Exemple #1
        //int[] Groups;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates graphic with new data series
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void FillData <TRecord>(IEnumerable <TRecord> newRecords, SerieSetting <TRecord>[] newSerieSettings)
            DataSeries = new double[newSerieSettings.Length][, ];
            serieStyle = new SerieStyleEnum[newSerieSettings.Length];
            //Groups = new int[newSerieSettings.Length];
            int recordsCount = newRecords.Count();

            double[] firstDataPoint = newSerieSettings[0].Getter(newRecords.First());
            int      dimensionCount = firstDataPoint.Length;

            for (int dataSeriesIndex = 0; dataSeriesIndex < DataSeries.Length; dataSeriesIndex++)
                DataSeries[dataSeriesIndex] = new double[recordsCount, dimensionCount];
                serieStyle[dataSeriesIndex] = newSerieSettings[dataSeriesIndex].SerieStyle;
                //Groups[dataSeriesIndex] = newSerieSettings[dataSeriesIndex].Group;

            int recordIndex = 0;

            foreach (TRecord record in newRecords)
                for (int dataSerieIndex = 0; dataSerieIndex < newSerieSettings.Length; dataSerieIndex++)
                    SerieSetting <TRecord> serieSetting = newSerieSettings[dataSerieIndex];
                    double[] dataPoint = serieSetting.Getter(record);
                    //double[] dataPoint;
                    //          dataPoint = serieSetting.Getter(record);
                    //} catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); }
                    for (int dimensionIndex = 0; dimensionIndex < dataPoint.Length; dimensionIndex++)
                        DataSeries[dataSerieIndex][recordIndex, dimensionIndex] = dataPoint[dimensionIndex];

            InvalidateMeasure(); //It seems InvalidateVisual() does not force Measure()
            IsEnabled = true;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a new renderer based on serieSetting
        /// </summary>
        protected Renderer?CreateGraphRenderer <TRecord>(int serieIndex, SerieSetting <TRecord> serieSetting)
            if (isArea2Expected && serieSetting.SerieStyle != SerieStyleEnum.area2)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("SerieStyle[{0}] '{1}, {2}' should be area2 because the previous data series had style aera1.", serieIndex, serieSetting.SerieStyle, (int)serieSetting.SerieStyle));

            //get stroke brush or default brush
            Brush strokeBrush;

            if (serieSetting.StrokeBrush != null)
                strokeBrush = serieSetting.StrokeBrush;
                //use default brushes
                if (serieIndex == 0)
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.LightGreen;
                else if (serieIndex == 1)
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.LightBlue;
                else if (serieIndex == 2)
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.LightGray;
                else if (serieIndex == 3)
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.LightGray;
                else if (serieIndex == 4)
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.Black;
                    strokeBrush = Brushes.Red;
            //get fill brush or use transparent version of stroke brush
            Brush?fillBrush = null;

            if (serieSetting.SerieStyle == SerieStyleEnum.line)
                fillBrush = serieSetting.FillBrush;
            else if (serieSetting.SerieStyle == SerieStyleEnum.area1)
                if (serieSetting.FillBrush == null)
                    if (!(strokeBrush is SolidColorBrush strokeSolidColorBrush))
                        fillBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 240, 240, 240));
                        Color strokeColor = strokeSolidColorBrush.Color;
                        fillBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, strokeColor.R, strokeColor.G, strokeColor.B));
                    fillBrush = serieSetting.FillBrush;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// whenever a setup parameter changes, regenerate the test data and refresh
        /// </summary>
        private void updateParameters()
            DateTime time        = startDateDatePicker.SelectedDate.Value;
            double   minutes     = timeNumberScrollBar.Value;
            int      stepsCount  = (int)stepsNumberScrollBar.Value;
            var      dataRecords = new DataRecord[stepsCount];

            //count selected series and prepare values for data calculation
            var serieValues       = new double[seriesCountDraw];
            var increments        = new double[seriesCountDraw];
            int selectSeriesCount = 0;

            for (int seriesUIIndex = 0; seriesUIIndex < seriesCountUI; seriesUIIndex++)
                if (serieCheckBoxes[seriesUIIndex].IsChecked.Value)
                    serieValues[selectSeriesCount] = minNumberScrollBars[seriesUIIndex].Value;
                    increments[selectSeriesCount]  = (maxNumberScrollBars[seriesUIIndex].Value - serieValues[selectSeriesCount]) / (stepsCount - 1);
                    if (seriesUIIndex == areaLineIndex)
                        //areaLine needs 2 series for drawing
                        serieValues[selectSeriesCount] = minNumberScrollBars[seriesUIIndex].Value * 0.8;
                        increments[selectSeriesCount]  = (maxNumberScrollBars[seriesUIIndex].Value * 0.9 - serieValues[selectSeriesCount]) / (stepsCount - 1);

