Exemple #1
        protected override void Run()
            // the network lock and the connection.expectDisruption will be cleared in clean()

            new_bonds = new List <NewBond>();
            network   = null;
            Connection.ExpectDisruption = true;
            int    inc         = 100 / (Connection.Cache.HostCount * 3 + 1);
            string network_ref = CreateNetwork(0, inc);

                network        = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(network_ref));
                network.Locked = true;
                XenAPI.Network.remove_from_other_config(Session, network_ref, XenAPI.Network.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS);

                int lo = inc;
                foreach (Host host in GetHostsMasterLast())
                    List <PIF> pifs = PIFs[host].FindAll(x => x.physical).ToList();

                    List <XenRef <PIF> > pif_refs = new List <XenRef <PIF> >();
                    foreach (PIF pif in pifs)
                        pif_refs.Add(new XenRef <PIF>(pif.opaque_ref));

                    log.DebugFormat("Creating bond on {0} with {1} PIFs...", Helpers.GetName(host), pifs.Count);

                    Dictionary <string, string> bondProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    if (bondMode == bond_mode.lacp)
                        bondProperties.Add("hashing_algorithm", Bond.HashingAlgoritmToString(hashingAlgoritm));

                    RelatedTask = tampaOrGreater ?
                                  Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, "", bondMode, bondProperties) :
                                  Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, "", bondMode) :
                                      Bond.async_create(Session, network_ref, pif_refs, "");

                    PollToCompletion(lo, lo + inc);
                    lo += inc;
                    log.DebugFormat("Creating bond on {0} done: bond is {1}.", Helpers.GetName(host), Result);

                    Bond new_bond = Connection.WaitForCache(new XenRef <Bond>(Result));
                    if (new_bond == null)
                        throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Bond didn't appear in our cache!");

                    PIF new_master = Connection.Resolve(new_bond.master);
                    if (new_master == null)
                        throw new Failure(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Bond master didn't appear in our cache!");

                    new_bonds.Add(new NewBond(new_bond, new_master, pifs));

                    new_bond.Locked   = true;
                    new_master.Locked = true;

                foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds)
                    lo += inc;
                    ReconfigureManagementInterfaces(new_bond.slaves, new_bond.master, lo);

                foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds)
                    lo += inc;
                    if (!bostonOrGreater)
                        NetworkingActionHelpers.Plug(this, new_bond.master, lo);
            catch (Exception)
                foreach (NewBond new_bond in new_bonds)


            Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_CREATE_BOND_DONE, name_label);
        protected override void Run()
            Connection.ExpectDisruption = true;
            List <VIF> unplugged_vifs   = new List <VIF>();
            string     old_network_name = Network == null ? "" : Network.Name;
            Exception  e = null;

            if (!bostonOrGreater)
                if (Network != null && NewNetworkName != null)
                    // Unplug all active VIFs, because we can't fiddle with the PIFs on the network while the
                    // VIFs are active (xapi won't let us).
                    foreach (VIF vif in Connection.ResolveAll(Network.VIFs))
                        if (vif.currently_attached)
                            log.DebugFormat("Unplugging VIF {0} from network {1}...", vif.uuid, old_network_name);
                            VIF.unplug(Session, vif.opaque_ref);
                            log.DebugFormat("VIF {0} unplugged from network {1}.", vif.uuid, old_network_name);

            BestEffort(ref e, ReconfigureManagementInterfaces);

            if (e != null)
                throw e;

            PercentComplete = 50;

            int inc = 40 / (Bonds.Count + Masters.Count + Slaves.Count);

            int lo = PercentComplete;

            foreach (Bond bond in Bonds)
                Bond bond1 = bond;
                int  lo1   = lo;
                BestEffort(ref e, delegate() { RelatedTask = Bond.async_destroy(Session, bond1.opaque_ref); });
                PollToCompletion(lo1, lo1 + inc);

                lo += inc;

            foreach (PIF master in Secondaries)
                if (!bostonOrGreater)
                    ReconfigureSecondaryManagement(master, PercentComplete + inc);
                PercentComplete += inc;

            if (!bostonOrGreater)
                foreach (PIF pif in Slaves)
                    NetworkingActionHelpers.Plug(this, pif, PercentComplete + inc);

            if (Network != null)
                if (NewNetworkName == null)
                    // We can delete the whole network.
                    log.DebugFormat("Destroying network {0} ({1})...", old_network_name, Network.uuid);
                    BestEffort(ref e, delegate()
                        XenAPI.Network.destroy(Session, Network.opaque_ref);
                        log.DebugFormat("Network {0} ({1}) destroyed.", old_network_name, Network.uuid);
                    // Rename the network, so that the VIFs still have somewhere to live.
                    log.DebugFormat("Renaming network {0} ({1}) to {2}...", old_network_name, Network.uuid, NewNetworkName);

                    XenAPI.Network n = (XenAPI.Network)Network.Clone();
                    n.name_label = NewNetworkName;
                    BestEffort(ref e, delegate()
                        log.DebugFormat("Renaming network {0} ({1}) done.", NewNetworkName, n.uuid);

                    // Replug all the VIFs that we unplugged before.
                    if (!bostonOrGreater)
                        foreach (VIF vif in unplugged_vifs)
                            log.DebugFormat("Replugging VIF {0} into network {1}...", vif.opaque_ref, NewNetworkName);
                            BestEffort(ref e, delegate()
                                VIF.plug(Session, vif.opaque_ref);
                                log.DebugFormat("Replugging VIF {0} into network {1} done.", vif.opaque_ref, NewNetworkName);

            if (e != null)
                throw e;

            Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DESTROY_BOND_DONE, Name);