private static void ProcessNode(ZComponent parent, IList parent_list, TreeNodeCollection parent_nodes, XmlNode xmlNode)
            if (xmlNode == null) return;
            //Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0}", xmlNode.Name);

            ZComponent comp = parent;
            IList list = null;
            if (xmlNode.Name == "ZApplication")
                SetFields(comp, xmlNode);
                // Check if this node is a List property of the parent
                FieldInfo fi = parent.GetType().GetField(xmlNode.Name, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                //if (pi != null) Console.WriteLine(" Parent property found: {0}", pi.PropertyType.Name);
                if (parent is ZComponent && fi != null && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    //Console.WriteLine("List found: {0}", xmlNode.Name);
                    list = (IList) fi.GetValue(parent);
                // Check if this node is a ZCode property of the parent
                else if (parent is ZComponent && fi != null && typeof(CodeLike).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    CodeLike code = (CodeLike) fi.GetValue(parent); // Activator.CreateInstance(fi.FieldType);
                    code.Text = xmlNode.InnerText;
                    //code.Owner = parent;
                    Console.WriteLine("Code Text:\n{0}", code.Text);
                    fi.SetValue(comp, code);
                    return; //no TreeNode should be created for this
                    comp = CreateComponent(xmlNode.Name, xmlNode, parent, parent_list);
                    if (comp == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("SKIPPING subtree - Cannot find type: {0}", xmlNode.Name);

            TreeNode treeNode = null;
            if (parent_nodes != null)
                string displayName = xmlNode.Name;
                XmlAttribute attribute = xmlNode.Attributes["Name"];
                if (attribute != null)
                    displayName = displayName + " - " + attribute.Value;
                treeNode = new TreeNode(displayName);

                // clear subtree
                if (treeNode != null) treeNode.Nodes.Clear();

            // recursively build SubTree
            foreach (XmlNode childNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes)
                if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (treeNode != null)
                        ProcessNode(comp, list, treeNode.Nodes, childNode);
                        ProcessNode(comp, list, null, childNode);
            // construct ZNodeProperties object for the TreeNode and assign it to Tag property            
            object target = (object) list ?? (object) comp;
            object parentObj = (object) parent_list ?? (object) parent;
            ZNodeProperties props = new ZNodeProperties(target, parentObj, xmlNode, treeNode);
            if (list == null) comp.Tag = props;

            if (_treeView != null)
                treeNode.Tag = props;
                ZTreeView.HighlightTreeNode(treeNode, props);
                //props.XmlNodePropertyChanged += new XmlNodePropertyChangedEventHandler(_treeView.UpdateNodeText);
        public void AddChildElement(TreeNode parentNode, Type childType)
            if (treeView == null || parentNode == null || childType == null) return;
            Console.WriteLine("Add child called {0}", childType.Name);
            ZNodeProperties parentProps = parentNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
            if (parentProps == null) return;
            string childNodeName = childType.Name;
            if (childType.BaseType == typeof(Model)) // this is a GameObject
                childNodeName = "GameObject";

                string modelName = null;
                if (childNodeName == "Model")
                    DialogResult res = DialogHelper.InputBox("Model name", "Enter Model name:", ref modelName);
                    if (res == DialogResult.Cancel || modelName.Length == 0 || app.Find(modelName) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid model name: \"{0}\"", modelName);

                XmlNode xmlNode = parentProps.xmlNode;
                //  Create new leaf node
                XmlNode newXmlNode = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, childNodeName, xmlNode.NamespaceURI);
                string currentGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                nodeMap[newXmlNode] = currentGuid;

                TreeNode newTreeNode = new TreeNode(childNodeName);

                ZComponent parent = parentProps.Component;
                if (parent == null) parent = parentProps.Parent as ZComponent;  // component is a List
                ZComponent comp = null;

                if (childType.BaseType == typeof(Model)) // this is a GameObject
                    // clone the corresponding Model
                    Model prototype = app.FindPrototypeByType(childType);
                    if (prototype == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Cannot find prototype for {0}", childType.Name);
                    comp = prototype.CreateClone(parent);

                    // assign Model attribute to the XmlNode
                    XmlAttribute newAttribute = newXmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("Model");
                    newAttribute.Value = prototype.Name;

                    comp = CreateComponent(childType, parent, parentProps.List);

                    if (childNodeName == "Model")
                        Model model = comp as Model;
                        if (model != null) model.GUID = currentGuid;

                        XmlAttribute nameAttribute = newXmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("Name");
                        nameAttribute.Value = modelName;
                        model.Name = modelName;
                        newTreeNode.Text = String.Format("{0} - {1}", childNodeName, modelName);

