async public void GetUserData()
			//use the account object and make the desired API call

			var request = new OAuth1Request (
				new Uri (" "),

			await request.GetResponseAsync ().ContinueWith (t => {
				var res = t.Result;
				var resString = res.GetResponseText ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Result Text: " + resString);
				var jo = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (resString);
				var imageUrl = (string)jo ["profile_image_url"];
				var myName = (string)jo ["name"];
				var myHandle= (string)jo ["screen_name"];
				var myBackgroundImg = (string)jo ["profile_background_image_url"];
				var myFollowers =(string)jo ["followers_count"]; 
				var myFriends=(string)jo ["friends_count"];
				var noOfTweets = (string)jo["statuses_count"];
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(imageUrl, "MyProfileImage"); 
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(myName, "MyName");
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(myHandle, "MyHandle");
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(myBackgroundImg, "MyBackImage");
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(myFollowers, "MyFollowers");
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(myFriends, "MFriends");
				NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString(noOfTweets, "noOfTweets");
				//jo	{{   "id": 2847008436,   "id_str": "2847008436",   "name": "Pooja Gaonkar",   "screen_name": "PoojaGaonkar19",   "location": "",   "description": "",   "url": null,   "entities": {     "description": {       "urls": []     }   },   "protected": false,   "followers_count": 15,   "friends_count": 10,   "listed_count": 0,   "created_at": "Wed Oct 08 10:34:31 +0000 2014",   "favourites_count": 0,   "utc_offset": null,   "time_zone": null,   "geo_enabled": false,   "verified": false,   "statuses_count": 9,   "lang": "en-gb",   "status": {     "created_at": "Tue Nov 17 06:30:53 +0000 2015",     "id": 666503755630669824,     "id_str": "666503755630669824",     "text": "#craftsvilla #unprofessionalmuch to tie up with designers who dont respond to orders.Was highly expecting my 1st order from you to be great",     "source": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter Web Client</a>",     "truncated": false,     "in_reply_to_status_id": null,     "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,     "in_reply_to_user_id": null,     "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,     "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,     "geo": null,     "coordinates": null,     "place": null,     "contributors": null,     "retweet_count": 0,     "favorite_count": 0,     "entities": {       "hashtags": [         {           "text": "craftsvilla",           "indices": [             0,             12           ]         },         {           "text": "unprofessionalmuch",           "indices": [             13,             32           ]         }       ],       "symbols": [],       "user_mentions": [],       "urls": []     },     "favorited": false,     "retweeted": false,     "lang": "en"   },   "contributors_enabled": false,   "is_translator": false,   "is_translation_enabled": false,   "profile_background_color": "C0DEED",   "profile_background_image_url": "",   "profile_background_image_url_https": "",   "profile_background_tile": false,   "profile_image_url": "",   "profile_image_url_https": "",   "profile_link_color": "0084B4",   "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED",   "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6",   "profile_text_color": "333333",   "profile_use_background_image": true,   "has_extended_profile": false,   "default_profile": true,   "default_profile_image": false,   "following": false,   "follow_request_sent": false,   "notifications": false }}	Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject

		async public void GetUserData()
			//use the account object and make the desired API call
			var request = new OAuth1Request (
				new Uri (" "),

			await request.GetResponseAsync ().ContinueWith (t => {
				var res = t.Result;
				var resString = res.GetResponseText ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Result Text: " + resString);
				var jo = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (resString);
				var imageUrl = (string)jo ["profile_image_url"];
