public static void Update(Configuration config, bool forceDisable) { bool global = config.Global; bool enabled = config.Enabled; if (forceDisable) { enabled = false; } try { RegistryKey registry = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", true); if (registry == null) return; if (enabled) { if (global) { registry.SetValue("ProxyEnable", 1); registry.SetValue("ProxyServer", "" + config.HttpProxyPort); registry.SetValue("AutoConfigURL", ""); } else { string pacUrl; if (config.UseOnlinePac && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.PacUrl)) pacUrl = config.PacUrl; else pacUrl = "" + config.PACServerPort + "/pac?t=" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now); registry.SetValue("ProxyEnable", 0); registry.SetValue("ProxyServer", ""); registry.SetValue("AutoConfigURL", pacUrl); } } else { registry.SetValue("ProxyEnable", 0); registry.SetValue("ProxyServer", ""); registry.SetValue("AutoConfigURL", ""); } NotifyIE(); //Must Notify IE first, or the connections do not chanage CopyProxySettingFromLan(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogUsefulException(e); // TODO this should be moved into views MessageBox.Show("Failed to update registry", "Xsocks", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void UpdatePacFromGfwList(Configuration config) { WebClient http = new WebClient(); http.Proxy = new WebProxy(IPAddress.Loopback.ToString(), config.HttpProxyPort); http.DownloadStringCompleted += HttpDownloadStringCompleted; http.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(GfwlistUrl)); }
public override void Start(Configuration config) { if (Process == null) { Process[] existingPolipo = Process.GetProcessesByName("xsocks"); foreach (Process p in existingPolipo) { if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id == p.Id) { continue; } try { p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } config.Socks5ProxyPort = RunningPort = GetFreePort(config.Socks5ProxyPort); Server server = config.GetCurrentServer(); string arguments = string.Format("-s {0}:{1} -k {2} -l {3}:{4} -n -V", server.Host, server.Port, server.Password, config.ShareOverLan ? "" : "", RunningPort); Process = new Process(); // Configure the process using the StartInfo properties. Process.StartInfo.FileName = Temppath + "/xsocks.exe"; Process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; //_process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //Process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Process.OutputDataReceived += Process_LogDataReceived; Process.ErrorDataReceived += Process_LogDataReceived; Process.Start(); Process.BeginOutputReadLine(); Process.BeginErrorReadLine(); } }
public override void Start(Configuration config) { if (Process == null) { Process[] existingPolipo = Process.GetProcessesByName("xs_polipo"); foreach (Process p in existingPolipo) { try { p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } config.HttpProxyPort = RunningPort = GetFreePort(config.HttpProxyPort); string polipoConfig = Resources.polipo_config; polipoConfig = polipoConfig.Replace("__SOCKS_PORT__", config.Socks5ProxyPort.ToString()); polipoConfig = polipoConfig.Replace("__POLIPO_BIND_PORT__", RunningPort.ToString()); polipoConfig = polipoConfig.Replace("__POLIPO_BIND_IP__", config.ShareOverLan ? "" : ""); FileManager.ByteArrayToFile(Temppath + "/polipo.conf", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(polipoConfig)); Process = new Process(); // Configure the process using the StartInfo properties. Process.StartInfo.FileName = Temppath + "/xs_polipo.exe"; Process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-c \"" + Temppath + "/polipo.conf\""; //Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; Process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //Process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Process.OutputDataReceived += Process_LogDataReceived; Process.ErrorDataReceived += Process_LogDataReceived; Process.Start(); Process.BeginOutputReadLine(); Process.BeginErrorReadLine(); } }
public void Reload() { // some logic in configuration updated the config when saving, we need to read it again _config = Configuration.Load(); Server server = _config.GetCurrentServer(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Host) || (server.Port <= 0 || server.Port > 65535) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Password)) { return; } if (_xsocksRunner == null) { _xsocksRunner = new XsocksRunner(); _xsocksRunner.LogMessageReceived += _xsocksRunner_LogMessageReceived; } if (_polipoRunner == null) { _polipoRunner = new PolipoRunner(); } if (_pacServer == null) { _pacServer = new PACServer(); _pacServer.PACFileChanged += PACServerPACFileChanged; } if (_gfwListUpdater == null) { _gfwListUpdater = new GFWListUpdater(); _gfwListUpdater.UpdateCompleted += PACServerPACUpdateCompleted; _gfwListUpdater.Error += PACServerPACUpdateError; } if (_listener != null) { _listener.Stop(); } // don't put polipoRunner.Start() before pacServer.Stop() // or bind will fail when switching bind address from to // though UseShellExecute is set to true now // _xsocksRunner.Stop(); _polipoRunner.Stop(); try { _xsocksRunner.Start(_config); _polipoRunner.Start(_config); _pacServer.HttpProxyPort = _polipoRunner.RunningPort; List<Listener.IService> services = new List<Listener.IService>(); services.Add(_pacServer); _listener = new Listener(services); _listener.Start(_config.PACServerPort, _config.ShareOverLan); } catch (Exception e) { // translate Microsoft language into human language // i.e. An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions => Port already in use if (e is SocketException) { SocketException se = (SocketException)e; if (se.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.AccessDenied) { e = new Exception("Port already in use", e); } } Logging.LogUsefulException(e); ReportError(e); } if (ConfigChanged != null) { ConfigChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } UpdateSystemProxy(); Utils.ReleaseMemory(); }
protected void SaveConfig(Configuration newConfig) { Configuration.Save(newConfig); Reload(); }
public XsocksController() { _config = Configuration.Load(); }
public abstract void Start(Configuration config);
public static void Save(Configuration config) { if (config.Index >= config.Servers.Count) { config.Index = config.Servers.Count - 1; } if (config.Index < 0) { config.Index = 0; } config.IsDefault = false; try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Open(CONFIG_FILE, FileMode.Create))) { string jsonString = SimpleJson.SimpleJson.SerializeObject(config); sw.Write(jsonString); sw.Flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); } }