private void Merge3Btn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { XLForms.StaffSelectForm staffForm = new XLForms.StaffSelectForm(); staffForm.ShowDialog(); Document currentDoc = XLDocument.GetCurrentDoc(); long startPosition = currentDoc.Content.Start; long endPosition = currentDoc.Content.End; string templateXML = XLDocument.CopyRangeToWordXML(currentDoc.Range()); List <XLMain.FPIClient> clients = XLMain.FPIClient.GetFPIClients(staffForm.selectedStaff.crmID, "where direct_debit = 0 and Last_year = 1"); if (clients.Count > 0) { XLDocument.MergeFPIData(clients.OrderBy(c =>, templateXML); } else { MessageBox.Show("No clients founds to merge."); } clients = XLMain.FPIClient.GetFPIClients(staffForm.selectedStaff.crmID, "where direct_debit = 0 and Last_year = 1", false); if (clients.Count > 0) { XLDocument.MergeFPIData(clients.OrderBy(c =>, templateXML); } else { MessageBox.Show("No foreign clients founds to merge."); } }
private void InsolAddressBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { try { ClientForm myClientForm = new ClientForm(); myClientForm.ShowDialog(); XLMain.Client client = myClientForm.selectedClient; IPSContForm myForm = new IPSContForm(client); myForm.ShowDialog(); XLInsol.Contact selectContact = myForm.selectedContact; if (selectContact != null) { string str = + Environment.NewLine; str += selectContact.addressBlock; XLDocument.InsertText(str); //XLDocument.AddStatusBox(); //XLDocument.ChangeStatus("Draft"); } else { MessageBox.Show("No contact selected."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get insolvency address"); XLtools.LogException("InsolAddressBtn", ex.ToString()); } }
private void AddresseeTB_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { string addressee = AddresseeTB.Text; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", addressee); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", addressee); }
private void StaffAddressBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { try { StaffForm myForm = new StaffForm(); myForm.ShowDialog(); XLMain.Staff contact = myForm.selectedContact; string str = ""; if (contact.addresses[0].addressBlock != null) { if (contact.salutations.Count > 0) { str += contact.salutations[0].addressee + Environment.NewLine; } str += contact.addresses[0].addressBlock; XLDocument.InsertText(str); //insert the status text box; //XLDocument.AddStatusBox(); //XLDocument.ChangeStatus("Draft"); } else { MessageBox.Show( + " does not have an address in the system."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get staff address"); XLtools.LogException("StaffAddressBtn", ex.ToString()); } }
public static string GetFileID() { try { XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); string fileID = ""; //Check whether the parameter has already been set fileID = ReadParameter("FileID"); fileID = currentDoc.Name; if (fileID.IndexOf("-") > -1) { int len = fileID.IndexOf("-"); //get the index of the version identifier fileID = fileID.Substring(0, len); //ignore everything after and including the - if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileID) || !int.TryParse(fileID, out int i)) { throw new ArgumentException("Document doesn't appear to be in VC"); } UpdateParameter("FileID", fileID); //add the parameter for next time. return(fileID); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to discover file ID"); XLtools.LogException("GetFileID", e.ToString()); return(null); } }
private void LaunchClientDoc(string docType) { try { ClientForm myForm = new ClientForm(); myForm.ShowDialog(); XLMain.Client selectedClient = myForm.selectedClient; if (selectedClient != null) { string crmId = selectedClient.crmID; XLDocument.openTemplate(docType); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("CRMid", crmId); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("DocType", docType); //this appears to work in 3.5 notwithstanding the reference to Globals xlTaskPane1 = new XLTaskPane(); CustomxlTaskPane = Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Add(xlTaskPane1, "XLant Document Handler", Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow); CustomxlTaskPane.Visible = true; CustomxlTaskPane.Width = 350; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to launch document"); XLtools.LogException("LaunchClientDoc", docType + " - " + e.ToString()); } }
private static void WhenCallingString(XLMain.Staff wcStaff) { try { if (wcStaff == null) { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Whencalling", ""); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Calling", ""); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmail", ""); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmailAddress", ""); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Whencalling", "When calling please ask for: ", 1); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Calling",; if (wcStaff.emails != null) { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmail", "e-mail: ", 1); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmailAddress", wcStaff.emails[0].email); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmail", ""); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("WcEmailAddress", ""); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to build when calling for"); XLtools.LogException("WhenCallingString", ex.ToString()); } }
