internal MovieClip(RootMovieClip root, Sprite sprite, DisplayObject container) : base(root, container) { _sprite = sprite; IsPlaying = true; DontLoop = false; }
internal Button(RootMovieClip root, ButtonInfo info, DisplayObject container) : base(root, container) { _button = info; CurrentState = State.Over; SetButtonState(State.Up); LoadActions(); }
private Flash(Game game, IServiceProvider services, FlashDocument document, int surfaceWidth, int surfaceHeight) : base(null) { if (document == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("document"); if (services == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("services"); ISystemServices system = (ISystemServices)services.GetService(typeof(ISystemServices)); if (system == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Flash can be used only with ISystemServices registered!"); _surface = system.VectorDevice.CreateSurface(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight, SurfaceFormat.Color); Root = new RootMovieClip(document, system); SurfaceSize = new Vector2(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight); SizeInTwips = new Vector2(document.Width, document.Height); }
public GlobalScope(RootMovieClip root) { _root = root; // Auto native methods foreach (var fun in NativeActionFunc.CreateFunctions(GetType().Assembly)) this[fun.Key] = fun.Value; foreach (var fun in NativeActionFunc.CreateFunctions(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())) this[fun.Key] = fun.Value; // Manual native methods // Classes // Variables this["_root"] = root; this["_global"] = this; }
internal StageObject(RootMovieClip root, DisplayObject container) { _container = container; Root = root; Parent = null; Visible = true; Context = new ActionContext { Constants = null, DefaultTarget = this, Registers = new ActionVar[4], RootClip = Root, Scope = new LinkedList<ActionObject>(), Stack = new Stack<ActionVar>(), This = this }; if (Root != null) Context.Scope.AddFirst(Root.GlobalScope); Context.Scope.AddLast(this); }
public Movie.IDrawable MakeInstance(Movie.DisplayObject container, RootMovieClip root) { return new Button(root, this, container); }
public Movie.IDrawable MakeInstance(Movie.DisplayObject container, RootMovieClip root) { return null; }
Movie.IDrawable ICharacter.MakeInstance(DisplayObject container, RootMovieClip root) { return new Movie.MovieClip(root, this, container); }