public Splash() { Decorated = false; ShowInTaskbar = false; box = new VBox { Margin = -2, }; imageView = new ImageView { Image = Image.FromResource (Resources.Splash), }; progressBar = new ProgressBar { Indeterminate = true, TooltipText = Catalog.GetString ("Loading..."), }; info = new Label { Text = Catalog.GetString ("Loading..."), TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, }; box.PackStart (imageView); box.PackEnd (progressBar); box.PackEnd (info); Content = box; InitialLocation = WindowLocation.CenterScreen; }
public MenuSamples () { Label la = new Label ("Right click here to show the context menu"); menu = new Menu (); menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("One")); menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Two")); menu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Three")); menu.Items.Add (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); var rgroup = new RadioButtonMenuItemGroup (); menu.Items.Add (new RadioButtonMenuItem ("Opt 1") { Group = rgroup, Sensitive = false }); menu.Items.Add (new RadioButtonMenuItem ("Opt 2") { Group = rgroup, Checked = true }); menu.Items.Add (new RadioButtonMenuItem ("Opt 3") { Group = rgroup }); menu.Items.Add (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); menu.Items.Add (new CheckBoxMenuItem ("Check 1")); menu.Items.Add (new CheckBoxMenuItem ("Check 2") { Checked = true }); menu.Items.Add (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); var subMenu = new MenuItem ("Submenu"); subMenu.SubMenu = new Menu (); var subZoomIn = new MenuItem (new Command ("Zoom+", StockIcons.ZoomIn)); var subZoomOut = new MenuItem (new Command ("Zoom-", StockIcons.ZoomOut)); subMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add (subZoomIn); subMenu.SubMenu.Items.Add (subZoomOut); menu.Items.Add (subMenu); subZoomIn.Clicked += (sender, e) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("'Zoom+' item clicked."); subZoomOut.Clicked += (sender, e) => MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("'Zoom-' item clicked."); la.ButtonPressed += HandleButtonPressed; PackStart (la); }
public override Xwt.Widget Makeup(IXwtWrapper Parent) { Xwt.Label Target = new Xwt.Label() { TextAlignment = this.Align, Text = this.Text, Ellipsize = this.Ellipsize, Wrap = this.Wrap }; if (this.Markup != "") Target.Markup = this.Markup; if (this.Color != "") Target.TextColor = Xwt.Drawing.Color.FromName(this.Color); //Binding if (Source != "") { Target.Text = (string)PathBind.GetValue(Source, Parent, ""); Parent.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == this.Source.Split('.')[0]) Xwt.Application.Invoke(() => Target.Text = (string)PathBind.GetValue(Source, Parent, "")); }; } WindowController.TryAttachEvent(Target, "LinkClicked", Parent, LinkClicked); InitWidget(Target, Parent); return Target; }
public ScrollbarSample () { WidthRequest = 300; HeightRequest = 300; canvas = new Canvas (); label = new Label ("Use the scrollbars\nto move this label"); canvas.AddChild (label); Add (canvas, 0, 0, hexpand:true, vexpand:true); vscroll = new VScrollbar () { LowerValue = 0, UpperValue = 300, PageIncrement = 10, PageSize = 50, StepIncrement = 1 }; Add (vscroll, 1, 0, vexpand:true); hscroll = new HScrollbar () { LowerValue = 0, UpperValue = 300, PageIncrement = 10, PageSize = 50, StepIncrement = 1 }; Add (hscroll, 0, 1, hexpand:true); vscroll.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; hscroll.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged; }
public DependencyWidget (IConnectedService service, IConnectedServiceDependency dependency) { Dependency = dependency; Service = service; iconView = new ImageView (dependency.Icon.WithSize (Xwt.IconSize.Small)); nameLabel = new Label (dependency.DisplayName); statusIconView = new ImageView (); statusLabel = new Label (); statusLabel.LinkClicked += (sender, e) => { if (dependency.Status == Status.NotAdded) dependency.AddToProject (CancellationToken.None); e.SetHandled (); }; container = new HBox (); container.PackStart (iconView); container.PackStart (nameLabel); container.PackStart (statusIconView); container.PackStart (statusLabel); Content = container; Update (); dependency.StatusChanged += HandleDependencyStatusChange; service.StatusChanged += HandleServiceStatusChanged; }
