private void SetNewSuffixStart(BytesRef br1, BytesRef br2)
                int limit     = Math.Min(br1.Length, br2.Length);
                int lastStart = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                    if ((br1.Bytes[br1.Offset + i] & 0xc0) == 0xc0 || (br1.Bytes[br1.Offset + i] & 0x80) == 0)
                        lastStart = i;
                    if (br1.Bytes[br1.Offset + i] != br2.Bytes[br2.Offset + i])
                        newSuffixStart = lastStart;
                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            Console.WriteLine("    set newSuffixStart=" + newSuffixStart);
                newSuffixStart = limit;
                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("    set newSuffixStart=" + newSuffixStart);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 2)
                // LUCENENET specific - our wrapper console shows the correct usage
                throw new ArgumentException();
                //Console.WriteLine("Usage: java Lucene.Net.Store.LockVerifyServer bindToIp clients\n");

            int    arg        = 0;
            string hostname   = args[arg++];
            int    maxClients = Convert.ToInt32(args[arg++], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostname);

            using (Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                s.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, 1);
                s.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, 30000);// SoTimeout = 30000; // initially 30 secs to give clients enough time to startup

                s.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 0));
                Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + ((IPEndPoint)s.LocalEndPoint).Port.ToString() + "...");

                // we set the port as a sysprop, so the ANT task can read it. For that to work, this server must run in-process:
                SystemProperties.SetProperty("lockverifyserver.port", ((IPEndPoint)s.LocalEndPoint).Port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                object localLock = new object();
                int[]  lockedID  = new int[1];
                lockedID[0] = -1;
                CountdownEvent startingGun = new CountdownEvent(1);
                ThreadJob[]    threads     = new ThreadJob[maxClients];

                for (int count = 0; count < maxClients; count++)
                    Socket cs = s.Accept();
                    threads[count] = new ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper(localLock, lockedID, startingGun, cs);

                // start
                Console.WriteLine("All clients started, fire gun...");

                // wait for all threads to finish
                foreach (ThreadJob t in threads)

                // cleanup sysprop
                SystemProperties.SetProperty("lockverifyserver.port", null);

                Console.WriteLine("Server terminated.");
            // Seek type 2 "continue" (back to the start of the
            // surrogates): scan the stripped suffix from the
            // prior term, backwards. If there was an E in that
            // part, then we try to seek back to S.  If that
            // seek finds a matching term, we go there.
            private bool DoContinue()
                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("  try cont");

                int downTo = prevTerm.Length - 1;

                bool didSeek = false;

                int limit = Math.Min(newSuffixStart, scratchTerm.Length - 1);

                while (downTo > limit)
                    if (IsHighBMPChar(prevTerm.Bytes, downTo))
                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            Console.WriteLine("    found E pos=" + downTo + " vs len=" + prevTerm.Length);

                        if (SeekToNonBMP(seekTermEnum, prevTerm, downTo))
                            // TODO: more efficient seek?
                            outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(termEnum, seekTermEnum.Term(), true);
                            //newSuffixStart = downTo+4;
                            newSuffixStart = downTo;
                            didSeek = true;
                            if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                                Console.WriteLine("      seek!");
                            if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                                Console.WriteLine("      no seek");

                    // Shorten prevTerm in place so that we don't redo
                    // this loop if we come back here:
                    if ((prevTerm.Bytes[downTo] & 0xc0) == 0xc0 || (prevTerm.Bytes[downTo] & 0x80) == 0)
                        prevTerm.Length = downTo;


            public override SeekStatus SeekCeil(BytesRef term)
                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine(" target=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(term.Utf8ToString()));
                skipNext = false;
                TermInfosReader tis = outerInstance.TermsDict;
                Term            t0  = new Term(fieldInfo.Name, term);

                Debug.Assert(termEnum != null);

                tis.SeekEnum(termEnum, t0, false);

                Term t = termEnum.Term();

                if (t != null && t.Field == internedFieldName && term.BytesEquals(t.Bytes))
                    // If we found an exact match, no need to do the
                    // surrogate dance
                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  seek exact match");
                    current = t.Bytes;
                else if (t == null || t.Field != internedFieldName)
                    // TODO: maybe we can handle this like the next()
                    // into null?  set term as prevTerm then dance?

