public string GameTitle(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Title", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.Title == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " search", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); if (page.IndexOf("<title>", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { int startIndex = page.IndexOf("<title>", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7; string title = page.Substring(startIndex); title = title.Substring(0, title.IndexOf(" -", StringComparison.Ordinal)); title = title.Trim().Replace("\n", ""); title = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(title); if (title != null) { title = title.Replace("&", "&"); } waffle.Title = title; return(title); } } else { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { return(Gamename); } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Using filename", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(Gamename); } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(waffle.Title); } }
public string GameGenre(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Genre", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.InfoItem("Genre") == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " Search", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); if (page.IndexOf("Genre:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { int startIndex = page.IndexOf("Genre:", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 6; string genre = page.Substring(startIndex); genre = genre.Substring(0, genre.IndexOf("</li>", StringComparison.Ordinal)); string htmlDecode = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(genre.Trim().Replace("\n", "")); if (htmlDecode != null) { genre = htmlDecode.Replace("<li>", "").Replace("</label>", ""); } waffle.InfoItem("Genre", genre); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(genre); } } else { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { return(""); } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Genre Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(""); } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML file", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(waffle.InfoItem("Genre")); } }
public string GameDesc(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Desc", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffleXMLFile = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffleXMLFile.Summary == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX == null) { } else { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " Desc", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); var replacer = new Regex("<meta name=\"description\" content=\".*\" />"); Match results = replacer.Match(page); string desc = results.Value.Substring(34); desc = desc.Substring(0, desc.Length - 5).Trim(); waffleXMLFile.Summary = desc; Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(desc); } } catch (Exception) { return(""); } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Not Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(""); } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "In XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(waffleXMLFile.Summary); } }
public string GameBannerBasic(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Loading banner:", Path, Environment.NewLine); if (!File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-banner.png"))) { var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.Banner == null) { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Searching for banner:", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); byte[] data = wc.DownloadData( string.Concat( "", iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower(), "/1033/banner.png")); if (data == null) { throw new Exception("Download Failed"); } { waffle.Banner = data; TextBox textBox1 = Log; textBox1.Text = string.Concat(textBox1.Text, "Banner saved to XML File", Path, Environment.NewLine); return GameBanner(true); } } { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Banner Download Failed:", Path, Environment.NewLine); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No banner found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return "media\\blank-banner.png"; } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No banner found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return "media\\blank-banner.png"; } { var binWritter = new StreamWriter( string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-banner.png")), false); binWritter.BaseStream.Write(waffle.Banner, 0, waffle.Banner.Length); binWritter.Flush(); binWritter.Close(); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Banner found in XML:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-banner.png")); } } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Local Banner Found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-banner.png"); } }
public string GameTitle(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Title", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.Title == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " search", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); if (page.IndexOf("<title>", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { int startIndex = page.IndexOf("<title>", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7; string title = page.Substring(startIndex); title = title.Substring(0, title.IndexOf(" -", StringComparison.Ordinal)); title = title.Trim().Replace("\n", ""); title = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(title); if (title != null) title = title.Replace("&", "&"); waffle.Title = title; return title; } } else { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { return Gamename; } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Using filename", Path, Environment.NewLine); return Gamename; } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return waffle.Title; } }
public string GameGenre(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Genre", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.InfoItem("Genre") == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " Search", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); if (page.IndexOf("Genre:", StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { int startIndex = page.IndexOf("Genre:", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 6; string genre = page.Substring(startIndex); genre = genre.Substring(0, genre.IndexOf("</li>", StringComparison.Ordinal)); string htmlDecode = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(genre.Trim().Replace("\n", "")); if (htmlDecode != null) genre = htmlDecode.Replace("<li>", "").Replace("</label>", ""); waffle.InfoItem("Genre", genre); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return genre; } } else { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { return ""; } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Genre Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return ""; } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML file", Path, Environment.NewLine); return waffle.InfoItem("Genre"); } }