public DependenciesSectionWidget (IConfigurationSection section) { this.section = section; widget = new VBox (); if (this.section.Service.Dependencies.Length == 0) { widget.PackStart (new Label { Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("This service has no dependencies") }); return; } bool firstCategory = true; foreach (var category in this.section.Service.Dependencies.Select (d => d.Category).Distinct ()) { var categoryIcon = new ImageView (category.Icon.WithSize (IconSize.Small)); var categoryLabel = new Label (category.Name); var categoryBox = new HBox (); if (!firstCategory) categoryBox.MarginTop += 5; categoryBox.PackStart (categoryIcon); categoryBox.PackStart (categoryLabel); widget.PackStart (categoryBox); foreach (var dependency in this.section.Service.Dependencies.Where (d => d.Category == category)) { widget.PackStart (new DependencyWidget (section.Service, dependency) { MarginLeft = category.Icon.Size.Width / 2 }); } if (firstCategory) firstCategory = false; } }
public TextEntries() { TextEntry te1 = new TextEntry (); PackStart (te1); Label la = new Label (); PackStart (la); te1.Changed += delegate { la.Text = "Text: " + te1.Text; }; PackStart (new Label ("Entry with small font")); TextEntry te2 = new TextEntry (); te2.Font = te2.Font.WithScaledSize (0.5); PackStart (te2); PackStart (new Label ("Entry with placeholder text")); TextEntry te3 = new TextEntry (); te3.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text"; PackStart (te3); PackStart (new Label ("Entry with no frame")); TextEntry te4 = new TextEntry(); te4.ShowFrame = false; PackStart (te4); TextEntry te5 = new TextEntry (); te5.Text = "I should be centered!"; te5.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; PackStart (te5); }
public DatePickerSample () { var dtp = new DatePicker (DateTime.Now); PackStart (dtp); Label la1 = new Label ("Initial Value: " + dtp.DateTime); PackStart (la1); dtp.ValueChanged += delegate { la1.Text = "Value changed: " + dtp.DateTime; }; var dp = new DatePicker (DatePickerStyle.Date); PackStart (dp); Label la2 = new Label ("Initial Value: " + dp.DateTime); PackStart (la2); dp.ValueChanged += delegate { la2.Text = "Value changed: " + dp.DateTime; }; var tp = new DatePicker (DatePickerStyle.Time, DateTime.MinValue); PackStart (tp); Label la3 = new Label ("Initial Value: " + tp.DateTime); PackStart (la3); tp.ValueChanged += delegate { la3.Text = "Value changed: " + tp.DateTime; }; }
private void Build() { this.Icon = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource("URMSimulator.Resources.urm.png"); this.Title = "About"; this.Resizable = false; this.Buttons.Add(new DialogButton(Command.Close)); vbox1 = new VBox(); image1 = new ImageView(); image1.WidthRequest = 320; image1.HeightRequest = 270; vbox1.PackStart(image1); labelProgramName = new Label(); labelProgramName.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; vbox1.PackStart(labelProgramName); labelComments = new Label(); labelComments.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; vbox1.PackStart(labelComments); hbox1 = new HBox(); hbox1.PackStart(new HBox(), true); labelWebsite = new LinkLabel(); labelWebsite.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; //text aligment doesn't work with Xwt.WPF hbox1.PackStart(labelWebsite, false); hbox1.PackStart(new HBox(), true); vbox1.PackStart(hbox1); this.Content = vbox1; }
public PluginTitleWidget(PluginType type) { PluginType = type; label = new Label() { Text = type.GetName(), TextColor = type.GetColor(), Font = Font.WithScaledSize(2d), HeightRequest = 30, WidthRequest = 400, }; MarginTop = 8; HeightRequest = 30; WidthRequest = 400; AddChild(label, 0, 0); if (App.InitOpacityAnimation != null) { Opacity = 0; App.InitOpacityAnimation(this); } }
