public void initialize() { string str; string str2; if (!this.activeConnection) { this.xboxMgr = (XDevkit.XboxManager) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("A5EB45D8-F3B6-49B9-984A-0D313AB60342"))); this.xbCon = this.xboxMgr.OpenConsole(this.xboxMgr.DefaultConsole); try { this.xbConnection = this.xbCon.OpenConnection(null); } catch (Exception) { return; } if (this.xbCon.DebugTarget.IsDebuggerConnected(out str, out str2)) { this.activeConnection = true; } else { this.xbCon.DebugTarget.ConnectAsDebugger("XRPC", XDevkit.XboxDebugConnectFlags.Force); if (this.xbCon.DebugTarget.IsDebuggerConnected(out str, out str2)) { this.activeConnection = true; } } } else if (!this.xbCon.DebugTarget.IsDebuggerConnected(out str, out str2)) { this.activeConnection = false; this.Connect(); } }
public static void setMemory(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, uint address, byte[] data) { if (xbc.isConnected()) { xbc.DebugTarget.SetMemory(address, (uint)data.Length, data, out xbOut); } }
public static bool Connect(string XboxName = null) { if (!Xbox_Console.isConnected()) { Xbox_Manager = (XDevkit.XboxManager)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("A5EB45D8-F3B6-49B9-984A-0D313AB60342"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XboxName)) { Xbox_Console = Xbox_Manager.OpenConsole(Xbox_Manager.DefaultConsole); } else { Xbox_Console = Xbox_Manager.OpenConsole(XboxName); } try { Connection_Code = Xbox_Console.OpenConnection(null); if (!Xbox_Console.isConnected()) { Xbox_Console.DebugTarget.ConnectAsDebugger("XDevkitExt", XDevkit.XboxDebugConnectFlags.Force); } return(Xbox_Console.isConnected()); } catch { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void LaunchTitle(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string path) { string mediaDirectory = path; mediaDirectory.Replace("default_mp.xex", "").Replace("default.xex", ""); xbc.Reboot(path, mediaDirectory, null, XDevkit.XboxRebootFlags.Title); }
//public IEnumerable<PartyMember> GetPartyMembers() //{ // IEnumerable<PartyMember> enumerable; // try // { // XDRPCStructArgumentInfo<XPARTY_USER_LIST> partyUserList = this.GetPartyUserList(); // List<PartyMember> list = new List<PartyMember>(); // for (int i = 0; i < partyUserList.Value.dwUserCount; i++) // { // byte[] destinationArray = new byte[120]; // Array.Copy(partyUserList.Value.Users, i * 120, destinationArray, 0, destinationArray.Length); // XPARTY_USER_INFO xparty_user_info = new XPARTY_USER_INFO(); // XDRPCStructArgumentInfo<XPARTY_USER_INFO> info2 = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo<XPARTY_USER_INFO>(xparty_user_info, ArgumentType.Out); // info2.UnpackBufferData(destinationArray); // bool isLocal = (info2.Value.dwFlags & 1) > 0; // PartyMember item = new PartyMember(info2.Value.GamerTag, info2.Value.Xuid, isLocal, (UserIndex)info2.Value.dwUserIndex); // list.Add(item); // } // enumerable = list; // } // catch (XDRPCException exception) // { // throw new ProfilesException(exception); // } // return enumerable; //} static public void GetPartyMembers(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { //XPARTY_USER_LIST partyUserList = GetPartyUserList(xbc); XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_LIST> partyUserList = GetPartyUserList(xbc); int Count = partyUserList.Value.dwUserCount; //pUtil.Bitswap32(partyUserList.Value.dwUserCount); if (Count > 8) { return; } PartyUsersCount = Count; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { byte[] destinationArray = new byte[120]; Array.Copy(partyUserList.Value.Users, i * 120, destinationArray, 0, destinationArray.Length); XPARTY_USER_INFO xparty_user_info = new XPARTY_USER_INFO(); XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_INFO> info2 = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_INFO>(xparty_user_info, ArgumentType.Out); info2.UnpackBufferData(destinationArray); ListGamerTags[i] = info2.Value.GamerTag; ListSXuid[i] = info2.Value.Xuid.ToString("X16"); ListLXuid[i] = info2.Value.Xuid; } }
public static string SendTextCommand(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string Command) { uint connection = xbc.OpenConnection(null); string response = ""; xbc.SendTextCommand(connection, Command, out response); if (!(response.Contains("202") | response.Contains("203"))) { return(response); } try { string line = ""; xbc.ReceiveSocketLine(connection, out line); if (line.Length > 0) { if (line[0] == '.') { return(response); } response = response + Environment.NewLine + line; } } catch { } return("FAIL"); }
public static bool Connect(string XboxName = null) { if (!Xbox_Console.isConnected()) { Xbox_Manager = (XDevkit.XboxManager) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("A5EB45D8-F3B6-49B9-984A-0D313AB60342"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XboxName)) { Xbox_Console = Xbox_Manager.OpenConsole(Xbox_Manager.DefaultConsole); } else { Xbox_Console = Xbox_Manager.OpenConsole(XboxName); } try { Connection_Code = Xbox_Console.OpenConnection(null); if (!Xbox_Console.isConnected()) { Xbox_Console.DebugTarget.ConnectAsDebugger("XDevkitExt", XDevkit.XboxDebugConnectFlags.Force); } return Xbox_Console.isConnected(); } catch { return false; } } return true; }
public static void WriteBool(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, uint offset, bool input) { myBuffer[0] = input ? ((byte)1) : ((byte)0); if (xbc.isConnected()) { xbc.DebugTarget.SetMemory(offset, 1, myBuffer, out xbOut); } }
public static string ConsoleType(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { if (!xbc.isConnected()) { throw new Exception("Please connect to the console first."); } return(Xbox_Type); }