                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  seek hit EOF");

                    // We hit EOF; try end-case surrogate dance: if we
                    // find an E, try swapping in S, backwards:

                    Debug.Assert(scratchTerm.Offset == 0);

                    for (int i = scratchTerm.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (IsHighBMPChar(scratchTerm.Bytes, i))
                            if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                                Console.WriteLine("    found E pos=" + i + "; try seek");

                            if (SeekToNonBMP(seekTermEnum, scratchTerm, i))
                                outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(termEnum, seekTermEnum.Term(), false);

                                newSuffixStart = 1 + i;


                                // Found a match
                                // TODO: faster seek?
                                current = termEnum.Term().Bytes;

                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  seek END");

                    current = null;
                    // We found a non-exact but non-null term; this one
                    // is fun -- just treat it like next, by pretending
                    // requested term was prev:

                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  seek hit non-exact term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(t.Text()));

                    BytesRef br = t.Bytes;
                    Debug.Assert(br.Offset == 0);

                    SetNewSuffixStart(term, br);


                    Term t2 = termEnum.Term();
                    if (t2 == null || t2.Field != internedFieldName)
                        // PreFlex codec interns field names; verify:
                        Debug.Assert(t2 == null || !t2.Field.Equals(internedFieldName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        current = null;
                        current = t2.Bytes;
                        Debug.Assert(!unicodeSortOrder || term.CompareTo(current) < 0, "term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(term.Utf8ToString()) + " vs current=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(current.Utf8ToString()));
            // Look for seek type 1 ("push"): if the newly added
            // suffix contains any S, we must try to seek to the
            // corresponding E.  If we find a match, we go there;
            // else we keep looking for additional S's in the new
            // suffix.  this "starts" the dance, at this character
            // position:
            private void DoPushes()
                int upTo = newSuffixStart;

                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("  try push newSuffixStart=" + newSuffixStart + " scratchLen=" + scratchTerm.Length);

                while (upTo < scratchTerm.Length)
                    if (IsNonBMPChar(scratchTerm.Bytes, upTo) && (upTo > newSuffixStart || (upTo >= prevTerm.Length || (!IsNonBMPChar(prevTerm.Bytes, upTo) && !IsHighBMPChar(prevTerm.Bytes, upTo)))))
                        // A non-BMP char (4 bytes UTF8) starts here:
                        Debug.Assert(scratchTerm.Length >= upTo + 4);

                        int savLength = scratchTerm.Length;
                        scratch[0] = (sbyte)scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo];
                        scratch[1] = (sbyte)scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 1];
                        scratch[2] = (sbyte)scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 2];

                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo]     = (byte)UTF8_HIGH_BMP_LEAD;
                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 1] = 0x80;
                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 2] = 0x80;
                        scratchTerm.Length          = upTo + 3;

                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            Console.WriteLine("    try seek 1 pos=" + upTo + " term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(scratchTerm.Utf8ToString()) + " " + scratchTerm.ToString() + " len=" + scratchTerm.Length);

                        // Seek "forward":
                        // TODO: more efficient seek?
                        outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(seekTermEnum, new Term(fieldInfo.Name, scratchTerm), true);

                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo]     = (byte)scratch[0];
                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 1] = (byte)scratch[1];
                        scratchTerm.Bytes[upTo + 2] = (byte)scratch[2];
                        scratchTerm.Length          = savLength;

                        // Did we find a match?
                        Term t2 = seekTermEnum.Term();

                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            if (t2 == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("      hit term=null");
                                Console.WriteLine("      hit term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(t2.Text()) + " " + (t2 == null ? null : t2.Bytes));

                        // Since this was a seek "forward", we could hit
                        // EOF or a different field:
                        bool matches;

                        if (t2 != null && t2.Field == internedFieldName)
                            BytesRef b2 = t2.Bytes;
                            Debug.Assert(b2.Offset == 0);
                            if (b2.Length >= upTo + 3 && IsHighBMPChar(b2.Bytes, upTo))
                                matches = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < upTo; i++)
                                    if (scratchTerm.Bytes[i] != b2.Bytes[i])
                                        matches = false;
                                matches = false;
                            matches = false;

                        if (matches)
                            if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                                Console.WriteLine("      matches!");

                            // OK seek "back"
                            // TODO: more efficient seek?
                            outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(termEnum, seekTermEnum.Term(), true);


                            // +3 because we don't need to check the char
                            // at upTo: we know it's > BMP
                            upTo += 3;

                            // NOTE: we keep iterating, now, since this
                            // can easily "recurse".  Ie, after seeking
                            // forward at a certain char position, we may
                            // find another surrogate in our [new] suffix
                            // and must then do another seek (recurse)
            // Pre-flex indices store terms in UTF16 sort order, but
            // certain queries require Unicode codepoint order; this
            // method carefully seeks around surrogates to handle
            // this impedance mismatch

            private void SurrogateDance()
                if (!unicodeSortOrder)

                // We are invoked after (by UTF16 order) to
                // possibly seek to a different "next" (by unicode
                // order) term.

