Exemple #1
        //extend the where when we are working with indexable collections!
        public static IEnumerable <T> Where <T>
            this XbimIndexedCollection <T> sourceCollection,
            Expression <Func <T, bool> > expr
            //our indexes work from the hash values of that which is indexed, regardless of type
            int? hashRight = null;
            bool noIndex   = true;

            //indexes only work on equality expressions here
            if (expr.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal)
                //Equality is a binary expression
                BinaryExpression binExp = (BinaryExpression)expr.Body;
                //Get some aliases for either side
                Expression leftSide  = binExp.Left;
                Expression rightSide = binExp.Right;

                hashRight = GetHashRight(leftSide, rightSide);

                //if we were able to create a hash from the right side (likely)
                MemberExpression returnedEx = GetIndexablePropertyOnLeft(leftSide, sourceCollection);
                if (hashRight.HasValue && returnedEx != null)
                    //cast to MemberExpression - it allows us to get the property
                    MemberExpression propExp  = returnedEx;
                    string           property = propExp.Member.Name;
                    IEnumerable <T>  values   = sourceCollection.GetValues(property, hashRight.Value);
                    if (values != null)
                        foreach (T item in values)
                            yield return(item);
                        noIndex = false; //we found an index, whether it had values or not is another matter
            if (noIndex) //no index?  just do it the normal slow way then...
                IEnumerable <T> sourceEnum = sourceCollection.AsEnumerable();
                IEnumerable <T> result     = sourceEnum.Where(expr.Compile());
                foreach (T resultItem in result)
                    yield return(resultItem);
Exemple #2
        private static MemberExpression GetIndexablePropertyOnLeft <T>(Expression leftSide,
                                                                       XbimIndexedCollection <T> sourceCollection)
            MemberExpression mex = leftSide as MemberExpression;

            if (leftSide.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
                MethodCallExpression call = leftSide as MethodCallExpression;
                if (call.Method.Name == "CompareString")
                    mex = call.Arguments[0] as MemberExpression;