public RadioButtonSample () { var b1 = new RadioButton ("Item 1"); var b2 = new RadioButton ("Item 2 (red background)"); b2.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red; var b3 = new RadioButton ("Item 3"); b2.Group = b3.Group = b1.Group; PackStart (b1); PackStart (b2); PackStart (b3); var la = new Label (); la.Hide (); b1.Group.ActiveRadioButtonChanged += delegate { la.Show (); la.Text = "Active: " + b1.Group.ActiveRadioButton.Label; }; PackStart (la); PackStart (new HSeparator ()); var box = new VBox (); box.PackStart (new Label ("First Option")); box.PackStart (new Label ("Second line")); var b4 = new RadioButton (box); var b5 = new RadioButton ("Second Option"); var b6 = new RadioButton ("Disabled Option") { Sensitive = false }; PackStart (b4); PackStart (b5); PackStart (b6); b4.Group = b5.Group = b6.Group; }
public RadioButtonSample() { var b1 = new RadioButton ("Item 1"); var b2 = new RadioButton ("Item 2"); var b3 = new RadioButton ("Item 3"); b2.Group = b3.Group = b1.Group; PackStart (b1); PackStart (b2); PackStart (b3); var la = new Label (); la.Hide (); b1.Group.ActiveRadioButtonChanged += delegate { la.Show (); la.Text = "Active: " + b1.Group.ActiveRadioButton.Label; }; PackStart (la); PackStart (new HSeparator ()); var box = new VBox (); box.PackStart (new Label ("First Option")); box.PackStart (new Label ("Second line")); var b4 = new RadioButton (box); var b5 = new RadioButton ("Second Option"); PackStart (b4); PackStart (b5); b4.Group = b5.Group; }
public Labels() { Label la = new Label ("Simple label"); PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Label with red background") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0) }; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Label with red background and blue foreground") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0), TextColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (0, 0, 1) }; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("A crazy long label text with a lots of content and information in it but fortunately it should appear wrapped"); la.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Another Label with red background") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0), TextColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (0, 0, 1) }; PackStart (la); la = new Label () { Markup = "Label with <b>bold</b> and <span color='#ff0000'>red</span> text" }; PackStart (la); la = new Label () { Markup = "Label with a <a href=''>link</a> to a web site." }; PackStart (la); }
public AddPluginWidget(PluginType type) { PluginType = type; HeightRequest = PluginWidget.Size.Height; WidthRequest = PluginWidget.Size.Width; Margin = PluginWidget.Margin; Cursor = CursorType.Hand; Label l = new Label("Add new " + type.GetName()); //l.TextColor = type.GetColor(); l.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; AddChild(l, new Rectangle(0, 0, PluginWidget.Size.Width, PluginWidget.Size.Height)); BackgroundColor = type.GetBGColor(); if (App.InitDropShadow != null) App.InitDropShadow(this); if (App.InitOpacityAnimation != null) { Opacity = 0; App.InitOpacityAnimation(this); } }
public void AlignCenter () { var la = new Label ("Some text here"); la.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; la.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.LightGray; CheckWidgetRender ("Label.AlignCenter.png", la); }
