void login(SerialCOM port) { fire_status("Wait for login..."); //port.WaitFor("login:"******"", "login:"******"Login"); port.WriteWait("root", "IRIS MFG Shell.*#", 10, isRegx: true); }
public void Dispose() { if (_dutport != null) { _dutport.Dispose(); _dutport = null; } if (_bleport != null) { _bleport.Dispose(); _bleport = null; } if (_fs_dut_data != null) { _fs_dut_data.Close(); _fs_dut_data.Dispose(); _fs_dut_data = null; } if (_fs_ble_data != null) { _fs_ble_data.Close(); _fs_ble_data.Dispose(); _fs_ble_data = null; } }
public void BLETest() { using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) using (SerialCOM bleport = getBLEPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hubs dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3); Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second); int channel = rand.Next(0, 27); bleport.WriteLine("ble_rx " + channel.ToString() + " 3000"); dutport.WriteLine("ble_tx " + channel.ToString()); bleport.WaitFor("Packets received:", 5, clear_data: false); string data = bleport.Data; Match match = Regex.Match(data, @"Packets received: (\d*)", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count < 2) { string emsg = string.Format("Unable to get packets received from BLE master.\r\nData was: {0}", data); throw new Exception(emsg); } int packets_received = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].Value); // if (packets_received < 1500) if (packets_received < 800) { string emsg = string.Format("BLE packets received < 1500.\r\nPackets received were: {0}", packets_received); throw new Exception(emsg); } string rmsg = string.Format("BLE packets received: {0}", packets_received); fire_status(rmsg); } }
void exitShell(SerialCOM port) { // Exit shell port.WriteWait("exit", "debug>", 3); // Exit debug port.WriteWait("exit", "#", 3); }
public void ShowRadios() { using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub dutport.WaitForPrompt(); dutport.WriteWait("show radios", "Zwave Stack Version", timeout_sec: 5, clear_data: false); string data = dutport.Data; Match m = Regex.Match(data, @"Z-Wave (\d+\.\d+)", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (m.Success && m.Groups.Count > 1) { string verstr = m.Groups[1].Value; fire_status("Zwave Stack Version: " + verstr); bool needToUpdate = needsUpdate(verstr, _zwave_ver_major, _zwave_ver_minor); if (needToUpdate) { throw new Exception("Unexpected Zwave version: " + verstr); } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to detect Zwave version.\r\nData was: " + data); } } }
void enterShell(SerialCOM port) { // Enter debug port.WriteWait("debug", "debug>", 3); // Enter Shelf port.WriteWait("sh", "#", 3); }
string setHubIpAddr(string ipaddr, string adapter = "eth0", string netmask = "") { string data; using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3); enterShell(dutport); try { string cmd = string.Format("ifconfig {0} {1} netmask {2}", adapter, ipaddr, netmask); dutport.WriteWait(cmd, Regex.Escape(cmd) + ".*" + _shell_prompt, timeout_sec: 3, isRegx: true); cmd = "ifconfig"; data = dutport.WriteWait(cmd, Regex.Escape(cmd) + ".*" + _shell_prompt, timeout_sec: 3, isRegx: true); } finally { exitShell(dutport); } } return(data); }
SerialCOM getBLEPort() { if (_bleport == null || _bleport.IsDisposed) { _bleport = new SerialCOM(_bleport_name); _bleport.DataReceived += _bleport_DataReceived; } return(_bleport); }
SerialCOM getDUTPort() { if (_dutport == null || _dutport.IsDisposed) { _dutport = new SerialCOM(_dutport_name); _dutport.DataReceived += _dutport_DataReceived; } return(_dutport); }
/// <summary> /// Zeus certificate server: `` /// </summary> public void Certificate() { using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3); dutport.WriteWait("certificate " + _certificate_server + " skip_ca_check true", "Key install was successful", 5); fire_status("Key install was successful"); } }
