protected void sendMsg() { if (this.Session["fullname"] != null) { this.fullname = this.Session["fullname"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["email"] != null) { = this.Session["email"].ToString(); } Email email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); if (this.Session["msg"] != null) { string subject = this.rbl_mail_cat.SelectedValue + " From: " + this.fullname; string from =; string to = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["contact_email"]; if (email.sendMail(this.rbl_mail_cat.SelectedValue, to, from, subject, this.Session["msg"].ToString(), "") != "bad") { this.txt_msg.Text = ""; this.xsucc = 1; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sss2 = "test"; string str2 = new Email().sendMail("Templar", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Testing", "Testing New mail", ""); }
protected void btnAddMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (((this.xemail.Text == "") || (this.xpass.Text == "")) || (this.xtelephone.Text == "")) { if (this.xemail.Text == "") { this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xpass.Text == "") { this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xtelephone.Text == "") { this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.Green; } this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL IN ALL THE ENTRIES MARKED WITH A RED STAR!!'); </script>"); } else if (((this.xemail.Text != "") && (this.xpass.Text != "")) && (this.xtelephone.Text != "")) { int num = 0; if (this.btnAddMember.Text == "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT") { this.btnAddMember.Text = "UPDATE"; } else { num += this.val.IsValidMobile(this.xtelephone.Text); num += this.val.IsValidEmail(this.xemail.Text); if (num > 0) { this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE E-MAIL ADDRESS AND MOBILE NUMBER ARE IN THE CORRECT FORMAT!!'); </script>"); } else { this.reg.updatePwalletProfile(this.adminID, this.xemail.Text, this.xtelephone.Text, this.xpass.Text, this.addressID); this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.White; Email email = new Email(); string msg = ("Dear " + + ",<br/>") + "Your profile has been updated on the CLD Platform!<br/>Please notify our ADMIN if this was not intended.<br/>Regards"; string subject = "CLD PROFILE UPDATE"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string text = this.xemail.Text; email.sendMail("CLD PROFILE UPDATE", text, from, subject, msg, ""); base.Response.Redirect("profile_update_succ.aspx"); } } } }
protected void sendAlert() { this.fullname = this.Session["fullname"].ToString(); = this.Session["email"].ToString(); = this.Session["mobile"].ToString(); Email email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string msg = (("Dear " + this.fullname + ",<br/>") + "Transaction : " + this.Session["transID"].ToString().ToUpper() + " has been successfully validated!<br/>") + "You may now use you items from your profile page.<br/>Regards"; string s = ("Dear " + this.fullname + ",\r\n") + "Transaction : " + this.Session["transID"].ToString().ToUpper() + " has been successfully validated!\r\nYou may now use you items from your profile page.\r\nRegards"; string subject = "XPAY ALERT"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to =; string mobile =; s = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); if (mobile.StartsWith("0")) { mobile = "234" + mobile.Remove(0, 1); } email.sendMail("XPAY ALERT", to, from, subject, msg, ""); string str7 = messenger.send_sms(s, "XPAY ALERT", mobile); }
protected void sendUnsuccAlertHtml() { if (Session["fullname"] != null) { fullname = Session["fullname"].ToString(); } if (Session["email"] != null) { email = Session["email"].ToString(); } if (Session["mobile"] != null) { mobile = Session["mobile"].ToString(); } if (Session["total_amt"] != null) { total_amt = Session["total_amt"].ToString(); } Email c_mail = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string str = "Dear " + fullname + ",<br/>"; string str2 = "Dear " + fullname + ",\r\n"; if (Session["Refno"] != null) { str = ((((str + "Your payment transaction was not successfully completed!<br/>") + "Reason: " + isr.ResponseDescription + "<br />") + "Transaction Reference: " + Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + "<br/>") + "Payment Reference :" + payRef + "<br/>") + "Please view more details below!!<br/><br/>Regards<br/><br/><br/><br/><hr>"; string str6 = str2; str2 = str6 + "Your payment transaction was not successfully completed\r\nReason: " + isr.ResponseDescription + "\r\nTransaction Reference: " + Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + " \r\nPayment Reference :" + payRef + "\r\nPlease check your 'Payment Status' or 'History Log' to view more details\r\nRegards"; html_msg = html_msg + str; html_msg = html_msg + "<html><head id='Head1' runat='server'><title>PAYMENT INVOICE SLIP</title>"; html_msg = html_msg + " <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" /> "; html_msg = html_msg + "<style type='text/css'>"; html_msg = html_msg + ".item_alt {background-color:#E3EAEB; color:#000000;text-align:left;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;} .tiger-stripe{ text-align:left;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;}"; html_msg = html_msg + ".tbbg{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:100%;height:20px;background-color:#006699;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;border-color:#006699;}"; html_msg = html_msg + "</style></head><body><form id='form1' runat='server'><div>"; html_msg = html_msg + " <table class=\"form left-align\" style=\"font-size:16px;text-align:center;font-weight:normal;width:100%;border:1px