private async void DrawRoute(RouteDirectionDto routeDirectionDto) { map.Pins.Clear(); map.MapElements.Clear(); var steps = ProcessRouteResult(routeDirectionDto); Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline() { StrokeWidth = 6, StrokeColor = Color.FromHex("#1BA1E2") }; foreach (var coordinates in steps) { var position = new Position(coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude); polyline.Geopath.Add(position); } map.MapElements.Add(polyline); map.Pins.Add(new Pin() { Position = polyline.Geopath.First(), Label = "Origin", Type = PinType.SavedPin }); map.Pins.Add(new Pin() { Position = polyline.Geopath.Last(), Label = "Destination", Type = PinType.SavedPin }); }
protected void AddPolylineToMap(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline routeLine) { //remove old route lines foreach (MapElement element in map.MapElements.ToList()) { if (element.GetType() == typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline)) { map.MapElements.Remove(element); } } //put new line on map map.MapElements.Add(routeLine); }
protected override PolylineOptions CreatePolylineOptions(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline) { if (polyline is MapPolyline positionPolyline) { positionPolyline.GenerateGeoPath(); } var options = base.CreatePolylineOptions(polyline); if (polyline is MapPolyline mapPolyline) { options.InvokeZIndex(mapPolyline.ZIndex); } return(options); }
public MapElementsGallery() { InitializeComponent(); Map.MoveToRegion( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(39.828152, -98.569817), Distance.FromMiles(1681))); _polyline = new Maps.Polyline { Geopath = { new Position(47.641944, -122.127222), new Position(37.411625, -122.071327), new Position(35.138901, -80.922623) } }; _polygon = new Maps.Polygon { StrokeColor = Color.FromHex("#002868"), FillColor = Color.FromHex("#88BF0A30"), Geopath = { new Position(37, -102.05), new Position(37, -109.05), new Position(41, -109.05), new Position(41, -102.05) } }; _circle = new Circle { Center = new Position(42.352364, -71.067177), Radius = Distance.FromMiles(100.0), StrokeColor = Color.FromRgb(31, 174, 206), FillColor = Color.FromRgba(31, 174, 206, 127) }; Map.MapElements.Add(_polyline); Map.MapElements.Add(_polygon); Map.MapElements.Add(_circle); ElementPicker.SelectedIndex = 0; }
void AddClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (_selectedType) { case SelectedElementType.Polyline: Map.MapElements.Add(_polyline = new Maps.Polyline()); break; case SelectedElementType.Polygon: Map.MapElements.Add(_polygon = new Maps.Polygon()); break; case SelectedElementType.Circle: Map.MapElements.Add(_circle = new Circle()); break; } }
void RemoveClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (_selectedType) { case SelectedElementType.Polyline: Map.MapElements.Remove(_polyline); _polyline = Map.MapElements.OfType <Maps.Polyline>().LastOrDefault(); if (_polyline == null) { Map.MapElements.Add(_polyline = new Maps.Polyline()); } break; case SelectedElementType.Polygon: Map.MapElements.Remove(_polygon); _polygon = Map.MapElements.OfType <Maps.Polygon>().LastOrDefault(); if (_polygon == null) { Map.MapElements.Add(_polygon = new Maps.Polygon()); } break; case SelectedElementType.Circle: Map.MapElements.Remove(_circle); _circle = Map.MapElements.OfType <Circle>().LastOrDefault(); if (_circle == null) { Map.MapElements.Add(_circle = new Circle()); } break; } }
public async Task AddPolylineAsync() { if (!IsBusy) { try { IsBusy = true; RouteDuration = null; RouteDistance = null; var current = Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess; if (current != Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.Internet) { // connection is not available await DisplayAlert("Error", "You must be connected to the internet", "OK"); return; } if (Origin == null || Destination == null) { // no start or end point await DisplayAlert("Error", "Origin and Destination must not be empty", "OK"); return; } myMap.MapElements.Clear(); myMap.Pins.Clear(); List <Route> routes = new List <Route>(); List <Leg> legs = new List <Leg>(); List <Step> steps = new List <Step>(); //List<Intersection> steps = new List<Step>(); List <Position> locations = new List <Position>(); dr = await rService.GetDirectionsResponseAsync(Origin, Destination); if (dr == null) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Route could not be found", "OK"); return; } if (dr != null) { routes = dr.Routes; RouteDuration = routes[2].legs[0].duration; RouteDistance = routes[2].legs[0].distance; //routes[0].legs[0]. foreach (var route in routes) { legs = route.legs; } foreach (var leg in legs) { steps = leg.steps; } string encodedPoly = routes[0].overview_polyline.points; List <Position> lines = DecodePolyline(encodedPoly); Polyline poli = new Polyline() { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 10 }; for (int x = 0; x < lines.Count - 1; x++) { poli.Geopath.Add(lines[x]); } myMap.MapElements.Add(poli); /* var polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions() * .InvokeColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Blue) * .InvokeWidth(4); */ ArrayList routePosList = new ArrayList(); foreach (var item in lines) { routePosList.Add(item); } // i have the polyline encoded, i have decoded it.. but cant set the geopath. what now? } } catch { } } }
