public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Initialize (ToolkitType.Gtk); var plotModel = new PlotModel { Title = "Trigonometric functions", Subtitle = "Example using the FunctionSeries", PlotType = PlotType.Cartesian, Background = OxyColors.White }; plotModel.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(Math.Sin, -10, 10, 0.1, "sin(x)") { Color = OxyColors.Black }); plotModel.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(Math.Cos, -10, 10, 0.1, "cos(x)") { Color = OxyColors.Green }); plotModel.Series.Add(new FunctionSeries(t => 5 * Math.Cos(t), t => 5 * Math.Sin(t), 0, 2 * Math.PI, 0.1, "cos(t),sin(t)") { Color = OxyColors.Yellow }); var plotView = new OxyPlot.Xwt.PlotView { Model = plotModel }; plotView.Visible = true; plotView.MinWidth = 400; plotView.MinHeight = 400; Window w = new Window { Title = "OxyPlot Xwt Demo Application", Width = 600, Height = 600, Content = plotView }; w.CloseRequested += (s, a) => Application.Exit (); w.Show (); Application.Run (); w.Dispose (); Application.Dispose (); }
protected override void GetRequiredPosition(TextEditor Editor, Xwt.Window tipWindow, out double requiredWidth, out double xalign) { TooltipWindow win = (TooltipWindow)tipWindow; requiredWidth = win.SetMaxWidth(win.Screen.VisibleBounds.Width); xalign = 0.5; }
WindowTransparencyDecorator(Xwt.Window window) { this.window = window; window.Shown += ShownHandler; window.Hidden += HiddenHandler; window.Disposed += DestroyedHandler; }
public void ParentWindow () { var w = CreateWidget (); var win = new Window (); win.Content = w; Assert.AreSame (win, w.ParentWindow); win.Dispose (); }
Box PrepareBox (Window win) { win.Padding = 0; win.Size = new Size (100, 100); var box = CreateBox (); win.Content = box; return box; }
public void CheckWidgetRender (string refImageName, Xwt.Widget widget, int winWidth = 300, int winHeight = 100) { using (var win = new Window { Width = winWidth, Height = winHeight }) { win.Content = widget; ShowWindow (win); var img = Toolkit.CurrentEngine.RenderWidget (widget); ReferenceImageManager.CheckImage (refImageName, img); } }
public void Run() { ApplicationExtensions.InvokeInUIThread(() => { var window = new Window(); window.Width = 800; window.Height = 600; window.Content = new LogViewer(LuceneLoggerBackend.Instance); window.Show(); }); }
public void SinglePackExpand () { using (Window win = new Window ()) { var box = PrepareBox (win); SquareBox c = new SquareBox (); box.PackStart (c, true); ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (ToScreenBounds (win, new Rectangle (0, 0, 100, 100)), c.ScreenBounds); } }
public void ShowWindow (Window win) { var ev = new ManualResetEvent (false); win.Shown += delegate { ev.Set (); }; win.Show (); ev.WaitForEvent (); Application.MainLoop.DispatchPendingEvents (); }
public void ChildAlignment () { using (var win = new Window ()) { var c = CreateWidget (); win.Content = c; win.Size = new Size (100, 100); var box = new SquareBox (10); AddChild (c, box); ShowWindow (win); VerifyAlignment (box); } }
public void DefaultSize () { using (var win = new Window ()) { win.Padding = 0; var test = new VariableSizeBox (200); win.Content = test; ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (200, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, win.Size.Height); Assert.AreEqual (200, test.ScreenBounds.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, test.ScreenBounds.Height); } }
public void BasicScrolling () { var list = CreateScrollableWidget (); Window w = new Window (); w.Content = (Widget) list; w.Width = w.Height = 300; ShowWindow (w); // Vertical Assert.AreEqual (list.VerticalScrollControl.LowerValue, list.VerticalScrollControl.Value); int changed = 0; list.VerticalScrollControl.ValueChanged += delegate { changed++; }; var mid = Math.Truncate ((list.VerticalScrollControl.UpperValue - list.VerticalScrollControl.LowerValue) / 2); list.VerticalScrollControl.Value = mid; Assert.AreEqual (1, changed); Assert.AreEqual (mid, list.VerticalScrollControl.Value); Assert.IsTrue (list.VerticalScrollControl.UpperValue > list.VerticalScrollControl.LowerValue); Assert.IsTrue (list.VerticalScrollControl.PageSize > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.VerticalScrollControl.PageIncrement > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.VerticalScrollControl.StepIncrement > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.VerticalScrollControl.PageIncrement <= list.VerticalScrollControl.PageSize); // Horizontal Assert.AreEqual (list.VerticalScrollControl.LowerValue, list.HorizontalScrollControl.Value); changed = 0; list.HorizontalScrollControl.ValueChanged += delegate { changed++; }; mid = Math.Truncate ((list.HorizontalScrollControl.UpperValue - list.HorizontalScrollControl.LowerValue) / 2); list.HorizontalScrollControl.Value = mid; Assert.AreEqual (1, changed); Assert.AreEqual (mid, list.HorizontalScrollControl.Value); Assert.IsTrue (list.HorizontalScrollControl.UpperValue > list.HorizontalScrollControl.LowerValue); Assert.IsTrue (list.HorizontalScrollControl.PageSize > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.HorizontalScrollControl.PageIncrement > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.HorizontalScrollControl.StepIncrement > 0); Assert.IsTrue (list.HorizontalScrollControl.PageIncrement <= list.HorizontalScrollControl.PageSize); }
public void Focus() { using (var win = new Window ()) { var w = CreateWidget (); HBox box = new HBox (); TextEntry e = new TextEntry (); box.PackStart (e); box.PackStart (w); win.Content = box; win.Show (); win.Present (); Application.MainLoop.DispatchPendingEvents (); e.SetFocus (); Application.MainLoop.DispatchPendingEvents (); Assert.IsFalse (w.HasFocus); // Assert.IsTrue (w.CanGetFocus); int gotFocus = 0; w.GotFocus += delegate { gotFocus++; }; w.SetFocus (); if (w.CanGetFocus) { Assert.IsTrue (w.HasFocus); Assert.AreEqual (1, gotFocus); int lostFocus = 0; w.LostFocus += delegate { lostFocus++; }; e.SetFocus (); Assert.IsFalse (w.HasFocus); // Assert.AreEqual (1, lostFocus); } else { Assert.IsFalse (w.HasFocus); Assert.AreEqual (0, gotFocus); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string dataFolderPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string database = String.Format("{0}\\data.db", dataFolderPath); dataSource = "data source=" + database; tableName = "product"; tableName = "product"; PlotHelper.createTable(dataSource,tableName); PlotHelper.TestConnection(dataSource); // TODO: add Xwt.WPF.dll to vendor directory Application.Initialize(ToolkitType.Gtk); Window MainWindow = new Window() { Title = "Xwt Demo Application", Width = 500, Height = 400 }; MainWindow.CloseRequested += (o, e) => { Application.Exit(); }; Menu MainMenu = new Menu(); RichTextView TextView = new RichTextView(); MenuItem FileOpenMenuItem = new MenuItem("???????"); Menu FileMenu = new Menu(); FileOpenMenuItem.Clicked += (o, e) => { OpenFileDialog Dialog = new OpenFileDialog("??????? ????"); if (Dialog.Run(MainWindow)) { TextView.LoadFile(Dialog.FileName, Xwt.Formats.TextFormat.Markdown); } }; MenuItem FileMenuItem = new MenuItem("????") { SubMenu = FileMenu }; FileMenu.Items.Add(FileOpenMenuItem); MainMenu.Items.Add(FileMenuItem); MainWindow.MainMenu = MainMenu; var n = new NotebookSample(); MainWindow.Content = n; MainWindow.Show(); Application.Run(); }
public void Coordinates() { double padding = 40; using (var win = new Window ()) { var w = CreateWidget (); w.MinWidth = 1; w.MinHeight = 1; win.Content = w; win.Padding = padding; win.Location = new Point (300,300); ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (w.ScreenBounds, win.ScreenBounds.Inflate (-padding,-padding)); } }
public void ContentMargin() { using (var win = new Window ()) { win.Padding = 0; SquareBox test = new SquareBox (); test.MinWidth = 200; test.MinHeight = 200; test.Margin = 5; win.Content = test; ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (210, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (210, win.Size.Height); Assert.AreEqual (200, test.ScreenBounds.Width); Assert.AreEqual (200, test.ScreenBounds.Height); } }
public virtual Xwt.Window ShowTooltipWindow(TextEditor editor, double offset, Xwt.ModifierKeys modifierState, Point mouse, TooltipItem item) { Xwt.Window tipWindow = CreateTooltipWindow(editor, offset, modifierState, item); if (tipWindow == null) { return(null); } var point = editor.ConvertToScreenCoordinates(mouse); double w; double xalign; GetRequiredPosition(editor, tipWindow, out w, out xalign); w += 10; Rectangle geometry = editor.ParentWindow.Screen.VisibleBounds; point.X -= (int)((double)w * xalign); point.Y += 10; if (point.X + w >= geometry.X + geometry.Width) { point.X = geometry.X + geometry.Width - w; } if (point.X < geometry.Left) { point.X = geometry.Left; } var h = tipWindow.Size.Height; if (point.Y + h >= geometry.Y + geometry.Height) { point.Y = geometry.Y + geometry.Height - h; } if (point.Y < geometry.Top) { point.Y = geometry.Top; } tipWindow.Location = point; tipWindow.Show(); return(tipWindow); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Mutex mutex = new System.Threading.Mutex(false, "OwnCloudCalendarConnerctor"); try { if (mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { string logConfigFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"config.log4net"; log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(logConfigFile)); Application.Initialize(ToolkitType.Gtk); Xwt.Drawing.Image iconImage = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"D:\Vladimir Varagic\Privatno\Diplomski rad\svnVersion\ownCloudCalendar\trunk\ownCloudCalendarProject\ownCloudCalendar\ownCloudCalendarXWT\Images\20141129064955676_easyicon_net_32.ico"); var mainWindow = new Window() { Title = "ownCloud Calendar Client", Width = 500, Height = 250, Icon = iconImage }; mainWindow.Resizable = false; LogIn logIn = new LogIn(); mainWindow.Content = logIn; mainWindow.Show(); Application.Run(); mainWindow.Dispose(); } else { Application.Initialize(ToolkitType.Gtk); MessageDialog.ShowMessage("An instance of the application is already running."); } } finally { if (mutex != null) { mutex.Close(); mutex = null; } } }
public Windows() { Button b = new Button ("Show borderless window"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window (); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button ("This is a window"); // c.Margin.SetAll (10); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose (); }; var bpos = b.ScreenBounds; w.Bounds = new Rectangle (bpos.X, bpos.Y + b.Size.Height, w.Bounds.Width, w.Bounds.Height); w.Show (); }; b = new Button ("Show message dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { MessageDialog.ShowMessage (ParentWindow, "Hi there!"); }; Button db = new Button ("Show custom dialog"); PackStart (db); db.Clicked += delegate { Dialog d = new Dialog (); d.Title = "This is a dialog"; Table t = new Table (); t.Attach (new Label ("Some field:"), 0, 1, 0, 1); t.Attach (new TextEntry (), 1, 2, 0, 1); t.Attach (new Label ("Another field:"), 0, 1, 1, 2); t.Attach (new TextEntry (), 1, 2, 1, 2); d.Content = t; Command custom = new Command ("Custom"); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (custom)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton ("Custom OK", Command.Ok)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Cancel)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Ok)); var r = d.Run (this.ParentWindow); db.Label = "Result: " + r.Label; d.Dispose (); }; }
public void AlignCenterWrappedChangeText () { var la = new Label ("Some text here"); la.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; la.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; la.WidthRequest = 200; la.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.LightGray; using (var win = new Window { Width = 200, Height = 100 }) { win.Content = la; ShowWindow (win); la.Text = "Some text here Some text here"; WaitForEvents (); var img = Toolkit.CurrentEngine.RenderWidget (la); ReferenceImageManager.CheckImage ("Label.AlignCenterWrappedChangeText.png", img); } }
public void Detach() { if (window == null) { return; } //remove the snooper HiddenHandler(null, null); //annul allreferences between this and the window window.Content.KeyPressed -= KeyPressed; window.Content.KeyReleased -= KeyReleased; window.Shown -= ShownHandler; window.Hidden -= HiddenHandler; window.Disposed -= DestroyedHandler; window = null; }
public void ShowAnalyser(IAnalyzableBackendAnalyzer analyzer, string name) { var guiWidget = analyzer as IHasWidget; if(guiWidget == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong analyzer provided, expected object of type 'IHasGUIWidget'"); } var window = new Window(); window.Title = name; window.Height = 600; window.Width = 800; window.Content = guiWidget.Widget; openedWindows.Add(analyzer, window); window.Closed += (sender, e) => openedWindows.Remove(analyzer); window.Show(); }
public static void Main(string [] args) { Application.Initialize("Xwt.GtkBackend.GtkEngine, Xwt.Gtk, Version="); Window w = new Window(); w.Title = "Xwt Demo Application"; w.Width = 500; w.Height = 400; ReportViewer rv = new ReportViewer(); rv.LoadReport(new Uri(@"C:\Users\Peter\Projects\My-FyiReporting\Examples\SqliteExamples\SimpleTest1.rdl")); w.Content = rv; w.Show(); Application.Run(); w.Dispose(); }
