Represents a scalar event.
Inheritance: NodeEvent, IScalar
Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the productions:
        /// block_node_or_indentless_sequence    ::=
        ///                          ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
        ///                            **********  *
        ///                          | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
        ///                            *
        /// block_node           ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties block_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | block_content
        ///                            *
        /// flow_node            ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties flow_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | flow_content
        ///                            *
        /// properties           ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
        ///                          *************************
        /// block_content        ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                                               ******
        /// flow_content         ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                            ******
        /// </summary>
        private Event ParseNode(bool isBlock, bool isIndentlessSequence)
            AnchorAlias alias = GetCurrentToken() as AnchorAlias;

            if (alias != null)
                state = states.Pop();
                Event evt = new Events.AnchorAlias(alias.Value, alias.Start, alias.End);

            Mark start = GetCurrentToken().Start;

            Anchor anchor = null;
            Tag    tag    = null;

            // The anchor and the tag can be in any order. This loop repeats at most twice.
            while (true)
                if (anchor == null && (anchor = GetCurrentToken() as Anchor) != null)
                else if (tag == null && (tag = GetCurrentToken() as Tag) != null)

            string tagName = null;

            if (tag != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Handle))
                    tagName = tag.Suffix;
                else if (tagDirectives.Contains(tag.Handle))
                    tagName = string.Concat(tagDirectives[tag.Handle].Prefix, tag.Suffix);
                    throw new SemanticErrorException(tag.Start, tag.End, "While parsing a node, find undefined tag handle.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName))
                tagName = null;

            string anchorName = anchor != null?string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor.Value) ? null : anchor.Value : null;

            bool isImplicit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName);

            if (isIndentlessSequence && GetCurrentToken() is BlockEntry)
                state = ParserState.YAML_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE;

                return(new Events.SequenceStart(
                Scalar scalar = GetCurrentToken() as Scalar;
                if (scalar != null)
                    bool isPlainImplicit  = false;
                    bool isQuotedImplicit = false;
                    if ((scalar.Style == ScalarStyle.Plain && tagName == null) || tagName == Constants.DefaultHandle)
                        isPlainImplicit = true;
                    else if (tagName == null)
                        isQuotedImplicit = true;

                    state = states.Pop();
                    Event evt = new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, scalar.Value, scalar.Style, isPlainImplicit, isQuotedImplicit, start, scalar.End);


                FlowSequenceStart flowSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowSequenceStart;
                if (flowSequenceStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.YAML_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE;
                    return(new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Flow, start, flowSequenceStart.End));

                FlowMappingStart flowMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowMappingStart;
                if (flowMappingStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.YAML_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE;
                    return(new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Flow, start, flowMappingStart.End));

                if (isBlock)
                    BlockSequenceStart blockSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockSequenceStart;
                    if (blockSequenceStart != null)
                        state = ParserState.YAML_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE;
                        return(new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Block, start, blockSequenceStart.End));

                    BlockMappingStart blockMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockMappingStart;
                    if (blockMappingStart != null)
                        state = ParserState.YAML_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE;
                        return(new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Block, start, GetCurrentToken().End));

                if (anchorName != null || tag != null)
                    state = states.Pop();
                    return(new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, string.Empty, ScalarStyle.Plain, isImplicit, false, start, GetCurrentToken().End));

                var current = GetCurrentToken();
                throw new SemanticErrorException(current.Start, current.End, "While parsing a node, did not find expected node content.");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the productions:
        /// block_node_or_indentless_sequence    ::=
        ///                          ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
        ///                            **********  *
        ///                          | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
        ///                            *
        /// block_node           ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties block_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | block_content
        ///                            *
        /// flow_node            ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties flow_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | flow_content
        ///                            *
        /// properties           ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
        ///                          *************************
        /// block_content        ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                                               ******
        /// flow_content         ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                            ******
        /// </summary>
        private ParsingEvent ParseNode(bool isBlock, bool isIndentlessSequence)
            var alias = GetCurrentToken() as AnchorAlias;
            if (alias != null)
                state = states.Pop();
                ParsingEvent evt = new Events.AnchorAlias(alias.Value, alias.Start, alias.End);
                return evt;