public LoginView(LauncherWindow window) { Window = window; this.MinWidth = 250; ErrorLabel = new Label("Username or password incorrect") { TextColor = Color.FromBytes(255, 0, 0), TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, Visible = false }; UsernameText = new TextEntry(); PasswordText = new PasswordEntry(); LogInButton = new Button("Log In"); RegisterButton = new Button("Register"); RememberCheckBox = new CheckBox("Remember Me"); UsernameText.Text = UserSettings.Local.Username; if (UserSettings.Local.AutoLogin) { PasswordText.Password = UserSettings.Local.Password; RememberCheckBox.Active = true; } using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("TrueCraft.Launcher.Content.truecraft-logo.png")) TrueCraftLogoImage = new ImageView(Image.FromStream(stream)); UsernameText.PlaceholderText = "Username"; PasswordText.PlaceholderText = "Password"; PasswordText.KeyReleased += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.NumPadEnter) LogInButton_Clicked(sender, e); }; UsernameText.KeyReleased += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.NumPadEnter) LogInButton_Clicked(sender, e); }; RegisterButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (RegisterButton.Label == "Register") Window.WebView.Url = ""; else { Window.User.Username = UsernameText.Text; Window.User.SessionId = "-"; Window.MainContainer.Remove(this); Window.MainContainer.PackEnd(Window.MainMenuView = new MainMenuView(Window)); } }; LogInButton.Clicked += LogInButton_Clicked; this.PackStart(TrueCraftLogoImage); this.PackEnd(RegisterButton); this.PackEnd(LogInButton); this.PackEnd(RememberCheckBox); this.PackEnd(PasswordText); this.PackEnd(UsernameText); this.PackEnd(ErrorLabel); }
public TextEntries() { TextEntry te1 = new TextEntry (); PackStart (te1); Label la = new Label (); PackStart (la); te1.Changed += delegate { la.Text = "Text: " + te1.Text; }; PackStart (new Label ("Entry with small font")); TextEntry te2 = new TextEntry (); te2.Font = te2.Font.WithSize (te2.Font.Size / 2); PackStart (te2); PackStart (new Label ("Entry with placeholder text")); TextEntry te3 = new TextEntry (); te3.PlaceholderText = "Placeholder text"; PackStart (te3); PackStart (new Label ("Entry with no frame")); TextEntry te4 = new TextEntry(); te4.ShowFrame = false; PackStart (te4); }
public MouseCursors () { PackStart (new Label ("Move the mouse over the labels \nto see the cursors:")); var cursorTypes = typeof (CursorType).GetFields (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); var perRow = 6; HBox row = null; for (var i = 0; i < cursorTypes.Length; i++) { if (cursorTypes [i].FieldType != typeof (CursorType)) continue; if ((i % perRow) == 0) { if (row != null) PackStart (row); row = new HBox (); } var cursor = (CursorType)cursorTypes [i].GetValue (typeof(CursorType)); var label = new Label (cursorTypes [i].Name); label.BackgroundColor = Colors.White; label.Cursor = cursor; row.PackStart (label); } if (row != null) PackStart (row); }
public Labels() { Label la = new Label ("Simple label"); PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Label with red background") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0) }; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Label with red background and blue foreground") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0), TextColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (0, 0, 1) }; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("A crazy long label text with a lots of content and information in it but fortunately it should appear wrapped"); la.Wrap = WrapMode.Word; PackStart (la); la = new Label ("Another Label with red background") { BackgroundColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (1, 0, 0), TextColor = new Xwt.Drawing.Color (0, 0, 1) }; PackStart (la); }
public DownloadHudWidget(string title) { PluginType = FPlug.PluginType.Downloading; HasBorder = true; progressLabel = new Label(); progressLabel.MinWidth = 400; progressLabel.WidthRequest = 400; progressLabel.Text = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; AddChild(new Label(title), 16, 8); AddChild(progressLabel, new Rectangle(16, 24, 400, 20)); client = new WebClient() { Proxy = null }; client.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Application.Invoke(() => progressLabel.Text = (e.BytesReceived < 1048576 ? e.BytesReceived / 1024 + " KiB: " : (float)(int)(((float)e.BytesReceived / 1048576) * 100) / 100 + " MiB: ") + (e.ProgressPercentage == 0 ? "?%" : e.ProgressPercentage + "%")); }; client.DownloadDataCompleted += (s, e) => { if (!e.Cancelled) { Application.Invoke(() => progressLabel.Text = "Download Completed!"); if (DownloadFinished != null) DownloadFinished(this, e); } }; // client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), ""); }