public void FixedContentGrowMakesWindowGrow () { using (var win = new Window ()) { win.Padding = 0; var test = new VariableSizeBox (200); test.ForceSize = true; win.Content = test; ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (200, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, win.Size.Height); test.Size = 300; // The preferred size grows, and it is bigger that the constraint provided // by the window (the initial size of the window), so the window grows to adapt WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (150, win.Size.Height); Assert.AreEqual (300, test.ScreenBounds.Width); Assert.AreEqual (150, test.ScreenBounds.Height); } }
public void FlexibleContentGrowMakesWindowNotGrow () { using (var win = new Window ()) { win.Padding = 0; var test = new VariableSizeBox (200); win.Content = test; ShowWindow (win); Assert.AreEqual (200, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, win.Size.Height); test.Size = 300; // The preferred size grows, but the widget honors the constraint given // by the window (the initial size of the window), so it doesn't make // the window grow WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (200, win.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, win.Size.Height); Assert.AreEqual (200, test.ScreenBounds.Width); Assert.AreEqual (100, test.ScreenBounds.Height); } }
public void HiddenTree () { var f = new DataField<string> (); TreeStore ts = new TreeStore (f); var node = ts.AddNode ().SetValue (f, "1").AddChild ().SetValue (f, "2").AddChild ().SetValue (f, "3"); var tree = new TreeView (ts); Window w = new Window (); Notebook nb = new Notebook (); nb.Add (new Label ("Hi"), "One"); nb.Add (tree, "Two"); w.Content = nb; ShowWindow (w); tree.ScrollToRow (node.CurrentPosition); tree.Columns.Add ("Hi", f); tree.ScrollToRow (node.CurrentPosition); }
public Windows() { Button b = new Button ("Show borderless window"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window (); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button ("This is a window"); // c.Margin.SetAll (10); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose (); }; var bpos = b.ScreenBounds; w.Bounds = new Rectangle (bpos.X, bpos.Y + b.Size.Height, w.Bounds.Width, w.Bounds.Height); w.Show (); }; b = new Button ("Show message dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { MessageDialog.ShowMessage (ParentWindow, "Hi there!"); }; }
public Windows() { Button b = new Button ("Show borderless window"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window (); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button ("This is a window"); // c.Margin.SetAll (10); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose (); }; var bpos = b.ScreenBounds; w.ScreenBounds = new Rectangle (bpos.X, bpos.Y + b.Size.Height, w.Width, w.Height); w.Show (); }; b = new Button ("Show message dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { MessageDialog.ShowMessage (ParentWindow, "Hi there!"); }; Button db = new Button ("Show custom dialog"); PackStart (db); db.Clicked += delegate { Dialog d = new Dialog (); d.Title = "This is a dialog"; Table t = new Table (); t.Attach (new Label ("Some field:"), 0, 1, 0, 1); t.Attach (new TextEntry (), 1, 2, 0, 1); t.Attach (new Label ("Another field:"), 0, 1, 1, 2); t.Attach (new TextEntry (), 1, 2, 1, 2); d.Content = t; Command custom = new Command ("Custom"); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (custom)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton ("Custom OK", Command.Ok)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Cancel)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Ok)); var r = d.Run (this.ParentWindow); db.Label = "Result: " + r.Label; d.Dispose (); }; b = new Button ("Show Open File dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog ("Select a file"); dlg.InitialFileName = "Some file"; dlg.Multiselect = true; dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("Xwt files", "*.xwt")); dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("All files", "*.*")); if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Files have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.FileNames)); }; b = new Button ("Show Save File dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog ("Select a file"); dlg.InitialFileName = "Some file"; dlg.Multiselect = true; dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("Xwt files", "*.xwt")); dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("All files", "*.