static void Espresso_Publisher(ZContext context) { // The publisher sends random messages starting with A-J: using (var publisher = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.PUB)) { publisher.Bind("tcp://*:6000"); ZError error; while (true) { var bytes = new byte[5]; using (var rng = new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { rng.GetBytes(bytes); } var frame = new ZFrame(bytes); if (!publisher.Send(frame, out error)) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } Thread.Sleep(1); } } }
public ZFrame Duplicate() { var frame = ZFrame.CreateEmpty(); this.CopyZeroTo(frame); return(frame); }
static void Console_WriteZFrame(string format, ZFrame frame, params object[] data) { var renderer = new StringBuilder(); var list = new List<object>(data); // here the renderer renderer.Append(format); renderer.Append(": "); renderer.Append("{"); renderer.Append(0 + data.Length); renderer.Append("}"); // now the message frame.Position = 0; if (frame.Length == 0) list.Add("0"); else list.Add(frame.ReadString()); frame.Position = 0; Console.WriteLine(renderer.ToString(), list.ToArray()); }
public virtual bool SendFrame(ZFrame frame, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error) { EnsureNotDisposed(); if (frame.IsDismissed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("frame"); } error = default(ZError); while (-1 == zmq.msg_send(frame.Ptr, _socketPtr, (int)flags)) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } return(false); } // Tell IDisposable to not unallocate zmq_msg frame.Dismiss(); return(true); }
private static void Handle(Header header, ZFrame bodyFrame) { //TODO - really we'd have a message handler factory: if (header.BodyType == typeof(SendFulfilmentCommand).Name) { var command = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SendFulfilmentCommand>(bodyFrame.ReadString()); var client = FulfilmentClientFactory.GetApiClient(command.FulfilmentType); try { client.Send(command.Address); Console.WriteLine("*** Sent fulfilment, type: {0}, to address: {1}", command.FulfilmentType, command.Address); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("*** Fulfilment failed, resending message"); var queueAddress = Config.Get("Queues.Fulfilment.Address"); header.HandledCount++; header.LastExceptionMessage = ex.Message; var messageFrames = new List<ZFrame>(); messageFrames.Add(new ZFrame(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(header))); messageFrames.Add(bodyFrame); using (var context = new ZContext()) using (var sender = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.PUSH)) { sender.Connect(queueAddress); sender.Send(new ZMessage(messageFrames)); } } } }
static ZFrame FLClient1_TryRequest(ZContext context, string endpoint, ZFrame request) { Console.WriteLine("I: trying echo service at {0}...", endpoint); using (var client = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.REQ)) { client.Connect(endpoint); // Send request, wait safely for reply using (var message = ZFrame.CopyFrom(request)) { client.Send(message); } var poll = ZPollItem.CreateReceiver(); ZError error; ZMessage incoming; if (client.PollIn(poll, out incoming, out error, FLClient1_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)) { return incoming[0]; } } return null; }
public static ZFrame FromStream(Stream stream, long i, int l) { stream.Position = i; if (l == 0) { return(new ZFrame()); } var frame = ZFrame.Create(l); var buf = new byte[65535]; int bufLen, remaining, current = -1; do { ++current; remaining = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, l - current * buf.Length), buf.Length); if (remaining < 1) { break; } bufLen = stream.Read(buf, 0, remaining); frame.Write(buf, 0, bufLen); } while (bufLen > 0); frame.Position = 0; return(frame); }
void MainLoop(object obj) { using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("READY")) { workerSocket.Send(outgoing); } ZError error; ZMessage incoming; var poll = ZPollItem.CreateReceiver(); while (true) { while (true) { var result = workerSocket.PollIn(poll, out incoming, out error, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)); if (!result) { if (error == ZError.EAGAIN) { //await Task.Delay(1); //yield return null; continue; } if (error == ZError.ETERM) { Logger.Error("ETERM!"); return; // Interrupted //yield break; } throw new ZException(error); } else { using (incoming) { // Send message back //worker.Send(incoming); _server.OnRecvMsg(this, incoming); break; } } } //if (null == (incoming = workerSocket.ReceiveMessage(out error))) //{ // if (error == ZError.ETERM) // return; // throw new ZException(error); //} //using (incoming) //{ // // Send message back // //worker.Send(incoming); // _server.OnRecvMsg(this, incoming); //} } }