                // We scan only the "delta" from the last term to the
                // current term, in UTF8 bytes.  We look at 1) the bytes
                // stripped from the prior term, and then 2) the bytes
                // appended to that prior term's prefix.

                // We don't care about specific UTF8 sequences, just
                // the "category" of the UTF16 character.  Category S
                // is a high/low surrogate pair (it non-BMP).
                // Category E is any BMP char > UNI_SUR_LOW_END (and <
                // U+FFFF). Category A is the rest (any unicode char
                // <= UNI_SUR_HIGH_START).

                // The core issue is that pre-flex indices sort the
                // characters as ASE, while flex must sort as AES.  So
                // when scanning, when we hit S, we must 1) seek
                // forward to E and enum the terms there, then 2) seek
                // back to S and enum all terms there, then 3) seek to
                // after E.  Three different seek points (1, 2, 3).

                // We can easily detect S in UTF8: if a byte has
                // prefix 11110 (0xf0), then that byte and the
                // following 3 bytes encode a single unicode codepoint
                // in S.  Similarly, we can detect E: if a byte has
                // prefix 1110111 (0xee), then that byte and the
                // following 2 bytes encode a single unicode codepoint
                // in E.

                // Note that this is really a recursive process --
                // maybe the char at pos 2 needs to dance, but any
                // point in its dance, suddenly pos 4 needs to dance
                // so you must finish pos 4 before returning to pos
                // 2.  But then during pos 4's dance maybe pos 7 needs
                // to dance, etc.  However, despite being recursive,
                // we don't need to hold any state because the state
                // can always be derived by looking at prior term &
                // current term.

                // TODO: can we avoid this copy?
                if (termEnum.Term() == null || termEnum.Term().Field != internedFieldName)
                    scratchTerm.Length = 0;

                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("  dance");
                    Console.WriteLine("    prev=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(prevTerm.Utf8ToString()));
                    Console.WriteLine("         " + prevTerm.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("    term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(scratchTerm.Utf8ToString()));
                    Console.WriteLine("         " + scratchTerm.ToString());

                // this code assumes TermInfosReader/SegmentTermEnum
                // always use BytesRef.offset == 0
                Debug.Assert(prevTerm.Offset == 0);
                Debug.Assert(scratchTerm.Offset == 0);

                // Need to loop here because we may need to do multiple
                // pops, and possibly a continue in the end, ie:
                //  cont
                //  pop, cont
                //  pop, pop, cont
                //  <nothing>

                while (true)
                    if (DoContinue())
                        if (!DoPop())

                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("  finish bmp ends");

            // Look for seek type 3 ("pop"): if the delta from
            // prev -> current was replacing an S with an E,
            // we must now seek to beyond that E.  this seek
            // "finishes" the dance at this character
            // position.
            private bool DoPop()
                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("  try pop");

                Debug.Assert(newSuffixStart <= prevTerm.Length);
                Debug.Assert(newSuffixStart < scratchTerm.Length || newSuffixStart == 0);

                if (prevTerm.Length > newSuffixStart && IsNonBMPChar(prevTerm.Bytes, newSuffixStart) && IsHighBMPChar(scratchTerm.Bytes, newSuffixStart))
                    // Seek type 2 -- put 0xFF at this position:
                    scratchTerm.Bytes[newSuffixStart] = 0xff;
                    scratchTerm.Length = newSuffixStart + 1;

                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("    seek to term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(scratchTerm.Utf8ToString()) + " " + scratchTerm.ToString());

                    // TODO: more efficient seek?  can we simply swap
                    // the enums?
                    outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(termEnum, new Term(fieldInfo.Name, scratchTerm), true);

                    Term t2 = termEnum.Term();

                    // We could hit EOF or different field since this
                    // was a seek "forward":
                    if (t2 != null && t2.Field == internedFieldName)
                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            Console.WriteLine("      got term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(t2.Text()) + " " + t2.Bytes);

                        BytesRef b2 = t2.Bytes;
                        Debug.Assert(b2.Offset == 0);