            //setup line settings
            var seriesSettings      = new SerieSetting <DataRecord> [selectSeriesCount];
            var seriesBrushes       = new Brush[] { Brushes.Green, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Gray, /*area2*/ null };
            int seriesSettingsIndex = 0;

            for (int seriesUIIndex = 0; seriesUIIndex < seriesCountUI; seriesUIIndex++)
                if (serieCheckBoxes[seriesUIIndex].IsChecked.Value)
                    int lambdaIndex = seriesSettingsIndex; //we need to create a new instance within the loop, otherwise the lambda expression will use the latest value of seriesSettingsIndex (i.e. max(seriesSettingsIndex)), see C# reference "Outer Variables"
                    if (seriesUIIndex == areaLineIndex)
                        seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] = new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.Values[lambdaIndex] },
                                                                                            SerieStyleEnum.area1, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 1, null);
                        int lambdaIndex2 = lambdaIndex + 1;
                        seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] = new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.Values[lambdaIndex2] },
                                                                                            SerieStyleEnum.area2, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 1, null);
                        seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] = new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.Values[lambdaIndex] },
                                                                                            SerieStyleEnum.line, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 2, null);

            //fill serie values into records
            for (int stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < stepsCount; stepIndex++)
                var recordValues = new double[selectSeriesCount];
                for (int selectSeriesIndex = 0; selectSeriesIndex < selectSeriesCount; selectSeriesIndex++)
                    recordValues[selectSeriesIndex] = serieValues[selectSeriesIndex];
                    serieValues[selectSeriesIndex] += increments[selectSeriesIndex];
                var dataRecord = new DataRecord(time, recordValues);
                dataRecords[stepIndex] = dataRecord;
                time = time.AddMinutes(minutes);

            chart1Plot1X1YLegendTraced.FillData <DataRecord>(dataRecords, seriesSettings);
        private void fillDataSeries()
            DateTime startTime   = DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-1);
            DateTime time        = startTime;
            double   minutes     = 60 * 24;
            int      stepsCount  = 365;
            var      dataRecords = new DataRecord[stepsCount];

            //count selected series and prepare values for data calculation
            var serieValues       = new double[seriesCountDraw];
            var increments        = new double[seriesCountDraw];
            int selectSeriesCount = 0;

            for (int seriesUIIndex = 0; seriesUIIndex < seriesCountUI; seriesUIIndex++)
                serieValues[selectSeriesCount] = minNumbers[seriesUIIndex];
                increments[selectSeriesCount]  = (maxNumbers[seriesUIIndex] - serieValues[selectSeriesCount]) / (stepsCount - 1);
                if (seriesUIIndex == areaLineIndex)
                    //areaLine needs 2 series for drawing
                    serieValues[selectSeriesCount] = minNumbers[seriesUIIndex] * 0.8;
                    increments[selectSeriesCount]  = (maxNumbers[seriesUIIndex] * 0.9 - serieValues[selectSeriesCount]) / (stepsCount - 1);

            //setup line settings
            var seriesSettings      = new SerieSetting <DataRecord> [selectSeriesCount];
            var seriesBrushes       = new Brush[] { Brushes.Green, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Gray, /*area2*/ null };
            int seriesSettingsIndex = 0;

            for (int seriesUIIndex = 0; seriesUIIndex < seriesCountUI; seriesUIIndex++)
                int lambdaIndex = seriesSettingsIndex; //we need to create a new instance within the loop, otherwise the lambda expression will use the latest value of seriesSettingsIndex (i.e. max(seriesSettingsIndex)), see C# reference "Outer Variables"
                if (seriesUIIndex == areaLineIndex)
                    seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] =
                        new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex] },
                                                      SerieStyleEnum.area1, 0, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 1, null);
                    int lambdaIndex2 = lambdaIndex + 1;
                    seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] =
                        new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex2] },
                                                      SerieStyleEnum.area2, 0, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 1, null);
                    int   group;
                    Brush fillBrush;
                    if (seriesUIIndex == lowerGraphLineIndex)
                        group = 1;
                        Color fillColor = Colors.LightSkyBlue;
                        fillColor.A = 128;
                        fillBrush   = new SolidColorBrush(fillColor);
                        group     = 0;
                        fillBrush = null;
                    seriesSettings[seriesSettingsIndex] =
                        new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(), record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex] },
                                                      SerieStyleEnum.line, group, seriesBrushes[seriesUIIndex], 2, fillBrush);
            //fill serie values into records
            for (int stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < stepsCount; stepIndex++)
                var recordValues = new double[selectSeriesCount];
                for (int selectSeriesIndex = 0; selectSeriesIndex < selectSeriesCount; selectSeriesIndex++)
                    recordValues[selectSeriesIndex] = serieValues[selectSeriesIndex];
                    serieValues[selectSeriesIndex] += increments[selectSeriesIndex];
                var dataRecord = new DataRecord(time, recordValues);
                dataRecords[stepIndex] = dataRecord;
                time = time.AddMinutes(minutes);

            TestChart2Plots1X2YLegendsTraced.FillData <DataRecord>(dataRecords, seriesSettings);