static public void SetGamertag(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string nGamertag, string nXUID) { byte[] data = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).WideChar(nGamertag); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_rguserinfoDEV + 0x20, data); byte[] XUID = pUtil.HexStringToByteArray(nXUID); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_rguserinfoDEV + 0x40, XUID); }
public static uint resolveFunction(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string moduleName, uint ordinal) { if (xbc.isConnected()) { uint handle = xbc.XexGetModuleHandle(moduleName); return(xbc.XexGetProcedureAddress(handle, ordinal)); } return(0); }
public static void clearBuffer(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbCon) { byte[] data = new byte[4]; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[0x1000]; xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(0x91c088ae, 4, data, out meh); xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, 0x91c088ae, 4); Array.Reverse(data); bufferAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress, 0x1000, buffer2, out meh); }
static public XPARTY_USER_LIST GetPartyUserList(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).CallSysFunction(xbc.abcdresfunctxrpc("xam.xex", 0xaff), 1, Addresses.g_freememory + 0x80); byte[] data = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).getMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x80, 2024); IntPtr ptr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(data, 0); XPARTY_USER_LIST user = (XPARTY_USER_LIST)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(XPARTY_USER_LIST)); return(user); }
public static byte[] getMemory(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, uint address, uint numBytes) { byte[] data = new byte[numBytes]; if (xbc.isConnected()) { xbc.DebugTarget.GetMemory(address, numBytes, data, out xbOut); xbc.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, address, numBytes); } return(data); }
static public void GetPartyState(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, out PartyState state, out PartyErrorCodes errorCode) { XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0xb0f); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2 }); state = (PartyState)info.Value; errorCode = (PartyErrorCodes)info2.Value; }
public static uint XexGetModuleHandle(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string moduleName) { uint num = 0; if (xbc.isConnected()) { xbc.CallSysFunction(xbc.abcdresfunctxrpc("xboxkrnl.exe", 0x195), new object[] { moduleName, num }); return(num); } return(0); }
public static uint XexGetProcedureAddress(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, uint handle, uint ordinal) { uint num = 0; if (xbc.isConnected()) { xbc.CallSysFunction(xbc.abcdresfunctxrpc("xboxkrnl.exe", 0x197), new object[] { handle, ordinal, num }); return(num); } return(0); }
static public string XamUserGetXUID(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { byte[] ee = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x10, ee); uint result = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).Call(Addresses.g_XamUserGetXUIDDEV, new object[] { 0, 2, Addresses.g_freememory + 0x10 }); byte[] data = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).getMemory(0x81AA2010, 8); string rat = BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", ""); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x10, ee); return(rat); }
public static byte[] WideChar(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbCon, string text) { byte[] buffer = new byte[(text.Length * 2) + 2]; int index = 1; buffer[0] = 0; foreach (char ch in text) { buffer[index] = Convert.ToByte(ch); index += 2; } return(buffer); }
static public XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_LIST> GetPartyUserList(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0xaff); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(1); XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_LIST> info2 = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_LIST>(new XPARTY_USER_LIST(), ArgumentType.Out); uint errorCode = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2 }); if (errorCode != 0) { //throw ProfilesExceptionFactory.CreateExceptionFromErrorCode(errorCode); } return(info2); }
public static bool isConnected(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc) { try { if (xbc.DebugTarget.IsDebuggerConnected(out debuga, out debugb)) { return(true); } } catch { } return(false); }
static public void JoinSpecificParty(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string Gamertag, ulong MyOnlineXUID) { try { //ulong xuid = Users.GetXUID(xbc, Gamertag); //XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>((uint)MyOnlineXUID); //XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>((ulong)xuid); //((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).Call(xbc.abcdresfunctxrpc("xam.xex", 0xb01), new object[] { info, info2 }); } catch (Exception ex) { //string.Format("Failed to join {0}'s party.{1}{2}", gt, Environment.NewLine, ex.Message), ex.GetType().ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