                    // create child XML nodes for generic member lists                    
                    foreach (FieldInfo fi in comp.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                        // Check if this field is a List
                        //if (fi.FieldType.IsGenericType && fi.FieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
                        if (fi != null && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType) && fi.Name != "Children" && fi.Name != "OwnerList")
                            Console.WriteLine("List node created: {0}", fi.Name);
                            XmlNode childXmlNode = newXmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, fi.Name, newXmlNode.NamespaceURI);
                            nodeMap[childXmlNode] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // build subtree for member lists
                int i = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode childNode in newXmlNode.ChildNodes)
                    if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        i = ProcessNode(comp, null, i, newTreeNode.Nodes, childNode);

                // construct ZNodeProperties object for the TreeNode and assign it to Tag property
                object parentObj = (object) parentProps.List ?? (object) parent;
                ZNodeProperties props = new ZNodeProperties(comp, parentObj , newXmlNode, newTreeNode);
                comp.Tag = props;
                newTreeNode.Tag = props;
                //props.XmlNodePropertyChanged += new XmlNodePropertyChangedEventHandler(treeView.UpdateNodeText);

                ZTreeView.HighlightTreeNode(newTreeNode, props);
                ZTreeView.HighlightTreeNode(parentNode, parentProps);                
                treeView.SelectedNode = newTreeNode;

                // Tree node properties have been updated
                // Force parent to reload them to the PropertyBrowser
                Console.WriteLine("Component added: {0}", childType.Name);
                treeView.StatusString = "Child node added";
                // Recompilation is necessary if a new Model was added
                if (childNodeName == "Model")
                    if (editor != null) editor.compileCodeBtn_Click(this, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                treeView.StatusString = "Exception occurred: " + ex.Message;
 public void UpdateAttribute(ZNodeProperties props, string propName, object newValue)
     XmlNode xmlNode = props.xmlNode;
     if (xmlNode == null) return;
     XmlAttribute attribute = xmlNode.Attributes[propName];
     string str = Factory.Serialize(newValue);
     if (attribute == null)
         XmlAttribute newAttribute = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(propName);
         newAttribute.Value = str;
         attribute.Value = str;
        private int ProcessNode(ZComponent parent, IList parent_list, int next_index, TreeNodeCollection parent_nodes, XmlNode xmlNode)
            //if (xmlNode == null) return;
            //Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0}", xmlNode.Name);

            ZComponent comp = parent;
            IList list = null;
            if (xmlNode.Name == "ZApplication")
                //SetFields(comp, xmlNode);                
                // Check if this node is a List property of the parent
                FieldInfo fi = CodeGenerator.GetField(parent.GetType(), xmlNode.Name);
                //if (pi != null) Console.WriteLine(" Parent property found: {0}", pi.PropertyType.Name);
                if (fi != null && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    //Console.WriteLine("List found: {0}", xmlNode.Name);
                    list = (IList) fi.GetValue(parent);
                    // Check if this node is an event of the parent
                else if (fi != null && typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    return next_index; //no TreeNode was created for this event
                // Check if this node is a ZCode property of the parent
                else if (fi != null && typeof(CodeLike).IsAssignableFrom(fi.FieldType))
                    return next_index; //no TreeNode was created for this CodeLike component
                    // Find the component in the list or among the children
                    comp = null;
                    IList findList = (IList) parent.Children;
                    if (parent_list != null) findList = parent_list; // parent_list has the priority

                    for (int index = next_index; index < findList.Count; index++)
                        ZComponent candidate = findList[index] as ZComponent;
                        if (IsCompatibleType(candidate, xmlNode))
                            comp = candidate;
                            next_index = index + 1;

                    if (comp == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("SKIPPING subtree - Cannot find matching component: {0}", xmlNode.Name);
                        return next_index;

            TreeNode treeNode = null;
            if (parent_nodes != null)
                string displayName = xmlNode.Name;
                XmlAttribute attribute = xmlNode.Attributes["Name"];
                if (attribute != null)
                    displayName = displayName + " - " + attribute.Value;

                treeNode = new TreeNode(displayName);

                // clear subtree
                if (treeNode != null) treeNode.Nodes.Clear();

            // recursively build SubTree
            int i = 0;
            foreach (XmlNode childNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes)
                if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    i = ProcessNode(comp, list, i, treeNode.Nodes, childNode);
            // construct ZNodeProperties object for the TreeNode and assign it to Tag property
            object target = (object) list ?? (object) comp;
            object parentObj = (object) parent_list ?? (object) parent;
            ZNodeProperties props = new ZNodeProperties(target, parentObj, xmlNode, treeNode);
            if (list == null) comp.Tag = props;

            if (treeView != null)
                treeNode.Tag = props;
                ZTreeView.HighlightTreeNode(treeNode, props);
                //props.XmlNodePropertyChanged += new XmlNodePropertyChangedEventHandler(treeView.UpdateNodeText);
            return next_index;
        public void DeleteComponent(ZNodeProperties props)
            ZComponent comp = props.Component;
            if (comp == null) return;


