CheckIfAlreadyXRayed() static private méthode

static private CheckIfAlreadyXRayed ( IEnumerable files ) : bool
files IEnumerable
Résultat bool
        private bool TryRestoreBackups()
            var result = MessageBox.Show("Some of these files have already been XRayed. Try to restore originals?", "Problem", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            // dont just ignore error because we dont want to backup an xrayed version over an original version and have the user lose their original file

            if (result == DialogResult.No)
                BuildStatus = "Recompile canceled";

            // iterate through backup dir, copy overwrite xrayed files
            var backupDir = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "xBackup");

            foreach (var backupFile in Directory.GetFiles(backupDir))
                var originalPath = backupFile.Replace("\\xBackup", "");
                File.Copy(backupFile, originalPath, true);

            // re-check, if still xrayed, say failed to restore backups
            if (XDecompile.CheckIfAlreadyXRayed(Files))
                BuildStatus = "Failed to restore backup";

            BuildStatus = "Restored backups";
        public void Recompile(bool test)
            if (Files.Count == 0)

            BuildStatus  = "";
            BuildError   = "";
            BuildSuccess = false;

            BuildThread = new Thread(() =>
                string stepname = "";

                long linesAdded     = 0;
                long trackedObjects = 0;

                    BuildStatus = "Checking";
                    if (XDecompile.CheckIfAlreadyXRayed(Files) &&

                    BuildStatus = "Preparing";

                    // copy XLibrary to final destination
                    CopyLocalToOutputDir("XLibrary.dll", OutputDir);

                    if (EnableLocalViewer)
                        CopyLocalToOutputDir("OpenTK.dll", OutputDir);
                        CopyLocalToOutputDir("OpenTK.GLControl.dll", OutputDir);
                        CopyLocalToOutputDir("QuickFont.dll", OutputDir);

                    string errorLog = "";

                    XNodeOut.NextID  = 0;
                    XNodeOut root    = new XNodeOut(null, "root", XObjType.Root);
                    XNodeOut extRoot = root.AddNode("Not XRayed", XObjType.External);
                    XNodeOut intRoot = root.AddNode("XRayed", XObjType.Internal);

                    // init root file nodes so links can be made for processed fields before they are directly xrayed
                    foreach (var item in Files)
                        item.FileNode = intRoot.AddNode(Path.GetFileName(item.FilePath), XObjType.File);

                    foreach (var item in Files)
                        var decompile = new XDecompile(intRoot, extRoot, item, this);

                            if (CompileWithMS)
                                BuildStatus = "Decompiling " + item.FileName;

                                // used for debugging tricky ilasm errors
                                //for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
                                // {
                                decompile.AllowedAdds = int.MaxValue; // i;
                                decompile.AddsDone    = 0;

                                BuildStatus = "Scanning " + item.FileName;

                                BuildStatus         = "Recompiling " + item.FileName;
                                item.RecompiledPath = decompile.Compile();
                                // }
                                BuildStatus = "Recompiling " + item.FileName;

                            // remove signature
                            // files that arent signed are coming up as signed meaning this would probably corrupt a file
                            // also not sure if checked anymore -
                            //var meta = new MetaInfo(item.RecompiledPath);
                            //if (meta.Load())
                            //    meta.RemoveSignature();

                            // decompile to check
                            if (DecompileAgain)
                                string filename = Path.GetFileName(item.FilePath);
                                string compiler = CompileWithMS ? "MS" : "Mono";

                                // create directories
                                var dir          = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "recompile", filename, compiler + "_original");
                                var originalPath = decompile.BackupPath != null ? decompile.BackupPath : item.FilePath;
                                decompile.Decompile(originalPath, dir);

                                dir = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "recompile", filename, compiler + "_new");
                                decompile.Decompile(item.RecompiledPath, dir);
                        catch (CompileError ex)
                            errorLog += item.FileName + "\r\n" + ex.Summary + "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            BuildError  = "Error recompiling: " + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace;
                            BuildStatus = "Error on " + item.FileName;

                        linesAdded += decompile.LinesAdded;

                    // save node map before verifying because we dont want bogus verify
                    // errors from preventing the dat file form being made
                    BuildStatus = "Saving Map";

                    var settings = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    settings["Version"] = XRay.BuilderVersion;

                    if (Pro.Verified)
                        settings["Pro"] = Pro.SignedFile;

                    if (EnableLocalViewer)
                        settings["EnableLocalViewer"] = EnableLocalViewer.ToString();
                        settings["EnableIpcServer"]   = EnableIpcServer.ToString();
                        settings["ShowViewerOnStart"] = ShowViewerOnStart.ToString();

                    if (EnableTcpServer)
                        settings["EnableTcpServer"] = EnableTcpServer.ToString();
                        settings["TcpListenPort"]   = TcpListenPort.ToString();
                        settings["EncryptionKey"]   = EncryptionKey;

                    var writePath  = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "XRay.dat");
                    trackedObjects = root.SaveTree(writePath, settings);

                    if (errorLog.Length > 0)
                        string logPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "errorlog.txt");
                        File.WriteAllText(logPath, errorLog);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BuildError = "Error during " + stepname + ": " + ex.Message;

                BuildStatus  = String.Format("Success! {0:#,#} instructions added, {1:#,#} objects tracked", linesAdded, trackedObjects);
                BuildSuccess = true;