/// <summary> /// Based on test spec:LOWESHUB-65830935-070716-0910-4 /// /// And from Edgar: /// "Zwave_test" is needed to verify Zwave version is equal or higher to 4.05, /// if it is lower (all new components have lower version), /// then you have to send "zwave_flash -w /data/firmware/zwave-firmware.bin\n". /// </summary> public void ZWaveUpdate() { _zwave_updated = false; using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3); enterShell(dutport); try { dutport.WriteWait("zwave_test -v", "Zwave Stack Version:", timeout_sec: 5, clear_data: false); string data = dutport.Data; Match m = Regex.Match(data, @"Z-Wave (\d+\.\d+)", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (m.Success && m.Groups.Count > 1) { string verstr = m.Groups[1].Value; fire_status("Zwave Stack Version: " + verstr); bool needToUpdate = needsUpdate(verstr, _zwave_ver_major, _zwave_ver_minor); if (needToUpdate) { fire_status("Zwave Updating..."); dutport.WriteWait( "zwave_flash -w /data/firmware/zwave-firmware.bin", "Flash programming complete", 60); fire_status("Zwave Flash programming complete"); dutport.WriteWait("zwave_default", "Zwave module has been factory defaulted", 3); fire_status("Zwave module has been factory defaulted"); _zwave_updated = true; } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to extract Z-Wave version info.\r\nData was: " + data); } } finally { exitShell(dutport); } } }
public void SaveShowMfg() { using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3); dutport.Data = ""; string mfg_data = dutport.WriteWait("show mfg", "Batch Number:", 3); fire_status(mfg_data); string fileloc = Path.Combine(this.LogFolder, "d" + SMT_Serial.ToString() + ".txt"); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileloc, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) { sw.Write(mfg_data); sw.Close(); } } }
public void Serialize() { using (CLStoreEntities cx = new CLStoreEntities()) using (SerialCOM port = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub port.WriteLine(); port.WaitFor("#", 3); LowesHub loweshub_data = new LowesHub(); // Gather info to serialize hub int production_site_id = MACAddrUtils.ProductionSiteId(); while (production_site_id > byte.MaxValue) { production_site_id = production_site_id >> 1; } int test_station_id = MACAddrUtils.StationSiteId(); loweshub_data.test_station_id = test_station_id; while (test_station_id > byte.MaxValue) { test_station_id = test_station_id >> 1; } int hw_ver = HW_Ver; loweshub_data.hw_ver = HW_Ver; while (hw_ver > byte.MaxValue) { hw_ver = hw_ver >> 1; } int operator_id = DataUtils.OperatorId(_tester); loweshub_data.operator_id = operator_id; while (operator_id > short.MaxValue) { operator_id = operator_id >> 1; } _lowes_serial = LowesSerial.GetSerial( model: LowesSerial.Model.IH200, hw_version: (byte)hw_ver, datetime: DateTime.Now, factory: (byte)production_site_id, test_station: (byte)test_station_id, tester: (short)operator_id); int customer_id = cx.LowesCustomers.Where(c => c.Name == Customer.ToString()).Single().Id; // See if this board already had a mac assigned long mac = MACAddrUtils.INVALID_MAC; var hubsq = cx.LowesHubs.Where(h => h.smt_serial == SMT_Serial).OrderByDescending(h => h.date); if (hubsq.Any()) { var hubs = hubsq.ToArray(); foreach (LowesHub hub in hubs) { long hubmac = hub.MacAddress.MAC; if (MACAddrUtils.Inrange(hubmac)) { mac = hubmac; break; } } } if (mac == MACAddrUtils.INVALID_MAC) { mac = MACAddrUtils.GetNewMac(); } int mac_id = MACAddrUtils.GetMacId(mac); string macstr = MACAddrUtils.LongToStr(mac); string cmd = string.Format("serialize {0} model {1} customer {2} hw_version {3} batch_no {4}", macstr, Serialize_Model, Customer.ToString(), HW_Ver, Lowes_Serial); fire_status(cmd); port.WriteLine(cmd); port.WaitFor("Device serialization is complete - please reboot", 5); fire_status("Device serialization is complete."); port.Data = ""; string mfg_data = port.WriteWait("show mfg", "Batch Number:", 3); Regex regx = new Regex(@"HubID:\s+([A-Z]+-\d+)"); Match m = regx.Match(mfg_data); if (!m.Success || m.Groups.Count < 2) { string emsg = string.Format("Unable to extract Hub id from data:{0}", mfg_data); throw new Exception(emsg); } string hubid = m.Groups[1].Value; fire_status("Hub ID: " + hubid); // Insert the hub loweshub_data.customer_id = customer_id; loweshub_data.mac_id = mac_id; loweshub_data.smt_serial = SMT_Serial.ToString().ToUpper(); loweshub_data.lowes_serial = Lowes_Serial; loweshub_data.hub_id = hubid; cx.LowesHubs.Add(loweshub_data); cx.