public Checkboxes () { var a = new CheckBox ("Normal checkbox"); var b = new CheckBox ("Disabled") { Sensitive = false }; var c = new CheckBox ("Allows mixed (with red background)") { AllowMixed = true }; c.BackgroundColor = Xwt.Drawing.Colors.Red; a.Toggled += (sender, e) => b.Sensitive = a.Active; PackStart (a); PackStart (b); PackStart (new CheckBox ("Mixed to start") { AllowMixed = true, State = CheckBoxState.Mixed }); PackStart (c); int clicks = 0, toggles = 0; Label la = new Label (); PackStart (la); c.Clicked += delegate { clicks++; la.Text = string.Format ("state:{0}, clicks:{1}, toggles:{2}", c.State, clicks, toggles); }; c.Toggled += delegate { toggles++; la.Text = string.Format ("state:{0}, clicks:{1}, toggles:{2}", c.State, clicks, toggles); }; }
public TaskView(IQueueableTask task) { if (task == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task)); Task = task; task.StatusChanged += Task_StatusChanged; _nameLabel = new Label { Font = Font.SystemFont.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold).WithSize(15) }; _descriptionlabel = new Label { Font = Font.SystemFont.WithStyle(FontStyle.Italic) }; _spinner = new Spinner {Visible = false}; var hBox = new HBox(); hBox.PackStart(_spinner); hBox.PackStart(_descriptionlabel); PackStart(_nameLabel); PackStart(hBox); HeightRequest = 64; MinHeight = 64; UpdateLabels(); }
protected virtual void PopulateViewBoxWithTitle(VBox vBox, IAsset asset) { var title = new Label(asset.Name) { Font = Font.SystemFont.WithSize(17.5).WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold) }; vBox.PackStart(title); }
public void InvalidAdd3 () { MyContainer co = new MyContainer (); var c1 = new Label ("hi1"); HBox b = new HBox (); b.PackStart (c1); co.Add (c1); }
public void DefaultValues () { var la = new Label (); Assert.AreEqual ("", la.Text); Assert.AreEqual (Alignment.Start, la.TextAlignment); Assert.AreEqual (EllipsizeMode.None, la.Ellipsize); Assert.AreEqual (WrapMode.None, la.Wrap); }
void BuildUi () { Clear (); var label = new Label ("Group by:"); labels.Add (label); PackStart (label); BuildProviderSelectors (RootGroupingProvider, RootGroupingProvider.Next); }
public MainWindow() { Menu menu = new Menu (); var file = new MenuItem ("File"); file.SubMenu = new Menu (); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Open")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("New")); file.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Close")); menu.Items.Add (file); var edit = new MenuItem ("Edit"); edit.SubMenu = new Menu (); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Copy")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Cut")); edit.SubMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Paste")); menu.Items.Add (edit); MainMenu = menu; HBox box = new HBox (); icon = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png"); store = new TreeStore (nameCol, iconCol, widgetCol); samplesTree = new TreeView (); samplesTree.Columns.Add ("Name", iconCol, nameCol); AddSample (null, "Boxes", typeof(Boxes)); AddSample (null, "Buttons", typeof(ButtonSample)); AddSample (null, "ComboBox", typeof(ComboBoxes)); // AddSample (null, "Designer", typeof(Designer)); AddSample (null, "Drag & Drop", typeof(DragDrop)); var n = AddSample (null, "Drawing", null); AddSample (n, "Canvas with Widget", typeof(CanvasWithWidget)); AddSample (n, "Chart", typeof(ChartSample)); AddSample (n, "Transformations", typeof(DrawingTransforms)); AddSample (null, "Images", typeof(Images)); AddSample (null, "List View", typeof(ListView1)); AddSample (null, "Notebook", typeof(NotebookSample)); // AddSample (null, "Scroll View", typeof(ScrollWindowSample)); AddSample (null, "Text Entry", typeof(TextEntries)); AddSample (null, "Windows", typeof(Windows)); samplesTree.DataSource = store; box.PackStart (samplesTree); sampleBox = new VBox (); title = new Label ("Sample:"); sampleBox.PackStart (title, BoxMode.None); box.PackStart (sampleBox, BoxMode.FillAndExpand); Content = box; samplesTree.SelectionChanged += HandleSamplesTreeSelectionChanged; }