*")); if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Files have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.FileNames)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Folder dialog (Multi select)"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectFolderDialog dlg = new SelectFolderDialog ("Select some folder"); dlg.Multiselect = true; if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Folders have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.Folders)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Folder dialog (Single select)"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectFolderDialog dlg = new SelectFolderDialog ("Select a folder"); dlg.Multiselect = false; if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Folders have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.Folders)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Color dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectColorDialog dlg = new SelectColorDialog ("Select a color"); dlg.SupportsAlpha = true; dlg.Color = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.AliceBlue; if (dlg.Run (ParentWindow)) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("A color has been selected!", dlg.Color.ToString ()); }; b = new Button("Show window shown event"); PackStart(b); b.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window(); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button("This is a window with events on"); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose(); }; w.Shown += (sender, args) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage("My Parent has been shown"); w.Hidden += (sender, args) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage("My Parent has been hidden"); w.Show(); }; }
public void MinSize() { using (var win = new Window ()) { var w = CreateWidget (); VBox box1 = new VBox (); HBox box2 = new HBox (); HBox f = new HBox (); f.MinWidth = 10; f.MinHeight = 10; box1.PackStart (box2); box2.PackStart (f); f.PackStart (w, BoxMode.FillAndExpand); win.Content = box1; ShowWindow (win); var defw = w.Size.Width; var defh = w.Size.Height; w.MinWidth = 300; w.MinHeight = 400; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.MinWidth); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.MinHeight); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.Size.Height); w.MinWidth = -1; w.MinHeight = -1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.MinWidth); Assert.AreEqual (defw, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.MinHeight); Assert.AreEqual (defh, w.Size.Height); } }
public virtual bool IsInteractive(TextEditor editor, Xwt.Window tipWindow) { return(false); }
private void btnSyncCalendar_Click() { try { string validationMessage = ValidateControls(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(validationMessage)) { MessageDialog.ShowError(this.ParentWindow, validationMessage); return; } IICalendarCollection iCalCollection = GetCalendarEventsData(); if (iCalCollection == null) { MessageDialog.ShowMessage(this.ParentWindow, "There is no calendar with the name " + txtCalendarName.Text.Trim()); } else { Hide(); int? syncTimerInterval = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTimerInterval.Text)) { syncTimerInterval = Convert.ToInt32(txtTimerInterval.Text); } this.ParentWindow.Hide(); var eventListWindow = new Window() { Title = "ownCloud Calendar Client", Width = 500, Height = 500 }; eventListWindow.Resizable = false; eventListWindow.ShowInTaskbar = false; EventsList eventsList = new EventsList(iCalCollection, cbAutomaticSync.Active, syncTimerInterval, txtCalendarName.Text, serverUrl, username, password, serverAddress); eventListWindow.Content = eventsList; eventListWindow.Show(); if (eventsList.IsHiden) { HideForm(); } else { //this.ParentWindow.Show(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } }
public BitmapImage ToBitmap(Window renderTarget, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.ARGB32) { return ToVectorImage ().ToBitmap (renderTarget, format); }
