Exemple #1
        // Get the line spacing for the font selected into this graphics object.
        public override int GetLineSpacing()
            Xsharp.Font xfont   = (font as DrawingFont).xfont;
            FontExtents extents = xfont.GetFontExtents(graphics);

            return(extents.Ascent + extents.Descent);
Exemple #2
        // Draw a string using the current font and brush.
        public override void DrawString
            (String s, int x, int y, StringFormat format)
            Xsharp.Font xfont   = (font as DrawingFont).xfont;
            FontExtents extents = xfont.GetFontExtents(graphics);

            xfont.DrawString(graphics, RestrictXY(x),
                             RestrictXY(y) + extents.Ascent,
                             s, 0, s.Length);
	// Select this font into a graphics object.
	public void Select(IToolkitGraphics _graphics)
				DrawingGraphics graphics = (_graphics as DrawingGraphics);
				if(graphics != null)
						if(xfont == null)
							xfont = Xsharp.Font.CreateFont
								 (int)(properties.SizeInPoints *
								 	   (10.0f * (PointSizeConversion/dpi))),
						graphics.Font = this;
Exemple #4
        // Select this font into a graphics object.
        public void Select(IToolkitGraphics _graphics)
            DrawingGraphics graphics = (_graphics as DrawingGraphics);

            if (graphics != null)
                lock (this)
                    if (xfont == null)
                        xfont = Xsharp.Font.CreateFont
                                    (int)(properties.SizeInPoints *
                                          (10.0f * (PointSizeConversion / dpi))),
                    graphics.Font = this;
Exemple #5
        // Measure a string using the current font and a given layout rectangle.
        public override Size MeasureString
            (String s, System.Drawing.Point[] layoutRectangle,
            StringFormat format, out int charactersFitted,
            out int linesFilled, bool ascentOnly)
            // TODO: line wrapping, etc
            int width, ascent, descent;

            charactersFitted = 0;
            linesFilled      = 0;
            Xsharp.Font xfont = (font as DrawingFont).xfont;
                (graphics, s, 0, s.Length,
                out width, out ascent, out descent);
            if (!ascentOnly)
                return(new Size(width, ascent + descent));
                return(new Size(width, ascent));
Exemple #6
 // Constructor.
 public DrawingFont(System.Drawing.Font properties, float dpi)
     this.properties = properties;
     this.dpi        = dpi;
     this.xfont      = null;
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Construct a new application object, process command-line
	/// options, and open the display.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="name">
	/// <para>The resource name and class for the application.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="args">
	/// <para>The arguments that came from the application's "Main"
	/// method.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.XCannotConnectException">
	/// <para>A connection to the X display server could not
	/// be established.</para>
	/// </exception>
	public Application(String name, String[] args)
				String[] envCmdLine;
				int firstArg = 0;
				String fontName;
				bool synchronous = false;

				// Set this as the primary application object if necessary.
					if(primary == null)
						primary = this;

				// Choose defaults for the parameters.
					envCmdLine = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
					envCmdLine = null;
				if(envCmdLine != null && envCmdLine.Length > 0)
					programName = envCmdLine[0];
					programName = "Xsharp-application";
				if(name == null)
					// Strip the path from the program name to
					// get the default resource name to use.
					int index = programName.LastIndexOf('/');
					if(index == -1)
						index = programName.LastIndexOf('\\');
					if(index != -1)
						name = programName.Substring(index + 1);
						name = programName;
					int len = name.Length;
					if(len > 4 && name[len - 4] == '.' &&
					   (name[len - 3] == 'e' || name[len - 3] == 'E') &&
					   (name[len - 2] == 'x' || name[len - 2] == 'X') &&
					   (name[len - 1] == 'e' || name[len - 1] == 'E'))
						name = name.Substring(0, len - 4);
				if(args == null)
					if(envCmdLine != null && envCmdLine.Length > 0)
						args = envCmdLine;
						firstArg = 1;
						args = new String [0];