            FontDefinition[] fontDefinitions = new FontDefinition[] {
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkBlue, FontFamily, null, null, null, FontWeights.Bold),
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkRed, null, 18, null, FontStyles.Italic, FontWeights.Bold),
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkOrange, null, 32, FontStretches.Condensed, null, FontWeights.Normal),
            ChartNote[] chartNotes = new ChartNote[stepsCount / 20];
            time = startTime;
            for (int chartNoteIndex = 0; chartNoteIndex < chartNotes.Length; chartNoteIndex++)
                if (chartNoteIndex < 3)
                    chartNotes[chartNoteIndex] = new ChartNote(new double[] { time.ToDouble(), double.PositiveInfinity }, chartNoteIndex.ToString(), chartNoteIndex % 3);
                    chartNotes[chartNoteIndex] = new ChartNote(new double[] { time.ToDouble(), chartNoteIndex *10 }, chartNoteIndex.ToString(), chartNoteIndex % 3);
                time = time.AddMinutes(20 * minutes);
            TestChart2Plots1X2YLegendsTraced.AddNotes(chartNotes, fontDefinitions, true);
Exemple #5
        private void fillDataSeries()
            DateTime startTime   = DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-1);
            DateTime time        = startTime;
            double   minutes     = 60 * 24;
            int      stepsCount  = 365;
            var      dataRecords = new DataRecord[stepsCount];
            var      serieValues = new double[seriesCount];
            var      random      = new Random();

            //prepare values for data calculation
            var serieIndex        = 0;
            var seriesSettings    = new SerieSetting <DataRecord> [seriesCount];
            var seriesBrushes     = new Brush[] { new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) };
            var seriesFillBrushes = new Brush[] { Brushes.Green, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Gray };

            for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groupCount; groupIndex++)
                var lambdaIndex = serieIndex; //A new instance within the loop is needed, otherwise the lambda expression will use the latest value of serieIndex (i.e. 12), see C# reference "Outer Variables"
                seriesSettings[serieIndex] =
                    new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(),
                                                                           record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex] },
                                                  SerieStyleEnum.line, groupIndex,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0)), 2,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x30, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0)));
                serieValues[serieIndex++] = random.NextDouble() * 100;
                var lambdaIndex1 = serieIndex;
                seriesSettings[serieIndex] =
                    new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(),
                                                                           record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex1] },
                                                  SerieStyleEnum.line, groupIndex,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)), 2,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x30, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80)));
                serieValues[serieIndex++] = random.NextDouble() * 100;
                var lambdaIndex2 = serieIndex;
                seriesSettings[serieIndex] =
                    new SerieSetting <DataRecord>(record => new double[] { record.Date.ToDouble(),
                                                                           record.DataPoint[lambdaIndex2] },
                                                  SerieStyleEnum.line, groupIndex,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)), 2,
                                                  new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)));
                serieValues[serieIndex] = serieValues[serieIndex - 1] + serieValues[serieIndex - 2];

            //fill serie values into records
            for (var stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < stepsCount; stepIndex++)
                var recordValues = new double[seriesCount];
                serieIndex = 0;
                for (var groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groupCount; groupIndex++)
                    recordValues[serieIndex]   = serieValues[serieIndex];
                    serieValues[serieIndex++] += random.NextDouble() * 10 - 5;
                    recordValues[serieIndex]   = serieValues[serieIndex];
                    serieValues[serieIndex++] += random.NextDouble() * 10 - 5;
                    recordValues[serieIndex]   = serieValues[serieIndex - 1] + serieValues[serieIndex - 2];
                var dataRecord = new DataRecord(time, recordValues);
                dataRecords[stepIndex] = dataRecord;
                time = time.AddMinutes(minutes);

            TestChart4Plots1X4YLegendsTraced.FillData <DataRecord>(dataRecords, seriesSettings);

            FontDefinition[] fontDefinitions = new FontDefinition[] {
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkBlue, FontFamily, null, null, null, FontWeights.Bold),
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkRed, null, 18, null, FontStyles.Italic, FontWeights.Bold),
                new FontDefinition(Brushes.DarkOrange, null, 32, FontStretches.Condensed, null, FontWeights.Normal),
            ChartNote[] chartNotes = new ChartNote[stepsCount / 20];
            time = startTime;
            for (int chartNoteIndex = 0; chartNoteIndex < chartNotes.Length; chartNoteIndex++)
                if (chartNoteIndex < 3)
                    chartNotes[chartNoteIndex] = new ChartNote(new double[] { time.ToDouble(), double.PositiveInfinity }, chartNoteIndex.ToString(), chartNoteIndex % 3);
                    chartNotes[chartNoteIndex] = new ChartNote(new double[] { time.ToDouble(), chartNoteIndex *10 }, chartNoteIndex.ToString(), chartNoteIndex % 3);
                time = time.AddMinutes(20 * minutes);
            TestChart4Plots1X4YLegendsTraced.AddNotes(chartNotes, fontDefinitions, 0);