solid #000000;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + " <tr align=\"center\" style=\"text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"text-align:center;\" align=\"center\"> <img alt=\"Coat of Arms\" src=\"\" width=\"458px\" height=\"76px\" /></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + " <tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\">PAYMENT INVOICE SLIP FOR TRANSACTION : " + c_twall.ref_no + " </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\"> </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" style=\"width:50%;\"><strong>TRANSACTION ID:</strong> " + txnref + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" style=\"width:50%;\"> <strong>DATE:</strong> " + xreg_date + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\"> </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\">PAYMENT REFERENCE: \"" + payRef + "\"</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\"> </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" style=\"width:7%;\">NAME: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" style=\"width:43%;\">" + c_app.xname + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" style=\"width:7%;\">NAME: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" style=\"width:43%;\" >" + fullname + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#E3EAEB;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >ADDRESS: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + c_app.address + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >CODE: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + cust_id + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >E-MAIL: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + c_app.xemail + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >E-MAIL: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + email + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#E3EAEB;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >MOBILE: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + c_app.xmobile + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >MOBILE: </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" >" + mobile + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\" style=\"background-color:#666; color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;\"><strong>--- PAYMENT DETAILS ---</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<table style=\"width:100%;\" id=\"mitems\" class=\"tiger-stripe\" >"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td><strong>S/N</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td><strong>TRANSACTION ID</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td><strong>ITEM CODE</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td><strong>ITEM DESCRIPTION</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td><strong>QTY</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:center;\">APPLICATION FEE(NGN)</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>TECH. FEE(NGN)</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>TOTAL (NGN)</strong></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; foreach (XObjs.PaymentReciept reciept in lt_pr) { html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.transID + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.item_code + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.item_desc + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.qty + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.init_amt + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.tech_amt + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.tot_amount + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </tr>"; } html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"7\" style=\"text-align:right;font-weight:bold;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "PayX Convenience Fee: </td>"; html_msg = string.Concat(new object[] { html_msg, "<td align=\"right\"> ", Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(isw_fields.isw_conv_fee), 2), "</td>" }); html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</table>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\" > </td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"font-size:13px;text-decoration:underline; color:#1C5E55; font-weight:bold; text-align:right;\" align=\"right\" >"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\" >TOTAL AMOUNT: NGN " + total_amt + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td colspan=\"4\"></td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\">"; html_msg = html_msg + "POWERED BY<br/>"; html_msg = html_msg + " <img alt=\"Pay X\" src=\"\" width=\"90px\" height=\"40px\"/>"; html_msg = html_msg + "<img alt=\"interswitch\" src=\"\" /><br /> "; html_msg = html_msg + "Plot 4. Oluwakayode Jacobs Street Ikate,Lekki Phase 1<br />"; html_msg = html_msg + "<a href=\"\"></a><br />"; html_msg = html_msg + "Support E-mail(s): <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a><br />"; html_msg = html_msg + "Customer Contact Support Line(s): +2349038979681 "; html_msg = html_msg + "</td>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</tr>"; html_msg = html_msg + " </table>"; html_msg = html_msg + "</table></div></form></body></html>"; } string subject = "PAYX ALERT"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = email; c_mail.sendMail("PAYX ALERT", to, from, subject, html_msg, ""); c_mail.sendMail("PAYX ALERT", c_app.xemail, from, subject, html_msg, ""); }