public static void EndDocument() { try { XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); //close panel if open if (XLantWordRibbon.xlTaskPane1 != null) { XLantWordRibbon.xlTaskPane1.Visible = false; XLantWordRibbon.xlTaskPane1.Dispose(); //remove the task pane Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Remove(XLantWordRibbon.CustomxlTaskPane); } string str = currentDoc.FullName; //close document ((_Document)currentDoc).Close(SaveChanges: WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); //no longer necessary to delete file if it is a VC doc as it does it itself //File.Delete(str); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to close document and exit"); XLtools.LogException("EndDocument", e.ToString()); } }
public static void AddStatusBox() { try { XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Shape textBox; //Check whether the bookmark already exists and only if it doesn't add it if (!currentDoc.Bookmarks.Exists("Status")) { textBox = currentDoc.Shapes.AddTextbox(MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 400, 50, 100, 50); textBox.Line.Visible = MsoTriState.msoFalse; textBox.Name = "MLStatus"; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Status"; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Hidden = 1; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = 1; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Calibri"; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 16; textBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Bookmarks.Add("Status"); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to add the status box"); XLtools.LogException("AddStatusBox", e.ToString()); } }
public static void UpdateBookmark(string bName, string bValue, int bold = 2, string styleName = "") { try { XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); if (currentDoc.Bookmarks.Exists(bName)) { Range bRange = currentDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(bName).Range; bRange.Text = bValue; //apply style first so that the bold can override if necessary if (styleName != "") { bRange.set_Style(currentDoc.Styles[styleName]); } //bold is not specified make no changes so it stickes with the style in the document if (bold < 2) { bRange.Bold = bold; } currentDoc.Bookmarks.Add(bName, bRange); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to update bookmark"); XLtools.LogException("UpdateBookmark", e.ToString()); } }
private void IndexBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fullPath = docPath; string cabinet = XLVirtualCabinet.FileStore(, client.department); string clientStr = client.clientcode + " - " +; XLMain.Staff toBe = (XLMain.Staff)ToBeActionDDL.SelectedItem; string desc = DescTB.Text; string section = ""; if (client.department != "INS") { section = "Correspondence"; } else { section = FileSectionDDL.SelectedItem.ToString(); } //Launch the index process and collect the result XLVirtualCabinet.BondResult outcome = XLVirtualCabinet.IndexDocument(fullPath, cabinet, clientStr, status,, section, desc); if (outcome.ExitCode == 0) { XLDocument.EndDocument(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to index document, please index manually. Error code: " + outcome.ExitCode.ToString() + "-" + outcome.StandardOutput.ToString()); } //close the dialog in any event. this.Close(); }
private void SalDDL_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { sal = (XLMain.Salutation)SalDDL.SelectedItem; AddresseeTB.Text = sal.addressee; SalutationTb.Text = sal.salutation; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Salutation", SalutationTb.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", AddresseeTB.Text); }
private void IndexBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { try { XLDocument.currentDoc.Save(); //populate description string desc = XLDocument.ReadParameter("DocType"); desc += " to "; desc += XLDocument.ReadBookmark("Addressee"); string str = XLDocument.ReadParameter("CRMid"); XLMain.Client client = new XLMain.Client(); if (str != "") { client = XLMain.Client.FetchClient(str); } else { ClientForm cForm = new ClientForm(); cForm.ShowDialog(); client = cForm.selectedClient; } XLMain.Staff writer = new XLMain.Staff(); string writerID = XLDocument.ReadParameter("Sender"); if (writerID == "") { writer = XLMain.Staff.StaffFromUser(Environment.UserName); } else { writer = XLMain.Staff.StaffFromUser(XLDocument.ReadParameter("Sender")); } VCForm myForm = new VCForm(writer, client, XLDocument.currentDoc.FullName, desc, XLDocument.ReadParameter("VCStatus")); myForm.ShowDialog(); //collect result from form XLVirtualCabinet.BondResult outcome = myForm.outcome; if (outcome.ExitCode == 0) { XLDocument.EndDocument(); xlTaskPane1.Dispose(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to index document, please index manually. Error code: " + outcome.ExitCode.ToString() + "-" + outcome.StandardOutput.ToString()); } //close the dialog in any event. } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error calling the VC integration. Error code: " + ex.ToString()); XLtools.LogException("IndexBtn", ex.ToString()); } }
private void MySigBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { //get current user XLMain.Staff user = XLMain.Staff.StaffFromUser(Environment.UserName); bool success = XLDocument.AddSignature(user.username); if (success) { success = XLDocument.AddSignatureMetaData(user, user); } }
