Row GetListViewItem(int index, DataGridControl lvObject)
            //if (lvObject.ItemContainerGenerator.Status != GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
            //    return null;

            //return lvObject.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as ListViewItem;
            return lvObject.GetContainerFromIndex(index) as Row;
    private static FrameworkElement ProcessFirstVisibleContainer( 
      DataGridControl gridControl,
      double offset,
      double viewportSize,
      double opposedOffset,
      double opposedViewportSize,
      Orientation panelOrientation )
      FrameworkElement retval = null;

      // Only needed if the DataGridControl contains items
      if( ( gridControl != null ) && ( gridControl.Items.Count > 0 ) )
        bool qualifyingContainerFound = false;

        //retrieve the last object index according to item scrolling axis (this covers both the "Vertical and None" primary axis cases... 
        //as well as default if no other row matches the PrimaryAxis criteria)
        int runningIndex = ( int )( offset );

        //cycle for as long as a qualifying container is not found.
        while( !qualifyingContainerFound )
          retval = gridControl.GetContainerFromIndex( runningIndex ) as FrameworkElement;

          //will be reverted back if the container does not match a particular condition.
          if( retval != null )
            qualifyingContainerFound = ScrollViewerHelper.IsContainerQualifying( retval,
              panelOrientation );

          //under all circumstances, if I am back at the end of the viewport ( last item visible), then have it qualify.
          if( runningIndex == ( offset + viewportSize - 1 ) )
            qualifyingContainerFound = true;


      return retval;