public void RequestedSize() { using (var win = new Window ()) { var w = CreateWidget (); VBox box1 = new VBox (); HBox box2 = new HBox (); HBox f = new HBox (); box1.PackStart (box2); box2.PackStart (f); f.PackStart (w, true); win.Content = box1; ShowWindow (win); WaitForEvents (); var defw = w.Size.Width; var defh = w.Size.Height; w.WidthRequest = 300; w.HeightRequest = 400; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.WidthRequest); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.HeightRequest); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.Size.Height); // Size request has priority over min size w.MinWidth = 310; w.MinHeight = 410; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.Size.Height); w.MinWidth = 290; w.MinHeight = 390; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.Size.Height); // Size request has priority over preferred size, so it can make a widget smaller than the default size w.MinWidth = -1; w.MinHeight = -1; if (defw > 1) { w.WidthRequest = defw - 1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (defw - 1, w.WidthRequest); Assert.AreEqual (defw - 1, w.Size.Width); } if (defh > 1) { w.HeightRequest = defh - 1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (defh - 1, w.HeightRequest); Assert.AreEqual (defh - 1, w.Size.Height); } w.WidthRequest = -1; w.HeightRequest = -1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.WidthRequest); Assert.AreEqual (defw, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.HeightRequest); Assert.AreEqual (defh, w.Size.Height); } }
public void MinSize() { using (var win = new Window ()) { var w = CreateWidget (); VBox box1 = new VBox (); HBox box2 = new HBox (); HBox f = new HBox (); f.MinWidth = 10; f.MinHeight = 10; box1.PackStart (box2); box2.PackStart (f); f.PackStart (w, true); win.Content = box1; ShowWindow (win); WaitForEvents (); var defw = w.Size.Width; var defh = w.Size.Height; // Min size has priority over the preferred size w.MinWidth = 300; w.MinHeight = 400; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.MinWidth); Assert.AreEqual (300d, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.MinHeight); Assert.AreEqual (400d, w.Size.Height); if (defw > 1) { w.MinWidth = defw - 1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (defw - 1, w.MinWidth); Assert.AreEqual (defw, w.Size.Width); } if (defh > 1) { w.MinHeight = defh - 1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (defh - 1, w.MinHeight); Assert.AreEqual (defh, w.Size.Height); } w.MinWidth = -1; w.MinHeight = -1; WaitForEvents (); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.MinWidth); Assert.AreEqual (defw, w.Size.Width); Assert.AreEqual (-1, w.MinHeight); Assert.AreEqual (defh, w.Size.Height); } }
protected virtual void GetRequiredPosition(TextEditor editor, Xwt.Window tipWindow, out double requiredWidth, out double xalign) { requiredWidth = tipWindow.Width; xalign = 0.5; }
public Windows() { Button bp = new Button ("Show borderless window"); PackStart (bp); bp.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window (); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button ("This is a window"); // c.Margin.SetAll (10); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose (); }; var bpos = bp.ScreenBounds; w.ScreenBounds = new Rectangle (bpos.X, bpos.Y + bp.Size.Height, w.Width, w.Height); w.Show (); }; Button b = new Button ("Show message dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { MessageDialog.ShowMessage (ParentWindow, "Hi there!"); }; Button db = new Button ("Show custom dialog"); PackStart (db); db.Clicked += delegate { Dialog d = new Dialog (); d.Title = "This is a dialog"; Table t = new Table (); t.Add (new Label ("Some field:"), 0, 0); t.Add (new TextEntry (), 1, 0); t.Add (new Label ("Another field:"), 0, 1); t.Add (new TextEntry (), 1, 1); d.Content = t; d.CloseRequested += delegate(object sender, CloseRequestedEventArgs args) { args.AllowClose = MessageDialog.Confirm ("Really close?", Command.Close); }; Command custom = new Command ("Custom"); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (custom)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton ("Custom OK", Command.Ok)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Cancel)); d.Buttons.Add (new DialogButton (Command.Ok)); var r = d.Run (this.ParentWindow); db.Label = "Result: " + (r != null ? r.Label : "(Closed)"); d.Dispose (); }; b = new Button ("Show Open File dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog ("Select a file"); dlg.InitialFileName = "Some file"; dlg.Multiselect = true; dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("Xwt files", "*.xwt")); dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("All files", "*.