public string Run(string _input, int startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, startAt); if (match.Success) { string xml = _input; if (this.include(match.Value)) { string name = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); if (name.ToLowerInvariant() != "classdeclaration") { string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(name); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(this.logFileName())) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); Hits++; } } //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has unknown table range {1} with value {2} on field {3}", Scanner.FILENAME, rangeName, value, fieldName)); } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
public string Run(string _input, int _startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, _startAt); if (match.Success && match.Value.Contains(classAttribute)) { string classInput = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); var stringToUpdate = match.Value; string classPath = MetaData.AOTPath(""); string className = classPath.Substring(classPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); if (this.isClassExtended(className)) { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForClasses(_input, stringToUpdate, className); Hits++; } else { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForExtendedClasses(_input, stringToUpdate, className); Hits++; } } return(_input); }
public string Run(string _input, int _startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, _startAt); if (match.Success) { string methodName = MetaData.extractNextXMLElement("Name", match.Index, _input); if (methodName != string.Empty) { string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(methodName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (methodsToDelete.Contains(AOTPath)) { string text = _input.Substring(match.Index, match.Length); if (!text.Contains("SysObsolete")) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} isn't marked with SysObsolete", AOTPath)); } string updatedInput = _input.Remove(match.Index, match.Length); Hits++; return(this.Run(updatedInput, match.Index)); } } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 50); } return(_input); }
private string getDate(string methodName) { string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(methodName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (obsoleteDates.ContainsKey(AOTPath)) { return(obsoleteDates[AOTPath]); } return(@"30\06\2021"); }
public string Run(string _input, int startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, startAt); if (match.Success) { string xml = _input; string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath("") + this.AOTPath(xml, match.Index); Hits++; using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"c:\temp\ObsoleteMetaData-all.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); } _input = this.Run(_input.Remove(match.Index, match.Length), match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
static public bool isReferencedExternally(string methodName) { MetaData.ReadExternalReferences(); string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(methodName); if (methodName != String.Empty) { if (externallyReferencedPaths.Contains(AOTPath.ToLowerInvariant())) { return(true); } } else { if (externallyReferencedTypes.Contains(AOTPath.ToLowerInvariant())) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public string Run(string _input, int startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, startAt); if (match.Success) { string xml = _input; if (this.include(match.Value.ToLowerInvariant())) { string name = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(name); Hits++; using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"c:\temp\ObsoleteErrorMethods-all.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); } if (!MetaData.isReferencedExternally(name)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"c:\temp\ObsoleteErrorMethods-unreferenced.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); } } else { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"c:\temp\ObsoleteErrorMethods-referenced.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); } } //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has unknown table range {1} with value {2} on field {3}", Scanner.FILENAME, rangeName, value, fieldName)); } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
public string Run(string _input, int startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, startAt); if (match.Success) { string xml = _input; string hookableWrappable = ""; string accessModifier = ""; if (this.include(match.Value)) { var stringToUpdate = match.Value; if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Hookable(false)")) { if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Hookable(false)")) { hookableWrappable = "Hookable(false)"; } else if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Hookable(true)")) { hookableWrappable = "Hookable(true)"; } } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Wrappable(false)")) { if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Wrappable(false)")) { hookableWrappable = "Wrappable(false)"; } else if (stringToUpdate.Contains("Wrappable(true)")) { hookableWrappable = "Wrappable(true)"; } } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("public")) { accessModifier = "Public"; } else if (stringToUpdate.Contains("internal") && stringToUpdate.Contains("protected")) { accessModifier = "Protected Internal"; } else if (stringToUpdate.Contains("protected")) { accessModifier = "Protected"; } else if (stringToUpdate.Contains("internal")) { accessModifier = "Internal"; } else if (!stringToUpdate.Contains("private")) { accessModifier = "No Access Modifier"; } string name = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); if (name.ToLowerInvariant() != "classdeclaration") { string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(name); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(this.logFileName())) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath + "\\" + accessModifier + "\\" + hookableWrappable); } } } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