protected void sendAlert() { if ((Session["AgentType"] != null) && (Session["AgentType"].ToString() != "")) { agentType = Session["AgentType"].ToString(); if (agentType == "Agent") { if (Session["c_reg"] != null) { c_reg = (XObjs.Registration) Session["c_reg"]; } fullname = c_reg.Firstname + " " + c_reg.Surname; Session["fullname"] = fullname; email = c_reg.Email; Session["email"] = email; mobile = c_reg.PhoneNumber.ToUpper(); Session["mobile"] = mobile; } else { if (Session["c_sub"] != null) { c_sub = (XObjs.Subagent) Session["c_sub"]; } fullname = c_sub.Firstname + " " + c_sub.Surname; Session["fullname"] = fullname; email = c_sub.Email; Session["email"] = email; mobile = c_sub.Telephone.ToUpper(); Session["mobile"] = mobile; } Email to_email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string str = string.Format("{0:n}", xtotal_amt); string msg = ((("Dear " + fullname + ",<br/>") + "Your transaction has been added successfully!Please see details below:<br/>") + " Transaction ID: " + transID + "<br/>") + "Amount: " + str + ",<br/>Please go to the nearest bank to make payment or complete the payment online.<br/>Regards"; string s = ((("Dear " + fullname + ",") + "Your transaction has been added successfully!Please see details below:\r\n") + "Transaction ID: " + transID + "\r\n") + "Amount: " + str + ",\r\nPlease go to the nearest bank to make payment or complete the payment online.\r\nRegards"; string subject = "XPAY ALERT"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to = email; s = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); if (mobile.StartsWith("0")) { mobile = "234" + mobile.Remove(0, 1); } to_email.sendMail("XPAY ALERT", to, from, subject, msg, ""); // string str8 = messenger.send_sms(s, "XPAY ALERT", mobile); } }
protected void btnAddMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (((((this.xname.Text == "") || (this.cname.Text == "")) || ((this.xcity.Text == "") || (this.xaddress.Text == ""))) || (((this.xtelephone.Text == "") || (this.xemail.Text == "")) || (this.xpass.Text == ""))) || (this.xcode.Text == "")) { if (this.xname.Text == "") { this.xname.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xname.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.cname.Text == "") { this.cname.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.cname.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xcity.Text == "") { this.xcity.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xcity.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xaddress.Text == "") { this.xaddress.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xaddress.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xtelephone.Text == "") { this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xemail.Text == "") { this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xpass.Text == "") { this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.Green; } if (this.xcode.Text == "") { this.xcode.BorderColor = Color.Red; } else { this.xcode.BorderColor = Color.Green; } this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL IN ALL THE ENTRIES MARKED WITH A RED STAR!!'); </script>"); } else if (((((this.xname.Text != "") && (this.cname.Text != "")) && ((this.xcity.Text != "") && (this.xaddress.Text != ""))) && (((this.xtelephone.Text != "") && (this.xemail.Text != "")) && (this.xpass.Text != ""))) && (this.xcode.Text != "")) { int num = 0; if (this.btnAddMember.Text == "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT") { if (!this.doCaptcha()) { this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; } else { this.btnAddMember.Text = "REGISTER"; } } else { num += this.val.IsValidMobile(this.xtelephone.Text); num += this.val.IsValidEmail(this.xemail.Text); if (num > 0) { this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE E-MAIL ADDRESS AND MOBILE NUMBER ARE IN THE CORRECT FORMAT!!'); </script>"); } else { bool flag = this.AllMobiles.Contains(this.xtelephone.Text); bool flag2 = this.AllEmails.Contains(this.xemail.Text); if (!flag && !flag2) { int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; = this.xcity.Text; this.xaddy.countryID = this.residence.SelectedValue; this.xaddy.email1 = this.xemail.Text; this.xaddy.lgaID = "0"; this.xaddy.log_staff = "0"; this.xaddy.reg_date = this.xreg_date; this.xaddy.stateID = this.xselectState.SelectedValue; this.xaddy.street = this.xaddress.Text; this.xaddy.telephone1 = this.xtelephone.Text; this.xaddy.visible = this.xvisible; = ""; this.xaddy.xsync = this.xsync; num3 = this.reg.addXpayAddress(this.xaddy); if (num3 > 0) { this.xmem.xname = this.xname.Text; this.xmem.cname = this.cname.Text; this.xmem.xreg_date = this.xreg_date; this.xmem.xvisible = this.xvisible; this.xmem.xsync = this.xsync; this.xmem.xpassword = this.xpass.Text; this.xmem.nationality = this.nationality.SelectedValue; this.xmem.addressID = num3.ToString(); this.xmem.sys_ID = ""; num2 = this.reg.addXpayMember(this.xmem); if (num2 > 0) { this.xpwallet.xemail = this.xemail.Text; this.xpwallet.xmobile = this.xtelephone.Text; this.xpwallet.xmemberID = num2.ToString(); this.xpwallet.xmembertype = "rc"; this.xpwallet.xpass = this.xpass.Text; this.xpwallet.reg_date = this.xreg_date; this.reg.addPwallet(this.xpwallet); this.xname.BorderColor = Color.White; this.cname.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xcity.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xaddress.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xtelephone.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xemail.