// Construct new worker public Worker(ZFrame identity) { Identity = identity; this.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( PPP_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL.Milliseconds * PPP_HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS ); }
public virtual void SendFrame(ZFrame frame, ZSocketFlags flags) { ZError error; if (!SendFrame(frame, flags, out error)) { throw new ZException(error); } }
static void LBBroker_Worker(ZContext context, int i) { // This is the worker task, using a REQ socket to do load-balancing. // Create socket using (var worker = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.REQ)) { // Set a printable identity worker.IdentityString = "WORKER" + i; // Connect worker.Connect("inproc://backend"); // Tell broker we're ready for work using (var ready = new ZFrame("READY")) { worker.Send(ready); } ZError error; ZMessage request; while (true) { // Get request if (null == (request = worker.ReceiveMessage(out error))) { // We are using "out error", // to NOT throw a ZException ETERM if (error == ZError.ETERM) break; throw new ZException(error); } using (request) { string worker_id = request[0].ReadString(); string requestText = request[2].ReadString(); Console.WriteLine("WORKER{0}: {1}", i, requestText); // Send reply using (var commit = new ZMessage()) { commit.Add(new ZFrame(worker_id)); commit.Add(new ZFrame()); commit.Add(new ZFrame("OK")); worker.Send(commit); } } } } }
} // just Send* public ZFrame ReceiveFrame() { ZError error; ZFrame frame = ReceiveFrame(out error); if (error != ZError.None) { throw new ZException(error); } return(frame); }
protected void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (Identity != null) { Identity.Dispose(); Identity = null; } } }
static bool ReceiveMsg(ZSocket sock, ref ZMessage message, out string address, out ZError error) { error = ZError.None; // address = IPAddress.None; address = string.Empty; // STREAM: read frames: identity, body // read the ip4 address from (ZFrame)frame.GetOption("Peer-Address") int receiveCount = 2; do { var frame = ZFrame.CreateEmpty(); while (-1 == zmq.msg_recv(frame.Ptr, sock.SocketPtr, (int)(/* ZSocketFlags.DontWait | */ ZSocketFlags.More))) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } frame.Dispose(); return(false); } if (message == null) { message = new ZMessage(); } message.Add(frame); if (receiveCount == 2) { if (default(string) == (address = frame.GetOption("Peer-Address", out error))) { // just ignore error = default(ZError); address = string.Empty; } } } while (--receiveCount > 0); return(true); }
public static ZFrame FromStream(Stream stream, long i, int l) { stream.Position = i; if (l == 0) { return(new ZFrame()); } var frame = ZFrame.Create(l); stream.CopyTo(frame); frame.Position = 0; return(frame); }
static void Tripping_ClientTask(ZContext ctx, ZSocket pipe, CancellationTokenSource cancellor, object[] args) { using (ZSocket client = new ZSocket(ctx, ZSocketType.DEALER)) { client.Connect("tcp://"); "Setting up test...".DumpString(); Thread.Sleep(100); int requests; "Synchronous round-trip test...".DumpString(); var start = DateTime.Now; Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (requests = 0; requests < 10000; requests++) { using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("hello")) { client.Send(outgoing); using (var reply = client.ReceiveFrame()) { if (Verbose) reply.ToString().DumpString(); } } } sw.Stop(); " {0} calls - {1} ms => {2} calls / second".DumpString(requests, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, requests * 1000 / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); "Asynchronous round-trip test...".DumpString(); sw.Restart(); // sending 100000 requests => often ends in eagain exception in ZContext.Proxy!! for (requests = 0; requests < 1000; requests++) using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("hello")) client.SendFrame(outgoing); for (requests = 0; requests < 1000; requests++) using (var reply = client.ReceiveFrame()) if (Verbose) reply.ToString().DumpString(); sw.Stop(); " {0} calls - {1} ms => {2} calls / second".DumpString(requests, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, requests * 1000 / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("done")) pipe.SendFrame(outgoing); } }