            Mark start = GetCurrentToken().Start;

            Anchor anchor = null;
            Tag tag = null;

            // The anchor and the tag can be in any order. This loop repeats at most twice.
            while (true)
                if (anchor == null && (anchor = GetCurrentToken() as Anchor) != null)
                else if (tag == null && (tag = GetCurrentToken() as Tag) != null)

            string tagName = null;
            if (tag != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Handle))
                    tagName = tag.Suffix;
                else if (tagDirectives.Contains(tag.Handle))
                    tagName = string.Concat(tagDirectives[tag.Handle].Prefix, tag.Suffix);
                    throw new SemanticErrorException(tag.Start, tag.End, "While parsing a node, find undefined tag handle.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName))
                tagName = null;

            string anchorName = anchor != null ? string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor.Value) ? null : anchor.Value : null;

            var isImplicit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName);

            if (isIndentlessSequence && GetCurrentToken() is BlockEntry)
                state = ParserState.IndentlessSequenceEntry;

                return new Events.SequenceStart(
                var scalar = GetCurrentToken() as Scalar;
                if (scalar != null)
                    bool isPlainImplicit = false;
                    bool isQuotedImplicit = false;
                    if ((scalar.Style == ScalarStyle.Plain && tagName == null) || tagName == Constants.DefaultHandle)
                        isPlainImplicit = true;
                    else if (tagName == null)
                        isQuotedImplicit = true;

                    state = states.Pop();
                    ParsingEvent evt = new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, scalar.Value, scalar.Style, isPlainImplicit, isQuotedImplicit, start, scalar.End);

                    return evt;

                var flowSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowSequenceStart;
                if (flowSequenceStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.FlowSequenceFirstEntry;
                    return new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Flow, start, flowSequenceStart.End);

                var flowMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowMappingStart;
                if (flowMappingStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.FlowMappingFirstKey;
                    return new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Flow, start, flowMappingStart.End);

                if (isBlock)
                    var blockSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockSequenceStart;
                    if (blockSequenceStart != null)
                        state = ParserState.BlockSequenceFirstEntry;
                        return new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Block, start, blockSequenceStart.End);

                    var blockMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockMappingStart;
                    if (blockMappingStart != null)
                        state = ParserState.BlockMappingFirstKey;
                        return new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Block, start, GetCurrentToken().End);

                if (anchorName != null || tag != null)
                    state = states.Pop();
                    return new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, string.Empty, ScalarStyle.Plain, isImplicit, false, start, GetCurrentToken().End);

                var current = GetCurrentToken();
                throw new SemanticErrorException(current.Start, current.End, "While parsing a node, did not find expected node content.");
Exemple #3
        private void AnalyzeScalar(Scalar scalar)
            var value = scalar.Value;
            scalarData.value = value;

            if (value.Length == 0)
                if (scalar.Tag == ",2002:null")
                    scalarData.isMultiline = false;
                    scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                    scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = true;
                    scalarData.isSingleQuotedAllowed = false;
                    scalarData.isBlockAllowed = false;
                    scalarData.isMultiline = false;
                    scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                    scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;
                    scalarData.isSingleQuotedAllowed = true;
                    scalarData.isBlockAllowed = false;

            var flowIndicators = false;
            var blockIndicators = false;
            if (value.StartsWith("---", StringComparison.Ordinal) || value.StartsWith("...", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                flowIndicators = true;
                blockIndicators = true;

            var buffer = new CharacterAnalyzer<StringLookAheadBuffer>(new StringLookAheadBuffer(value));
            var preceededByWhitespace = true;
            var followedByWhitespace = buffer.IsWhiteBreakOrZero(1);

            var leadingSpace = false;
            var leadingBreak = false;
            var trailingSpace = false;
            var trailingBreak = false;

