Exemple #1
        private void FuncThreadCancelSession(object context)
            LaunchSessionThreadInfo info;

            info = (LaunchSessionThreadInfo)context;

            int sessionID;

            sessionID = info.SessionID;

            XORCISMEntities model = new XORCISMEntities();

            SESSION session;

            session = model.SESSION.SingleOrDefault(o => o.SessionID == sessionID);

            //int accountID;
            //accountID = (int)model.USERACCOUNT.FirstOrDefault(o => o.UserID == session.UserID).AccountID;

            // =============================
            // Cancel the jobs on the agents
            // =============================

            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Cancelling jobs on agents", sessionID));

            foreach (JOB J in info.ListJob)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Handling job {1}", sessionID, J.JobID));

                // ====================================
                // Contact the agent and cancel the job
                // ====================================

                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Trying to contact the agent", sessionID));

                    ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client service;
                    service = new ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client();

                    // TODO :
                    // service.Endpoint.Address = bestAgent.IPAddress;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception = {1} {2}", sessionID, ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                    XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "MANAGER ENGINE ERROR", "THREADCANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception =" + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);

                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : The agent has been successfully contacted", sessionID));

            // =============================
            // Update table SESSION (Status)
            // =============================

            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Updating status in table SESSION to CANCELED", sessionID));

            var mySession = from Sess in model.SESSION
                            where Sess.SessionID == sessionID
                            select Sess;
            SESSION MySession = mySession.ToList().First();

            MySession.Status  = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELED.ToString();
            MySession.DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Error m_ListRunningSessionThread.Remove. Exception = {1}", sessionID, ex.Message));

            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : THREADCANCELSESSION : Finished", sessionID));
Exemple #2
        private void FuncThread()
            XORCISMEntities context;

            context = new XORCISMEntities();

            // Explicitly open the connection.

            // =================
            // Main polling loop
            // =================

                while (true)    //Infinite loop
                    // =============================================================================
                    // PHASE 0 : Look in table SESSION and let's see if there is something to cancel
                    // =============================================================================

                    #region Phase0
                    //Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "Looking for new session to cancel (those with status = 'ToCancel')");

                    string status;
                    status = XCommon.STATUS.TOCANCEL.ToString();

                    XORCISMModel.SESSION cancelSession;
                    cancelSession = context.SESSION.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Status == status);

                    if (cancelSession != null)
                        // ===============================
                        // Abort the Launch Session thread
                        // ===============================

                        if (m_ListRunningSessionThread.ContainsKey(cancelSession.SessionID) == true)
                            LaunchSessionThreadInfo info;
                            info = m_ListRunningSessionThread[cancelSession.SessionID];

                            Thread musCanceledThread;
                            musCanceledThread = info.Thread;


                            // ==============================
                            // Launch a Cancel Session thread
                            // ==============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Launching cancel session thread (sessionID={0})", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            cancelSession.Status = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELLING.ToString();


                            ParameterizedThreadStart ts;
                            ts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(FuncThreadCancelSession);

                            Thread thread;
                            thread = new Thread(ts);

                            //Canceling after Manager crash/reboot
                            //Session is not in m_ListRunningSessionThread
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Session {0} must be canceled", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            //int accountID;
                            //accountID = (int)model.USERACCOUNT.FirstOrDefault(o => o.UserID == session.UserID).AccountID;

                            // =============================
                            // Cancel the jobs on the agents
                            // =============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Cancelling jobs on agents", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            var jobs = from jc in context.JOB
                                       where jc.SessionID == cancelSession.SessionID
                                       select jc;

                            foreach (JOB J in jobs.ToList())
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Handling job {1}", cancelSession.SessionID, J.JobID));

                                // ====================================
                                // Contact the agent and cancel the job
                                // ====================================

                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Trying to contact the agent", cancelSession.SessionID));

                                    ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client service;
                                    service = new ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client();

                                    // TODO :
                                    // service.Endpoint.Address = bestAgent.IPAddress;


                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : The agent has been successfully contacted", cancelSession.SessionID));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception = {1} {2}", cancelSession.SessionID, ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                                    XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "MANAGER ENGINE ERROR", "CANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception =" + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);

                            // =============================
                            // Update table SESSION (Status)
                            // =============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Updating status in table SESSION to CANCELED", cancelSession.SessionID));
                                cancelSession.Status  = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELED.ToString();
                                cancelSession.DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Error CANCELED. Exception = {1}", cancelSession.SessionID, ex.Message));
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Finished", cancelSession.SessionID));
                    #endregion Phase0

                    // =============================================================================
                    // PHASE 1 : Look in table SESSION and let's see if there is something to launch
                    // =============================================================================

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "Looking for new session to start (status IDLE)");    //DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE

                    string Statut = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();

                    var session = context.SESSION.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Status == Statut);

                    if (session != null)
                        int sessionID;
                        sessionID = session.SessionID;

                        //Check if the Account and User are still valid
                        USERACCOUNT user = null;
                        user = context.USERACCOUNT.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserID == session.UserID);
                        if (user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate != null && user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate < DateTimeOffset.Now)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Account not valid for session {0}", sessionID));
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Changing session (sessionID={0}) to CANCELED", sessionID));