private void EncChk_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (EncChk.Checked) { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Enc", "Enc", bold: 0, styleName: "ML Main"); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Enc", "", bold: 0, styleName: "ML Main"); } }
private void RevertBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Deal with salutations if (client.salutations != null) { SalDDL.DataSource = client.salutations; SalDDL.DisplayMember = "Salutation"; SalDDL.ValueMember = "Addressee"; sal = (XLMain.Salutation)SalDDL.SelectedItem; if (sal != null) { AddresseeTB.Text = sal.addressee; SalutationTb.Text = sal.salutation; } } //Deal with addresses if (docType == "Letter") { if (client.addresses != null) { allAddresses = client.addresses; addressesDDL.DataSource = allAddresses; addressesDDL.DisplayMember = "address1"; addressesDDL.ValueMember = "addressBlock"; add = (XLMain.Address)addressesDDL.SelectedItem; if (add != null) { addTB.Text = add.addressBlock; } } } else if (docType == "Fax") { XLMain.Number fax = XLMain.Number.GetNumber(client.crmID, "Fax"); if (fax != null) { FaxTB.Text = fax.number; } } RevertBtn.Visible = false; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Salutation", SalutationTb.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Address", addTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Fax", FaxTB.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to revert"); XLtools.LogException("RevertBtn", ex.ToString()); } }
private void PandCCheck_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PandCCheck.Checked) { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("PandC", "Private and Confidential"); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("PandC", ""); } }
private void FAOBCheck_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FAOBCheck.Checked) { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("FAOBOML", "Milsted Langdon"); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("FAOBOML", ""); } }
public HeaderForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.CenterToParent(); OfficeDDL.DataSource = XLDocument.GetList("Office"); OfficeDDL.DisplayMember = "name"; OfficeDDL.ValueMember = "dbTag"; DeptDDL.DataSource = XLDocument.GetList("Footer"); DeptDDL.DisplayMember = "name"; DeptDDL.ValueMember = "dbTag"; }
private void BioBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { XLForms.ClientForm selectForm = new ClientForm(); selectForm.ShowDialog(); XLMain.Client client = selectForm.selectedClient; MergeClient bioClient = new MergeClient(client); XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); Range range = XLDocument.currentDoc.Range(); XLDocument.UpdateFieldsFromRange(range, bioClient); }
private void addressLB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string str = addressesDDL.SelectedValue.ToString(); addTB.Text = str; } catch { addTB.Text = ""; } XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Address", addTB.Text); }
private void SalutationTb_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { string salutation = SalutationTb.Text; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Salutation", salutation); if (salutation == "" || salutation == "Sir" || salutation == "Madam" || salutation == "Sirs" || salutation == "Mesdames") { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("FaithSincere", "Yours faithfully"); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("FaithSincere", "Yours sincerely"); } }
private void OkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XLDocument.Header header = new XLDocument.Header(); string office = (string)OfficeDDL.SelectedValue; string footer = (string)DeptDDL.SelectedValue; header = XLDocument.MapHeaderFooter(office, footer); if (header != null) { XLDocument.DeployHeader(header); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("HeaderDeployed", "true"); } this.Close(); }
private void InvoiceBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { XLForms.ClientForm clientForm = new XLForms.ClientForm(); clientForm.ShowDialog(); if (clientForm.selectedClient != null) { XLMain.Client client = clientForm.selectedClient; XLMain.FPIClient fpiClient = XLMain.FPIClient.GetFPIClientInvoice(client); List <XLMain.FPIClient> clientList = new List <XLMain.FPIClient>(); clientList.Add(fpiClient); XLDocument.MergeFPIData(clientList.OrderBy(c =>; } }
private void IPSContactBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPSContForm myForm = new IPSContForm(client); myForm.ShowDialog(); XLInsol.Contact selectContact = myForm.selectedContact; if (selectContact != null) { if (docType == "Letter") { if (selectContact != null) { allAddresses = null; addressesDDL.DataSource = null; string add =; add += Environment.NewLine + selectContact.addressBlock; addTB.Text = add; } } else if (docType == "Fax") { if (selectContact.fax != null) { FaxTB.Text = selectContact.fax; } } SalDDL.DataSource = null; AddresseeTB.Text = ""; SalutationTb.Text = ""; RevertBtn.Visible = true; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Salutation", SalutationTb.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Address", addTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Fax", FaxTB.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("No address returned"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to fetch insolvency contact"); XLtools.LogException("InsolContactBtn", ex.ToString()); } }
