public async void dateClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { XamForms.Controls.Calendar calender = sender as XamForms.Controls.Calendar; DateTime selectedDate = (DateTime)calender.SelectedDate; if (selectedDate < DateTime.Today) { AddEventToDayButton.IsVisible = false; } else { AddEventToDayButton.IsVisible = true; } string stringDate = selectedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); DateHeader.Text = stringDate; scheduleListXAML.ItemsSource = await getUserScheduleByDate(stringDate); DayPageStack.IsVisible = true; }
public MainTabbed() { InitializeComponent(); List <SpecialDate> trainingDays = new List <SpecialDate>(); //if (Database.CurrentAthlete == null) // Database.AddUser("TestUser", "TestUser", 20, 0, false); for (int i = 0; i < Database.CurrentAthlete.Trainings.Count; i++) { DateTime trainingTime = DateTime.ParseExact(Database.CurrentAthlete.Trainings[i].Date, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); trainingDays.Add(new SpecialDate(trainingTime) { BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("d1d1d1"), TextColor = Color.FromHex("827ca9"), Selectable = true }); } var calendar = new XamForms.Controls.Calendar { //MaxDate=DateTime.Now.AddDays(30), MinDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), MultiSelectDates = false, SelectedTextColor = Color.White, DatesBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("f0eeed"), SelectedBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("444446"), DisabledBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("f0eeed"), DatesBackgroundColorOutsideMonth = Color.FromHex("f0eeed"), BorderWidth = 0, OuterBorderWidth = 0, DisabledBorderWidth = 0, DatesTextColor = Color.FromHex("878585"), WeekdaysTextColor = Color.FromHex("878585"), DatesTextColorOutsideMonth = Color.FromHex("878585"), DisabledTextColor = Color.FromHex("878585"), SelectedBorderColor = Color.FromHex("827ca9"), SpecialDates = trainingDays, }; calendar.DateClicked += (sender, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(calendar.SelectedDates); OnDateClicked(calendar.SelectedDates); }; //dateInfo = new Label //{ // TextColor = Color.FromHex("827ca9"), // Text = "info", // HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, // BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), // VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, //}; EvaluationButton = new Button { TextColor = Color.FromHex("827ca9"), Text = "Evaluate", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, //BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HeightRequest = 100 }; EvaluationButton.Clicked += OpenQuestionerClicked; Label topBarLabel = new Label { TextColor = Color.FromHex("dabc2c"), Text = "ATHLEETO", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3d3d4a"), FontSize = 20, }; Label EMPTY = new Label { TextColor = Color.FromHex("dabc2c"), Text = " ", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3d3d4a"), FontSize = 20, }; StackLayout s1 = new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3d3d4a"), Spacing = 0, Padding = 5, Children = { EMPTY, topBarLabel, } }; calendar.TitleLeftArrow.TextColor = Color.Black; calendar.TitleRightArrow.TextColor = Color.Black; // The root page of your application calendarPage = new ContentPage { //Title = "Calendar", Icon = "calendar.png", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3d3d4a"), Content = new StackLayout { Padding = new Thickness(0, Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS ? 0 : 0, 0, 0), Spacing = 0, Children = { s1, new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.White, Children = { calendar, } }, EvaluationButton } } }; calendarPage = new ContentPage { //Title = "Calendar", Icon = "calendar.png", BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("3d3d4a"), }; //this.NavigationController.NavigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.Magenta; this.Children.Add(new TrainingDiaryPage()); this.Children.Add(calendarPage); this.Children.Add(new HomePage()); this.Children.Add(new MyStatsPage()); this.Children.Add(new SettingsPage()); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); //MainPage = calendarPage; //MainPage = this.Children[this.Children.Count-3]; var masterPage = this as TabbedPage; masterPage.CurrentPage = masterPage.Children[masterPage.Children.Count - 3]; masterPage.BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#dddcdc"); }
private void SetupView(bool isReset = false) { // Initialise Basics _moduleEventViewModel = new ModuleEventViewModel(); _moduleEventViewModel.Uid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _moduleEventViewModel.Name = "University Calendar"; _isSummaryValid = false; _isLocationValid = false; _isWeeksValid = false; _isClassTypeValid = false; _isStartDateValid = false; _isEndDateValid = false; _isStartTimeValid = false; _isEndTimeValid = false; _isSettingStartDate = false; _isSettingEndDate = false; _isSettingStartTime = false; _isSettingEndTime = false; // Create Layout if (!isReset) { Title = "Add Module"; _addToolbarItem = new ToolbarItem { Text = "Add" }; _addToolbarItem.Clicked += _addToolbarItem_Clicked;; ToolbarItems.Add(_addToolbarItem); } _mainScrollViewLayout = new ScrollView(); _mainStackLayout = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; // Create Controls _startTimeLabel = new Label { Text = "Start Time", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _startDateLabel = new Label { Text = "Start Date", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _startDateTimeButton = new Button { Text = "Set Start Date and Time", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End }; _startDateTimeButton.Clicked += _startDateTimeButton_Clicked; _endTimeLabel = new Label { Text = "End Time", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _endDateLabel = new Label { Text = "End Date", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _endDateTimeButton = new Button { Text = "Set End Date and Time", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End }; _endDateTimeButton.Clicked += _endDateTimeButton_Clicked; _summaryEntry = new Entry { Placeholder = "Module Name...", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _summaryEntry.TextChanged += _summaryEntry_TextChanged; _locationEntry = new Entry { Placeholder = "Location of Class...", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _locationEntry.TextChanged += _locationEntry_TextChanged; _weeksValidEntry = new Entry { Placeholder = "Comma Separated Week Number...", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _weeksValidEntry.TextChanged += _weeksValidEntry_TextChanged; _weeksValidAllWeeksButton = new Button { Text = "All Weeks", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End }; _weeksValidAllWeeksButton.Clicked += _weeksValidAllWeeksButton_Clicked; _classTypePicker = new Picker { Title = "Class Type", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _classTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ClassTypesEnum)).ToList(); foreach (var classType in _classTypes) { _classTypePicker.Items.Add(classType); } _classTypePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += _classTypePicker_SelectedIndexChanged; _timeEntry = new Entry { Placeholder = "24h Time (HH:mm)", IsEnabled = false, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; _timeEntry.TextChanged += _timeEntry_TextChanged; _dateSelectorCalendar = new XamForms.Controls.Calendar { BorderColor = Color.LightGray, BorderWidth = 2, BackgroundColor = Color.White, StartDay = DayOfWeek.Monday, StartDate = DateTime.Now, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, DisableAllDates = true }; _dateSelectorCalendar.DateClicked += _dateSelectorCalendar_DateClicked; // Initialise Layout _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_summaryEntry); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_classTypePicker); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_locationEntry); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_startTimeLabel); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_startDateLabel); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_startDateTimeButton); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_endTimeLabel); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_endDateLabel); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_endDateTimeButton); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_weeksValidEntry); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_weeksValidAllWeeksButton); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_timeEntry); _mainStackLayout.Children.Add(_dateSelectorCalendar); _mainScrollViewLayout.Content = _mainStackLayout; Content = _mainScrollViewLayout; Debug.WriteLine("DEBUG: SetupView() completed successfully."); }
private void DrawCalendar(int arrowPos) { /*kindbiny_20200502 달력 추가(샘플) */ boxview_todo_1st.IsVisible = false; boxview_todo_2nd.IsVisible = false; boxview_todo_3th.IsVisible = false; label_todo_learn.IsVisible = false; label_todo_test.IsVisible = false; Grid_todo_Learn.IsVisible = false; listLearn.IsVisible = false; Grid_todo_Test.IsVisible = false; listTest.IsVisible = false; calendar = new XamForms.Controls.Calendar(); //DateTime today = DateTime.Now.Date; DateTime today = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(arrowPos); DateTime firstDay = today.AddDays(1 - today.Day); String sYear = today.Year.ToString(); String sMonth = (today.Month < 10) ? ("0" + today.Month.ToString()) : today.Month.ToString(); int DaysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(today.Year, today.Month); for (int Day = 1; Day <= DaysInMonth; Day++) { String sDay = (Day < 10) ? ("0" + Day.ToString()) : Day.ToString(); String Date = sYear + "-" + sMonth + "-" + sDay; bool LearnDone = (App.CalLearnInfoDatabase.getTodayLearnListCount(Date) > 0) ? true : false; bool TestDone = (App.CalTestInfoDatabase.getTodayTestListCount(Date) > 0) ? true : false; if (Day == DateTime.Now.Day) { continue; } if ((LearnDone == true) && (TestDone == true)) { calendar.SpecialDates.Add(new SpecialDate(firstDay.AddDays((double)Day - 1)) { TextColor = Color.White, Selectable = true, BackgroundPattern = new BackgroundPattern(1) { Pattern = new List <Pattern> { new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Gold }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.White }, } } }); } else if ((LearnDone == true) && (TestDone == false)) { calendar.SpecialDates.Add(new SpecialDate(firstDay.AddDays((double)Day - 1)) { TextColor = Color.White, Selectable = true, BackgroundPattern = new BackgroundPattern(1) { Pattern = new List <Pattern> { new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Gold }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, } } }); } else if ((LearnDone == false) && (TestDone == true)) { calendar.SpecialDates.Add(new SpecialDate(firstDay.AddDays((double)Day - 1)) { TextColor = Color.White, Selectable = true, BackgroundPattern = new BackgroundPattern(1) { Pattern = new List <Pattern> { new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.05f, Color = Color.Transparent }, new Pattern { WidthPercent = 1f, HightPercent = 0.1f, Color = Color.White }, } } }); } else { // Do nothing. } } calendar.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; print_DetailLearnTestInfo(); }
public Calendar() { InitializeComponent(); vm = new CalendarViewModel(); BindingContext = vm; _authdata = string.Format("{0}:{1}", Constants.Username, Constants.Password); _authheader = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_authdata)); _loadedMonths = new List <string>(); calendar = new XamForms.Controls.Calendar(); calendar.DateClicked += DateSelected; calendar.RightArrowClicked += MonthChanged; calendar.LeftArrowClicked += MonthChanged; LoadFlights(DateTime.Now); _loadedMonths.Add(DateTime.Now.Month.ToString()); //Button bar ****************************************************** Button newFlightRequest = new Button(); Button closePage = new Button { Image = "closePage.png" }; closePage.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent; newFlightRequest.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent; switch (Device.RuntimePlatform) { case Device.Android: newFlightRequest.Image = "newflight35.png"; newFlightRequest.HeightRequest = 35; newFlightRequest.WidthRequest = 35; closePage.HeightRequest = 35; closePage.WidthRequest = 35; closePage.BorderColor = Color.Transparent; newFlightRequest.BorderColor = Color.Transparent; break; case Device.iOS: newFlightRequest.Image = "submit.png"; break; } newFlightRequest.Clicked += SendFlightRequest; closePage.Clicked += ClosePage_Clicked; layout.Children.Add(calendar); buttonbar.Children.Add(closePage, 0, 0); buttonbar.Children.Add(newFlightRequest, 1, 0); }