Exemple #1
 private void Expect(Token.TokenType tokenType)
     if (!IsNext(tokenType))
         throw new Exception($"Unexpected token {_lexer.Peek( )} at position {_lexer.Position}");
Exemple #2
        private bool TryParseVariable(out ASTNode node)
            node = null;
            if (IsNext(Token.TokenType.Identifier))
                var token   = _lexer.Peek();
                var stEntry = _symbolTable.Get(token.Value);

                if (stEntry == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Undefined Identifier {token.Value} at position {token.Position}");

                if (stEntry.Type == SymbolTableEntry.EntryType.Variable)
                    node = new VariableIdentifierASTNode(Accept( ));
            return(node != null);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the NUMBER Production Rule
        ///   NUMBER: [0-9]+
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ASTNode ParseNumber(Lexer lexer)
            var token = lexer.Peek();

            if (token.Type != Token.TokenType.Number)
                throw new Exception($"Invalid Expression.  NUMBER Expected at position {lexer.Position}");

            lexer.Accept( );  //consume the token

            return(new NumberASTNode(token));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the TERM Production Rule
        /// TERM: FACTOR [('*'|'/') FACTOR]*
        /// </summary>
        private static ASTNode ParseTerm(Lexer lexer)
            var left = ParseFactor(lexer);

            var peekToken = lexer.Peek();   //look ahead 1 token

            while (peekToken.Type == Token.TokenType.Multiplication || peekToken.Type == Token.TokenType.Division)
                var op = lexer.ReadNext( );   //read the operator

                var right = ParseFactor(lexer);

                if (right == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid Expression. FACTOR Expected at position {lexer.Position}");

                left = CreateBinaryOperator(op, left, right);

                peekToken = lexer.Peek( );  //lookahead of 1 token LL(k) where K = 1