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Diagnostics() { using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) { // Make sure we can talk to hub //dutport.WriteWait("", "#", 3, clear_data:false); dutport.WaitForPrompt(); // Diags fire_status("Start diagnostics"); dutport.WriteWait("diagnostics", "Press the reset button...", 3); fire_status("Press the reset button..."); write_SingleDIO(Relays.BUTTON, true); dutport.WaitFor(@"Insert both USB drives and attach increased load to usb0. Press <enter> when ready...", 10); fire_status("USB0 Test"); write_SingleDIO(Relays.USB1, true); Thread.Sleep(500); dutport.WriteLine(); dutport.WaitFor(@"Remove increased load from usb0 and attach load to usb1. Press <enter> when ready...", 5); fire_status("USB1 Test"); write_SingleDIO(Relays.USB1, false); write_SingleDIO(Relays.USB2, true); Thread.Sleep(500); dutport.WriteLine(); fire_status("Buzzer Test"); dutport.WaitFor("Buzzer on?", 3); double val = -1.0; double expval = 3.0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { val = read_SingelAi(Sensors.BUZZER_AUDIO); fire_status(string.Format("Buzzer Voltage: {0}", val.ToString("f2"))); if (val > expval) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (val > 3.0) { dutport.WriteLine("y"); } else { dutport.WriteLine("n"); string emsg = string.Format("Unable to detect buzzer. Volatgae was: {0}. Expected more than {1}", val.ToString("f2"), expval.ToString("f2")); throw new Exception(emsg); } fire_status("LED Tests"); led_test(Sensors.GREEN_LIGHT, LED_Green_Low_Value, LED_Green_High_Value, "green"); led_test(Sensors.RED_LIGHT, LED_Red_Low_Value, LED_Red_High_Value, "red"); led_test(Sensors.YELLOW_LIGHT, LED_Yellow_Low_Value, LED_Yellow_High_Value, "yellow"); // Other tests fire_status("Other Built-in Tests..."); dutport.WaitFor("All Tests Passed", 20); fire_status("All Tests Passed"); } }
public void Run() { DateTime start_time = DateTime.Now; // Init the serial data log files string fileloc = Path.Combine(LogFolder, "log_dut_data.txt"); _fs_dut_data = new FileStream(fileloc, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); fileloc = Path.Combine(LogFolder, "log_ble_data.txt"); _fs_ble_data = new FileStream(fileloc, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); Set_all_relays(false); Thread.Sleep(500); using (SerialCOM dutport = getDUTPort()) using (SerialCOM bleport = getBLEPort()) { // Turn BLE board so fire_status("Power up BLE master"); write_SingleDIO(Relays.BLE, true); bleport.WaitFor("U-Boot", 3); // Turn DUT on fire_status("Power up DUT"); write_SingleDIO(Relays.DUT, true); dutport.WaitFor("U-Boot", 3); Thread.Sleep(3000); // Login fire_status("Login to DUT"); login(dutport); // Program_Radios if (Program_Radios) { fire_status("Program Radios"); dutport.Data = ""; DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now; dutport.WriteLine("program_radios"); string data = dutport.WaitFor("Radio programming is complete.", Program_Radios_Timeout_Sec); if (data.Contains("Error")) { throw new Exception("Errors detected during program radios.\r\nOutput was:\r\n" + data); } TimeSpan ts1 = DateTime.Now - t1; fire_status("Radio programming is complete after " + ts1.TotalSeconds.ToString() + "sec"); } } if (_hub_ip != null && _hub_ip != "") { fire_status("Set Hub IP to " + _hub_ip); string data = setHubIpAddr(_hub_ip); fire_status(data); } fire_status("ZWave Update..."); ZWaveUpdate(); if (_zwave_updated) { fire_status("Show Radios..."); ShowRadios(); } fire_status("Diagnostics..."); Diagnostics(); if (BLETestDisable) { fire_status("BLE Test DISABLED!!!"); } else { fire_status("BLE Test..."); using (SerialCOM bleport = getBLEPort()) { fire_status("Login to BLE"); login(bleport); } int trycount = 0; while (true) { try { BLETest(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; if (!msg.Contains("BLE packets received")) { throw; } if (trycount++ > 3) { throw; } } } } fire_status("Serialize..."); Serialize(); fire_status("Certificate..."); Certificate(); fire_status("Show Mfg..."); SaveShowMfg(); TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start_time; string tmsg = string.Format("ETime: {0}s.", ts.TotalSeconds); fire_status(tmsg); }