				// Initialize the application state.
				resourceName = name;
				resourceClass = name;
				displayName = null;
				startIconic = false;
				title = null;
				geometry = null;
				fontName = null;

				// Process the standard Xt command-line options.
				ArrayList newArgs = new ArrayList();
				while(firstArg < args.Length)
						case "-display":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								displayName = args[firstArg];

						case "-iconic":
							startIconic = true;

						case "-name":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								resourceName = args[firstArg];

						case "-title":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								title = args[firstArg];

						case "-fn":
						case "-font":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								fontName = args[firstArg];

						case "-geometry":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								geometry = args[firstArg];

						case "+synchronous":
						case "-synchronous":
							// Turn on synchronous processing to the X server.
							synchronous = true;

						// Ignore other Xt toolkit options that aren't
						// relevant to us.  We may add some of these later.
						case "-reverse":
						case "-rv":
						case "+rv":
						case "-bg":
						case "-background":
						case "-bw":
						case "-borderwidth":
						case "-bd":
						case "-bordercolor":
						case "-fg":
						case "-foreground":
						case "-selectionTimeout":
						case "-xnllanguage":
						case "-xrm":
						case "-xtsessionID":

							// Unknown option - copy it to "newArgs".
				cmdLineArgs = (String[])(newArgs.ToArray(typeof(String)));

				// Connect to the display.
				if(displayName == null)
					// Xlib will figure it by itself, but classes using displayName can get broken is it's null
					displayName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DISPLAY");

				display = Xsharp.Display.Open(displayName, this, synchronous);

				// Create the default font.
				defaultFont = Font.CreateFromXLFD(fontName);
	// Get the caption font.
	private static Font GetCaptionFont()
					if(captionFont == null)
						captionFont = Font.CreateFont
							(Font.DefaultSansSerif, 120, FontStyle.Bold);
					return captionFont;
	// Constructor.
	public DrawingFont(System.Drawing.Font properties, float dpi)
				this.properties = properties;
				this.dpi = dpi;
				this.xfont = null;
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Measure the width, ascent, and descent of a string,
	/// to calculate its extents when drawn on this graphics context
	/// using a specific font.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="str">
	/// <para>The string to be measured.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="font">
	/// <para>The font to use to measure the string.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="width">
	/// <para>The width of the string, in pixels.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="ascent">
	/// <para>The ascent of the string, in pixels.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="descent">
	/// <para>The descent of the string, in pixels.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>Raised if <paramref name="font"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
	/// </para>
	/// </exception>
	public void MeasureString(String str, Font font, out int width,
							  out int ascent, out int descent)
				if(font == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("font");
				if(str == null || (str.Length == 0))
					width = 0;
					ascent = 0;
					descent = 0;
				font.MeasureString(this, str, 0, str.Length,
								   out width, out ascent, out descent);
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Get extent information for a particular font, when drawing
	/// onto this graphics context.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="font">
	/// <para>The font to obtain extents for.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// <para>Returns the extent information.</para>
	/// </returns>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>Raised if <paramref name="font"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
	/// </para>
	/// </exception>
	public FontExtents GetFontExtents(Font font)
				if(font == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("font");
				return font.GetFontExtents(this);
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Draw a string at a particular position using a
	/// specified font.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="x">
	/// <para>The X co-ordinate of the position to start drawing text.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="y">
	/// <para>The Y co-ordinate of the position to start drawing text.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="str">
	/// <para>The string to be drawn.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="font">
	/// <para>The font to use to draw the string.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.XException">
	/// <para>One of the co-ordinate values is out of range.</para>
	/// </exception>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>Raised if <paramref name="font"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
	/// </para>
	/// </exception>
	public void DrawString(int x, int y, String str, Font font)
				if(font == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("font");
				if(str == null || (str.Length == 0))
				font.DrawString(this, x, y, str, 0, str.Length);