            var breakSpace = false;
            var spaceBreak = false;
            var previousSpace = false;
            var previousBreak = false;

            var lineBreaks = false;

            var specialCharacters = !ValueIsRepresentableInOutputEncoding(value);

            var isFirst = true;
            while (!buffer.EndOfInput)
                if (isFirst)
                    if (buffer.Check(@"#,[]{}&*!|>\""%@`"))
                        flowIndicators = true;
                        blockIndicators = true;

                    if (buffer.Check("?:"))
                        flowIndicators = true;
                        if (followedByWhitespace)
                            blockIndicators = true;

                    if (buffer.Check('-') && followedByWhitespace)
                        flowIndicators = true;
                        blockIndicators = true;
                    if (buffer.Check(",?[]{}"))
                        flowIndicators = true;

                    if (buffer.Check(':'))
                        flowIndicators = true;
                        if (followedByWhitespace)
                            blockIndicators = true;

                    if (buffer.Check('#') && preceededByWhitespace)
                        flowIndicators = true;
                        blockIndicators = true;

                if (!specialCharacters && !buffer.IsPrintable())
                    specialCharacters = true;

                if (buffer.IsBreak())
                    lineBreaks = true;

                if (buffer.IsSpace())
                    if (isFirst)
                        leadingSpace = true;

                    if (buffer.Buffer.Position >= buffer.Buffer.Length - 1)
                        trailingSpace = true;

                    if (previousBreak)
                        breakSpace = true;

                    previousSpace = true;
                    previousBreak = false;
                else if (buffer.IsBreak())
                    if (isFirst)
                        leadingBreak = true;

                    if (buffer.Buffer.Position >= buffer.Buffer.Length - 1)
                        trailingBreak = true;

                    if (previousSpace)
                        spaceBreak = true;

                    previousSpace = false;
                    previousBreak = true;
                    previousSpace = false;
                    previousBreak = false;

                preceededByWhitespace = buffer.IsWhiteBreakOrZero();
                if (!buffer.EndOfInput)
                    followedByWhitespace = buffer.IsWhiteBreakOrZero(1);

                isFirst = false;

            scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = true;
            scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = true;
            scalarData.isSingleQuotedAllowed = true;
            scalarData.isBlockAllowed = true;

            if (leadingSpace || leadingBreak || trailingSpace || trailingBreak)
                scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;

            if (trailingSpace)
                scalarData.isBlockAllowed = false;

            if (breakSpace)
                scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isSingleQuotedAllowed = false;

            if (spaceBreak || specialCharacters)
                scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isSingleQuotedAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isBlockAllowed = false;

            scalarData.isMultiline = lineBreaks;
            if (lineBreaks)
                scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;
                scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;

            if (flowIndicators)
                scalarData.isFlowPlainAllowed = false;

            if (blockIndicators)
                scalarData.isBlockPlainAllowed = false;
Exemple #4
			void IParsingEventVisitor.Visit(Scalar e)
				clonedEvent = new Scalar(null, e.Tag, e.Value, e.Style, e.IsPlainImplicit, e.IsQuotedImplicit, e.Start, e.End);
Exemple #5
 private string EmitScalar(Scalar scalar)
     return Emit(
         new SequenceStart(null, null, false, SequenceStyle.Block),
         new SequenceEnd()
        private ParsingEvent ParseNode(bool isBlock, bool isIndentlessSequence)
            YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.AnchorAlias anchorAlias = GetCurrentToken() as YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.AnchorAlias;
            if (anchorAlias != null)
                state = states.Pop();
                ParsingEvent result = new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.AnchorAlias(anchorAlias.Value, anchorAlias.Start, anchorAlias.End);
            Mark   start  = GetCurrentToken().Start;
            Anchor anchor = null;

            YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.Tag tag = null;
            while (true)
                if (anchor == null && (anchor = (GetCurrentToken() as Anchor)) != null)
                    if (tag != null || (tag = (GetCurrentToken() as YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.Tag)) == null)
            string text = null;

            if (tag != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Handle))
                    text = tag.Suffix;
                    if (!tagDirectives.Contains(tag.Handle))
                        throw new SemanticErrorException(tag.Start, tag.End, "While parsing a node, find undefined tag handle.");
                    text = tagDirectives[tag.Handle].Prefix + tag.Suffix;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                text = null;
            string text2 = (anchor == null) ? null : ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor.Value)) ? anchor.Value : null);
            bool   flag  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(text);

            if (isIndentlessSequence && GetCurrentToken() is BlockEntry)
                state = ParserState.IndentlessSequenceEntry;
                return(new SequenceStart(text2, text, flag, SequenceStyle.Block, start, GetCurrentToken().End));
            YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.Scalar scalar = GetCurrentToken() as YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.Scalar;
            if (scalar != null)
                bool isPlainImplicit  = false;
                bool isQuotedImplicit = false;
                if ((scalar.Style == ScalarStyle.Plain && text == null) || text == "!")
                    isPlainImplicit = true;
                else if (text == null)
                    isQuotedImplicit = true;
                state = states.Pop();
                ParsingEvent result2 = new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.Scalar(text2, text, scalar.Value, scalar.Style, isPlainImplicit, isQuotedImplicit, start, scalar.End);
            FlowSequenceStart flowSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowSequenceStart;

            if (flowSequenceStart != null)
                state = ParserState.FlowSequenceFirstEntry;
                return(new SequenceStart(text2, text, flag, SequenceStyle.Flow, start, flowSequenceStart.End));
            FlowMappingStart flowMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as FlowMappingStart;

            if (flowMappingStart != null)
                state = ParserState.FlowMappingFirstKey;
                return(new MappingStart(text2, text, flag, MappingStyle.Flow, start, flowMappingStart.End));
            if (isBlock)
                BlockSequenceStart blockSequenceStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockSequenceStart;
                if (blockSequenceStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.BlockSequenceFirstEntry;
                    return(new SequenceStart(text2, text, flag, SequenceStyle.Block, start, blockSequenceStart.End));
                BlockMappingStart blockMappingStart = GetCurrentToken() as BlockMappingStart;
                if (blockMappingStart != null)
                    state = ParserState.BlockMappingFirstKey;
                    return(new MappingStart(text2, text, flag, MappingStyle.Block, start, GetCurrentToken().End));
            if (text2 != null || tag != null)
                state = states.Pop();
                return(new YamlDotNet.Core.Events.Scalar(text2, text, string.Empty, ScalarStyle.Plain, flag, false, start, GetCurrentToken().End));
            Token token = GetCurrentToken();

            throw new SemanticErrorException(token.Start, token.End, "While parsing a node, did not find expected node content.");
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the productions:
        /// block_node_or_indentless_sequence    ::=
        ///                          ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
        ///                            **********  *
        ///                          | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
        ///                            *
        /// block_node           ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties block_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | block_content
        ///                            *
        /// flow_node            ::= ALIAS
        ///                          *****
        ///                          | properties flow_content?
        ///                            ********** *
        ///                          | flow_content
        ///                            *
        /// properties           ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
        ///                          *************************
        /// block_content        ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                                               ******
        /// flow_content         ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
        ///                                            ******
        /// </summary>
        private ParsingEvent ParseNode(bool isBlock, bool isIndentlessSequence)
            if (GetCurrentToken() is Error errorToken)
                throw new SemanticErrorException(errorToken.Start, errorToken.End, errorToken.Value);

            var current = GetCurrentToken() ?? throw new SemanticErrorException("Reached the end of the stream while parsing a node");

            if (current is AnchorAlias alias)
                state = states.Pop();
                ParsingEvent evt = new Events.AnchorAlias(alias.Value, alias.Start, alias.End);

            var start = current.Start;

            string?anchorName = null;
            string?tagName    = null;