public static void WUServer(string[] args) { // // Weather update server // Binds PUB socket to tcp://*:5556 // Publishes random weather updates // // Author: metadings // // Prepare our context and publisher using (var context = new ZContext()) using (var publisher = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.PUB)) { string address = "tcp://*:5556"; Console.WriteLine("I: Publisher.Bind'ing on {0}", address); publisher.Bind(address); /* foreach (IPAddress localAddress in WUProxy_GetPublicIPs()) { var epgmAddress = string.Format("epgm://{0};", localAddress); Console.WriteLine("I: Publisher.Bind'ing on {0}...", epgmAddress); publisher.Bind(epgmAddress); } */ // Initialize random number generator var rnd = new Random(); while (true) { // Get values that will fool the boss int zipcode = rnd.Next(99999); int temperature = rnd.Next(-55, +45); // Send message to all subscribers var update = string.Format("{0:D5} {1}", zipcode, temperature); using (var updateFrame = new ZFrame(update)) { publisher.Send(updateFrame); } } } }
private static void _Publish(ZContext context, string alias) { using (var broadcaster = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.PUB)) { const string address = "tcp://*:9000"; Console.WriteLine("Binding on {0}", address); broadcaster.Bind(address); while (true) { var message = Console.ReadLine(); using (var sendFrame = new ZFrame(string.Format("{0}: {1}", alias, message))) { broadcaster.Send(sendFrame); } } } }
public static void EAgain(string[] args) { // // Shows how to provoke EAGAIN when reaching HWM // // Author: metadings // using (var context = new ZContext()) using (var mailbox = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.DEALER)) { mailbox.SendHighWatermark = 4; mailbox.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero; mailbox.Linger = TimeSpan.Zero; mailbox.Connect("tcp://"); ZError error; for (int count = 0; count < 10; ++count) { Console.WriteLine("Sending {0}. message", count); using (var outgoing = new ZFrame(string.Format("message {0}", count))) { if (!mailbox.Send(outgoing, ZSocketFlags.DontWait, out error)) { if (error == ZError.EAGAIN) { Console.WriteLine(new ZException(error)); break; /* Usually when reaching EAGAIN, I would do Thread.Sleep(1); continue; /**/ } if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } } } } }
public void CopyZeroTo(ZFrame other) { // zmq.msg_copy(dest, src) ZError error; while (-1 == zmq.msg_copy(other.framePtr, framePtr)) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } if (error == ZError.EFAULT) { // Invalid message. } throw new ZException(error, "zmq_msg_copy"); } }
public bool ReceiveFrames <ListT>(ref int framesToReceive, ref ListT frames, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error) where ListT : IList <ZFrame>, new() { EnsureNotDisposed(); error = default(ZError); flags = flags | ZSocketFlags.More; do { var frame = ZFrame.CreateEmpty(); if (framesToReceive == 1) { flags = flags & ~ZSocketFlags.More; } while (-1 == zmq.msg_recv(frame.Ptr, _socketPtr, (int)flags)) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } frame.Dispose(); return(false); } if (frames == null) { frames = new ListT(); } frames.Add(frame); } while (--framesToReceive > 0 && this.ReceiveMore); return(true); }
static void Peering2_ClientTask(ZContext context, int i, string name, string message) { // The client task does a request-reply dialog // using a standard synchronous REQ socket using (var client = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.REQ)) { // Set printable identity client.IdentityString = name; // Connect client.Connect("tcp://" + Peering2_GetPort(name) + 1); ZError error; while (true) { // Send using (var outgoing = new ZFrame(message)) { client.Send(outgoing); } // Receive ZFrame incoming = client.ReceiveFrame(out error); if (incoming == null) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } using (incoming) { Console.WriteLine("Client {0}: {1}", name, incoming.ReadString()); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Forwards replies from the backend socket to the frontend socket. /// </summary> protected override bool BackendHandler(ZSocket sock, out ZMessage message, out ZError error) { error = default(ZError); message = null; // receiving scope // DEALER: normal movemsg ZMessage incoming = null; if (!sock.ReceiveMessage(ref incoming, /* ZSocketFlags.DontWait */ ZSocketFlags.None, out error)) { return(false); } using (incoming) { // STREAM: write frames: identity, body, identity, empty // Read identity int ic = (int)incoming[0].Length; var identityBytes = new byte[ic]; incoming[0].Read(identityBytes, 0, ic); // Remove DEALER's delimiter incoming.RemoveAt(1); // Append Identity frame var identity0 = new ZFrame(identityBytes); incoming.Add(identity0); // Append STREAM's empty delimiter frame incoming.Add(new ZFrame()); if (!SendMsg(FrontendSocket, incoming, out error)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
internal void BindConnect() { foreach (string endpoint in _bindings) { _socket.Bind(endpoint); } foreach (string endpoint in _connections) { _socket.Connect(endpoint); } if (_subscription != null) { // _socket.Subscribe(_subscription); using (var subscription = new ZFrame(_subscription)) { _socket.Send(subscription); } } }