public SplashWindow() { Icon = App.Icon; Width = 550; Title = "4Plug First Use"; Resizable = false; VBox V = new VBox(); Content = V; Label lbl; lbl = new Label("A small introduction.") { Font = Font.FromName("Segoe UI Light 24"), TextColor = PluginType.Vpk.GetColor() }; V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label("This tool allows you to quickly enable/disable mods as well as install new ones."); V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label(""); V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label("This is what a mod looks like in 4Plug!") { Font = Font.FromName("Segoe UI Light 24"), TextColor = PluginType.Unknown.GetColor() }; V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label("You can enable/disable mods by clicking on the image."); V.PackStart(lbl); //lbl = new Label("Uninstalled mods are saved in the \"custom_\" instead of the \"custom\" folder of you game."); //V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label(""); DummyPluginWidget dummy = new DummyPluginWidget(lbl); dummy.MarginTop += 16; dummy.MarginBottom += 8; V.PackStart(dummy); V.PackStart(lbl); lbl = new Label(""); V.PackStart(lbl); { HBox box = new HBox(); Button btn; btn = new Button(" Got it! "); box.PackEnd(btn); btn.Clicked += (s, e) => { Close(); }; Label lbl2; lbl2 = new Label(" Feel free to leave feedback (mainmenu -> submit feedback) later "); box.PackStart(lbl2); //btn.Clicked += (s, e) => { new SubmitFeedbackWindow("via Splash Window").Run(); }; V.PackStart(box); } }
public FolderSelectorSample() { FolderSelector fsel; Label label; PackStart (new Label ("An open file selector:")); PackStart (fsel = new FolderSelector ()); PackStart (label = new Label ()); fsel.FolderChanged += (sender, e) => { label.Text = "Folder changed: " + fsel.Folder; }; }
public PointPlotSample() : base() { infoText = ""; infoText += "Sinc Function Example. Demonstrates - \n"; infoText += " * Charting LinePlot and PointPlot at the same time. \n"; infoText += " * Adding a legend."; plotCanvas.Clear(); // clear everything. reset fonts. remove plot components etc. System.Random r = new Random(); double[] a = new double[100]; double[] b = new double[100]; double mult = 0.00001f; for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) { a[i] = ((double)r.Next(1000)/5000.0f-0.1f)*mult; if (i == 50) { b[i] = 1.0f*mult; } else { b[i] = Math.Sin ((((double)i-50.0)/4.0))/(((double)i-50.0)/4.0); b[i] *= mult; } a[i] += b[i]; } Marker m = new Marker (Marker.MarkerType.Cross1, 6, Colors.Blue); PointPlot pp = new PointPlot (m); pp.OrdinateData = a; pp.AbscissaData = new StartStep (-500.0, 10.0); pp.Label = "Random"; plotCanvas.Add (pp); LinePlot lp = new LinePlot (); lp.OrdinateData = b; lp.AbscissaData = new StartStep( -500.0, 10.0 ); lp.LineColor = Colors.Red; lp.LineWidth = 2; plotCanvas.Add (lp); plotCanvas.Title = "Sinc Function"; plotCanvas.YAxis1.Label = "Magnitude"; plotCanvas.XAxis1.Label = "Position"; Legend legend = new Legend(); legend.AttachTo (XAxisPosition.Top, YAxisPosition.Left); legend.VerticalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside; legend.HorizontalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside; legend.YOffset = 8; plotCanvas.Legend = legend; plotCanvas.LegendZOrder = 1; // default zorder for adding idrawables is 0, so this puts legend on top. PackStart (plotCanvas.Canvas, true); Label la = new Label (infoText); PackStart (la); }