*")); if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Files have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.FileNames)); }; b = new Button ("Show Save File dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog ("Select a file"); dlg.InitialFileName = "Some file"; dlg.Multiselect = true; dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("Xwt files", "*.xwt")); dlg.Filters.Add (new FileDialogFilter ("All files", "*.*")); if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Files have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.FileNames)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Folder dialog (Multi select)"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectFolderDialog dlg = new SelectFolderDialog ("Select some folder"); dlg.Multiselect = true; if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Folders have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.Folders)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Folder dialog (Single select)"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectFolderDialog dlg = new SelectFolderDialog ("Select a folder"); dlg.Multiselect = false; if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Folders have been selected!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.Folders)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Folder dialog (Single select, allow creation)"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectFolderDialog dlg = new SelectFolderDialog ("Select or create a folder"); dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.CanCreateFolders = true; if (dlg.Run ()) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Folders have been selected/created!", string.Join ("\n", dlg.Folders)); }; b = new Button ("Show Select Color dialog"); PackStart (b); b.Clicked += delegate { SelectColorDialog dlg = new SelectColorDialog ("Select a color"); dlg.SupportsAlpha = true; dlg.Color = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.AliceBlue; if (dlg.Run (ParentWindow)) MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("A color has been selected!", dlg.Color.ToString ()); }; b = new Button("Show window shown event"); PackStart(b); b.Clicked += delegate { Window w = new Window(); w.Decorated = false; Button c = new Button("This is a window with events on"); w.Content = c; c.Clicked += delegate { w.Dispose(); }; w.Shown += (sender, args) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage("My Parent has been shown"); w.Hidden += (sender, args) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage("My Parent has been hidden"); w.Show(); }; b = new Button("Show dialog with dynamically updating content"); PackStart(b); b.Clicked += delegate { var dialog = new Dialog (); dialog.Content = new Label ("Hello World"); Xwt.Application.TimeoutInvoke (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (2), () => { dialog.Content = new Label ("Goodbye World"); return false; }); dialog.Run (); }; }
public static WindowTransparencyDecorator Attach(Xwt.Window window) { return(new WindowTransparencyDecorator(window)); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Initialize(); var w = new Xwt.Window(); w.Padding = 0; w.Title = "Teststestse"; w.Hidden += (object s, EventArgs ea) => { Application.Exit(); w.Dispose(); }; var vb = new VBox(); w.Content = vb; TooltipWindow ttw = null; var b = new Button("Show tooltip"); b.Clicked += (object s, EventArgs ea) => { if (ttw != null) { ttw.Dispose(); } ttw = new TooltipWindow(); ttw.TransientFor = w; ttw.Show(); }; vb.PackStart(b); b = new Button("Hide tooltip"); b.Clicked += (object s, EventArgs ea) => { if (ttw != null) { ttw.Dispose(); } }; vb.PackStart(b); var mc = new MyMainComponent(); mc.LineColor = Colors.Green; mc.ExpandHorizontal = true; vb.PackStart(mc); var scr = new HScrollbar(); scr.ExpandHorizontal = true; vb.PackEnd(scr); scr.LowerValue = 0; scr.UpperValue = 1; scr.PageSize = 0.05; scr.PageIncrement = 0.05; mc = new MyMainComponent { LineColor = Colors.Blue, WidthRequest = 400, HeightRequest = 40 }; vb.PackEnd(mc); mc.ExpandHorizontal = true; mc.ExpandVertical = true; scr.ValueChanged += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { mc.modValue = scr.Value; mc.QueueDraw(); }; var button = new Button("Hello"); mc.AddChild(button, 50, 20); w.Show(); Application.Run(); Application.Dispose(); }