static ZSocket PPWorker_CreateZSocket(ZContext context, string name, out ZError error) { // Helper function that returns a new configured socket // connected to the Paranoid Pirate queue var worker = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.DEALER); worker.IdentityString = name; if (!worker.Connect("tcp://", out error)) { return null; // Interrupted } // Tell queue we're ready for work using (var outgoing = new ZFrame(Worker.PPP_READY)) { worker.Send(outgoing); } Console.WriteLine("I: worker ready"); return worker; }
public virtual bool SendFrames(IEnumerable <ZFrame> frames, ref int sent, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error) { EnsureNotDisposed(); error = ZError.None; bool more = (flags & ZSocketFlags.More) == ZSocketFlags.More; flags = flags | ZSocketFlags.More; bool framesIsList = frames is IList <ZFrame>; ZFrame[] _frames = frames.ToArray(); for (int i = 0, l = _frames.Length; i < l; ++i) { ZFrame frame = _frames[i]; if (i == l - 1 && !more) { flags = flags & ~ZSocketFlags.More; } if (!SendFrame(frame, flags, out error)) { return(false); } if (framesIsList) { ((IList <ZFrame>)frames).Remove(frame); } ++sent; } return(true); }
public void MoveZeroTo(ZFrame other) { // zmq.msg_copy(dest, src) ZError error; while (-1 == zmq.msg_move(other.framePtr, framePtr)) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } if (error == ZError.EFAULT) { // Invalid message. } throw new ZException(error, "zmq_msg_move"); } // When move, msg_close this _framePtr Close(); }
public void MoveZeroTo(ZFrame other) { // zmq.msg_copy(dest, src) ZError error; while (-1 == zmq.msg_move(other._framePtr, _framePtr)) { error = ZError.GetLastErr(); if (error == ZError.EINTR) { error = default(ZError); continue; } if (error == ZError.EFAULT) { // Invalid message. } throw new ZException(error, "zmq_msg_move"); } // When move, msg_close this _framePtr Close(); }
public static ZFrame CopyFrom(ZFrame frame) { return frame.Duplicate(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="idString"></param> /// <param name="broker"></param> /// <param name="identity">will be dublicated inside the constructor</param> public Worker(string idString, Broker broker, ZFrame identity) { Broker = broker; IdString = idString; Identity = identity.Duplicate(); }
// .split worker methods // Here is the implementation of the methods that work on a worker: // Lazy constructor that locates a worker by identity, or creates a new // worker if there is no worker already with that identity. public Worker RequireWorker(ZFrame identity) { if (identity == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); string idString; using (var tstfrm = identity.Duplicate()) { idString = tstfrm.Read().ToHexString(); } Worker worker = Workers.ContainsKey(idString) ? Workers[idString] : null; if (worker == null) { worker = new Worker(idString, this, identity); Workers[idString] = worker; if(Verbose) "I: registering new worker: '{0}'".DumpString(idString); } return worker; }
// .split service methods // Here is the implementation of the methods that work on a service: // Lazy constructor that locates a service by name or creates a new // service if there is no service already with that name. public Service RequireService(ZFrame serviceFrame) { if(serviceFrame == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); string name = serviceFrame.ToString(); Service service; if (Services.ContainsKey(name)) { service = Services[name]; } else { service = new Service(this, name); Services[name] = service; //zhash_freefn(self->workers, id_string, s_worker_destroy); if (Verbose) "I: added service: '{0}'".DumpString(name); } return service; }
public virtual bool SendFrame(ZFrame msg, out ZError error) { return(SendFrame(msg, ZSocketFlags.None, out error)); }
// .split recv method // This is the {{recv}} method; it's a little misnamed because it first sends // any reply and then waits for a new request. If you have a better name // for this, let me know. // Send reply, if any, to broker and wait for next request. public ZMessage Recv(ZMessage reply, CancellationTokenSource cancellor) { if (reply == null && _expectReply) throw new InvalidOperationException(); if (reply != null) { if(_replyTo == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); reply.Wrap(_replyTo); SendToBroker(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.REPLY.ToHexString(), string.Empty, reply); } _expectReply = true; while (true) { if (cancellor.IsCancellationRequested || (Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)) _context.Shutdown(); var p = ZPollItem.CreateReceiver(); ZMessage msg; ZError error; if (Worker.PollIn(p, out msg, out error, Heartbeat)) { using (msg) { // If we got a reply if (Verbose) msg.DumpZmsg("I: received message