            ZComponent.App.RemoveComponent(comp);     // remove the old component
            // We should always set the Owner <= old Owner has been copied to newObj

            comp.SetOwner(null, null);   // delete references from OwnerList or from Owner's Children  

            // If the comp was selected in the editor, then clear that reference
            if (editor.SelectedComponent == comp)
                editor.SelectedComponent = null;
            if (app.SelectedObject == comp)
                app.SelectedObject = null;

            // Delete named references from the app
            if (comp.HasName())
                FieldInfo fi = app.GetType().GetField(comp.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (fi != null && fi.FieldType == comp.GetType())
                    Console.WriteLine("Nulling named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                    fi.SetValue(app, null);
            if (typeof(Model).IsAssignableFrom(comp.GetType()))
                Model newMod = comp as Model;
                // Refresh scene treeview in the editor (only necessary for GameObjects)
                //if (newMod != null && newMod.Prototype == false)
            props.Component = null;
            if (comp.HasName())
                Console.WriteLine("Component deleted: {0}", comp.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Component deleted.");
 public void SetCode(CodeLike code, ZComponent parent, string propertyName)
     codeIsEvent = false;
     currentCode = code;
     if (parent != null) codeProperties = parent.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
     codePropertyName = propertyName;
 public void SetEventCode(ZComponent parent, string propertyName, TextEditorControl codeBox)
     if (parent != null)
         codeIsEvent = true;
         currentCode = app.FindEvent(parent, propertyName) as CodeLike;                
         // CodeTextChanged will do nothing since codeProperties and codePropertyName are null                 
         codeBox.Text = (currentCode != null) ? currentCode.Text : null;                
         codeProperties = parent.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
         codePropertyName = propertyName;                
 public void ClearCode()
     currentCode = null;
     codeProperties = null;
     codePropertyName = null;
     codeIsEvent = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the XmlNodePropertyChanged event of selected TreeNode (with underlying XmlNode).
        /// Commits changes to the TreeView. 
        /// Raises the ContentChanged event so to notifies the subscribers that
        /// document content have been changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">ZNodeProperties structure which has been modified.</param>
        /// <param name="e">event argument (not used).</param>
        internal void UpdateNodeText(ZNodeProperties props)
            // Modifications through properties: use selected node as default
            TreeNode treeNode = SelectedNode;
            if (treeNode.Tag != props)
                Console.WriteLine("TreeNode tag mismatch");
                treeNode = FindNodeWithTag(Nodes, props);

            if (treeNode != null && props.DisplayName.CompareTo(treeNode.Text) != 0)
                // Rename tree node
                treeNode.Text = props.DisplayName;
            //StatusString = e.StatusString;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler - deletes the selected node
        /// </summary>
        /*public void DeleteElement_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode treeNodeToDelete = SelectedNode;
            TreeNode parentNode = treeNodeToDelete.Parent;

            ZNodeProperties props = treeNodeToDelete.Tag as ZNodeProperties;

            if (props != null)
                if (project != null) project.DeleteComponent(props);

                // Update parent node properties and type
                if (parentNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                    ZNodeProperties parentProps = (ZNodeProperties) parentNode.Tag;

                    HighlightTreeNode(parentNode, parentProps);
                SelectedNode = parentNode;

                // Tree node properties have been updated
                // Force parent to reload them to the PropertyBrowser

        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates new tree node and appends 
        /// new xml node to the underlying xml document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode">Parent Tree node to add a child to.</param>
        /*private void AddChildNode(TreeNode parentNode, String childName)
            StatusString = "Adding child node...";
            ZNodeProperties parentNodeProperties = parentNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
            TreeNode newTreeNode = new TreeNode(childName);
            ZNodeProperties newNodeProperties = null;

            if (parentNodeProperties != null)
                newNodeProperties = parentNodeProperties.AddNewChild(childName, newTreeNode);

                if (newNodeProperties != null)
                    newTreeNode.Tag = newNodeProperties;
                    newNodeProperties.XmlNodePropertyChanged += new XmlNodePropertyChangedEventHandler(this.XmlPropertiesUpdatedHandler);

                    // Update parent node properties and type

                    HighlightTreeNode(parentNode, parentNodeProperties);
                    HighlightTreeNode(newTreeNode, newNodeProperties);

                    this.SelectedNode = newTreeNode;

                    // Tree node properties have been updated
                    // Force parent to reload them to the PropertyBrowser
            StatusString = "Child node added";


        /// <summary>
        /// FineTune displaying TreeNode with ImageList and ForeColor properties
        /// based on XmlNode's NodeType and Children Nodes Type/Count.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void HighlightTreeNode(TreeNode treeNode, ZNodeProperties treeNodeProperties)
            if (treeNode != null && treeNodeProperties != null)
                treeNode.ForeColor = treeNodeProperties.NodeForeColor;
                treeNode.ImageIndex = treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = (int) treeNodeProperties.NodeImageIndex;