )
						result.Add( o );

				if ( result.Count <= 0 )
					return null;
					return (CustomerCompany[])result.ToArray(
						typeof( CustomerCompany ) );
		public static CustomerCompany GetByCrmReplicationUniqueID(
			Guid crmReplicationUniqueID )
			DataRow row = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteRow(
				new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
				AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@CrmReplicationUniqueID", crmReplicationUniqueID )
				) );

			if ( row == null )
				return null;
				CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
				o.Load( row );

				if ( o.IsEmpty )
					return null;
					return o;
		public static CustomerCompany GetForCrmAddress( 
			Crm.CrmAddress crmAddress )
			DataRow row = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteRow(
				new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
				AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@AddressID", crmAddress.ID )
				) );

			if ( row == null )
				return null;
				CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
				o.Load( row );

				if ( o.IsEmpty )
					return null;
					return o;
		/// <summary>
		/// Load all that have a ticket associated.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="getInfo"></param>
		public static CustomerCompany[] Get(
			CustomerCompanyGetInformation getInfo )
			DataTable table = null;

			if ( getInfo.CustomerGetType == 
				CustomerCompanyGetType.CustomersWithTickets )
				table = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteTable(
					new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
					AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@FilterText", getInfo.IsFilterTextActive?getInfo.FilterText:string.Empty )
					) );
			else if ( getInfo.CustomerGetType ==
				CustomerCompanyGetType.CustomersWithTicketsForOwn )
				table = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteTable(
					new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
					AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@FilterText", getInfo.IsFilterTextActive ? getInfo.FilterText : string.Empty ),
					AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@UserSamName", getInfo.UserSamName )
					) );
			else if ( getInfo.CustomerGetType ==
				CustomerCompanyGetType.AllCustomers )
				table = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteTable(
					new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
					AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@FilterText",
					getInfo.IsFilterTextActive ? getInfo.FilterText : string.Empty )
					) );
				Debug.Assert( false );

			if ( table == null )
				return null;
				ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

				foreach ( DataRow row in table.Rows )
					CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
					o.Load( row );

					if ( !o.IsEmpty )
						result.Add( o );

				if ( result.Count <= 0 )
					return null;
					return (CustomerCompany[])result.ToArray(
						typeof( CustomerCompany ) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Load all that have a ticket associated.
		/// </summary>
		public static CustomerCompany[] GetAllWithTickets()
			DataTable table = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteTable(
				new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
				) );

			if ( table == null )
				return null;
				ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

				foreach ( DataRow row in table.Rows )
					CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
					o.Load( row );

					if ( !o.IsEmpty )
						result.Add( o );

				if ( result.Count <= 0 )
					return null;
					return (CustomerCompany[])result.ToArray(
						typeof( CustomerCompany ) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Load an object by a given ID.
		/// </summary>
		public static CustomerCompany GetByID(
			int id )
			DataRow row = AdoNetSqlHelper.ExecuteRow(
				new AdoNetSqlParamCollection(
				AdoNetSqlParamCollection.CreateParameter( "@ID", id )
				) );

			if ( row == null )
				return null;
				CustomerCompany o = new CustomerCompany();
				o.Load( row );

				if ( o.IsEmpty )
					return null;
					return o;