from broker:"); Liveness = MdpCommon.HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; // Don't try to handle errors, just assert noisily if(msg.Count < 3) throw new InvalidOperationException(); using (ZFrame empty = msg.Pop()) { if (!empty.ToString().Equals("")) throw new InvalidOperationException(); } using (ZFrame header = msg.Pop()) { if (!header.ToString().Equals(MdpCommon.MDPW_WORKER)) throw new InvalidOperationException(); } //header.ReadString().Equals(MDPW_WORKER); using (ZFrame command = msg.Pop()) { if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.REQUEST)) { // We should pop and save as many addresses as there are // up to a null part, but for now, just save one... _replyTo = msg.Unwrap(); // .split process message // Here is where we actually have a message to process; we // return it to the caller application: return msg.Duplicate(); } else if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.HEARTBEAT)) { // Do nothing for heartbeats } else if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.DISCONNECT)) { ConnectToBroker(); } else "E: invalid input message: '{0}'".DumpString(command.ToString()); } } } else if (Equals(error, ZError.ETERM)) { cancellor.Cancel(); break; // Interrupted } else if (Equals(error, ZError.EAGAIN) && --Liveness == 0) { if (Verbose) "W: disconnected from broker - retrying...".DumpString(); Thread.Sleep(Reconnect); ConnectToBroker(); } // Send HEARTBEAT if it's time if (DateTime.UtcNow > HeartbeatAt) { SendToBroker(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.HEARTBEAT.ToHexString(), null, null); HeartbeatAt = DateTime.UtcNow + Heartbeat; } } if (cancellor.IsCancellationRequested) "W: interrupt received, killing worker...\n".DumpString(); return null; }
} // just Send* public virtual bool SendMore(ZFrame msg, out ZError error) { return(SendFrameMore(msg, out error)); } // just Send*
static int FLClient1_MAX_RETRIES = 3; // Before we abandon public static void FLClient1(string[] args) { // // Freelance client - Model 1 // Uses REQ socket to query one or more services // // Author: metadings // if (args == null || args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage: ./{0} FLClient1 [Endpoint]", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Endpoint Where FLClient1 should connect to."); Console.WriteLine(" Default is tcp://"); Console.WriteLine(); args = new string[] { "tcp://" }; } // The client uses a Lazy Pirate strategy if it only has one server to talk // to. If it has two or more servers to talk to, it will try each server just // once: using (var context = new ZContext()) using (var request = new ZFrame("Hello World")) { ZFrame reply = null; if (args.Length == 1) { // For one endpoint, we retry N times string endpoint = args[0]; for (int retries = 0; retries < FLClient1_MAX_RETRIES; ++retries) { if (null != (reply = FLClient1_TryRequest(context, endpoint, request))) { break; // Successful } Console.WriteLine("W: no response from {0}, retrying...", endpoint); } } else { // For multiple endpoints, try each at most once for (int endpoint_nbr = 0; endpoint_nbr < args.Length; ++endpoint_nbr) { string endpoint = args[endpoint_nbr]; if (null != (reply = FLClient1_TryRequest(context, endpoint, request))) { break; // Successful } Console.WriteLine("W: no response from {0}, retrying...", endpoint); } } if (reply != null) { Console.WriteLine("Service is running OK"); } } }
} // just Send* public virtual bool Send(ZFrame frame, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error) { return(SendFrame(frame, flags, out error)); } // just Send*
public static void Agent(ZContext context, ZSocket backend, CancellationTokenSource cancellor, object[] args) { // Finally, here's the agent task itself, which polls its two sockets // and processes incoming messages: using (var agent = new Agent(context, backend)) { var p = ZPollItem.CreateReceiver(); while (!cancellor.IsCancellationRequested) { ZMessage msg; ZError error; // Poll the control message if (agent.Pipe.PollIn(p, out msg, out error, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(64))) { using (msg) { agent.ControlMessage(msg); } } else { if (error == ZError.ETERM) break; // Interrupted if (error != ZError.EAGAIN) throw new ZException(error); } // Poll the router message if (agent.Router.PollIn(p, out msg, out error, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(64))) { using (msg) { agent.RouterMessage(msg); } } else { if (error == ZError.ETERM) break; // Interrupted if (error != ZError.EAGAIN) throw new ZException(error); } if (agent.Request != null) { // If we're processing a request, dispatch to next server if (DateTime.UtcNow >= agent.Expires) { // Request expired, kill it using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("FAILED")) { agent.Pipe.Send(outgoing); } agent.Request.Dispose(); agent.Request = null; } else { // Find server to talk to, remove any expired ones foreach (Server server in agent.Actives.ToList()) { if (DateTime.UtcNow >= server.Expires) { agent.Actives.Remove(server); server.Alive = false; } else { // Copy the Request, Push the Endpoint and send on Router using (var request = agent.Request.Duplicate()) { request.Prepend(new ZFrame(server.Endpoint)); agent.Router.Send(request); break; } } } } } // Disconnect and delete any expired servers // Send heartbeats to idle servers if needed foreach (Server server in agent.Servers) { server.Ping(agent.Router); } } } }