                        // Set newSuffixStart -- we can't use
                        // termEnum's since the above seek may have
                        // done no scanning (eg, term was precisely
                        // and index term, or, was in the term seek
                        // cache):
                        SetNewSuffixStart(prevTerm, scratchTerm);

                    else if (newSuffixStart != 0 || scratchTerm.Length != 0)
                        if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                            Console.WriteLine("      got term=null (or next field)");
                        newSuffixStart     = 0;
                        scratchTerm.Length = 0;

            // Swap in S, in place of E:
            private bool SeekToNonBMP(SegmentTermEnum te, BytesRef term, int pos)
                int savLength = term.Length;

                Debug.Assert(term.Offset == 0);

                // The 3 bytes starting at downTo make up 1
                // unicode character:
                Debug.Assert(IsHighBMPChar(term.Bytes, pos));

                // NOTE: we cannot make this assert, because
                // AutomatonQuery legitimately sends us malformed UTF8
                // (eg the UTF8 bytes with just 0xee)
                // assert term.length >= pos + 3: "term.length=" + term.length + " pos+3=" + (pos+3) + " byte=" + Integer.toHexString(term.bytes[pos]) + " term=" + term.toString();

                // Save the bytes && length, since we need to
                // restore this if seek "back" finds no matching
                // terms
                if (term.Bytes.Length < 4 + pos)
                    term.Grow(4 + pos);

                scratch[0] = (sbyte)term.Bytes[pos];
                scratch[1] = (sbyte)term.Bytes[pos + 1];
                scratch[2] = (sbyte)term.Bytes[pos + 2];

                term.Bytes[pos]     = 0xf0;
                term.Bytes[pos + 1] = 0x90;
                term.Bytes[pos + 2] = 0x80;
                term.Bytes[pos + 3] = 0x80;
                term.Length         = 4 + pos;

                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("      try seek term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(term.Utf8ToString()));

                // Seek "back":
                outerInstance.TermsDict.SeekEnum(te, new Term(fieldInfo.Name, term), true);

                // Test if the term we seek'd to in fact found a
                // surrogate pair at the same position as the E:
                Term t2 = te.Term();

                // Cannot be null (or move to next field) because at
                // "worst" it'd seek to the same term we are on now,
                // unless we are being called from seek
                if (t2 == null || t2.Field != internedFieldName)

                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                    Console.WriteLine("      got term=" + UnicodeUtil.ToHexString(t2.Text()));

                // Now test if prefix is identical and we found
                // a non-BMP char at the same position:
                BytesRef b2 = t2.Bytes;

                Debug.Assert(b2.Offset == 0);

                bool matches;

                if (b2.Length >= term.Length && IsNonBMPChar(b2.Bytes, pos))
                    matches = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
                        if (term.Bytes[i] != b2.Bytes[i])
                            matches = false;
                    matches = false;

                // Restore term:
                term.Length         = savLength;
                term.Bytes[pos]     = (byte)scratch[0];
                term.Bytes[pos + 1] = (byte)scratch[1];
                term.Bytes[pos + 2] = (byte)scratch[2];

            public override BytesRef Next()
                if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                if (skipNext)
                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  skipNext=true");
                    skipNext = false;
                    if (termEnum.Term() == null)
                        // PreFlex codec interns field names:
                    else if (termEnum.Term().Field != internedFieldName)
                        return(current = termEnum.Term().Bytes);

                // TODO: can we use STE's prevBuffer here?

                if (termEnum.Next() && termEnum.Term().Field == internedFieldName)
                    newSuffixStart = termEnum.newSuffixStart;
                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  newSuffixStart=" + newSuffixStart);
                    Term t = termEnum.Term();
                    if (t == null || t.Field != internedFieldName)
                        // PreFlex codec interns field names; verify:
                        Debug.Assert(t == null || !t.Field.Equals(internedFieldName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        current = null;
                        current = t.Bytes;
                    // this field is exhausted, but we have to give
                    // surrogateDance a chance to seek back:
                    if (DEBUG_SURROGATES)
                        Console.WriteLine("  force cont");
                    //newSuffixStart = prevTerm.length;
                    newSuffixStart = 0;

                    Term t = termEnum.Term();
                    if (t == null || t.Field != internedFieldName)
                        // PreFlex codec interns field names; verify:
                        Debug.Assert(t == null || !t.Field.Equals(internedFieldName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        current = t.Bytes;