/// <summary>
        /// Create a tab on the sidebar from a choice.
        /// </summary>
        protected void MakeAreaButton(ListPropertyChoice choice)
            UIItemDisplayProperties display = choice.GetDisplayProperties();
            display.Text = display.Text.Replace("_", "");
            ButtonItem button = new ButtonItem(choice.Id, display.Text);
            button.Tag             = choice;
            choice.ReferenceWidget = button;

            button.ImageIndex = m_largeImages.GetImageIndex(display.ImageLabel);

            button.Text = display.Text;
            button.Name = choice.Value;

            button.ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText;

            if (!display.Enabled)
                button.Text = button.Text + " NA";

            button.Click += new EventHandler(OnClickAreaButton);

            button.ButtonStyle = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eButtonStyle.ImageAndText;
            //button.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("buttonItem2.Image")));
            //	button.Name = "buttonItem2";
            button.OptionGroup = "navBar";
            button.Style       = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eDotNetBarStyle.Office2003;

            button.Checked = display.Checked;

            MakePanelToGoWithButton(NavPane, button, choice);

            //a button in this framework not really a Control... so I don't know how to use
            //(the same company's) balloon tip control on a sidebar button!
            //	m_mediator.SendMessage("RegisterHelpTarget", button.ContainerControl);
            string tabname = GetListIdFromListPropertyChoice(choice);
            Tab    tab     = new Tab(tabname)
                Enabled = choice.Enabled,
                Text    = choice.Label,
                Icon    = m_largeImages.GetImage(choice.ImageName),
                Tag     = choice,
            choice.ReferenceWidget = tab;
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a tab on the sidebar from a choice.
		/// </summary>
		protected void MakeAreaButton(ListPropertyChoice choice)
			UIItemDisplayProperties display = choice.GetDisplayProperties();
			display.Text = display.Text.Replace("_", "");
			ButtonItem button = new ButtonItem(choice.Id, display.Text);
			button.Tag = choice;
			choice.ReferenceWidget = button;

			button.ImageIndex = m_largeImages.GetImageIndex(display.ImageLabel);

			button.Text = display.Text;
			button. Name = choice.Value;

			button.ButtonStyle = eButtonStyle.ImageAndText;

				button.Text = button.Text + " NA";

			button.Click += new EventHandler(OnClickAreaButton);

			button.ButtonStyle = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eButtonStyle.ImageAndText;
			//button.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("buttonItem2.Image")));
			//	button.Name = "buttonItem2";
			button.OptionGroup = "navBar";
			button.Style = DevComponents.DotNetBar.eDotNetBarStyle.Office2003;

			button.Checked =	display.Checked;

			MakePanelToGoWithButton(NavPane, button, choice);

			//a button in this framework not really a Control... so I don't know how to use
			//(the same company's) balloon tip control on a sidebar button!
			//	m_mediator.SendMessage("RegisterHelpTarget", button.ContainerControl);
			string tabname = GetListIdFromListPropertyChoice(choice);
			Tab tab = new Tab(tabname)
						Enabled = choice.Enabled,
						Text = choice.Label,
						Icon = m_largeImages.GetImage(choice.ImageName),
						Tag = choice,
			choice.ReferenceWidget = tab;