} // just Send* public virtual void Send(ZFrame frame, ZSocketFlags flags) { SendFrame(frame, flags); } // just Send*
public static void PPWorker(string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage: ./{0} PPWorker [Name]", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Name Your name. Default: World"); Console.WriteLine(); args = new string[] { "World" }; } string name = args[0]; ZError error; using (var context = new ZContext()) { ZSocket worker = null; try // using (worker) { if (null == (worker = PPWorker_CreateZSocket(context, name, out error))) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } // If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected int liveness = Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; int interval = Worker.PPP_INTERVAL_INIT; // Send out heartbeats at regular intervals DateTime heartbeat_at = DateTime.UtcNow + Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; ZMessage incoming; int cycles = 0; var poll = ZPollItem.CreateReceiver(); var rnd = new Random(); while (true) { if (worker.PollIn(poll, out incoming, out error, Worker.PPP_TICK)) { // Get message // - 3-part envelope + content -> request // - 1-part HEARTBEAT -> heartbeat using (incoming) { // To test the robustness of the queue implementation we // simulate various typical problems, such as the worker // crashing or running very slowly. We do this after a few // cycles so that the architecture can get up and running // first: if (incoming.Count >= 3) { Console_WriteZMessage("I: receiving reply", incoming); cycles++; if (cycles > 3 && rnd.Next(5) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("I: simulating a crash"); return; } if (cycles > 3 && rnd.Next(3) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("I: simulating CPU overload"); Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(1); // Do some heavy work Console.WriteLine("I: sending reply"); worker.Send(incoming); liveness = Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; } // When we get a heartbeat message from the queue, it means the // queue was (recently) alive, so we must reset our liveness // indicator: else if (incoming.Count == 1) { string identity = incoming[0].ReadString(); if (identity == Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT) { Console.WriteLine("I: receiving heartbeat"); liveness = Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; } else { Console_WriteZMessage("E: invalid message", incoming); } } else { Console_WriteZMessage("E: invalid message", incoming); } } interval = Worker.PPP_INTERVAL_INIT; } else { if (error == ZError.ETERM) break; // Interrupted if (error != ZError.EAGAIN) throw new ZException(error); } if (error == ZError.EAGAIN) { // If the queue hasn't sent us heartbeats in a while, destroy the // socket and reconnect. This is the simplest most brutal way of // discarding any messages we might have sent in the meantime: if (--liveness == 0) { Console.WriteLine("W: heartbeat failure, can't reach queue"); Console.WriteLine("W: reconnecting in {0} ms", interval); Thread.Sleep(interval); if (interval < Worker.PPP_INTERVAL_MAX) { interval *= 2; } else { Console.WriteLine("E: interrupted"); break; } worker.Dispose(); if (null == (worker = PPWorker_CreateZSocket(context, name, out error))) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) break; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } liveness = Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; } } // Send heartbeat to queue if it's time if (DateTime.UtcNow > heartbeat_at) { heartbeat_at = DateTime.UtcNow + Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; Console.WriteLine("I: sending heartbeat"); using (var outgoing = new ZFrame(Worker.PPP_HEARTBEAT)) { worker.Send(outgoing); } } } } finally { if (worker != null) { worker.Dispose(); worker = null; } } } }
public virtual void SendFrameMore(ZFrame frame, ZSocketFlags flags) { SendFrame(frame, flags | ZSocketFlags.More); }
} // just Send* public virtual void SendMore(ZFrame frame) { SendFrameMore(frame); } // just Send*
