Exemple #1
 private DmtxEncode(DmtxEncode src)
     this._scheme = src._scheme;
     this._sizeIdxRequest = src._sizeIdxRequest;
     this._marginSize = src._marginSize;
     this._moduleSize = src._moduleSize;
     this._pixelPacking = src._pixelPacking;
     this._imageFlip = src._imageFlip;
     this._rowPadBytes = src._rowPadBytes;
     this._image = src._image;
     this._message = src._message;
     this._method = src._method;
     this._region = src._region;
 public string EncodeSvgImage(string val, DmtxImageEncoderOptions options)
     DmtxEncode encode = new DmtxEncode();
     encode.ModuleSize = options.ModuleSize;
     encode.MarginSize = options.MarginSize;
     encode.SizeIdxRequest = options.SizeIdx;
     encode.Scheme = options.Scheme;
     byte[] valAsByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(val);
     encode.EncodeDataMatrix(options.ForeColor, options.BackColor, valAsByteArray);
     return EncodeSvgFile(encode, "", options.ModuleSize, options.MarginSize, options.ForeColor, options.BackColor);
 private Bitmap EncodeImage(string val, DmtxImageEncoderOptions options, bool isMosaic)
     DmtxEncode encode = new DmtxEncode();
     encode.ModuleSize = options.ModuleSize;
     encode.MarginSize = options.MarginSize;
     encode.Scheme = options.Scheme;
     encode.SizeIdxRequest = options.SizeIdx;
     byte[] valAsByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(val);
     if (isMosaic)
         encode.EncodeDataMatrix(options.ForeColor, options.BackColor, valAsByteArray);
     return CopyDataToBitmap(encode.Image.Pxl, encode.Image.Width, encode.Image.Height);
        internal string EncodeSvgFile(DmtxEncode enc, string format, int moduleSize, int margin, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
            int col, row, rowInv;
            int symbolCols, symbolRows;
            int width, height, module;
            bool defineOnly = false;
            //byte mosaicRed, mosaicGrn, mosaicBlu;
            string idString = null;
            string style = "";
            string outputString = "";

            if (dotFormatProvider == null)
                dotFormatProvider = new NumberFormatInfo();
                dotFormatProvider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            if (format == "svg:")
                defineOnly = true;
                idString = format.Substring(4);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idString))
                idString = "dmtx_0001";

            width = 2 * enc.MarginSize + (enc.Region.SymbolCols * enc.ModuleSize);
            height = 2 * enc.MarginSize + (enc.Region.SymbolRows * enc.ModuleSize);

            symbolCols = DmtxCommon.GetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribute.DmtxSymAttribSymbolCols, enc.Region.SizeIdx);
            symbolRows = DmtxCommon.GetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribute.DmtxSymAttribSymbolRows, enc.Region.SizeIdx);

            /* Print SVG Header */
            if (!defineOnly)
                outputString += string.Format(
                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n" +
                    "<!-- Created with YellowstonePathology.Business.DataMatrix (http://datamatrixnet.sourceforge.net/) -->\n" +
              "<svg\n" +
             "xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n" +
             "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n" +
             "xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n" +
             "version=\"1.0\"\n" +
             "width=\"{0}\"\n" +
             "height=\"{1}\"\n" +
             "id=\"svg2\">\n" +
            "<defs>\n" +
            "<symbol id=\"{2}\">\n" +
                 "    <desc>Layout:{0}x%{1} Symbol:{3}x{4} Data Matrix</desc>\n", width, height, idString, symbolCols, symbolRows);

            if (backColor != Color.White)
                style = string.Format("style=\"fill:#{0}{1}{2};fill-opacity:{3};stroke:none\" ",
                              backColor.R.ToString("X2"), backColor.G.ToString("X2"), backColor.B.ToString("X2"), ((double)backColor.A / (double)byte.MaxValue).ToString("0.##", dotFormatProvider));
                outputString += string.Format("    <rect width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" {2}/>\n",
                      width, height, style);
                style = "";