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xpass.BorderColor = Color.White; this.xcode.BorderColor = Color.White; Email email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string str8 = (("Dear " + this.xname.Text + ",<br/>") + "You have been registered on the CLD Platform!Please store the details below <br/>") + " Username: "******"<br/>"; string msg = str8 + "Password: "******"<br/>System ID :CLD/RC/" + num2.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + ",<br/>Regards"; str8 = (("Dear " + this.xname.Text + ",\r\n") + "You have been registered on the CLD Platform!Please store the details below\r\n") + "Username: "******";\r\n"; string s = str8 + "Password:\r\n" + this.xpass.Text + ";\r\nSystem ID :CLD/RC/" + num2.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + ",\r\nRegards"; string subject = "CLD REGISTRATION"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string text = this.xemail.Text; string sendto = this.xtelephone.Text; s = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); if (sendto.StartsWith("0")) { sendto = "234" + sendto.Remove(0, 1); } email.sendMail("CLD REGISTRATION", text, from, subject, msg, ""); if (messenger.send_sms(s, "CLD REG.", sendto) == "The remote name could not be resolved: ''") { base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('PLEASE BE SURE THAT THERE IS AN INTERNET CONNECTION!!'); </script>"); } base.Response.Redirect("mem_reg_succ.aspx?x=" + this.xname.Text.ToUpper() + "&m=CLD/RC/" + num2.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0')); } } } else { this.btnAddMember.Text = "I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE CORRECT"; if (flag2) { base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('THE E-MAIL ADDRESS ALREADY EXISTS ON THE SYSTEM'); </script>"); } if (flag) { base.Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript type='text/javascript'>alert('THE MOBILE NUMBER ALREADY EXISTS ON THE SYSTEM'); </script>"); } } } } } }
protected void sendAlertHtml() { if (this.Session["fullname"] != null) { this.fullname = this.Session["fullname"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["email"] != null) { = this.Session["email"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["mobile"] != null) { = this.Session["mobile"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["total_amt"] != null) { this.total_amt = this.Session["total_amt"].ToString(); } Email email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string str = "Dear " + this.fullname + ",<br/>"; string str2 = "Dear " + this.fullname + ",\r\n"; if (this.Session["Refno"] != null) { str = ((((str + "Your payment transaction has been successfully completed!<br/>") + "Reason: " + this.isr.ResponseDescription + "<br />") + "Transaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + "<br/>") + "Payment Reference :" + this.payRef + "<br/>") + "Please view more details below!!<br/><br/>Regards<br/><br/><br/><br/><hr>"; string str6 = str2; str2 = str6 + "Your payment transaction has been successfully completed\r\nReason: " + this.isr.ResponseDescription + "\r\nTransaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + " \r\nPayment Reference :" + this.payRef + "\r\nPlease check your 'Payment Status' or 'History Log' to view more details\r\nRegards"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + str; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<html><head id='Head1' runat='server'><title>PAYMENT RECIEPT</title>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<style type='text/css'>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + ".item_alt {background-color:#E3EAEB; color:#000000;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px; } .tiger-stripe{ text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px; }"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + ".tbbg{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:100%;height:20px;background-color:#006699;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;border-color:#006699;}"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + ".tbbg{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:100%;height:20px;background-color:#006699;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;border-color:#006699;}"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</style></head><body><form id='form1' runat='server'><div>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<table style=\"font-size:16px;width:100%;border:1px solid #000000;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\">INVOICE/RECIEPT FOR TRANSACTION : " + this.c_twall.ref_no + " </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <tr >"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center;\"> <img alt=\"Coat of Arms\" height=\"84px\" src=\"\" width=\"509px\" /></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\"><strong> DATE:</strong> " + this.xreg_date + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\"> <strong> INVOICE DATE:</strong> " + this.c_twall.xreg_date + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color:#666; color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;\">--- APPLICANT INFORMATION ---</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><strong> NAME:</strong><br />" + this.c_app.xname + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <td align=\"center\"><strong> E-MAIL ADDRESS:</strong><br />" + this.c_app.xemail + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\"><strong>MOBILE NUMBER:</strong><br />" + this.c_app.xmobile + " </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color:#666; color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;\">---AGENT INFORMATION ---</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><strong> NAME:</strong><br />" + this.fullname + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\"><strong> E-MAIL