// .split broker client_msg method // Process a request coming from a client. We implement MMI requests // directly here (at present, we implement only the mmi.service request): public void ClientMsg(ZFrame sender, ZMessage msg) { // service & body if(msg.Count < 2) throw new InvalidOperationException(); using (ZFrame serviceFrame = msg.Pop()) { Service service = RequireService(serviceFrame); // Set reply return identity to client sender msg.Wrap(sender.Duplicate()); //if we got a MMI Service request, process that internally if (serviceFrame.Length >= 4 && serviceFrame.ToString().StartsWith("mmi.")) { string returnCode; if (serviceFrame.ToString().Equals("mmi.service")) { string name = msg.Last().ToString(); returnCode = Services.ContainsKey(name) && Services[name].Workers > 0 ? "200" : "404"; } else returnCode = "501"; var client = msg.Unwrap(); msg.Clear(); msg.Add(new ZFrame(returnCode)); msg.Prepend(serviceFrame); msg.Prepend(new ZFrame(MdpCommon.MDPC_CLIENT)); msg.Wrap(client); Socket.Send(msg); } else { // Else dispatch the message to the requested Service service.Dispatch(msg); } } }
public static ZFrame CopyFrom(ZFrame frame) { return(frame.Duplicate()); }
public virtual void SendFrame(ZFrame frame) { SendFrame(frame, ZSocketFlags.None); }
/// <summary> /// Receive a valid ZAP request from the handler socket /// </summary> /// <param name="handler"></param> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="verbose"></param> public ZAP(ZSocket handler, ZMessage request, bool verbose) { // Store handler socket so we can send a reply easily this.handler = handler; Verbose = verbose; if (request.Count == 0) { return; } // Get all standard frames off the handler socket Version = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Sequence = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Domain = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Address = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Identity = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Mechanism = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Mechanism = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Mechanism) ? "" : Mechanism; Version = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Version) ? "" : Version; Sequence = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sequence) ? "" : Sequence; Domain = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Domain) ? "" : Domain; Address = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address) ? "" : Address; Identity = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Identity) ? "" : Identity; // If the version is wrong, we're linked with a bogus libzmq, so die if (Version != "1.0") { return; } // Get mechanism-specific frames if (Mechanism == "PLAIN") { Username = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Password = request.Pop().ReadLine(); Username = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) ? "" : Username; Password = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) ? "" : Password; } else if (Mechanism == "CURVE") { ZFrame frame = request.Pop(); if (frame.Length != 32) { return; } ZCert cert = new ZCert(frame.Read(), new byte[32]); ClientTxt = cert.PublicTxt; } else if (Mechanism == "GSSAPI") { Principal = request.Pop().ReadLine(); } if (Verbose) { ZAuth.Info(string.Format("zauth: ZAP request mechanism={0} ipaddress={1}", Mechanism, Address)); } }
static void Peering2_WorkerTask(ZContext context, int i, string name) { // The worker task plugs into the load-balancer using a REQ socket using (var worker = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.REQ)) { // Set printable identity worker.IdentityString = name; // Connect worker.Connect("tcp://" + Peering2_GetPort(name) + 2); // Tell broker we're ready for work worker.Send(new ZFrame("READY")); // Process messages as they arrive ZError error; while (true) { // Receive ZFrame incoming = worker.ReceiveFrame(out error); if (incoming == null) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; // Interrupted throw new ZException(error); } using (incoming) { Console.WriteLine("Worker {0}: {1}", name, incoming.ReadString()); // Do some heavy work Thread.Sleep(1); // Send using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("OK")) { worker.Send(outgoing); } } } } }