            /* Write Data Matrix ON modules */
            for (row = 0; row < enc.Region.SymbolRows; row++)
                rowInv = enc.Region.SymbolRows - row - 1;
                for (col = 0; col < enc.Region.SymbolCols; col++)
                    module = enc.Message.SymbolModuleStatus(enc.Region.SizeIdx, row, col);
                    style = string.Format("style=\"fill:#{0}{1}{2};fill-opacity:{3};stroke:none\" ",
                          foreColor.R.ToString("X2"), foreColor.G.ToString("X2"), foreColor.B.ToString("X2"), ((double)foreColor.A / (double)byte.MaxValue).ToString("0.##", dotFormatProvider));

                    if ((module & DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleOn) != 0)
                        outputString += string.Format("    <rect width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" x=\"{2}\" y=\"{3}\" {4}/>\n",
                              moduleSize, moduleSize,
                              col * moduleSize + margin,
                              rowInv * moduleSize + margin, style);

            outputString += "  </symbol>\n";

            /* Close SVG document */
            if (!defineOnly)
                outputString += string.Format("</defs>\n" +
            "<use xlink:href=\"#{0}\" x='0' y='0' style=\"fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none\" />\n" +
              "\n</svg>\n", idString);

            return outputString;
Exemple #5
        internal bool EncodeDataMosaic(byte[] inputString)
            int dataWordCount;
            int tmpInputSize;
            int inputStartIndex;
            int[] splitInputSize = new int[3];
            DmtxSymbolSize sizeIdx, sizeIdxRequest;
            DmtxSymbolSize splitSizeIdxAttempt, splitSizeIdxFirst, splitSizeIdxLast;
            List<byte[]> buf = new List<byte[]>(3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                buf.Add(new byte[4096]);
            DmtxEncode encGreen, encBlue;
            int row, col, mappingRows, mappingCols;

            /* 1) count how many codewords it would take to encode the whole thing
             * 2) take ceiling N of codeword count divided by 3
             * 3) using minimum symbol size that can accomodate N codewords:
             * 4) create several barcodes over iterations of increasing numbers of
             *    input codewords until you go one too far
             * 5) if codewords remain after filling R, G, and B barcodes then go back
             *    to 3 and try with next larger size
             * 6) take the 3 different images you created and write out a new barcode

            /* Encode full input string to establish baseline data codeword count */
            sizeIdx = sizeIdxRequest = this._sizeIdxRequest;
            /* XXX buf can be changed here to use all 3 buffers' length */
            dataWordCount = EncodeDataCodewords(buf[0], inputString, ref sizeIdx);
            if (dataWordCount <= 0)
                return false;

            /* Use 1/3 (ceiling) of inputSize establish input size target */
            tmpInputSize = (inputString.Length + 2) / 3;
            splitInputSize[0] = tmpInputSize;
            splitInputSize[1] = tmpInputSize;
            splitInputSize[2] = inputString.Length - (splitInputSize[0] + splitInputSize[1]);
            /* XXX clean up above lines later for corner cases */

            /* Use 1/3 (floor) of dataWordCount establish first symbol size attempt */
            splitSizeIdxFirst = FindCorrectSymbolSize(tmpInputSize, sizeIdxRequest);
            if (splitSizeIdxFirst == DmtxSymbolSize.DmtxSymbolShapeAuto)
                return false;

            /* Set the last possible symbol size for this symbol shape or specific size request */
            if (sizeIdxRequest == DmtxSymbolSize.DmtxSymbolSquareAuto)
                splitSizeIdxLast = DmtxSymbolSize.DmtxSymbol144x144;
            else if (sizeIdxRequest == DmtxSymbolSize.DmtxSymbolRectAuto)
                splitSizeIdxLast = DmtxSymbolSize.DmtxSymbol16x48;
                splitSizeIdxLast = splitSizeIdxFirst;

            /* XXX would be nice if we could choose a size and then fill up each
               layer as we go, but this can cause problems with all data fits on
               first 2 layers.  Revisit this later after things look a bit cleaner. */