            // The anchor and the tag can be in any order. This loop repeats at most twice.
            while (true)
                if (anchorName == null && current is Anchor anchor)
                    anchorName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor.Value) ? null : anchor.Value;
                else if (tagName == null && current is Tag tag)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Handle))
                        tagName = tag.Suffix;
                    else if (tagDirectives.Contains(tag.Handle))
                        tagName = string.Concat(tagDirectives[tag.Handle].Prefix, tag.Suffix);
                        throw new SemanticErrorException(tag.Start, tag.End, "While parsing a node, found undefined tag handle.");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName))
                        tagName = null;

                else if (current is Anchor secondAnchor)
                    throw new SemanticErrorException(secondAnchor.Start, secondAnchor.End, "While parsing a node, found more than one anchor.");
                else if (current is AnchorAlias anchorAlias)
                    throw new SemanticErrorException(anchorAlias.Start, anchorAlias.End, "While parsing a node, did not find expected token.");
                else if (current is Error)
                    errorToken = (current as Error) !;
                    throw new SemanticErrorException(errorToken.Start, errorToken.End, errorToken.Value);

                current = GetCurrentToken() ?? throw new SemanticErrorException("Reached the end of the stream while parsing a node");

            var isImplicit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName);

            if (isIndentlessSequence && GetCurrentToken() is BlockEntry)
                state = ParserState.IndentlessSequenceEntry;

                return(new Events.SequenceStart(
                if (current is Scalar scalar)
                    var isPlainImplicit  = false;
                    var isQuotedImplicit = false;
                    if ((scalar.Style == ScalarStyle.Plain && tagName == null) || tagName == Constants.DefaultHandle)
                        isPlainImplicit = true;
                    else if (tagName == null)
                        isQuotedImplicit = true;

                    state = states.Pop();

                    ParsingEvent evt = new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, scalar.Value, scalar.Style, isPlainImplicit, isQuotedImplicit, start, scalar.End);

                    // Read next token to ensure the error case spec test 'CXX2':
                    // "Mapping with anchor on document start line".

                    if (anchorName != null && scanner.MoveNextWithoutConsuming())
                        currentToken = scanner.Current;
                        if (currentToken is Error)
                            errorToken = (currentToken as Error) !;
                            throw new SemanticErrorException(errorToken.Start, errorToken.End, errorToken.Value);

                    // Read next token to ensure the error case spec test 'T833':
                    // "Flow mapping missing a separating comma".

                    if (state == ParserState.FlowMappingKey && scanner.MoveNextWithoutConsuming())
                        currentToken = scanner.Current;
                        if (currentToken != null && !(currentToken is FlowEntry) && !(currentToken is FlowMappingEnd))
                            throw new SemanticErrorException(currentToken.Start, currentToken.End, "While parsing a flow mapping, did not find expected ',' or '}'.");


                if (current is FlowSequenceStart flowSequenceStart)
                    state = ParserState.FlowSequenceFirstEntry;
                    return(new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Flow, start, flowSequenceStart.End));

                if (current is FlowMappingStart flowMappingStart)
                    state = ParserState.FlowMappingFirstKey;
                    return(new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Flow, start, flowMappingStart.End));

                if (isBlock)
                    if (current is BlockSequenceStart blockSequenceStart)
                        state = ParserState.BlockSequenceFirstEntry;
                        return(new Events.SequenceStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, SequenceStyle.Block, start, blockSequenceStart.End));

                    if (current is BlockMappingStart blockMappingStart)
                        state = ParserState.BlockMappingFirstKey;
                        return(new Events.MappingStart(anchorName, tagName, isImplicit, MappingStyle.Block, start, blockMappingStart.End));

                if (anchorName != null || tagName != null)
                    state = states.Pop();
                    return(new Events.Scalar(anchorName, tagName, string.Empty, ScalarStyle.Plain, isImplicit, false, start, current.End));

                throw new SemanticErrorException(current.Start, current.End, "While parsing a node, did not find expected node content.");