private int HandlePipe(ZMessage request) { if (request.Count == 0) { return(-1); // Interrupted } ZFrame commandFrame = request.Pop(); string command = commandFrame.ReadLine(); if (verbose) { Info("zauth: API command=" + command); } if (command == "ALLOW") { while (request.Count > 0) { ZFrame frame = request.Pop(); string address = frame.ReadLine(); if (verbose) { Info("zauth: - whitelisting ipaddress=" + address); } if (!whitelist.Contains(address)) { whitelist.Add(address); } } // sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "DENY") { while (request.Count > 0) { ZFrame frame = request.Pop(); string address = frame.ReadLine(); if (verbose) { Info("zauth: - blacklisting ipaddress=" + address); } if (!blacklist.Contains(address)) { blacklist.Add(address); } if (whitelist.Contains(address)) { whitelist.Remove(address); } } sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "PLAIN") { // Get password file and load into zhash table // If the file doesn't exist we'll get an empty table ZFrame frame = request.Pop(); string filename = frame.ReadLine(); if (Load(out passwords, filename) != 0 && verbose) { Info("zauth: could not load file=" + filename); } sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "CURVE") { // If location is CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, allow all clients. Otherwise // treat location as a directory that holds the certificates. ZFrame frame = request.Pop(); string location = frame.ReadLine(); if (location == CURVE_ALLOW_ANY) { allowAny = true; } else { certStore = new ZCertStore(location); allowAny = false; } sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "GSSAPI") { // GSSAPI authentication is not yet implemented here sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "VERBOSE") { verbose = true; sockets[PIPE].SendFrame(new ZFrame(0)); } else if (command == "$TERM") { Terminated = true; } else { Error("zauth: - invalid command: " + command); } return(0); }
// .split broker worker_msg method // This method processes one READY, REPLY, HEARTBEAT, or // DISCONNECT message sent to the broker by a worker: public void WorkerMsg(ZFrame sender, ZMessage msg) { if(msg.Count < 1) // At least, command throw new InvalidOperationException(); ZFrame command = msg.Pop(); //string id_string = sender.ReadString(); bool isWorkerReady; //string id_string; using (var sfrm = sender.Duplicate()) { var idString = sfrm.Read().ToHexString(); isWorkerReady = Workers.ContainsKey(idString); } Worker worker = RequireWorker(sender); using (msg) using (command) { if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.READY)) { if (isWorkerReady) // Not first command in session worker.Delete(true); else if (command.Length >= 4 && command.ToString().StartsWith("mmi.")) // Reserd servicee name worker.Delete(true); else { // Attach worker to service and mark as idle using (ZFrame serviceFrame = msg.Pop()) { worker.Service = RequireService(serviceFrame); worker.Service.Workers++; worker.Waiting(); } } } else if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.REPLY)) { if (isWorkerReady) { // Remove and save client return envelope and insert the // protocol header and service name, then rewrap envelope. ZFrame client = msg.Unwrap(); msg.Prepend(new ZFrame(worker.Service.Name)); msg.Prepend(new ZFrame(MdpCommon.MDPC_CLIENT)); msg.Wrap(client); Socket.Send(msg); worker.Waiting(); } else { worker.Delete(true); } } else if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.HEARTBEAT)) { if (isWorkerReady) { worker.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow + MdpCommon.HEARTBEAT_EXPIRY; } else { worker.Delete(true); } } else if (command.StrHexEq(MdpCommon.MdpwCmd.DISCONNECT)) worker.Delete(false); else { msg.DumpZmsg("E: invalid input message"); } } }
public virtual bool SendFrameMore(ZFrame msg, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error) { return(SendFrame(msg, flags | ZSocketFlags.More, out error)); }
public static void SPWorker(string[] args) { // // Simple Pirate worker // Connects REQ socket to tcp:// // Implements worker part of load-balancing // // Author: metadings // var rnd = new Random(); if (args == null || args.Length < 1) { args = new string[] { "World" + rnd.Next() }; } string name = args[0]; using (var context = new ZContext()) using (var worker = new ZSocket(context, ZSocketType.REQ)) { worker.Identity = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name); worker.Connect("tcp://"); Console.WriteLine("I: ({0}) worker ready", name); using (var outgoing = new ZFrame("READY")) { worker.Send(outgoing); } int cycles = 0; ZError error; ZMessage incoming; while (true) { if (null == (incoming = worker.ReceiveMessage(out error))) { if (error == ZError.ETERM) return; throw new ZException(error); } using (incoming) { // Simulate various problems, after a few cycles cycles++; if (cycles > 3 && rnd.Next(5) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("I: ({0}) simulating a crash", name); return; } else if (cycles > 3 && rnd.Next(5) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("I: ({0}) simulating CPU overload", name); Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.WriteLine("I: ({0}) normal reply", name); Thread.Sleep(1); // Do some heavy work // Send message back worker.Send(incoming); } } } }