                            session.Status = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELED.ToString();
                            if (m_ListRunningSessionThread.ContainsKey(sessionID) == true)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Session {0} is supposed to be launched but a thread is already running for this session !", sessionID));
                                // =======================
                                // Launch a session thread
                                // =======================

                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Launching session (sessionID={0})", sessionID));

                                session.Status = XCommon.STATUS.RUNNING.ToString();

                                ParameterizedThreadStart managerThreadStart;
                                managerThreadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(FuncThreadLaunchSession);

                                Thread thread;
                                thread = new Thread(managerThreadStart);

                                LaunchSessionThreadInfo info;
                                info = new LaunchSessionThreadInfo(sessionID, thread);


                                // ========================
                                // Put it in the dictionary
                                // ========================

                                m_ListRunningSessionThread.Add(sessionID, info);

                    // ===================================================================================
                    // PHASE 2 : Look in table SESSIONCRON and let's see if we have to create new sessions
                    // ===================================================================================

                    Statut = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();

                    var q = context.SESSIONCRON.Where(o => o.Status == Statut);

                    foreach (SESSIONCRON sessionCron in q.ToList())
                        if (sessionCron.DateEnd == null || sessionCron.DateEnd > DateTime.Now)
                            //Check if the Account and User are still valid
                            USERACCOUNT user = null;
                            user = context.USERACCOUNT.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserID == sessionCron.UserID);
                            if (user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate != null && user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate < DateTimeOffset.Now)
                                //Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Account not valid for entry {0} in table SESSIONCRON", sessionCron.SessionCronID));
                                CrontabSchedule schedule;
                                schedule = CrontabSchedule.Parse(sessionCron.CronExpression);

                                DateTimeOffset start = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                                DateTimeOffset end   = start + TimeSpan.FromDays(2 * 360);

                                var occurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(start, end).GetEnumerator();
                                //                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "SessionCron "+sessionCron.SessionCronID+" Next occurrence=" + occurrence.Current.DayOfWeek.ToString() + " " + occurrence.Current.Day.ToString() + "/" + occurrence.Current.Month.ToString() + "/" + occurrence.Current.Year.ToString() + " " + occurrence.Current.Hour.ToString() + "H" + occurrence.Current.Minute.ToString() + ":" + occurrence.Current.Second.ToString());

                                TimeSpan ts;
                                ts = occurrence.Current - start;
                                if (ts.TotalSeconds <= 5.0)
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Cron expression for entry {0} in table SESSIONCRON has triggered an execution", sessionCron.SessionCronID));

                                    // ================================
                                    // Extract and parse the parameters
                                    // ================================

                                    Dictionary <string, object> dicoParameters;
                                        MemoryStream ms;
                                        ms = new MemoryStream(sessionCron.Parameters);

                                        BinaryFormatter bf;
                                        bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                                        dicoParameters = (Dictionary <string, object>)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Exception while deserializing parameters : {0}", e.Message));

                                    int[] tabAssetID = null;
                                    if (dicoParameters["ASSETS"] != null)
                                        tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];

                                    // ================================
                                    // Add a new entry in table SESSION
                                    // ================================

                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Adding an entry in table SESSION"));

                                    SESSION tmpSession = new SESSION();
                                        tmpSession.UserID            = sessionCron.UserID;
                                        tmpSession.Status            = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();
                                        tmpSession.ServiceCategoryID = sessionCron.ServiceCategoryID;
                                        tmpSession.DateStart         = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                                        tmpSession.DateEnd           = null;
                                        tmpSession.Parameters        = sessionCron.Parameters;
                                        tmpSession.SessionCronID     = sessionCron.SessionCronID;



                                    catch (Exception ex)

                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error adding entry in table SESSION : Exception = {0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message));
                                        throw ex;

                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SessionID = {0}", tmpSession.SessionID));

                                    // ============================================
                                    // Add several entries in table ASSETSESSION
                                    // ============================================

                                    if (tabAssetID != null)
                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Adding {0} entries in table ASSETSESSION", tabAssetID.Count()));
                                            foreach (int assetID in tabAssetID)
                                                ASSETSESSION tmpAinS = new ASSETSESSION();
                                                tmpAinS.SESSION = tmpSession;
                                                tmpAinS.AssetID = assetID;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error adding entries in table ASSETSESSION : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));
                                            throw ex;

                    // =====
                    // Sleep
                    // =====

                    Thread.Sleep(5000); //Hardcoded
            catch (ThreadAbortException exThreadAbort)
                //int SessionId;
                //XORCISMModel.SESSION musBeCanceledSession;
                //musBeCanceledSession=context.SESSION.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SessionID == SessionId);
                //if (musBeCanceledSession != null)
                //    musBeCanceledSession.Status = XCommon.STATUS.TOCANCEL.ToString();
                //    context.SaveChanges();
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("ThreadError in main polling loop : Exception = {0}", exThreadAbort.Message));
                XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "ThreadError in XManager", "MyException = " + exThreadAbort.Message + " " + exThreadAbort.InnerException);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error in main polling loop : Exception = {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Error in XManager", "MyException = " + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);