private async void btn32_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Mapa1.IsShowingUser = true; MyStackLayout.IsVisible = false; MyStackLayout1.IsVisible = false; MyStackLayout2.IsVisible = false; MyStackLayout3.IsVisible = false; MyStackLayout4.IsVisible = false; MyStackLayout5.IsVisible = false; btn32.TextColor = Color.DarkRed; btn32.BackgroundColor = Color.White; btn32.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold; // Stack2.IsVisible = false; btn2.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkRed; btn2.TextColor = Color.White; btn3.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkRed; btn3.TextColor = Color.White; var listApartmana = await _apartmani.Get <IList <Model.Apartmani> >(null); var listaAtrakcija = await _atrakcije.Get <IList <Model.Atrakcije> >(null); var listaKafica = await _kafici.Get <IList <Model.Kafici> >(null); var listaHotela = await _hoteli.Get <IList <Model.Hoteli> >(null); var listaRestorana = await _restorani.Get <IList <Model.Restorani> >(null); var listaNk = await _nocniklubovi.Get <IList <Model.Nightclubs> >(null); StackMapa.IsVisible = true; var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Best, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <PermissionStatus>(); var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request, cts.Token); var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(); Position position = new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); MapSpan mapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(position, Distance.FromKilometers(0.444)); Mapa1.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); if (APIService.Atraction) { foreach (var item in listaAtrakcija) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Lokacija, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa1.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa1.MapElements.Add(polyline); } } if (APIService.Apartments) { foreach (var item in listApartmana) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Lokacija, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa1.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa1.MapElements.Add(polyline); } } if (APIService.Food) { foreach (var item in listaRestorana) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Lokacija, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa1.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa1.MapElements.Add(polyline); } } if (APIService.Nightclubs) { foreach (var item in listaNk) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Lokacija, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa1.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa1.MapElements.Add(polyline); } } if (APIService.Coffeeshops) { foreach (var item in listaKafica) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Lokacija, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa1.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa1.MapElements.Add(polyline); } } }
public async void AddPins() { var listApartmana = await _apartmani.Get <IList <Model.Apartmani> >(null); var listaAtrakcija = await _atrakcije.Get <IList <Model.Atrakcije> >(null); var listaKafica = await _kafici.Get <IList <Model.Kafici> >(null); var listaHotela = await _hoteli.Get <IList <Model.Hoteli> >(null); var listaRestorana = await _restorani.Get <IList <Model.Restorani> >(null); var listaNk = await _nocniklubovi.Get <IList <Model.Nightclubs> >(null); object trazeniModel = null; foreach (var item in listApartmana) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = item.Vrsta, Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } foreach (var item in listaAtrakcija) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = item.Vrsta, Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } foreach (var item in listaHotela) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = "Hotel", Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } foreach (var item in listaKafica) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = "Kafic", Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } foreach (var item in listaRestorana) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = "Restoran", Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } foreach (var item in listaNk) { string lowerSearch = APIService.SearchCon.ToLower(); string lowerLetters = item.Naziv.ToLower(); if (lowerLetters.Contains(lowerSearch)) { trazeniModel = item; temp.Add(new Model.ReportClass { Naziv = item.Naziv, Ocjena = item.Ocjena, Vrsta = "Nightclub", Latitude = item.Latitude, Longitude = item.Longitude, Adresa = item.Lokacija }); } } var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Best, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <PermissionStatus>(); var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request, cts.Token); var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(); foreach (var item in temp) { Pin pin = new Pin { Label = item.Naziv, Address = item.Adresa, Type = PinType.Place, Position = new Position((double)item.Latitude, (double)item.Longitude) }; Mapa.Pins.Add(pin); var lat1 = item.Latitude; var lon1 = item.Longitude; var lat2 = location.Latitude; var lon2 = location.Longitude; string trazeniUrl = @"" + lat2 + "," + lon2 + "&destination=" + lat1 + "," + lon1 + "&key=AIzaSyDP-0g1tNQWjpbUKC0uLv3tJ7GGm6a3t8Q"; var response = await client.GetAsync(trazeniUrl); string contactsJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Getting response GoogleDirection ObjContactList = new GoogleDirection(); if (response != null) { ObjContactList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirection>(contactsJson); } Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline polyline = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Polyline { StrokeColor = Color.Blue, StrokeWidth = 12, }; var brojRouta = ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < brojRouta; i++) { polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].StartLocation.Lng)); polyline.Geopath.Add(new Position(ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lat, ObjContactList.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps[i].EndLocation.Lng)); } Mapa.MapElements.Add(polyline); } }