            /* Try increasing symbol sizes until 3 of them can hold all input values */
            byte[] tmpRed = new byte[splitInputSize[0]];
            for (int i = 0; i < splitInputSize[0]; i++)
                tmpRed[i] = inputString[i];
            byte[] tmpGreen = new byte[splitInputSize[1]];
            for (int i = splitInputSize[0]; i < splitInputSize[0] + splitInputSize[1]; i++)
                tmpGreen[i - splitInputSize[0]] = inputString[i];
            byte[] tmpBlue = new byte[splitInputSize[2]];
            for (int i = splitInputSize[0] + splitInputSize[1]; i < inputString.Length; i++)
                tmpBlue[i - splitInputSize[0] - splitInputSize[1]] = inputString[i];

            for (splitSizeIdxAttempt = splitSizeIdxFirst; splitSizeIdxAttempt <= splitSizeIdxLast; splitSizeIdxAttempt++)
                /* RED LAYER */
                sizeIdx = splitSizeIdxAttempt;
                inputStartIndex = 0;
                EncodeDataCodewords(buf[0], tmpRed, ref sizeIdx);
                if (sizeIdx != splitSizeIdxAttempt)

                /* GREEN LAYER */
                sizeIdx = splitSizeIdxAttempt;
                inputStartIndex += splitInputSize[0];
                EncodeDataCodewords(buf[1], tmpGreen, ref sizeIdx);
                if (sizeIdx != splitSizeIdxAttempt)

                /* BLUE LAYER */
                sizeIdx = splitSizeIdxAttempt;
                inputStartIndex += splitInputSize[1];
                EncodeDataCodewords(buf[2], tmpBlue, ref sizeIdx);
                if (sizeIdx != splitSizeIdxAttempt)


            this._sizeIdxRequest = splitSizeIdxAttempt;

            /* Now we have the correct lengths for splitInputSize, and they all fit into the desired size */
            encGreen = new DmtxEncode(this);
            encBlue = new DmtxEncode(this);

            /* First encode red to the main encode struct (image portion will be overwritten) */
            EncodeDataMatrix(null, null, tmpRed);
            encGreen.EncodeDataMatrix(null, null, tmpGreen);
            encBlue.EncodeDataMatrix(null, null, tmpBlue);

            mappingRows = DmtxCommon.GetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribute.DmtxSymAttribMappingMatrixRows, splitSizeIdxAttempt);
            mappingCols = DmtxCommon.GetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribute.DmtxSymAttribMappingMatrixCols, splitSizeIdxAttempt);
            for (int i = 0; i < this._region.MappingCols * this._region.MappingRows; i++)
                this._message.Array[i] = 0;
            DmtxDecode.ModulePlacementEcc200(this._message.Array, this._message.Code, this._region.SizeIdx, DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleOnRed);
            //string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_array);
            /* Data Mosaic will traverse this array multiple times -- reset
               DmtxModuleAssigned and DMX_MODULE_VISITED bits before starting */
            for (row = 0; row < mappingRows; row++)
                for (col = 0; col < mappingCols; col++)
                    this._message.Array[row * mappingCols + col] &= (byte)(0xff ^ (DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleAssigned | DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleVisited));

            DmtxDecode.ModulePlacementEcc200(this._message.Array, encGreen.Message.Code, this._region.SizeIdx, DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleOnGreen);

            /* Data Mosaic will traverse this array multiple times -- reset
               DmtxModuleAssigned and DMX_MODULE_VISITED bits before starting */
            for (row = 0; row < mappingRows; row++)
                for (col = 0; col < mappingCols; col++)
                    this._message.Array[row * mappingCols + col] &= (byte)(0xff ^ (DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleAssigned | DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleVisited));

            DmtxDecode.ModulePlacementEcc200(this._message.Array, encBlue.Message.Code, this._region.SizeIdx, DmtxConstants.DmtxModuleOnBlue);

            PrintPattern(null, null);

            return true;