static public string GetXUID(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string gamertag) { byte[] ee = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x20, ee); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).Call(Addresses.g_XUserFindUserAddress, new object[] { 0x0009000006F93463, 0, gamertag, (int)0x18, Addresses.g_freememory + 0x20, 0 }); Thread.Sleep(1000); byte[] XUID = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).getMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x20, 8); string rat = BitConverter.ToString(XUID).Replace("-", ""); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).setMemory(Addresses.g_freememory + 0x20, ee); return(rat); }
public SuaveLib(XDevkit.IXboxConsole lxbc, RichTextBox richLogBox) { this.xbc = lxbc; this.ufoAct = delegate (int client, byte[] curOrg) { Thread.Sleep(200); SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint) client, "< \"pmovesingle Hook Called!\""); byte[] data = new byte[4]; data[2] = 8; ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).setMemory(getPlayerState((uint) client) + 0x54e8, data); data = new byte[4]; data[3] = 2; ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).setMemory(getPlayerState((uint) client) + 0x5410, data); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).setMemory(getPlayerState((uint) client) + 40, turbineUFO); ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).setMemory(getPlayerState((uint) client) + 40, curOrg); }; this.logBox = richLogBox; }
public static string ReadNullTermString(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, uint Address) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; uint num = 0; List <byte> list = new List <byte>(); while (true) { buffer = xbc.getMemory(Address + num, 1); if (buffer[0] == 0) { UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); return(encoding.GetString(list.ToArray())); } list.Add(buffer[0]); num++; } }
static public void KickUserFromParty(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, Xuid xuidToKick) { try { XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <XPARTY_USER_LIST> partyUserList = GetPartyUserList(xbc); XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0xb02); XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>((ulong)xuidToKick); uint errorCode = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info2 }); if (errorCode != 0) { CreateExceptionFromErrorCode(errorCode); } WaitForPartyState(xbc, PartyState.XPARTY_STATE_INPARTY, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0)); } catch (XDRPCException exception) { //throw new ProfilesException(exception); } }
static public void SendFriendRequest(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, Xuid xuidFrom, Xuid xuidTo) { try { XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0x4e6); XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>((ulong)xuidFrom); XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>((ulong)xuidTo); XDRPCNullArgumentInfo info3 = new XDRPCNullArgumentInfo(); uint errorCode = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2, info3 }); if (errorCode != 0) { //throw ProfilesExceptionFactory.CreateExceptionFromErrorCode(errorCode); } } catch (XDRPCException exception) { //throw new ProfilesException(exception); } }
//static public string GetXUID(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, string gamertag) //{ // XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, Addresses.g_XUserFindUserAddressDEV); // //((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).Call(0x81824DF8, new object[] { 0x0009000006F93463, 0, gamertag, (int)0x18, Addresses.g_freememory + 0x20, 0 }); // XDRPCStringArgumentInfo GT = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(gamertag, Encoding.ASCII); // XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong> MyXUID = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>(0x0009000006F93463L); // XDRPCArgumentInfo<int> idk = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>(0); // XDRPCArgumentInfo<int> idk2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>((int)0x18); // XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong> XUID = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>(0L); // uint num = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC<uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { MyXUID, idk, GT, idk2, XUID, idk }); // return XUID.Value.ToString("X16"); //} static public void JoinParty(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, UserIndex userIndex, Xuid xuidContact) { try { XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0xb01); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>((uint)userIndex); XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>((ulong)xuidContact); uint errorCode = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2 }); if (errorCode != 0) { CreateExceptionFromErrorCode(errorCode); } WaitForPartyState(xbc, PartyState.XPARTY_STATE_INPARTY, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0)); } catch (XDRPCException exception) { //throw new ProfilesException(exception); } }
static public uint GetXuidFromIndex(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, UserIndex userIndex, out ulong offlineXuid) { uint num2; //try //{ XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 0x20a); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>((uint)userIndex); XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint> info2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(2); XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong> info3 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(0L, ArgumentType.Out); uint num = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2, info3 }); offlineXuid = info3.Value; num2 = num; //} //catch (XDRPCException exception) //{ //} return(num2); }