public string Run(string _input, int startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, startAt); if (match.Success) { string xml = _input; string final = ""; string abstractInterface = ""; string accessModifier = ""; string extends_string = ""; string implements_string = ""; string extensionOf_string = ""; string extensionOf = ""; string extends = ""; string implements = ""; if (this.include(match.Value.ToLowerInvariant())) { var stringToUpdate = match.Value; if (stringToUpdate.Contains("final")) { final = "final"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("interface")) { abstractInterface = "interface"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("abstract")) { abstractInterface = "abstract"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("internal")) { accessModifier = "internal"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("public")) { accessModifier = "public"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("extends ") && (stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("extends") > (stringToUpdate.Contains("internal") ? stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("internal") : stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("public")))) { int position1 = stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("extends"); int position2 = stringToUpdate.Contains("implements ") ? stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("implements") - 1 : stringToUpdate.IndexOf("{") - 1; extends_string = stringToUpdate.Substring(position1 + 8, position2 - position1 - 8).Trim().Replace("\r\n", ""); extends = "extends"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("implements ") && (stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("implements") > (stringToUpdate.Contains("internal") ? stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("internal") : stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("public")))) { int position1 = stringToUpdate.LastIndexOf("implements"); int position2 = stringToUpdate.IndexOf("{") - 1; implements_string = stringToUpdate.Substring(position1 + 11, position2 - position1 - 11).Trim().Replace("\r\n", ""); implements = "implements"; } if (stringToUpdate.Contains("ExtensionOf(")) { int position1 = stringToUpdate.IndexOf("ExtensionOf("); int position2 = stringToUpdate.IndexOf(")]"); extensionOf_string = stringToUpdate.Substring(position1 + 12, position2 - position1 - 12).Trim().Replace("\r\n", ""); extensionOf = "extensionOf"; } string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath("") + "\\" + final + "\\" + abstractInterface + "\\" + accessModifier + "\\" + extends + "\\" + extends_string + "\\" + implements + "\\" + implements_string + "\\" + extensionOf + "\\" + extensionOf_string; AOTPath.Replace("\r\n", ""); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"c:\temp\Classes-all.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(AOTPath); } } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
public string Run(string _input, int _startAt = 0) { Match match = xpoMatch.Match(_input, _startAt); if (match.Success && !_input.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(" implements ")) { string methodName = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); var stringToUpdate = match.Value; string classPath = MetaData.AOTPath(""); string className = classPath.Substring(classPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); if (methodName != "classDeclaration") { if (this.isOverRiddenMethod(methodName) || match.Value.Contains("super(")) { if (!stringToUpdate.Contains("Replaceable") && !stringToUpdate.Contains("QueryRangeFunction") && !stringToUpdate.Contains("Hookable") && !stringToUpdate.Contains("Wrappable") && !stringToUpdate.Contains("SysObsolete")) { _input = this.appendAttributeHookableFalse(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForOverriddenMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } } else if (match.Value.Contains("display ")) { _input = removeAttributeHookableFalse(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); if (!this.isInternalMethod(className, methodName)) { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForDisplayMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } else { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForInternalMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } } else if (methodName.Contains(" parm")) { _input = removeAttributeHookableFalse(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForParmMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } else if (!match.Value.Contains(" extends ")) { _input = removeAttributeHookableFalse(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); if (this.isInternalMethod(className, methodName)) { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForInternalMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } else { _input = this.replaceAccessModifierForPrivateMethods(_input, stringToUpdate, methodName); Hits++; } } } _input = this.Run(_input, match.Index + 1); } return(_input); }
private bool isTargeted(string methodName) { string AOTPath = MetaData.AOTPath(methodName).ToLowerInvariant(); return(classMethodHashSet.Contains(AOTPath)); }