Exemple #1
        private static void ExportObj(string path, Mesh mesh)
            var meshName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).Replace(" ", "");

            Vector3 minVertex = Vector3.positiveInfinity;
            Vector3 maxVertex = Vector3.negativeInfinity;

            //we calculate the min and max vertices so that later on we can centerize the mesh
            foreach (var vertex in mesh.vertices)
                if (vertex.x < minVertex.x)
                    minVertex.x = vertex.x;
                if (vertex.y < minVertex.y)
                    minVertex.y = vertex.y;
                if (vertex.z < minVertex.z)
                    minVertex.z = vertex.z;
                if (vertex.x > maxVertex.x)
                    maxVertex.x = vertex.x;
                if (vertex.y > maxVertex.y)
                    maxVertex.y = vertex.y;
                if (vertex.z > maxVertex.z)
                    maxVertex.z = vertex.z;

            string data = "";

            data += $"mtllib ./{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)}.mtl\n";
            data += $"o {meshName}\n";
            data += $"\n";
            data += $"g {meshName}\n";
            data += $"\n";

            List <Vector3> distinctVertices = new List <Vector3>();
            //a map which links the old vertice's positions to the new ones
            Dictionary <int, int> verticesMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++)
                var vertex = mesh.vertices[i];

                int distinctIndex = distinctVertices.IndexOf(vertex);

                if (distinctIndex == -1)
                    verticesMap[i] = distinctVertices.Count;

                    data += $"v {vertex.x - (minVertex.x + maxVertex.x) / 2} {vertex.y - (minVertex.y + maxVertex.y) / 2} {vertex.z - (minVertex.z + maxVertex.z) / 2}\n";
                    verticesMap[i] = distinctIndex;

            data += $"\n";

            List <Vector2>        distinctUvs = new List <Vector2>();
            Dictionary <int, int> uvsMap      = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.uv.Length; i++)
                var uv = mesh.uv[i];

                int distinctIndex = distinctUvs.IndexOf(uv);

                if (distinctIndex == -1)
                    uvsMap[i] = distinctUvs.Count;

                    data += $"vt {uv.x} {uv.y}\n";
                    uvsMap[i] = distinctIndex;

            data += $"\n";

            List <Vector3>        distinctNormals = new List <Vector3>();
            Dictionary <int, int> normalsMap      = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.normals.Length; i++)
                var normal = mesh.normals[i];

                int distinctIndex = distinctNormals.IndexOf(normal);

                if (distinctIndex == -1)
                    normalsMap[i] = distinctNormals.Count;

                    data += $"vn {normal.x} {normal.y} {normal.z}\n";
                    normalsMap[i] = distinctIndex;

            data += $"\n";
            data += $"g {meshName}\n";
            data += $"usemtl DefaultColorPalette\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangles.Length / 3; i++)
                data += string.Format("f {0}/{3}/{6} {1}/{4}/{7} {2}/{5}/{8}\n",
                                      verticesMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3]] + 1, verticesMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]] + 1, verticesMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]] + 1,
                                      uvsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3]] + 1, uvsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]] + 1, uvsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]] + 1,
                                      normalsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3]] + 1, normalsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 1]] + 1, normalsMap[mesh.triangles[i * 3 + 2]] + 1);

            File.WriteAllText(path, data);
            File.WriteAllText(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ".mtl", GetMaterialData());
            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "/DefaultColorPalette.png", ((Texture2D)ColorPaletteManager.GetPaletteTexture()).EncodeToJPG());