private static void DebuggerLoop(ZMachine zm, string[] sourcePath) { var console = new DebuggingConsole(zm, zm.IO, sourcePath); console.Activate(); TimedInputCallback cb = () => false; byte[] terminatingKeys = { }; while (console.Active) { byte terminator; string cmd = zm.IO.ReadLine(string.Empty, 0, cb, terminatingKeys, out terminator); console.HandleCommand(cmd); } }
public Opcode(ZMachine zm, OpcodeCompiler compiler, OpcodeAttribute attribute, int pc, int zCodeLength, int argc, OperandType[] operandTypes, short[] operandValues, string operandText, int resultStorage, bool branchIfTrue, int branchOffset) { = zm; this.compiler = compiler; this.attribute = attribute; this.PC = pc; this.ZCodeLength = zCodeLength; this.argc = argc; this.operandTypes = new OperandType[argc]; Array.Copy(operandTypes, this.operandTypes, argc); this.operandValues = new short[argc]; Array.Copy(operandValues, this.operandValues, argc); this.operandText = operandText; this.resultStorage = resultStorage; this.branchIfTrue = branchIfTrue; this.branchOffset = branchOffset; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Stream gameFile; string storyName; if (args.Length > 0) { if (!File.Exists(args[0])) { MessageBox.Show("File not found: " + args[0]); return; } try { gameFile = new FileStream(args[0], System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } storyName = Path.GetFileName(args[0]); } else { using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { dlg.Title = "Select Game File"; dlg.Filter = "Supported Z-code files (*.z5;*.z8;*.zblorb;*.zlb)|*.z5;*.z8;*.zblorb;*.zlb|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dlg.CheckFileExists = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; try { gameFile = dlg.OpenFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Loading Game"); return; } storyName = Path.GetFileName(dlg.FileName); } } using (GlkIO io = new GlkIO(args, storyName)) { #if !DEBUG try { #endif try { ZMachine engine = new ZMachine(gameFile, io); engine.Run(); } finally { gameFile.Close(); } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Running Game"); return; } #endif } }
static int Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Title = "ConsoleZLR"; Stream gameStream = null, debugStream = null; string gameDir = null, debugDir = null; string fileName = null, commandFile = null; DisplayType displayType = DisplayType.FullScreen; bool debugger = false, predictable = false; bool wait = true; if (args.Length >= 1 && args[0].Length > 0) { int n = 0; bool parsing = true; do { switch (args[n].ToLower()) { case "-commands": if (args.Length > n + 1) { commandFile = args[n + 1]; n += 2; if (args.Length <= n) return Usage(); } else return Usage(); break; case "-dumb": n++; displayType = DisplayType.Dumb; break; case "-dumb2": n++; displayType = DisplayType.DumbBottomWinOnly; break; case "-debug": n++; debugger = true; break; case "-predictable": n++; predictable = true; break; case "-nowait": n++; wait = false; break; default: parsing = false; break; } } while (parsing); gameStream = new FileStream(args[n], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); gameDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(args[n])); fileName = Path.GetFileName(args[n]); if (args.Length > n + 1) { debugStream = new FileStream(args[n + 1], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); debugDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(args[n + 1])); } } else { return Usage(); } IZMachineIO io; switch (displayType) { case DisplayType.Dumb: io = new DumbIO(false, commandFile); break; case DisplayType.DumbBottomWinOnly: io = new DumbIO(true, commandFile); break; case DisplayType.FullScreen: ConsoleIO cio = new ConsoleIO(fileName); if (commandFile != null) { cio.SuppliedCommandFile = commandFile; cio.HideMorePrompts = true; } io = cio; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } ZMachine zm = new ZMachine(gameStream, io); zm.PredictableRandom = predictable; if (commandFile != null) zm.ReadingCommandsFromFile = true; if (debugStream != null) zm.LoadDebugInfo(debugStream); if (debugger) { List<string> sourcePath = new List<string>(3); if (debugDir != null) sourcePath.Add(debugDir); sourcePath.Add(gameDir); sourcePath.Add(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); DebuggerLoop(zm, sourcePath.ToArray()); } else { #if DEBUG zm.Run(); #else try { zm.Run(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } #endif if (wait) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } } return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { return Error(ex.Message + " (" + ex.GetType().Name + ")"); } }