private void UpdateDatebtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { string date = XLDocument.ReadBookmark("Date"); //check to see if bookmark exists, if not just insert date. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(date)) { XLDocument.InsertText(DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); } else { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date2", DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); } }
private void UpdateBookmarks(string docType) { try { //Build reference string ourRef = OurRef(client, sender, user); if (docType == "Letter") { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Address", addTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Salutation", SalutationTb.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Subject", SubjectTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date2", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", AddresseeTB.Text); DeploySignature(client, sender, AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("OurRef", ourRef, 0); } else if (docType == "Fax") { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Subject", SubjectTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Client",; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date2", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee", AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Addressee2", AddresseeTB.Text); DeploySignature(client, sender, AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Sender2",; XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Fax", FaxTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("OurRef", ourRef, 0); } else if (docType == "FileNote") { XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Subject", SubjectTB.Text, 1); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Date2", DateTB.Value.Date.ToString("d MMMM yyyy")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("Sender",, 1); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("ClientStr", XLDocument.ReadParameter("ClientStr")); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("OurRef", ourRef, 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to update bookmarks"); XLtools.LogException("TaskPane-UpdateBookmarks", ex.ToString()); } }
public static void AddStyles() { try { XLDocument.UpdateCurrentDoc(); string path = StandardLocation() + "Letter.dotx"; Document sTemplate = OpenDoc(path, true, false, false); currentDoc.set_AttachedTemplate((object)sTemplate); sTemplate.Close(SaveChanges: false); currentDoc.UpdateStyles(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to add styles" + e.ToString()); XLtools.LogException("AddStyles", e.ToString()); } }
private void SenderDDL_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Collect the changed record XLMain.EntityCouplet tempSend = (XLMain.EntityCouplet)SenderDDL.SelectedItem; //Convert the entity couplet to a full blown user now we know which one we want if (tempSend.crmID != "") { XLMain.Staff send = XLMain.Staff.FetchStaff(tempSend.crmID); DeploySignature(client, send, AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("Sender", send.username); //Build reference string ourRef = OurRef(client, send, user); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("OurRef", ourRef, 0); } else { XLMain.Staff send = new XLMain.Staff(); send.crmID = ""; =; send.initials = ""; DeploySignature(client, send, AddresseeTB.Text); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("Sender", ""); //Build reference string ourRef = OurRef(client, send, user); XLDocument.UpdateBookmark("OurRef", ourRef, 0); //For Milsted Langdon remove for and on behalf if ( == "Milsted Langdon LLP") { if (FAOBCheck.Checked) { FAOBCheck.Checked = false; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to change sender"); XLtools.LogException("TaskPane-SenderDDL", ex.ToString()); } }
private void ClientAddressBtn_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { try { ClientForm myForm = new ClientForm(); myForm.ShowDialog(); XLMain.Client client = myForm.selectedClient; //Add the name and address at the cursor location string str = ""; if (client.addresses.Count > 0) { if (client.salutations.Count > 0) { str += client.salutations[0].addressee + Environment.NewLine; if ( != client.salutations[0].addressee) { str += + Environment.NewLine; } } else { str += + Environment.NewLine; } str += client.addresses[0].addressBlock; XLDocument.InsertText(str); //Add any parameters we can for later indexing string fileStore = XLVirtualCabinet.FileStore(, client.department); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("CRMid", client.crmID); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("Cabinet", fileStore); XLDocument.UpdateParameter("ClientStr", client.clientcode + " - " +; //insert the status text box; //XLDocument.AddStatusBox(); //XLDocument.ChangeStatus("Draft"); } else { MessageBox.Show( + " does not have an address in the system."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to client address"); XLtools.LogException("ClientAddressBtn", ex.ToString()); } }