public static FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE XUserFindUser(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, ulong YourXUID, string GamertagOrXUID) { var qwUserId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(YourXUID); XDRPCArgumentInfo qwFindId = null; XDRPCArgumentInfo szSenderName = null; //if (GamertagOrXUID is ulong) //{ // if (!XUID.IsOnlineXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID) && !XUID.IsTeamXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamer online/team XUID specified."); // qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>((ulong)GamertagOrXUID); //} //else if (GamertagOrXUID is string) { if (GamertagOrXUID.Length > 15) { throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid Gamertag specified. It must be less than or equal to 15 characters in length."); } szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(GamertagOrXUID, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16); } if (qwFindId == null && szSenderName == null) { throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamertag/XUID specified."); } if (qwFindId == null) { qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(0); } if (szSenderName == null) { szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(string.Empty, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16); } var cbResults = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <int>(0x18); var pResults = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE>(new FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE(), ArgumentType.Out); var pXOverlapped = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0); var returnVal = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, Tools.Addresses.g_XUserFindUserAddressDEV, qwUserId, qwFindId, szSenderName, cbResults, pResults, pXOverlapped); if (returnVal != 0x00000000) { throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal); } return(pResults.Value); }
static public void GetMyFriends(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, UserIndex userIndex) { //try //{ uint friendIndex = 0; while (true) { XONLINE_FRIEND iteratorVariable0; if (GetNextFriend(xbc, userIndex, friendIndex, out iteratorVariable0) != 0) { break; } FriendRequestStatus requestAccepted = FriendRequestStatus.RequestAccepted; if ((iteratorVariable0.dwFriendState & 0x40000000) > 0) { requestAccepted = FriendRequestStatus.RequestSent; } else if ((iteratorVariable0.dwFriendState & 0x80000000) > 0) { requestAccepted = FriendRequestStatus.RequestReceived; } FriendStatus offline = FriendStatus.Offline; if ((iteratorVariable0.dwFriendState & 1) > 0) { offline = ((FriendStatus)iteratorVariable0.dwFriendState) & ((FriendStatus)0xf0000); } ListFGamerTags[friendIndex] = iteratorVariable0.szGamertag; ListFLXuid[friendIndex] = iteratorVariable0.xuid; ListFSXuid[friendIndex] = iteratorVariable0.xuid.ToString("X16"); ListFGameID[friendIndex] = iteratorVariable0.dwTitleID.ToString("X8"); //offline; friendIndex++; } FUsersCount = (int)friendIndex; //} //catch //{ //} }
static public void WaitForPartyState(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, PartyState state, TimeSpan timeout) { PartyState state2; PartyErrorCodes codes; TimeSpan span; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; do { Thread.Sleep(0x7d0); GetPartyState(xbc, out state2, out codes); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - now); }while ((state2 != state) && (span < timeout)); if (codes != PartyErrorCodes.XPARTY_ERROR_NONE) { } if ((span >= timeout) && (state2 != state)) { throw new PartyTimeOutException(); } }
private void button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string IP = textBox14.Text; if (console.Connect(IP)) { xbc = (XDevkit.IXboxConsole)console.Xbox_Console; textBox7.Text = myini.IniReadValue("MyInfo", "MyGT"); textBox8.Text = myini.IniReadValue("MyInfo", "MyXUID"); //SLib = new Suave.Classes.SuaveLib(xbc, richTextBox1); MyGhost = new GhostTool.Tools(xbc); textBox10.Text = "Connected"; myini.IniWriteValue("MyInfo", "XboxIP", IP); Connected = true; MessageBox.Show("Connected To: " + IP); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not Connected To: " + IP); } }
public bool Connect(string xboxName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xboxName)) { //this.Suave_Error("Please choose an Xbox 360 from the list before connecting.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return false; } if (console.Connect(xboxName)) { xbc = (XDevkit.IXboxConsole) console.Xbox_Console; this.print(false, "Connected to {0}!", new object[] { xboxName }); return true; } this.print(false, "Failed to Connect to {0}.", new object[] { xboxName }); //this.Suave_Error("Suave cannot connect to " + xboxName + ". Please check the console's connection before trying to connect again.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return false; }
public Client(XDevkit.IXboxConsole Oxbc, uint clientIndex, Suave.Classes.SuaveLib _SuaveLib) { this.xbc = Oxbc; this.clientID = clientIndex; this.SuaveLib = _SuaveLib; }
public Tools(XDevkit.IXboxConsole lxbc) { this.xbc = lxbc; System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Application.StartupPath + @"\Settings.bin"); }
public WeaponDef(uint WeaponDefAddress, Suave.Classes.SuaveLib _SuaveLib) { this.address = WeaponDefAddress; this.SuaveLib = _SuaveLib; this.xbc = xbc; }
public mpdata(Suave.Classes.SuaveLib _SuaveLib, XDevkit.IXboxConsole _xbc) { this.SuaveLib = _SuaveLib; this.xbc = _xbc; }
public HudElem(uint elemAddress, Suave.Classes.SuaveLib _SuaveLib) { this.elem = elemAddress; this.SuaveLib = _SuaveLib; this.xbc = xbc; }