private static int ParseAddress(ZMachine zm, IDebugger dbg, string spec) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec)) { if (spec[0] == '$') return Convert.ToInt32(spec.Substring(1), 16); if (char.IsDigit(spec[0])) return Convert.ToInt32(spec); if (zm.DebugInfo != null) { int idx = spec.LastIndexOf(':'); if (idx >= 0) { try { int result = zm.DebugInfo.FindCodeAddress( spec.Substring(0, idx), Convert.ToInt32(spec.Substring(idx + 1))); if (result >= 0) return result; } catch (FormatException) { } catch (OverflowException) { } } RoutineInfo rtn; idx = spec.LastIndexOf('+'); if (idx >= 0) { try { rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(spec.Substring(0, idx)); if (rtn != null) return rtn.CodeStart + Convert.ToInt32(spec.Substring(idx + 1)); } catch (FormatException) { } catch (OverflowException) { } } rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(spec); if (rtn != null && rtn.LineOffsets.Length > 0) return rtn.CodeStart + rtn.LineOffsets[0]; } } return -1; }
public DebuggingConsole(ZMachine zm, IZMachineIO io, string[] sourcePath) { = zm; = io; this.sourcePath = sourcePath; }
private static void DebuggerLoop(ZMachine zm, string[] sourcePath) { IDebugger dbg = zm.Debug(); RoutineInfo rtn; SourceCache src = new SourceCache(sourcePath); Console.WriteLine("ConsoleZLR Debugger"); dbg.Restart(); string lastCmd = null; char[] delim = new char[] { ' ' }; while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) { if (zm.DebugInfo != null && (rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(dbg.CurrentPC)) != null) { Console.Write("${0:x5} ({1}+{2}) ", dbg.CurrentPC, rtn.Name, dbg.CurrentPC - rtn.CodeStart); Console.WriteLine(dbg.Disassemble(dbg.CurrentPC)); LineInfo? li = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(dbg.CurrentPC); if (li != null) Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}: {2}", li.Value.File, li.Value.Line, src.Load(li.Value)); } else { Console.Write("${0:x5} ", dbg.CurrentPC); Console.WriteLine(dbg.Disassemble(dbg.CurrentPC)); } } else if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Stopped) { Console.WriteLine("Debugger is stopped."); } Console.Write("D> "); string cmd = Console.ReadLine(); if (cmd.Trim() == "") { if (lastCmd == null) { Console.WriteLine("No last command."); continue; } cmd = lastCmd; } else { lastCmd = cmd; } string[] parts = cmd.Split(delim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int address; ICallFrame[] frames; switch (parts[0].ToLower()) { case "reset": dbg.Restart(); break; case "s": case "step": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) dbg.StepInto(); break; case "o": case "over": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) dbg.StepOver(); break; case "up": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) dbg.StepUp(); break; case "sl": case "stepline": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) { if (zm.DebugInfo == null) { Console.WriteLine("No line information."); } else { LineInfo? oldLI = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(dbg.CurrentPC); LineInfo? newLI; do { dbg.StepInto(); if (dbg.State != DebuggerState.Paused) break; newLI = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(dbg.CurrentPC); } while (newLI != null && newLI == oldLI); } } break; case "ol": case "overline": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Paused) { if (zm.DebugInfo == null) { Console.WriteLine("No line information."); } else { LineInfo? oldLI = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(dbg.CurrentPC); LineInfo? newLI; do { dbg.StepOver(); if (dbg.State != DebuggerState.Paused) break; newLI = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(dbg.CurrentPC); } while (newLI != null && newLI == oldLI); } } break; case "r": case "run": if (dbg.State == DebuggerState.Stopped) dbg.Restart(); dbg.Run(); break; case "b": case "break": if (parts.Length < 2 || (address = ParseAddress(zm, dbg, parts[1])) < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: break <addrspec>"); } else { dbg.SetBreakpoint(address, true); Console.WriteLine("Set breakpoint at {0}.", DumpCodeAddress(zm, dbg, address)); } break; case "c": case "clear": if (parts.Length < 2 || (address = ParseAddress(zm, dbg, parts[1])) < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: clear <addrspec>"); } else { dbg.SetBreakpoint(address, false); Console.WriteLine("Cleared breakpoint at {0}.", DumpCodeAddress(zm, dbg, address)); } break; case "bps": case "breakpoints": int[] breakpoints = dbg.GetBreakpoints(); if (breakpoints.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No breakpoints."); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} breakpoint{1}:", breakpoints.Length, breakpoints.Length == 1 ? "" : "s"); Array.Sort(breakpoints); foreach (int bp in breakpoints) Console.WriteLine(" {0}", DumpCodeAddress(zm, dbg, bp)); } break; case "bt": case "backtrace": frames = dbg.GetCallFrames(); Console.WriteLine("Call depth: {0}", frames.Length); Console.WriteLine("PC = {0}", DumpCodeAddress(zm, dbg, dbg.CurrentPC)); for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) { ICallFrame cf = frames[i]; Console.WriteLine("=========="); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] return PC = {1}", i + 1, DumpCodeAddress(zm, dbg, cf.ReturnPC)); Console.WriteLine("called with {0} arg{1}, stack depth {2}", cf.ArgCount, cf.ArgCount == 1 ? "" : "s", cf.PrevStackDepth); if (cf.ResultStorage < 16) { if (cf.ResultStorage == -1) { Console.WriteLine("discarding result"); } else if (cf.ResultStorage == 0) { Console.WriteLine("storing result to stack"); } else { rtn = null; if (zm.DebugInfo != null) rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(cf.ReturnPC); if (rtn != null && cf.ResultStorage - 1 < rtn.Locals.Length) Console.WriteLine("storing result to local {0} ({1})", cf.ResultStorage, rtn.Locals[cf.ResultStorage - 1]); else Console.WriteLine("storing result to local {0}", cf.ResultStorage); } } else if (zm.DebugInfo.Globals.Contains((byte)cf.ResultStorage)) { Console.WriteLine("storing result to global {0} ({1})", cf.ResultStorage, zm.DebugInfo.Globals[(byte)cf.ResultStorage]); } else { Console.WriteLine("storing result to global {0}", cf.ResultStorage); } } Console.WriteLine("=========="); break; case "l": case "locals": frames = dbg.GetCallFrames(); int stackItems; if (frames.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No call frame."); stackItems = dbg.StackDepth; } else { ICallFrame cf = frames[0]; if (cf.Locals.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No local variables."); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} local variable{1}:", cf.Locals.Length, cf.Locals.Length == 1 ? "" : "s"); rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(dbg.CurrentPC); for (int i = 0; i < cf.Locals.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" "); if (rtn != null && i < rtn.Locals.Length) Console.Write(rtn.Locals[i]); else Console.Write("local_{0}", i + 1); Console.WriteLine(" = {0} (${0:x4})", cf.Locals[i]); } } stackItems = dbg.StackDepth - cf.PrevStackDepth; } if (stackItems == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No data on stack."); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} word{1} on stack:", stackItems, stackItems == 1 ? "" : "s"); Stack<short> temp = new Stack<short>(); for (int i = 0; i < stackItems; i++) { short value = dbg.StackPop(); temp.Push(value); Console.WriteLine(" ${0:x4} (${0})", value); } while (temp.Count > 0) dbg.StackPush(temp.Pop()); } break; case "q": case "quit": Console.WriteLine("Goodbye."); return; default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized debugger command."); Console.WriteLine("Commands:"); Console.WriteLine("reset, (s)tep, (o)ver, stepline (sl), overline (ol), up, (r)un,"); Console.WriteLine("(b)reak, (c)lear, breakpoints (bps)"); Console.WriteLine("backtrace (bt), (l)ocals, (g)lobals, (q)uit"); break; } } }
