public void TestAddingToSuperButtonArray()
            var handler = new InputHandler();
            //var keystate = new KeyboardState();
            var aliasAButton = new ButtonAlias(Buttons.A, -1, -1, "TestAlias");
            var aliasAKey = new ButtonAlias(Keys.Up, -1, -1, "TestAlias");
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<ButtonAction, List<ButtonAlias>>();
            var listOfAliases = new List<ButtonAlias> { aliasAButton, aliasAKey };
            dictionary.Add(ButtonAction.MenuUp, listOfAliases);

            var buttonsetter = typeof(InputHandler).GetField("_superButton", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            buttonsetter.SetValue(handler, dictionary);

            var keystate = typeof(InputHandler).GetField("_keyState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var keystatev = keystate.GetValue(handler);

            var test = typeof(KeyboardState).GetField("currentState1", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
            test.SetValue(keystatev, UInt32.Parse("64"));

            keystate.SetValue(handler, keystatev);
Exemple #2
        public void Update(InputHandler handler, GameTime gameTime)
            //animation stuff

            foreach(ShooterEnemy e in _enemies)

                e.SetTarget(e.GetX() + 3, e.GetY() + 2);

                e.UpdatePostion(0, 0);

                _ship.UpdatePostion(-1, 0);
                _ship.UpdatePostion(1, 0);
                if (_enemies.Count > 0)
                    _enemies[0].Kill(); //remove later, this is just for testing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            //remove later as well, this is just for testing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            if(_enemies.Count > 0)

            // TODO: Need to update to use the new handler class!
            var padState = handler.GetPadState();
            var keyState = handler.GetKeyState();
            int x;
            for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                #region paddle with wall collision

                // update the paddles position by adding or subtracing according to the thumb stick
                _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_paddle.GetX(), (int)_paddle.GetY(), 199, 17);

                if (_paddle.GetX() == 10)
                    if (padState.ThumbSticks.Left.X > 0)
                        _paddle.UpdatePostion(padState.ThumbSticks.Left.X, 0);
                    if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                        _paddle.UpdatePostion(1, 0);

                else if (_paddle.GetX() == 790 - 199)
                    if (padState.ThumbSticks.Left.X < 0)
                        _paddle.UpdatePostion(padState.ThumbSticks.Left.X, 0);
                    if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                        _paddle.UpdatePostion(-1, 0);
                else if (_objectRect.Intersects(new Rectangle((int)_leftWall.GetX(), (int)_leftWall.GetY(), 10, 600)))

                else if (_objectRect.Intersects(new Rectangle((int)_rightWall.GetX(), (int)_rightWall.GetY(), 10, 600)))
                    _paddle.SetX(790 - 199);

                    _paddle.UpdatePostion(padState.ThumbSticks.Left.X, 0);


                #region  ball collision testing and movement

                // check for collisions between the ball and any other objects
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < _ballList.Count; i++)
                    if (_ballList[i].IsAlive())
                        // create a rectangle around the balls current position
                        _ballRect = new Rectangle((int)_ballList[i].GetX(), (int)_ballList[i].GetY(), 15, 15);

                        #region paddle

                        // create a rectangle around the paddle and check for intersections
                        _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_paddle.GetX(), (int)_paddle.GetY(), 199, 17);
                        if (_ballRect.Intersects(_objectRect))
                            //simply switch the y velocity


                        #region walls and ceiling

                        // create a rectangle around the lef twall and check for intersections
                        _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_leftWall.GetX(), (int)_leftWall.GetY(), 10, 600);
                        if (_ballRect.Intersects(_objectRect))
                            //simply change the x velocity

                        // create a rectangle aroun the right wall and check for intersections
                        _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_rightWall.GetX(), (int)_rightWall.GetY(), 10, 600);
                        if (_ballRect.Intersects(_objectRect))
                            //simple change the x velocty

                        //create a rectangle around the ceiling and check for intersections
                        _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_ceiling.GetX(), (int)_ceiling.GetY(), 800, 10);
                        if (_ballRect.Intersects(_objectRect))
                            //simpley change the y velocity


                        #region blocks

                        int j, k;
                        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                            for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                                //make a rectangle aroundt he current block
                                _objectRect = new Rectangle((int)_blockList[j][k].GetX(), (int)_blockList[j][k].GetY(), 78, 36);

                                if (_ballRect.Intersects(_objectRect)) //if a ball intersects with the block...
                                    if (_blockList[j][k].GetType() != Blocktype.Dead) //...and the block is not dead...
                                        switch (_blockList[j][k].GetSide(_ballRect)) //..than find out which side it hit and act accordingly.
                                            case 0:
                                            case 1:
                                            case 2:
                                            case 3:
                                                _score = (_blockList[j][k].GetSide(_ballRect));

                                    // change the block type with this method.


                        #region deadspace

                        _objectRect = new Rectangle(0, 615, 800, 1);
                        if (_objectRect.Intersects(_ballRect))
                            _mainBallIsAlive = false;
                            if (_lives == 0)
                                _main.EndGame(new Score("Name", ActivityType.Game, _score, "Breakout"));


                        _ballList[i].UpdatePostion(_ballList[i].GetVx(), _ballList[i].GetVy());

                if (handler.IfEnterPressed())
                    if (_lives > 0 && !_mainBallIsAlive)
                        _ballList.Add(new BreakOutBall(400, 530, (float)-.5, (float)-.5));
                    _a = 1;
 public void TestHandlerCreation()
     _handler = new InputHandler();