ADDRESS:</strong><br />" + + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\"><strong>MOBILE NUMBER:</strong><br />" + + " </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color:#666; color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;\"><strong>--- PAYMENT DETAILS ---</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " <tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"font-size:14px;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<table style=\"width:100%;\" id=\"mitems\" class=\"tiger-stripe\" >"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"width:5%;\"><strong>S/N</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"width:20%;\"><strong>TRANSACTION ID</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"width:10%;\"><strong>ITEM CODE</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"width:50%;\"><strong>ITEM DESCRIPTION</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"width:15%;\"><strong>AMOUNT (<em>NGN</em> )</strong></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; foreach (XObjs.PaymentReciept reciept in this.lt_pr) { this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td>" + + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.transID + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.item_code + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.item_desc + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td>" + reciept.qty + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.init_amt + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.tech_amt + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">" + reciept.tot_amount + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </tr>"; } this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</table>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\"></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr style=\"font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline; color:#1C5E55; font-weight:bolder; text-align:right;\" align=\"right\" >"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\" ><em>TOTAL AMOUNT:</em> " + this.total_amt + " NGN</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr style=\"background-color:#1C5E55; color:#ffffff; text-align:center;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td colspan=\"2\"></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:left;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<img alt=\"Einao Solutions\" src=\"\" width=\"100px\" height=\"50px\"/></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td style=\"text-align:right;\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<img alt=\"Einao Solutions\" src=\"\" width=\"100px\" height=\"50px\"/></td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "Plot 4. Oluwakayode Jacobs Street Ikate,Lekki Phase 1<br />"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "<a href=\"\"></a><br />"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "Support E-mail(s): <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a><br />"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "Customer Contact Support Line(s): +2349038979681 "; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</td>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</tr>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + " </table>"; this.html_msg = this.html_msg + "</table></div></form></body></html>"; } string str5 =; }
protected void sendAlert() { if (this.Session["fullname"] != null) { this.fullname = this.Session["fullname"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["email"] != null) { = this.Session["email"].ToString(); } if (this.Session["mobile"] != null) { = this.Session["mobile"].ToString(); } Email email = new Email(); Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); string msg = "Dear " + this.fullname + ",<br/>"; string s = "Dear " + this.fullname + ",\r\n"; if (this.Session["Refno"] != null) { string str8; if (this.isr.ResponseCode == "00") { msg = ((((msg + "Your payment transaction has been successfully completed!<br/>") + "Reason: " + this.isr.ResponseDescription + "<br />") + "Transaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + "<br/>") + "Payment Reference :" + this.payRef + "<br/>") + "Please check your \"Payment Status\" or \"History Log\" to view more details!!<br/><br/>Regards"; str8 = s; s = str8 + "Your payment transaction has been successfully completed\r\nReason: " + this.isr.ResponseDescription + "\r\nTransaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + " \r\nPayment Reference :" + this.payRef + "\r\nPlease check your 'Payment Status' or 'History Log' to view more details\r\nRegards"; } else { msg = ((((msg + "Your payment transaction was not successfull!<br/>") + "Reason: " + this.isr.ResponseDescription + "<br />") + "Transaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + "<br/>") + "Payment Reference :" + this.payRef + "<br/>") + "Please check your \"Payment Status\" or \"History Log\" to view more details!!<br/><br/>Regards"; str8 = s; s = str8 + "Your payment transaction was not successfull\r\nTransaction Reference: " + this.Session["Refno"].ToString().ToUpper() + " \r\nPayment Reference :" + this.payRef + "\r\nPlease check your 'Payment Status' or 'History Log' to view more details\r\nRegards"; } } string subject = "XPAY ALERT"; string from = "*****@*****.**"; string to =; string mobile =; s = base.Server.UrlEncode(s); if (mobile.StartsWith("0")) { mobile = "234" + mobile.Remove(0, 1); } email.sendMail("XPAY ALERT", to, from, subject, msg, ""); string str7 = messenger.send_sms(s, "XPAY ALERT", mobile); }