// basic, non-caching version
        private static Tuple <string, IDictionary <string, object> > Block(HtmlHelper helper, RenderingBlock block, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
            // nothing?
            if (block == null)

            // get the current block model
            // BlockModel<TContent> : BlockModel
            var currentBlockModel = helper.ViewData.Model as BlockModel;

            if (currentBlockModel == null)
                throw new Exception("Model does not inherit from BlockModel.");

            var controller = BlockControllerBase.CreateController(helper, block, currentBlockModel.Content, currentBlockModel.CurrentCulture, viewData);
            var text       = controller.RenderInternal();
            var meta       = controller.Meta; // this is how we get it back...

            return(Tuple.Create(text, meta));

            // we have:
            //   UmbracoViewPage<TModel> : WebViewPage<TModel>
            //     Model is TModel and we know how to map
            //     IPublishedContent, RenderModel, RenderModel<TContent>
            //   UmbracoViewPage : UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent>
            //     Model is IPublishedContent
            // and deprecating:
            //   UmbracoTemplatePage<TContent> : UmbracoViewPage<RenderModel<TContent>>
            //     Model is RenderModel<TContent> ie Content is TContent
            //   UmbracoTemplatePage : UmbracoViewPage<RenderModel>
            //     Model is RenderModel ie Content is IPublishedContent

            // UmbracoViewPage<TModel> can map from BlockModel or BlockModel<TContent>
            // because they inherit from RenderModel, and there is no way it can map
            // from anything to BlockModel so that's not an issue.
            // However it does not know how to map BlockModel to BlockModel<TContent>
            // and that is an issue. So it will fallback to using a TypeConverter, which
            // we implemented in BlockModelTypeConverter.
        public static string ViewText(ControllerContext context, RenderingBlock block, IPublishedContent content, CultureInfo currentCulture)
            var controller = BlockControllerBase.CreateController(context, block, content, currentCulture);