private static string DumpCodeAddress(ZMachine zm, IDebugger dbg, int address) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("${0:x5}", address); if (zm.DebugInfo != null) { RoutineInfo rtn = zm.DebugInfo.FindRoutine(address); if (rtn != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" ({0}+{1}", rtn.Name, address - rtn.CodeStart); LineInfo? li = zm.DebugInfo.FindLine(address); if (li != null) sb.AppendFormat(", {0}:{1}", li.Value.File, li.Value.Line); sb.Append(')'); } } return sb.ToString(); }
private static string RunAndCollectOutput(ZMachine zm, TestCaseIO io) { string output = null; try { zm.PredictableRandom = true; zm.Run(); output = io.CollectOutput(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (output == null) output = io.CollectOutput(); output += "\n\n*** Exception ***\n" + ex.ToString(); } return output; }
private static bool? RunOneTest(TestCase test) { if (!File.Exists(test.InputFile) || !File.Exists(test.OutputFile)) { Console.WriteLine("skipping (expected outcome not recorded)."); return null; } else { try { using (Stream zcode = test.GetZCode()) { ReplayIO io = new ReplayIO(test.InputFile); ZMachine zm = new ZMachine(zcode, io); zm.PredictableRandom = true; zm.ReadingCommandsFromFile = true; string output = RunAndCollectOutput(zm, io); string expectedOutput = File.ReadAllText(test.OutputFile); if (OutputDiffers(expectedOutput, output)) { Console.WriteLine("failed!"); File.WriteAllText(test.FailureFile, output); return false; } else { Console.WriteLine("passed."); return true; } } } finally { test.CleanUp(); } } }
private static void RecordExpectedOutcome() { TestCase selected = PromptForTestCase(); if (selected != null) { try { using (Stream zcode = selected.GetZCode()) { RecordingIO io = new RecordingIO(selected.InputFile); ZMachine zm = new ZMachine(zcode, io); zm.PredictableRandom = true; zm.WritingCommandsToFile = true; string output = RunAndCollectOutput(zm, io); File.WriteAllText(selected.OutputFile, output); } } finally { selected.CleanUp(); } } }
public Debugger(ZMachine zm) { = zm; }
private static void RunAllTests() { List<string> names = new List<string>(testCases.Keys); names.Sort(); if (names.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No tests to run."); } else { int failures = 0; foreach (string name in names) { TestCase test = testCases[name]; Console.Write("{0} - ", name); if (!File.Exists(test.InputFile) || !File.Exists(test.OutputFile)) { Console.WriteLine("skipping (expected outcome not recorded)."); } else { try { using (Stream zcode = test.GetZCode()) { ReplayIO io = new ReplayIO(test.InputFile); ZMachine zm = new ZMachine(zcode, io); zm.PredictableRandom = true; zm.ReadingCommandsFromFile = true; string output = RunAndCollectOutput(zm, io); string expectedOutput = File.ReadAllText(test.OutputFile); if (OutputDiffers(expectedOutput, output)) { Console.WriteLine("failed!"); failures++; File.WriteAllText(test.FailureFile, output); } else { Console.WriteLine("passed."); } } } finally { test.CleanUp(); } } } if (failures > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0} test{1} failed. The actual output is saved with the suffix \".failed-output.txt\".", failures, failures == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } }
public void Main() { try { // will block on zm.Run() until the story file completes Stream gameStream = new FileStream(m_storyFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); DumbIO io = new DumbIO(this); ZMachine zm = new ZMachine(gameStream, io); zm.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } m_stopped = true; return; }