public string GameDesc(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding Desc", Path, Environment.NewLine); var waffleXMLFile = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffleXMLFile.Summary == "") { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX == null) { } else { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, " Desc", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); string page = wc.DownloadString(wc.RedirectURL(this, "" + iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower() + "?nosplash=1")); var replacer = new Regex("<meta name=\"description\" content=\".*\" />"); Match results = replacer.Match(page); string desc = results.Value.Substring(34); desc = desc.Substring(0, desc.Length - 5).Trim(); waffleXMLFile.Summary = desc; Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return desc; } } catch (Exception) { return ""; } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Not Found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return ""; } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "In XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return waffleXMLFile.Summary; } }
public string GameBox(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding cover for:", Path, Environment.NewLine); if ( !(File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.jpg")) | File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png")))) { var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.BoxArt == null) { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Searching for cover", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); byte[] data = wc.DownloadData(string.Concat("", iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower(), "/en-US/largeboxart.jpg")); if (data != null) { waffle.BoxArt = data; Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Cover saved to XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return GameBox(true); } { throw new Exception("Download Failed"); } } { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Download Failed", Path, Environment.NewLine); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return "media\\blank-cover.jpg"; } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return "media\\blank-cover.jpg"; } { var binWritter = new StreamWriter( string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-cover.jpg")), false); binWritter.BaseStream.Write(waffle.BoxArt, 0, waffle.BoxArt.Length); binWritter.Flush(); binWritter.Close(); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-cover.jpg")); } } { if (File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png"))) { return string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png"); } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Local cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.jpg"); } }
public string GameBox(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Finding cover for:", Path, Environment.NewLine); if ( !(File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.jpg")) | File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png")))) { var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.BoxArt == null) { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Searching for cover", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); byte[] data = wc.DownloadData(string.Concat("", iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower(), "/en-US/largeboxart.jpg")); if (data != null) { waffle.BoxArt = data; Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Cover saved to XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(GameBox(true)); } { throw new Exception("Download Failed"); } } { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Download Failed", Path, Environment.NewLine); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return("media\\blank-cover.jpg"); } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No Cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return("media\\blank-cover.jpg"); } { var binWritter = new StreamWriter( string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-cover.jpg")), false); binWritter.BaseStream.Write(waffle.BoxArt, 0, waffle.BoxArt.Length); binWritter.Flush(); binWritter.Close(); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Found in XML", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-cover.jpg"))); } } { if (File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png"))) { return(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.png")); } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Local cover found", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-cover.jpg")); } }
public string GameBannerBasic(bool chkArtwork) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Loading banner:", Path, Environment.NewLine); if (!File.Exists(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-banner.png"))) { var waffle = new WaffleXML(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ".xml")); if (waffle.Banner == null) { if (chkArtwork) { try { var iso = new Iso(IsoFile.FullName, true); if (iso.DefaultXeX != null) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Searching for banner:", Path, Environment.NewLine); var wc = new WbClient(); byte[] data = wc.DownloadData( string.Concat( "", iso.DefaultXeX.XeXHeader.TitleId.ToLower(), "/1033/banner.png")); if (data == null) { throw new Exception("Download Failed"); } { waffle.Banner = data; TextBox textBox1 = Log; textBox1.Text = string.Concat(textBox1.Text, "Banner saved to XML File", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(GameBanner(true)); } } { throw new Exception("Not a Game"); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Banner Download Failed:", Path, Environment.NewLine); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No banner found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return("media\\blank-banner.png"); } } Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "No banner found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return("media\\blank-banner.png"); } { var binWritter = new StreamWriter( string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-banner.png")), false); binWritter.BaseStream.Write(waffle.Banner, 0, waffle.Banner.Length); binWritter.Flush(); binWritter.Close(); Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Banner found in XML:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\temp\\", Filename.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, "-banner.png"))); } } { Log.Text = string.Concat(Log.Text, "Local Banner Found:", Path, Environment.NewLine); return(string.Concat(Path.Replace(IsoFile.Extension, ""), "-banner.png")); } }